UAS Inggris

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Nim : 200203502005

I. To complete the sentences above with using the correct werb in the baracket

1. Last night, I and my friends watching UERO football on TV at home.

2. Alwi didn’t come to campus because it’s motorcycle was broken.
3. Please be quiet, The Teacher will come in to classroom.
4. Every morning, the sun shineing in my rest room through to dining room.
5. The cost of Yamaha motorcycle is to much price than Kawasaki motorcycle.

II. Please, make a Simple Present or Simple Continous of the verbs in parenthese.

1. Mr. Dandi repair his car today, and he need some tools for clear it’s job
2. Aldy washing his motorcycle, before he goes to campus.
3. The teacher begine to explane the main subject of Matemathics, when the lamp is

III. Make three question sentences by using “Who, What, When, or Where” according The
statement sentence.

1) President of Mitsubishi Car lunches a new car in 2014 in Japan :

a) When the president of mitsubishi launch the car?
b) Where the launching happend?
c) Who of mitsubishi launcing the car?

2) The students of AET (Automotive Educational Technology) are taking examination

Technical English today :
a) Where the examibation happend?
b) Who’s doing the examination?
c) When the examination happend?

3) We usually get traffic jammed on the way every morning :

a) When the traffic jammed hapend?
b) Where the traffic jammed happend?
c) Why the traffic jammed can happend?

4) Dandy and his friends play foot ball in karebosi every Sunday morning :
a) Where Dandy playing football?
b) With who Dandi playing?
c) When Dandy playing football?

5) Running well of the car engine influenced by fuel quality. :

a) What happen if the fuel is bad?
b) Who can know the fuel is good for the car?
c) Why the fuel can influence the engine?
IV. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian, according in your own. Chose 2 items only.

a) Ledakan itu memaksa piston turun pada langkah daya. Sekarang mesin berjalan
sendiri. Ketika piston mencapai bagian bawah silinder, inersia poros engkol dan
roda gila memaksa rotasi terus. Jika kita membuka katup buang pada titik ini,
gerakan piston ke atas mendorong gas yang terbakar keluar, menciptakan
langkah buang.
b) Mesin pembakaran dalam empat langkah. Empat langkah - hisap, kompresi,
daya, buang - masing-masing menyumbang satu setengah putaran poros engkol.
Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa empat langkah mengambil dua putaran
penuh poros engkol, di mana hanya seperempat dari waktu mesin menghasilkan

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