Blood Reviewer 1

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BLOOD Fibrinogen:

-“river of life” complex connective tissue in which  4% of plasma proteins

living blood cells, the formed elements are  aids in clot formation
suspended in a nonliving fluid matrix called plasma. Embolism
-clot that travel from site where it was
Functions of Blood
 Transport of gases, nutrients and waste Thrombus
products - blood clot that forms in a vessels.
 Transport of processed molecules Erythrocytes ( RBC)
 Transport of regulatory molecules  Disk-shaped with thick edges
 Regulation of pH and osmosis  Nucleus is lost during development
 Maintenance of body temperature  Live for 120 days
 Protection against foreign substances Function:
 Clot formation -transport O2 to tissues.

Homeostatic Imbalance:
Composition of Blood
Decrease RBC – anemia;
Increase RBC – polycythemia
 55% of total blood
Leukocytosis – a total WBC count above normal;
 pale, yellow liquid that surrounds cells
generally indicates bacterial or viral infection
 91% water, 7% proteins, and 2% other
Leukopenia – abnormally low WBC; commonly
Formed Elements:
caused by certain drugs such as corticosteroids and
 45% of total blood anticancer agents.
 cells and cell fragments
H. Imbalance: Leukemia –bone marrow becomes
 erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
cancerous and huge numbers of WBC are turned
Plasma Proteins out rapidly but immature and incapable of carrying
out their functions.
Hemoglobin – an iron-bearing protein, transport
 58% of plasma proteins the bulk of the oxygen that is carried in the blood.
 helps maintain water balance Male 13-18 g/ml; Female 12-16 g/ml

 38% of plasma proteins
 helps immune system
Hemoglobin Classification of WBC:
Granulocytes – granule containing WBCs
Main component of erythrocytes 1.Neutrophils – most numerous WBC,
Transports O2
2. Eosinophils – increases rapidly during
Each globin protein is attached to a heme molecule allergies and infections by parasitic worms
ingested in food or entering via the skin
Each heme contains one iron atom 3. Basophils – rarest of the WBCs, contain
large histamine-containing granules
O2 binds to iron

Oxyhemoglobin: Agranulocytes:
1.Lymphocytes – play an important role in
hemoglobin with an O2 attached immune response, second most numerous
Production of Erythrocytes 2. Monocytes – largest of the WBCs; when
they migrate into the tissues they become
 Decreased blood O2 levels cause kidneys to macrophages with huge appetite
increase production of erythropoietin. * Never let monkey eat banana*
 Erythropoietin stimulates red bone marrow Types of Leukocytes
to produce more erythrocytes.
 Increased erythrocytes cause an increase in Granulocytes: contain specific granules and
blood O2 levels. include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.

Fate of Old Erythrocytes and Hemoglobin 1.Neutrophils:

 most common
Old red blood cells are removed from blood by
 remain in blood for 10 to 12 hours then
macrophages in spleen and liver
move to tissues
Hemoglobin is broken down  phagocytes

Globin is broken down into amino acids 2.Eosinophils:

Hemoglobin’s iron is recycled  reduce inflammation

 destroy parasites
Heme is converted to bilirubin
Bilirubin is taken up by liver and released into
small intestine as part of bile.  least common
 release histamine and heparin
Leukocytes (WBC)
Agranulocytes: no specific granules.
 Lack hemoglobin
 Larger than erythrocytes 1.Monocytes:
 Contain a nucleus  largest sized white blood cells
Functions:  produce macrophages

 fight infections
 remove dead cells and debris by
Lymphocytes: 3. Coagulation event occur – formation of fibrin
which forms meshwork to trap RBCs and form the
 immune response basis of the clot
 several different types (T cells and B
cells) Imbalance:
 lead to production of antibodies
 Thrombus
White Blood Cell Disorders  Embolus

Leukopenia: Thrombocytopenia – insufficient number of

circulating platelet
 low white blood cell count
 caused by radiation, chemotherapy drugs, Petechiae – small purplish blotches
tumors, viral infections
Hemophilia – different hereditary bleeding
Leukocytosis: disorders

 high white blood cell count Blood Loss

 caused by infections and leukemia
-When blood vessels are damaged, blood can leak
Platelets into other tissues and disrupt normal function.

Platelets are minute fragments of cells, each Blood that is lost must be replaced by production
consisting of a small amount of cytoplasm of new blood or by a transfusion.
surrounded by a cell membrane.
Preventing Blood Loss
They are produced in the red bone marrow from
large cells called megakaryocytes. 1.Vascular spasm:

Small fragments break off from the megakaryocytes and temporary constriction of blood vessel
enter the blood as platelets.
2.Platelet plugs:
Platelets play an important role in preventing blood
loss. can seal up small breaks in blood vessels

Platelets – not cells in strict sense; fragments of 3.Blood clotting (coagulation)

bizzare multinucleate cells called megakaryocytes.
Vascular Spasm
RBC – life span is 100 to 120 days; reticulocyte is
-Vascular spasm is an immediate but temporary
young RBC and after 3-5 days becomes mature
constriction of a blood vessel that results when
smooth muscle within the wall of the vessel
Erythropoietin – controls erythrocyte production contracts.

This constriction can close small vessels completely

and stop the flow of blood through them.
Hemostatis – stoppage of bleeding
Vascular spasm is stimulated by chemicals released
1.Vascular spasm occurs – vasoconstriction of by cells of the damaged blood vessel wall and by
blood vessels occurs, decreasing blood loss until platelets.
clotting can occur

2. Platelet plug forms – platelets becomes sticky

and cling to the damage site
Platelet Plug Formation 4.Thrombin activates fibrinogen into its active form
-A platelet plug is very important in maintaining the
integrity of the damaged blood vessels. 5.Fibrin forms a network that traps blood (clots)

The formation of a platelet plug can be described Clot Formation Control

as a series of steps, but in actuality many of these
steps occur at the same time. -Clots need to be controlled so they don’t spread
throughout the body.
Platelet adhesion occurs first, when platelets stick
to the exposed collagen in the damaged blood Anticoagulants:
vessel wall.  prevent clots from forming
After platelets adhere to collagen, they become  Example - heparin and antithrombin
activated, change shape, and release chemicals. Injury causes enough clotting factors to be
activated that anticoagulants can’t work in that
Platelet Plug Formation
particular area of the body.
-In platelet aggregation, fibrinogen forms bridges
between the fibrinogen receptors of numerous Clot Retraction and Fibrinolysis
platelets, resulting in a platelet plug. Clot retraction:
Blood Clotting  condensing of clot
 serum in plasma is squeezed out of clot
Blood can be transformed from a liquid to a gel
 helps enhance healingClot Retraction and
Clot: Fibrinolysis

 network of thread-like proteins called fibrin Fibrinolysis:

that trap blood cells and fluid
 depends on clotting factors  process of dissolving clot
 plasminogen (plasma protein) breaks down
Clotting factors: clot (fibrin)
Blood Grouping
 proteins in plasma
 only activated following injury Injury or surgery can lead to a blood transfusion
 made in liver
 require vitamin K Transfusion reactions/Agglutination:

 clumping of blood cells (bad)

Steps in Clot Formation
1.Injury to a blood vessel causes inactive clotting
factors to become activated due to exposed conn.  molecules on surface of erythrocytes
tissue or release of thromboplastin
2.Prothrombinase (clotting factor) is formed and
acts upon prothrombin  proteins in plasma

3.Prothrombin is switched to its active form Blood groups:

thrombin  named according to antigen (ABO)
Antigen – a substance that the body recognizes as Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy
foreign; it stimulates the immune system to release
antibodies. -If mother is Rh- and fetus is Rh+ the mother can be
exposed to Rh+ blood if fetal blood leaks through
ABO Blood Groups placenta and mixes with mother’s blood.

-In the ABO blood group system, there are two First time this occurs mother’s blood produces
types of antigens that may appear on the surface of antibodies against antigens.
the red blood cells, type A antigen and type B
antigen. Any repeated mixing of blood causes a reaction.

Type A blood has type A antigens, type B blood has Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
type B antigens, and type AB blood has both types
This condition
of antigens.
 occurs when mother produces anti-Rh
Type O blood has neither A nor B antigens.
antibodies that cross placenta and
The types of antigens found on the surface of the agglutination and hemolysis of fetal
red blood cells are genetically determined. erythrocytes occurs
 can be fatal to fetus
ABO Blood Groups  prevented if mother is treated with
RhoGAM which contains antibodies against
In Caucasians in the United States, the distribution Rh antigens.
is type O, 47%; type A, 41%; type B, 9%; and type
AB, 3%. Diagnostic Blood Tests
Among African-Americans, the distribution is type Complete blood count:
O, 46%; type A, 27%; type B, 20%; and type AB, 7%.
 provides information such as RBC count,
Blood Donor and Recipient hemoglobin, hematocrit, and WBC count
According to ABO Blood Types
O are universal donors because they have no
 % of total blood volume composed of RBC
Type A can receive A and O blood
 determines amount of hemoglobin
Type B can receive B and O blood
 indicate anemia
Type AB can receive A, B, AB blood
Prothrombin time:
Type O can only receive O blood
 time it takes for blood to begin clotting (9 to
Rh Blood Group 12 sec.)

Rh positive means you have Rh antigens

95 to 85% of the population is Rh+

Antibodies only develop if an Rh- person is exposed

to Rh+ blood by transfusion or from mother to
White blood cell count:

 total number of white blood cells

White blood cell differential count:

 Determines the % of each 5 kinds of

 neutrophils: 60 to 70%
 lymphocytes: 20 to 25%
 monocytes: 3 to 8%
 eosinophils: 2 to 4%
 basophils: 0.5 to 1%

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