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Field Service Level

NFPE System
Operation Manual for the
Graphic Interface
JCB Loadall
GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System


Date Page Rev. Change No. Remarks

07.02.2000 1 - 22 - - valid since software version 1.3

2 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4
2. WinGPI Features ......................................................................................................................4
3. Connecting the Computer with WinGPI.....................................................................................4
3.1 Requirements of the Computer to run the Graphic Interface Software .........................5
3.2 RS232 Hardware Interface Cable.................................................................................5
4. Installing the WinGPI Software .................................................................................................6
4.1 Installing the Field Service Software.............................................................................6
4.2 Using the Field Service Software .................................................................................6
5. Starting the WinGPI Software ...................................................................................................7
6. The Windows ............................................................................................................................8
6.1 The Text Window .........................................................................................................8
6.2 The Graphic Windows..................................................................................................8
7. Operating the WinGPI...............................................................................................................9
7.1 Zooming the Graphic Windows ....................................................................................9
7.2 Exit the WinGPI............................................................................................................9
8. Auto-Update Feature ................................................................................................................9
8.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................11
8.2 Kernel Name Is Different ............................................................................................12
8.3 Kernel Update Needed...............................................................................................12
8.4 Application Update Over Timeout...............................................................................13
8.5 Application Is Valid .....................................................................................................14
8.6 Application Update Is Needed ....................................................................................14
8.7 Application On The Digital Controller Is Newer Than Update Application ...................14
8.8 System Name String On The Digital Controller Differs From Update Information.......15
8.9 Application Name String On The Digital Controller Differs From Update Information .15
8.10 No Update Information In INI-File...............................................................................15
9. WinGPI Setup Mode Introduction............................................................................................16
9.1 Inch Pedal Setup Menu ..............................................................................................16
10. Run Mode Screen ...................................................................................................................18
10.1 Run Screen ................................................................................................................18
10.2 Table Of Errors ..........................................................................................................20
11. Key Codes ..............................................................................................................................21

GPI 516289 3
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

1. Introduction

The SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Interface (WinGPI) provides, in conjunction with standard computers

a communication software to handle the SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Control Electronic on the
production line and in special field service cases.

2. WinGPI Features

• Automatic download of the function software

• Use of display to show run screen information
• Real time XY recorder

3. Connecting the Computer with WinGPI

• Connect the SUB-D connector of your RS232 interface cable to the SUB-D socket on
the machine.


4 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

3.1 Requirements of the Computer to run the Graphic Interface Software

To run the SAUER-SUNDSTRAND WinGPI a standard personal computer (PC) or

laptop/notebook is required with a serial interface (RS232 interface). The WinGPI program runs
under W95/WinNT or better. To use the program, you need the following things:
- 80386 or higher
- 2 MB free hard disk space
- 16 MB or more of RAM.

NOTICE: For more information, take a look in the WinGPI help.

3.2 RS232 Hardware Interface Cable

The communication interface cable between the computer and the Digital Controller is a RS232
cable. Only the RxD, TxD and GND signals are needed.

PIN 2: TxD
PIN 3: RxD PIN 2: TxD

NOTICE: It is only allowed to connect RxD, TxD and GND. With a standard RS232
cable you can damage your computer under certain conditions.

GPI 516289 5
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

4. Installing the WinGPI Software

NOTICE: Insert the program disk into the cdrom-drive (usually drive ‘D:’) of your

4.1 Installing the Field Service Software

Before attempting to use the JCB Hydrostatic Loadall Diagnostics, Windows 95/Windows NT
should be installed on your PC.
• The JCB Hydrostatic Loadall Diagnostics software setup procedure will start
automatically when inserting the program compact disk into your cdrom drive.
• Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software!

If the ‘autorun’ install procedure was interrupted or wasn’t started at all, please proceed according
to the instructions below:
• On the ‘Start’ menu select ‘Run ...’
• Type ‘D:\wingpi\setup.exe’ in the ‘Open:’ text box
• Press ‘Return’ (↵) or click ‘OK’
• Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software

4.2 Using the Field Service Software

The JCB Hydrostatic Loadall Diagnostics software uses a standard Windows 95 menu system
the includes shortcut keys for quick access to all menu options.

After successful installation procedure you will find in your ‘Start’ menu the shortcut to the service
files for both the ‘532H-537H Low Emissions 102Hp Engine’ and the ‘532H-537H Std Emissions
106Hp Engine’ in your program files directory, e.g:

‘Start’ ⇒ ‘Program files’ ⇒ ‘JCB Hydrostatic Loadall Diagnostics’

The entire software update functionality will operate automatically. The service technician will be
informed and - if necessary - instructed by dialog boxes.

6 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

5. Starting the WinGPI Software

1. Ensure that the Digital System and the computer are both switched off.
2. Connect the computer to the Digital Controller with the RS232 interface cable.
3. Turn on the computer.
4. Start WinGPI (see figure 1).
You have to select the program entry which corresponds to the machine on which he
wants to do the service.
5. After both installation procedures (service tool incl. service pack, development pack) the
start menu entries in the program files folder are shown as followed:

6. The WinGPI will automatically start the corresponding TCF-file.

For some seconds the current software version number and the „start screen“ with the
Customer logo appears.

Figure 1: Customer logo

7. Turn on ignition to give power to the Digital System.

The first screen appears.

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Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

6. The Windows

The screen of the WinGPI is divided in one text window and in graphic windows.

6.1 The Text Window

The text window takes the upper 2/3 part of the screen. In this area the GPI displays alphanumeric

6.2 The Graphic Windows

On the lower 1/3 of the screen the GPI displays up to 3 graphic windows. There are two kinds of
windows: Analog windows that show a simple analog instrument and XY windows that show a XY

8 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

7. Operating the WinGPI

Independent of the application the following functions can be used:

NOTICE: For more information, take a look in the WinGPI help.

7.1 Zooming the Graphic Windows

With the standard windows functions (keyboard and mouse), you are able to zoom the graphic

7.2 Exit the WinGPI

You can quit the WinGPI over the menu File Exit.

NOTICE: Do not interrupt WinGPI during setup or parameter change.

8. Auto-Update Feature

After switching on the Digital Controller, a connected WinGPI will automatically check if an
application software update is necessary.
The update will be done:
• if the digital controller application does not provide the auto-update feature
• if the digital controller application which provides the auto-update feature recognises that
the systems do not match each other
• if the version inside the service pack on the PC is newer than the version of the
application inside the digital controller and both Systems match together.

The update will not be done with applications which provide the auto-update feature:
• if the version inside the service packs on the PC is less than or equal to the version of
the application inside the digital controller

The WinGPI will inform the user about the update. If any action from the user is requested
(switching Digital Controller on and off again), he will be asked to do this by the WinGPI.

Due to the fact that the auto-update feature will update all applications which does not
provide this feature it is possible to overwrite a different application with this NFPE
application. If this happens, the vehicle would not be driveable any longer !!!

GPI 516289 9
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
Figure 2: automatic update routine flow chart
Start WinGPI
Load TCF file
(Start-Menu Item)

Update Functionality
Activated Kernel
reset all flags Yes update information
Update function in INI file


System Start No

kernel download
Yes flag is set

download No
erase application On
kernel version &
reset Kernel flag
name is o.k. No (only Intel 196

set kernel
download flag
download flag is set Yes

application 'No update info

download available' message

No with automatic reset Appl. flag
update feature

Switch 'normal' System

Power Initialization
System Ident
String o.k No

set application
set application
flag Application Ident
String o.k
No download

Yes Yes
action required
actual version = actual version <
download initiation
update version
No update version no
download procedure

procedure Yes

Runtime Operation
Inch setup
JCB Loadall specific (service level) flag is set Yes

reset inch flag setup
Run Screen Routine

'$' key pressed No

Set Inch
Setup Flag

10 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

8.1 Overview

Kernel Name is different cancel update procedure

(⇒ different hardware) (Message box)

Activate Kernel Update initiate kernel update automatically

(Kernel Hexfile & Version are defined in INI file)

actual kernel version is equal to or greater nothing to do

than update version

Kernel Update needed automatic kernel update

(actual version < update version)

App update over Timeout automatic application update

(app without auto update feature)

App is okay nothing to do

(actual version = update version)
(SystemName & AppName okay)

Update needed automatic application Update

(actual version < update version)
(SystemName & AppName okay)

Update older nothing to do

(actual version > update version)
(SystemName & AppName okay)

SystemName is different automatic application update

AppName is different automatic application update

No App update info in INI file Info

‘(yes/no/no all)’ in the table above means the user is asked to decide how to proceed in the
update functionality via dialog box. If the key ‘Priority’ = 0 or it is entirely missing in section
‘[update]’, the update functionality of the WinGPI is disabled.

• means the corresponding update will be executed!

• means the corresponding update won’t be executed. After each reset or restart of the
Digital Controller the user is asked again to update the respective item.
• means the corresponding update won’t be executed. The user won’t be asked again
until the TCF-file will be loaded once more.

GPI 516289 11
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

8.2 Kernel Name Is Different

If the kernel name string on the Digital Controller does not match with the key ‘Kernel1Name’ in
section ‘[update]’, the whole update procedure will be canceled and the following message box
appears. Otherwise the automatic update procedure will be continued as it is described in the
following chapters.
Figure 3: Hardware is not compatible!

8.3 Kernel Update Needed

If the actual kernel version is less than the update kernel version, the kernel will be updated and
the following status bar appears.
Figure 4: Kernel download

At this point, there is no application on the system, so you should have selected the correct
application HEX-file by loading the correct TCF-file. Please follow the instructions.
Figure 5: Switch OFF the Digital Controller

You have to switch off the Digital Controller and then to restart it to initialize the application
download procedure.

12 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
Figure 6: Switch ON the Digital Controller

After switching on the Digital Controller the status bar appears until the entire file is downloaded.
Figure 7: Application download

Now the software update has been done and the Data Screen should appear.

8.4 Application Update Over Timeout

At this point, you should have selected the correct application HEX-file by loading the correct TCF-
file. If the application on the digital controller doesn’t contain the automatic update feature (due to
an older version), after approx. five seconds delay (timeout) the following dialog box appears.
Figure 8: Switch OFF the Digital Controller

You have to switch off the Digital Controller and then to restart it to initialize the application
download procedure.

GPI 516289 13
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
Figure 9: Switch ON the Digital Controller

After switching on the Digital Controller the status bar appears until the entire file is downloaded.
Figure 10: Application download

Now the software update has been done and the Data Screen should appear.

8.5 Application Is Valid

There is nothing to do for WinGPI concerning the update functionality.

8.6 Application Update Is Needed

If the actual version on the Digital Controller is less than the update version, the following status
bar appears.
Figure 11: Application download

Now the software update has been done and the Data Screen should appear.

8.7 Application On The Digital Controller Is Newer Than Update Application

There is nothing to do for WinGPI concerning the update functionality.

14 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
8.8 System Name String On The Digital Controller Differs From Update Information

If the system name string on the Digital Controller differs from the update system name string, the
the status bar appears until the entire file is downloaded.
Figure 12: Application download

Now the software update has been done and the Data Screen should appear.

8.9 Application Name String On The Digital Controller Differs From Update Information

If the application name string on the Digital Controller differs from the update application name
string, the status bar appears until the entire file is downloaded.
Figure 13: Application download

Now the software update has been done and the Data Screen should appear.

8.10 No Update Information In INI-File

If there’s no update information in the <TCF>-INI-file the following information box appears.
Figure 14: No update information in the INI-file

Now the Data Screen should appear.

GPI 516289 15
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

9. WinGPI Setup Mode Introduction

If the WinGPI is running and the Digital System is started as described above the Digital System
enters a running mode. The inch pedal setup menu is the only menu where parameters can be
changed (Setup Mode). You can access the brake pressure sensor calibration when pressing
on the run screen.

The inch setup menu is only accessible when the system is in STOP mode and the inch
pedal is not entirely depressed (security reason!).

9.1 Inch Pedal Setup Menu

This menu will be shown if you select in the Customized Run Screen.

• With this menu the parameters of the inch pedal can be set. You have to follow the
status lines shown on the screen.

16 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

• "Depress the brake pedal to required maximum inching (no drive) position and
then press <RETURN>:"
Set the inch/brake pedal to the mechanical startpoint. After pushing the new
parameter of the sensor will be shown behind the old value and stored internal.

• "Release the brake pedal, wait 5 seconds and then press <RETURN>:"
Release the inch/brake pedal. After pushing the new parameter of the sensor will
be shown behind the old value and stored internal.

• UNSUCCESSFUL Calibration
If the calibration was unsuccessful, a setup error will be detected during setup.

If the range between minimum and maximum value is too small, the new values will be
ignored and a new setup should be done by entering and .

If the minimum value is greater than the maximum value, the new values will be ignored
and a new setup should be done by entering and .

On every new machine you have to make the inch pedal setup also when the status line:
"Verify of the old Parameter O.K." appears, because the digital system is filled with test
parameter. If this is not done the software will work with wrong parameter, which causes
unexpected or dangerous driving behavior.

GPI 516289 17
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

10. Run Mode Screen

The run mode is automatically entered when switching on the Digital Controller. The only data
screen is displayed and the NFPE system starts working.

10.1 Run Screen

Only this menu will be shown when entering the run mode.

18 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System
• System Data
Controller Part No : customer’s system ID number.
JCB Machine Type : machine type description.
Software Version : number of the software version ( XXX = X.XX).
Engine Speed (rpm) : measured engine speed (rpm).
Engine Speed Status : engine speed pickup status (OK; FAILED).
Solenoid Current Theoretical (mA) : theoretical valve current (mA).
Solenoid Current Actual (mA) : actual valve current (mA).
Actual Current Status : act. current status (OK; FAILED).
Inch Pedal Output (mV) : inch pedal value (mV).
Inch Pedal Status : inch pedal status (OK; FAILED; NO).
System Status : direction switch (FORWARD; NEUTRAL; REVERSE).
F-N-R Switch Status : direction switch status (OK; FAILED).
System Mode : internal system mode (STOP; NEUTRAL; REVERSE;
Sensor Supply : value of the sensor supply voltage (mV).
Sensor Supply Status : sensor supply status (OK; FAILED).
System Errors : system errors (OK, error messages listed below).

• Table of possible errors as shown with the RED LED

Text shown Caused by
1 Sensor Supply Voltage Incorrect Sensor voltage out of range
2 Drive Parameter Fault Checksum mismatch
3 Brake Pressure Sensor Voltage Error Value to low / Value to high
4 Engine Speed Not Read During Start-up Engine speed missed when starting engine
5 Pump Solenoid Circuit Error Short cut / Open circuit
6 Forward / Reverse Lever Error Shortcut between forward and reverse
7 Intermittent Pump Speed Signal Engine speed interrupted

In the lower 1/3 of the screen three graphic windows are displayed.
The left window shows as the upper xy plotter line the
actual engine speed and the engine speed setpoint in the
lower xy plotter line.

Solenoid Current Trace

The middle window shows as the upper xy plotter line the
actual propel valve current and the propel valve current
setpoint in the lower xy plotter line.

Engine RPM
The right window shows as an analog instrument also the
actual engine speed.

GPI 516289 19
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

10.2 Table Of Errors

System errors

GPI Checked signal Type of Error LED DIA 1 Error

Error No. from Error flash code Error No. caused by

1 sensor supply voltage 4 – • • • 01 sensor voltage out of


2 - 16 not used

Sensor errors

GPI Checked signal Type of Error LED DIA 1 Error

Error No. from Error flash code Error No. caused by

1 default parameter 3 –––––– 17 checksum mismatch


2 inch parameter 18 included default

checksum checksum

3 inch/brake 7 –– • • 19 no pedal setup done

5 value too low

6 value too high

4 engine speed pickup 6 • • – • 20 engine speed missed

when starting engine

5 propel current 1 – • – • 21 short cut

2 open circuit

6 F-N-R switch 4 • –– • 22 short cut between

forward and reverse

7 engine speed pickup 6 ––– • 23 engine speed


8 - 32 not used

20 GPI 516289
Graphic Interface Field Service Level NFPE System

11. Key Codes

In the run mode the following options are available from the interface:

increases the graphic window output rate

decreases the graphic window output rate

resets Digital System and returns to setup mode

resets Digital System and enters inch/brake setup procedure

(space key) rewrites current screen or connects WinGPI to a running

Digital System

GPI 516289 21
Hydraulic Power Systems
SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Hydraulic Power Systems - Market Leaders Worldwide
SAUER-SUNDSTRAND is a world leader in the design SAUER-SUNDSTRAND specialized in integration a full
and manufacture of Hydraulic Power Systems. Research range of system components to provide vehicle
and development resources in both North America and designers with the most advanced total-design system.
Europe enable SAUER-SUNDSTRAND to offer a wide
range of design solutions utilizing hydraulic power system SAUER-SUNDSTRAND is Your World Source for
technology. Controlled Hydraulic Power Systems.

Heavy Duty Axial Piston Heavy Duty Bent Axis Cartridge Motors/
Pumps and Motors Variable Motors Compact Wheel Drives

Medium Duty Axial Piston Microcontrollers and Hydrostatic Transmission

Pumps and Motors Electrohydraulic Controls Packages

Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps Gear Pumps and Motors Genuine Service Parts

Worldwide Service Support

SAUER-SUNDSTRAND provides comprehensive worldwide service for its

products through an extensive network of Authorized Service Centers
strategically located in all parts of the world.



3500 Annapolis Lane North Postfach 2460 • D-24531 Neumünster
Minneapolis • MN 55447 • U.S.A. Krokamp 35 • D-24539 Neumünster • Germany
Phone: (612) 509-2000 • FAX: (612) 559-5769 Phone: (04321) 871-0 • FAX: (04321) 871-284
516289 • NFPE System • JCB Loadall • Field Service Level • Operation Manual for the Graphic Interface
February 2000

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