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Daily Biochemistry Journal

Title: (Healthy Planting: A Documentary)

Objective/s: (To find out the health benefits one can acquire while growing plants at home.)

Description: (This is an investigative study of the effects of growing plants at home to one's health. A
short survey will be conducted to those who grow plants at home regarding their perception to its effect
on their health. Then the researcher will be conducting the experiment to test and observe the same.
Videos or pictures will be taken to document the procedures.)

Procedure: (List down the detailed steps that you carried out)

Findings / Documentation: (If you took pictures or videos for documentation, save them in a google
drive and attach the shared link in this section. This part of the journal may also include description in
words of the things that you found out in your research investigation or documentation.)

Conclusion / Generalization: (Provide a closing statement for the readers about your realizations in this
activity. You may include a generalization related to your objectives, findings / documentation, and a
recommendation to your readers.)

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