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A Senior High School Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Maryknoll Academy of Cateel
Santiago St., Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Investigative Research
S.Y. 2021- 2022

Albano, Trhoy
Longyapon, Arlyn
Simacio, Rhea Mae
Uy, Shan Cai
Yap, Jonalyn

January 2022



OF PANDEMIC” prepared and submitted by RHEA MAE SIMACIO, SHAN CAI UY,
JONALYN YAP, ARLYN LONGYAPON, and TRHOY ALBANO, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements in Investigative Research, has been examined, accepted, and approved.


Investigative Research Teacher
APPROVED by the chairperson of the Oral Defense Examination with a grade of ______


Academic Head, SHS Department
ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements in investigative research.


Assistant Principal School Director/ Principal


This is a qualitative research study on "Time Management Strategies of Working

Students in this Time of Pandemic," which aims to assess the lived experiences of working
students who are coping with the pandemic by employing time management strategies.
There are substantial impediments that have been established as a result of increased study
and knowledge from a range of sources, emphasizing the problems faced by working
students. Students' perceptions of control over their activities were found to be a major
element in their capacity to keep to their strategies, according to the findings of this study.

The goal of this research was to obtain a deeper grasp of the topic. The researchers
used an online survey to collect responses from their respondents. The survey included
open-ended questions to allow respondents to elaborate on their responses. The
researchers acquired information from fifteen students who were all working at the same
time, posing little risk to them and allowing them to contribute to the growth of knowledge on
the topic.

The researchers analyzed the data after collecting them, using statistical tools to
calculate the percentage of answers. To aid comprehension, tables and graphs were
created to display the gathered data.

In the interpretation of the data, researchers discovered that working students

encounter challenges and that there has been a substantial improvement in them. Despite
the difficulties they faced, working students were able to effectively manage themselves and
achieve many breakthroughs in time management. The information was gathered from
Maryknoll Academy of Cateel and Cateel Vocational High School students. Aside from
intervening crises and issues, the data was analyzed, and it was determined that the
pandemic resulted in the development and improvement of students' self-regulation skills,
allowing them to adhere to their time management strategies and demands, resulting in
positive outcomes.


One of the most difficult academic obstacles we faced was writing this research
paper. We, the researchers, would like to offer our sincere appreciation to the following.

To Ms. Janine Ann B. Santos, our Class Adviser, and Ms. Fiona Samantha Ajoc, our
Investigative Research Teacher, for their unwavering support of our research, as well as
their patience, encouragement, passion, and vast knowledge. Their advice was invaluable
during the study process.

To our research paper adviser, we would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude and
appreciation. You've been a key necessity for us. We'd want to express our gratitude for
your support of our study and for allowing us to improve as researchers. Your suggestions
for our research have been very helpful. You have provided us with an essential
environment in which to do our study and grow as researchers.

To the Oral Defense Panel Members, thank you for investing time and providing
interesting and valuable feedback. We feel proud and honored that you have accepted our

To our School Director/ Principal, Fr. Jay B. Ramos, DCM, and the faculty members
who provided us the rare opportunity to work on this fantastic project, we cannot express our
gratitude enough for your encouragement and support along this journey. Thank you.

To our beloved parents, words cannot describe how appreciative we are for all of the
sacrifices you've made on our behalf. Your prayers for us have been our only source of
strength thus far.

To our Grade 12 (HUMSS) classmates, thank you for cheering us up. We thank you
for supporting us amidst those difficulties.

To our respondents and all the people who encouraged us every day to go on in
spite the hardships in the making of this study, thank you.

Most importantly, to GOD, thank You for letting us through all the difficulties. We
have been guided by You on a daily basis. You were the one who allowed us to complete
this research. We shall continue to put our faith in You for our future. Lord, thank you.

The Researchers


Title Page

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………….………….i



TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………...………………………………..iv

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………...………………………...……….vi

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………..…….…


Background of the Study………………………………………………….………...………1

Research Problem…………………………………………………………….……….……2

Significance of the Study…………………………………………….…………….….……3

Scope and Limitations of the Study………………………………………………..…...…4

Definition of Key Terms…………………………………………………………..…………4



Time Management Behavior…………………………………………………..……...……7

Theories on Time Management…………………………………………….…………...…8

Time Management in Two Perspectives………………………………….…………..…11


Advantages of Working while Studying……………………...…………………..………17


Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………….…...………18

Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………….…………19


Research Questions…………………………………………...………...………..………22

Research Design………………………………………………………...…………………22

Research Setting……………………………………………….……...……………..……22

Research Respondents……………………………………….……………………..……23

Research Instrument………………………………………………..……………..………23

Data Requirements…………………………………………….……………...……..……23

Role of the Researchers………………….……………..…………………………...……23

Data Collection Procedures………………………………….……………….……..……24


Challenges Encountered…………………………………………………..………………25

Management of Time………………………………………………………………………28

Adherent to Time Management Strategies……………………………………...………30

The Advantages……………………………………………………………..…………..…30

Development of Self- Regulation…………….…………………………………...………32






Appendix A. Online Survey Consent

Appendix B. Survey Questions





Figure 1. Variables of this research………………………………………..……………………..18

Figure 2. Modified self-regulation control theory………………………………...………………21

Figure 3. Process of collecting data……………………………………………………..…...…..24

Figure 4. The number of respondents who responded to this study's question about the
problems/challenges they faced during the pandemic………………………………...…..……27

Figure 5. The number of responses regarding the changed behaviors/ feelings of working
students while dealing various challenges/ problems…………………………………..………33


Table 1. Challenges that were brought about and worsened by the pandemic………...……25

Table 2. Advantageous Impacts of the challenges brought about by the pandemic……..…31

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Time management strategies are the process of arranging and planning how to
divide your time between various activities. This only allows working students to work
smarter when they have strong time management, as it saves them time, even when time
irritates them, as it does now during the pandemic. Working students' issue is that they have
to adhere to a strict schedule at all times. Working students who are putting in long hours for
their future are in need of strategies. One of the issues they face right now is a pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted negatively on global employment

(Tsurugano et al, 2021) as well as many students' education. Many studies are currently
being conducted to determine the influence of the pandemic on various factors, including the
living conditions of many students. During this time of transition, students had to adjust while
trying to make sense of a variety of pandemic-related issues (Christian, et Al, 2020).
Working students, according to Tsurugano and his colleagues (2021), approximately half of
all working students have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic. They went on to say
that the pandemic had a negative impact on their life, studies, and health. Many students
have found alternative ways to continue learning throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and
countless instructors, staff, faculty, administrators, and institutional leaders, as well as
students' families, have gone above and beyond to support students at all levels of
education (Goldberg, 2021). However, working students' condition began long before the
pandemic, and their difficult student life has been identified in recent years as a result of a
major cause: rising tuition costs, reduced government subsidies to schools and universities,
and tuition hikes in both the public and private sectors (Tsurugano, et Al, 2021). Due to
financial challenges, numerous students reported having trouble finishing their education
and juggling their hobbies (Tsurugano, et Al, 2021). Certain situations require them to
perform what is most likely more available to them. Pre-graduation job experience is
detrimental to academic achievements, but it enhances future career chances, according to
the findings of Paolo and Matano (2016).

Working while studying can be advantageous or detrimental, therefore time

management should be considered as part of the whole process of achieving success. Time
management has also been characterized as a sort of self-management that focuses a
great emphasis on time in terms of determining what to do, how to do it more efficiently,
when to do it, and when is the ideal time to achieve it, according to Savino (2016). It is a
procedure in which our own selves were required to perform as recommended in order to
achieve a goal. It has also been suggested that students begin practicing time management
as early as their school year (Valle et al., 2016). To effectively manage our time, we needed
to give important jobs far more attention than minor things. Time management abilities have
been shown to have a favorable impact on student learning, work performance, and other
outcomes (Alyami, et Al, 2021). Working adults say that handling several commitments
(such as job and family) can be a hard balancing act (Harriott & Ferrari, 1996). This
suggests that time management is more than a college winning skill; it's a life management
and life success skill as well (GMU). Furthermore, research gaps will be considered during
the investigation.

Research Problem

To fill in the research gaps for this study, there are three (3) general questions that
are needed to consider. These are:

1. What are the problems/ challenges that working students may have encountered
during the pandemic that may have hampered their self-regulation skills?
2. Do working students able to perform time management strategies in this time of
3. What happens to working students’ mindsets, behaviors, and feelings as they
face various challenges?

Significance of the Study

This research will look into how the pandemic affected working students' ability to
stick to their time management strategies at Cateel Vocational High School and Maryknoll
Academy of Cateel. This will also offer them a better knowledge of the bad and good
implications of time management on their studies and part-time work. This entire study's
generalization will be a contribution to knowledge.

The following will certainly benefit from the findings of this study:

Working Students. This study will create needs and findings that involve the lived
experiences of some working students amidst the pandemic for working students who are
fighting to adhere to their schedules both part-time job and studies. This research will
provide them with an in-depth insight of how the pandemic intensified time management
difficulties. Even if they already know how to manage their time, they must remain vigilant in
the face of new problems.

Community. Working students aren't the only ones who have had to deal with the
passage of time. Everyone needs to be able to manage their time. This study will most likely
provide community members with a guide and knowledge on Time Management Strategies,
as well as how to stick to them in such a dire situation.

Proponents of the Study. This refers to the students who compiled the research.
This provides them with a more in-depth and nuanced grasp of working students' actual
experiences and time management practices. By compiling this research, they will be able to
become more innovative and detail-oriented in their future investigations.

Future Researchers. The data, which will be collected throughout the project, will
give them new insights into working students' lived experiences as the pandemic affects
their ability to cope with challenges. This will also act as a resource for researchers
interested in the subject. This will be utilized as a guide for developing the research in
relation to the variables used.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This is a Phenomenological Qualitative Study that examines the lived experiences of

working students and the relations between research variables such as the Covid-19
Pandemic (Independent), Self- Regulation (Mediating), and Working Students’ Time
Management Strategies (Dependent). The researchers will conduct an online survey of
MAC (Maryknoll Academy of Cateel) and CVHS (Cateel Vocational High School) students.
Respondents who do not have access to our online survey will instead be given survey
questionnaires. The study will only include 15 students who work while studying. This
research will not contain sophisticated features that could lead to misconceptions of the
entire process.

Definition of Key Terms

Time. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, time is the measured or

measurable period during which an action, activity, or situation exists. Brian Tracy (2013)
viewed time as the one and only non-replaceable resource for success. It refers to the
succession of events that occur from the past to the present.

Time Management. This is the process of planning and prioritizing specific activities
over a period of time. Time management is regarded as a skill that should be learned by all
people at all levels and in all areas of life (Kapur, 2018). When it comes to time
management, it takes a lot of effort to plan which activities should be prioritized. Because
time management is so important in both the workplace and the education, every student
and employee should understand it as a fundamental ability.

Strategy. This term is defined as the rational allocation of resources through a

unique system of actions to achieve a goal (Horwath, 2020). A strategy is devised in order to
attain a goal. This is how we plan to react with various situations in order to achieve our

Working Students. These are students who work part-time while attending school
or university. Because their standards for implementing various time management strategies
were in trouble due to the pandemic, this would be the study's target respondents.

Self- Regulation. This is a term used in psychology to describe the methods through
which people direct or regulate their thoughts, emotions, and actions in order to achieve
their goals. This will be the study's mediating variable, and it will determine how the
pandemic affects working students' time management strategies. It can also be influenced
by the crisis, which will result in changes in the ideas, sentiments, and actions of working
Chapter 2



The fundamental elements of Time Management will be encapsulated in this

research's review of related literature. When performing school work or working, we should
prioritize time management. Time management, according to several studies, is critical to
living a successful life. Non-motivated efforts, on the other hand, lead to greater difficulty in
coping with various activities. There would be a lower likelihood of achieving a goal without
prior understanding of some time management practices.

This chapter will address anything concerning time management. It will also be
important to provide a full review and brief discussion of some instances of time
management theories. The researchers will also supply and promote ideas on how the
pandemic could have a greater influence and how it renders working student strategies.

This study will provide an insight at time management behavior and from two
perspectives: a) Time Management in the Workplace, which will describe relevant and
common scenarios in performing tasks, and b) Time Management in Studying, which will
focus on the management of time for students completing schoolwork. To fill in some of the
research gaps, the researchers will look into some of the reasons why (and probably how?)
working students work while studying: a) to learn about workplace norms and responsibilities
in order to be better prepared for their future careers, b) to supplement their income, which
will also address some of the major issues surrounding the current crisis, and c) to learn
various skills from various jobs in order to help them pursue their career. Working while
studying offers several advantages, including: a) improved time management skills, b)
increased independence, c) ability to meet daily needs, and d) increased confidence. The
contents of this chapter will also discuss the relationships between these variables.

Time Management Behavior

In their study, Kearns and Gardiner (2007) emphasize the importance of efficient
time management habits in improving a person's job quality. Make time management
practices like writing lists, setting timetables, and tracking daily success a part of your daily
routine (Dierforff, 2020). According to Aeon & Aguinis (2017), as stated in Alyami and his
colleagues' study (2021), there are three primary surfaces of time management behavior.
The following are some of them:

1. Time Attitude
In essence, time management is nothing more than getting things done
(Gardner, 2013). Several studies suggest that having a good attitude toward time
management can help you do better in school (Scott, 2012) and at work. Students
achieved that both planning and encouraging time attitudes initiated that they had
much more time to finish their everyday jobs because they experienced more control
of how their time was exhausted thus knowing when they had to say no to activities
because they experienced more in control of how their time was exhausted
(Kaushar, 2013). Gardner (2013) claims that in order to solve our time management
challenges, we must first comprehend what time management is and our attitude
toward it. In other words, our attitudes toward time management are critical. Our
performance outcomes may be influenced by our attitude and how we approach
completing activities on time, in the correct manner, and for the right reason
(Gardner, 2013).

2. Long- Range Planning

Long-range planning meant setting long-term goals (more than a quarter) and
maintaining well-organized work habits (Britton & Tesser, 1991). This is when you
plan ahead of time for a long period of time till the deadline. This permits deadlines to
be clearly defined and you to be aware of situations where deadlines are all grouped
together (University of Hull, 2017). This allows you to plan ahead of time and avoid
rushing through tasks at the last minute. By varying the deadlines, you can prevent
the circumstance where everything is due at the same time (University of Hull, 2017).

3. Short- Range Planning

Short-range planning was characterized as time management tasks that took
place within a daily or weekly time frame, and included things like setting goals at the
start of the day, planning and prioritizing daily activities, and making "to do" lists
(Britton & Tesser, 1991). Nigussie (2019) supported this sentiment, defining short-
range planning as the ability to define and systematize obligations in a short period
of time. Short-term planning in conjunction with achievement determination was
positively related to dealing performance as well (Noftle et al., 2007). Achievement
refers to a student's, teacher's, worker's, or institution's achievement of educational
and job goals in a specific time frame (Lisa & Robert, 2008).

Theories on Time Management

Many people will be keen to build various ideas that will aid in understanding time
management because it is such an important activity. Out of all the time management
theories, these are the five that will be highlighted in this section.

1. The Bucket of Rocks Theory

When it comes to time management, one must prioritize important tasks as
they should be. The Pickle Jar Theory (also known as the Bucket of Rocks Theory)
explains how a person should do his responsibilities in order (Mancini, 2003).

According to the theory, large stones should be placed in a bucket (this will
serve as the important component), followed by pebbles, sand, and lastly water
(IvyPanda, 2020). The smaller compounds reflect responsibilities that are becoming
less important (Forsyth, 2010). Simply simply, smaller jobs should be prioritized less.

According to this approach, we should begin with the most important items
(big stones), then go on to the less important items (pebbles and sand), and
ultimately, if we have the time (water), tackle the unimportant items (IvyPanda,
2020). We will not have enough time to do the key things in our lives if we start
working on the minor or less important things first, and we will consider it a waste of

2. ABC System
Each person is confronted with a wide range of tasks that require their
attention on a daily basis. In many circumstances, the amount of time available to
complete all of the responsibilities is insufficient (IvyPanda, 2020).

To make better use of one's time, one must first prioritize what has to be
done (IvyPanda, 2020). Alan Lakein's ABC approach seeks to assist you in rapidly
and successfully prioritizing your duties. Mancini (2003) demonstrates how the ABC
approach can aid in task prioritization.

A task's priority level is indicated by the letter assigned to it, with A denoting
the highest level of urgency, B denoting low urgency but vital duties, and C denoting
non-urgent chores that can be postponed (IvyPanda, 2020). Jobs can be classified
as A1, A2, A3, and so on, according to Mancini (2003), with A1 being the most
important and urgent.

3. The Inventory System

The inventory system is a results-oriented strategy based on the premise that
the greatest way to learn is to reflect on the previous day's conduct and apply what
you've learnt to the next day's conduct (Forsyth 2010). This is comparable to the
concept that making mistakes allows us to learn, and that this theory implies that
learning is a critical component for applying learning in the future when doing

A retrospective analysis of past acts, according to this theory, shows a more

behavior-changing approach to dealing with life's issues. Mancini states,

"Behavior change is an important time management approach (2003).”

As a result, while the inventory system isn't a time-saving strategy in and of

itself, it does lead to time-saving behavioral changes.

4. Time Management Grid

This method requires generating a grid with all of the tasks that need to be
completed (IvyPanda, 2020). The grid then displays how each activity is categorized
according to how quickly it must be finished (Harris 2008). There are four quadrants
in the grid, each with its own priority level.

Quadrant one of the first grid contains jobs that are of the utmost importance
and urgency, and should be done as quickly as feasible. The second grid contains
actions that are important but not urgent. Harris (2008) refers to the activities in this
quadrant as "quality time," implying that while they are crucial to a company's
success, they do not have to be finished immediately (IvyPanda, 2020).

The third grid is made up of urgent yet unimportant procedures. As a result,

because the activities contained inside it are not particularly useful in accomplishing
goals, this grid is also known as the distraction grid. The fourth grid is for non-
essential and non-urgent tasks (IvyPanda, 2020).

5. Goal Setting Theory

Our objectives are what drive us to take action on various issues. The goal-
setting idea of Locke can be used to help people better manage their time (IvyPanda,
2020). This hypothesis assumes that if a person has well-defined goals and
objectives, they will be more driven to attain them and will be on their way to
success. Only clear expectations, according to this concept, can lead to exceptional
performance (Pynes 2008).

Time Management in two Perspectives

1. Time Management in the Workplace

When it comes to working, time management is crucial. One of the skills that
a worker must have is the ability to analyze time in order to assist him or her manage
and complete duties. According to Radonshiqi (2017), time management is essential;
a way to create a pleasant atmosphere in the workplace is to use employees' values
and aspirations to establish priorities (Adams & Jex, 1997). When every person in a
company has good time management skills and is thus more productive, the
company as a whole becomes more efficient and productive (Orlikowsky & Yates,

It's crucial to be able to successfully manage your time. Improved efficiency is

the result of good time management (Corporate Finance Institute). Consider the
repercussions of bad time management as well. Poor time management at work can
lead to a poor workflow, lost time, a lack of control, poor work quality, and a bad
reputation (Corporate Finance Institute). This means that every worker/employee
must follow some basic tactics, such as appropriately creating goals, prioritizing
activities, and setting a deadline for completing a task. To avoid executing activities
in a last-minute rush, a worker might consider planning ahead of time.

2. Time Management in Studying

Time management behaviors or abilities are said to promote positive

academic output by allowing students to better manage their curriculum and attain
learning objectives (Alyami, et al, 2021). Effective time management is the efficient
use of your time that allows you to complete all of your tasks (Global Indian
International School). Students were able to focus and study well on all parts of their
academic life with proper time management. Students are assisting themselves in
achieving achievement by having a prior awareness of how tasks were assigned with
just priority. Even the most successful people find it difficult to manage their time in
order to achieve their objectives. If you're having trouble meeting deadlines and
balancing job, school, and life responsibilities, it's crucial to think about how you work
best and perhaps seek help from others (Harman, 2021).


1. Why students work while studying

a) To learn about workplace norms and responsibilities
Many students were inspired to pursue their eventual professions. This could
be the one that leads them to work in order to understand and experience the
standards and duties of the profession. Communication, quality of customer services,
recognized practices and unwritten standards, conflict management and dispute
resolution processes, and even time management are daily work practices that are
required to develop a profession (York University, 2019). Workplace experience will
supplement your academic studies by giving an additional method of learning outside
of the classroom, as well as providing you with important knowledge, abilities, and
personal characteristics that employers seek (Emerald Publishing).

b) To supplement their needs

Most working students work to meet their basic requirements, particularly
those who live in poor living conditions, are financially strapped, or wish to support
their families financially. Working a job provides spending money for many people,
while it is also important for others to assist their families make ends meet or save for
education (Walden University). There have been previous studies on the benefits
and drawbacks of working while learning. Students who work while in school require
instructors and administrators who are aware of the circumstance, who can assist
them in overcoming the problems they face, and who may even make
accommodations to ensure that every student succeeds (Walden University).

c) To learn various skills from various jobs

Working allows one to gain experience and learn. A student can develop a
variety of talents with enough experience and knowledge gained through working.
Work experience equips you with abilities that can only be acquired through on-the-
job training (Simons, 2018).

Employers consider employability skills to be critical for success in the job

(The University of Melbourne). Working students who want to develop numerous
skills needed for their preferred job often find that working is the best method to do

so, including employability skills. Interpersonal and communication skills, teamwork,

time management, initiative, problem-solving, and resilience are all examples of
employability skills highlighted by the University of Melbourne, and are all essential in
specific occupations.

2. How they work while studying

To support at least some of their housing and study expenses, the majority of
overseas students must work (Vioreanu, 2021). Working while studying has a variety of
advantages for students. Most students, on the other hand, believe that having these
occupations can cause them to lose focus on their studies. It is true that it might get
overpowering (Ben, 2019). According to Vioreanu (2021), there are seven prevalent ways to
think about working while still studying.
a) Part-Time Jobs
In 2018, the percentage of undergraduate students employed was higher
among part-time students (81%) than full-time students (43%) in 2018. (The
Condition of Education, 2020). Working part-time has always been a feature of the
university student experience, according to Barron (2009). Working can assist a
student in paying for classes and other living expenses; it can also have a beneficial
or negative impact on a student's academic achievement (The Condition of
Education, 2020).

Because of the global economic crisis, part-time jobs are in high demand
these days. Part-time work is a type of employment in which an employer pays
employees per hour and students can work during their leisure time while they are
not in class (Nazri, 2017).
A part-time work is a terrific method to pay your study expenditures while also
earning some pocket money, depending on how well-paid the position is. You can
locate part-time employment that allows you to set your own hours (Vioreanu, 2021).
Students who work while studying have advantages and disadvantages that they
must consider and accept in order to maintain their physical and mental health
(Nazri, 2017).

b) Summer Vacation Jobs

According to Vioreanu (2021), the advantage of summer jobs is that you don't
have to worry about work interfering with your studies. The only thing you need to
concentrate on is your job and doing it well.

According to Collins Dictionary, a summer job is a job that a student does

during their summer vacation. Many parents recognize that their children's teenage
years are a wonderful time for them to earn spending money and acquire money
management skills (Brown, 2013).This summer job allows you to develop numerous
talents and gain work experience. The greatest advice for students looking for
summer jobs is to start looking early because there is more rivalry for spots, which
means schemes may be moved forward (Smith, 2021).

c) Internships

A professional learning experience that provides meaningful, practical work

relating to a student's subject of study or career interest is known as an internship
(UMBC, 2021). The time it takes to locate an internship varies widely based on your
personal interests and demands, as well as the current employment market; it might
take as little as a few days or as long as several months (Bellevue College, 2021).
It's usually a good idea to plan ahead of time.

An internship is an organized experience that helps a student's academic,

vocational, and personal growth, according to the IOWA, Pomerantz Career Center
for Leadership and Career Advancement. Internships come in a variety of shapes
and sizes. Paid internships, unpaid internships, non-profit internships, university
internships, and externships are all examples of internships (Indeed Editorial Team,
2021). Internships with pay are available in both the corporate and public sectors.
Companies are realizing the value that interns bring to the table and compensating
them accordingly (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Many smaller businesses can't
afford to pay their interns, but that doesn't mean they don't have wonderful programs
and learning environments, so for many people, the experience and on-the-job
learning gained during an unpaid internship opportunity are worth it (Indeed Editorial
Team, 2021). It all depends on the employer's willingness and ability to provide. A
normal employee cannot be replaced by an intern (Bellevue College, 2021). Non-

profit internships are similar to volunteer programs; however they are frequently
considered benevolent organizations because they do not have stockholders or
owners (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). University internships are usually unpaid
employment, however the company giving the internship can arrange for your
housing and meals (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Externships are a condensed
version of internships. Externships allow people to learn more about a sector of work
and spend a week on the job (Eller College of Management, 2020).

d) Work Placements
According to Collins Dictionary, a work placement is a temporary job that is
designed to offer a trainee experience in the job they are training for. Brooks and
Youngson (2016) discovered evidence of work placements leading to better degrees
and making graduate jobs simpler to get. Students can benefit from work placements
in a variety of ways, according to the Association of Higher Education Career
Services (AHECS).

● Provides you with the opportunity to put course theory into practice.
● You learn new knowledge and skills, course-related and personal.
● Gives an insight into working life, develops self-awareness and
supports you in making career decisions.
● Builds your CV, highlighting your new skills and achievements.
● Enhances your employability and job prospects after graduation.
● Creates a network of potential contacts for the future.

e) Volunteering
Volunteering is done for a variety of reasons. For some, it is an opportunity to
give back to the community or make a difference in the lives of others, while for
others, it is an opportunity to learn new skills or expand on previous experience and
expertise (The National Council for Voluntary Organizations, 2021). Volunteering
allows young people to develop a variety of important skills, gain a better
understanding of their society, and improve community life (Web Solutions Llc.,

Volunteering may be an eye-opening experience that allows you to see the

world in a new light. It enables kids to make a difference, develop skills, raise
awareness, and do so much more (Wilson, 2020). In other instances, volunteering
allows students to pursue hobbies they might not have had the opportunity to pursue
otherwise (Wilson, 2020). Volunteering can be a way to get a job or an opportunity to
try something new that could lead to a career transition (The National Council for
Voluntary Organizations, 2021).

f) Work Shadowing
Work shadowing is the practice of spending time with someone who performs
a specific task in order to learn how to execute it (Cambridge Dictionary). This allows
interested employees (Gartner, 2021) as well as students to directly observe and
learn from another employee executing the function. This will assist interns or
students in gaining a better knowledge of the role requirements, job responsibilities,
and other conventions.

g) Casual Employee or Freelancer

A casual employee or freelancer is recruited to fill in for permanent full-time

employees who are on long-term leave and is only paid for the time they actually
work, not for vacations or leave of any type (TalentLyft, 2021). Freelancing is an
excellent option for students who wish to supplement their income. It's also crucial to
have a better understanding of the objectives that must be met. Working as a
freelancer requires you to be self-sufficient. You work according to your timetable
and have complete control over all major choices (Prasad, 2021).

Advantages of Working while Studying

Time management is frequently employed in all fields of work and education. In other
words, every experience gained from those jobs allows us to learn in a flexible manner,
allowing us to develop abilities such as time management. This has been proven by many
researchers and psychologists. Working while studying benefits students in the following

● Improved time management skills

● Increased independence
● Ability to meet daily needs
● Increased confidence
Chapter 3


In this chapter, the conceptual and theoretical framework will be discussed in further
detail. This will cover the relationship between variables and the notion o f the theory
relevant to this study.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:

Time Management
COVID- 19 Pandemic Strategies of Working

Mediating Variable:

Self- Regulation

Figure 1 depicts the three variables that will be investigated in this research.

Above is a conceptual framework generated to show the relationships of variables.

Working students’ time management strategies are influenced by the pandemic. The
mediating variable, which is students’ self-regulation throughout the pandemic, will be
utilized to alter the pandemic’s influence to determine if it is positive or negative.

The pandemic is affecting every working student's ability to self-regulate, which may
affect their ability to keep to their approach. The indicators are also shown as it is involved to
monitor the impacts made and to pursue various demands of the study.

Theoretical Framework

In the midst of the pandemic, there would be much greater negative influences
especially to working students. Those influences might give them low motivations, distress
on attempted multitasking, and much more that renders their efficiency. To delve down
deeper on the course of time management, the researchers have identified two different

According to Hill (2003), Time Management is meant to help you, help your front-line
employees in order to make their tasks easier, they need to improve their time management
abilities easier, as well as increasing their productivity. While Tracy (2013) states that time
management is vital for overall health and personal efficiency.

The definition of Hill to time management mainly focuses on employees and their
productivity. And thus, Tracy’s definition is more general and can be related to self-
regulation of working students to cope in managing time. He also stated that the feeling of
being "out of control" of your time is a significant contributor to stress, worry, and depression
are some of the most common symptoms of depression. Considering also the severity of the
pandemic, it is possible that it will increase the risk of stress for working students, impairing
their ability to self-regulate and stick to their time management practices.

Here the researchers have identified three possible strategies that might easily be
influenced/ rendered by some negative factors:

Scheduling Tasks

When it comes to schedules, it's difficult to stick to them when there are
circumstances like emergencies, unplanned tasks, and others that necessitate task
changes. This may have an impact on someone's motivation because there is so much that
obstructs and interferes with their schedules. In the event of the pandemic, everyone had to
make a lot of adaptations, especially working students who needed to work and study at the
same time. Some establishments, including schools, are forced to close due to lockdowns.
Working students are finding it difficult to stick to their schedules as online learning becomes
more popular. Their job and study time occasionally intersected, necessitating the creation

of more priority duties. However, this may not have entirely negative consequences because
it forces them to be more aware in many situations.

Prioritizing Tasks

It's always vital to put major tasks first when prioritizing tasks. We offered ourselves
an easier approach to complete all of them by sorting what are the most important things
and what are the less important things.

However, in the situation of a pandemic, there's a chance that this type of time
management strategy will be hampered. Working students struggle to prioritize for a variety
of reasons, one of which is the current financial situation. There were numerous causes for
this, including a shortage of financial resources, which forced working students to work hard
and some quit studying in order to earn enough money to meet their basic demands.

Performing Tasks

In performing tasks, we are urged to make efforts to accomplish goal. However, we

are finding it difficult to do so in this pandemic. Some needs are made more inaccessible as
a result of the livelihood crisis. Working students, under this situation, may find it difficult to
complete work when such demands are not available. People cannot perform any tasks
without having any required demands. An example is when a student or employee has an
online meeting but is unable to carry out this task due to a lack of internet connection or the
lack of appropriate technology.

The idea of control theory on self- regulation is relevant to this study. This is a
"theory stating that we utilize our self-awareness to assess whether or not we are fulfilling
our goals and, if not, make attempts to enhance the self in line with these aims," (Crisp &
Turner, 2010). In any case, this investigation will be based on the Control Theory on Self-

Goal Setting Action Planning Self- Monitoring

Step targets for the What are the steps Changes in lifestyle,
long and short term to achieving these thinking, and
have been created objectives? behavior

In reference to the
progress of a step-
Goal Review by-step goal
In light of feedback
and monitoring

Figure 2 presents the modified self-regulation control theory on how the working students
take response to the pandemic's impact on their adherence to strategies.

The diagram above depicts the process of how one acts or responds to changes in
their behaviors in order to cope with various situations. Every working student has a specific
aim in mind. When confronted with a variety of conditions, they are able to strategize how to
attain their objectives despite the obstacles. After action planning, self-monitoring occurs;
during which one may usually watch one's own behaviors. In control theory, feedback
control is emphasized as a strategy for changing one's behavior to conform to a set of rules.
When one can actually see and monitor his or her goal, it is called a goal review. A loop of
processes is depicted in this modified self-regulation control theory, which necessitates
Chapter 4


The study's methodologies and procedures for acquiring data, as well as further
specifics, will be described in this chapter. The study questions, the setting, the research
design, the instrument used, the research procedure, and the researcher's involvement will
all be included.

Research Questions

To fill in the research gaps for this study, there are three (3) general questions that
are needed to consider. The methods that’ll be used in this study will be based as well on
the following questions:

1. What are the problems/challenges that working students may have encountered
during the pandemic that may have hampered their self-regulation skills?

2. Do working students able to perform time management strategies in this time of


3. What happens to working students’ mindsets, behaviors, and feelings as they face
various challenges?

Research Design

The research design used in this study is phenomenological investigation. The

researchers will use mixed methodologies to accomplish the study's ultimate and explicit
outcome. For this study to be able to establish an in-depth grasp of the topic, it is critical to
collect credible and relevant data. Because the focus of this research is on how the
pandemic affects working students' time management skills, an online survey/questionnaire
will be created.

Research Setting

The data for this study will be collected from respondents who are working students
at Cateel Vocational High School and Maryknoll Academy of Cateel.

Research Respondents

Participants who are working students will be included in this study. They will be the
subject of this study's respondents. This will be limited to working students who attended
Cateel Vocational High School and Maryknoll Academy of Cateel in order to gather data that
is appropriate and relevant to the topic.

Research Instrument

To collect the necessary data in accordance with the study's ideas, the researchers
decided to employ a mixed method approach that included an online survey and a printed
questionnaire. The purpose of the online survey/questionnaire is to measure the
participants' impressions of the pandemic's impact on their ability to undertake time
management strategies. Their responses will then be put to the test to see how reliable they

Data Requirements

The focus of this study will be on the lived experiences of working students in the
midst of the pandemic. The researchers will only survey 15 working students from Cateel
Vocational High School and Maryknoll Academy of Cateel in order to collect data. If a
respondent does not have access to the internet, the questionnaire will be distributed by
hand. To comply with the protocols, both the researchers giving the questionnaire and the
respondent should wear face masks.

Role of the Researchers

The researchers will make every attempt to acquire access to participants' opinions
and thoughts on the subject during the data collection procedure for this study, which will be
used as data. The primary goal of the researchers is to keep the participants' names and
data safe.

Data Collection Procedures

Defining the Objectives of the Research Instrument

Before distributing Research Instruments to respondents, researchers would create objectives
to cover the study and obtain accurate and reliable results.

Defining the Variable and the Population of Interest

It is necessary to define what variables are there in this phenomenon in order to carry out the
process effectively.

Generate Online Surveys/ Survey Questionnaires

To gather the datas neededDefining the of
in the research, thethe Instrument
researchers will generate Online Surveys. But
in case if internet disconnection occurs to the respondents, the researchers will generate
printed survey questionnaires.

Distribution of Online Surveys (via link)/ Survey Questionnaires on hand

The distribution of Online Surveys will be sent through link to the respondents. As for the
questionnaires when no internet, will be given on- hand.

Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results

After all the datas been gathered from the respondents, the researchers will analyze and
interpret all of the findings.

Figure 3 shows the process of collecting data throughout the research.

Chapter 5


This chapter of the paper presents the data analysis and coding from fifteen
questionnaires completed by fifteen working students who acted as respondents to this
study. In addition, this comprises the analysis of data that has been arranged according to
the research questions that make up part of this study's general questions.

Challenges Encountered

There was ample evidence throughout the data analysis to show the many obstacles
that working students face, particularly the impact of pandemics on their time management.

The participants in this study were able to provide satisfactory answers, and several themes
have been identified from their responses by the researchers.

Table 1 presents the challenges that were brought about and worsened by the pandemic.

Theme Description

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic that affects the livelihood of

Economic Crisis
many, education sectors, and the rise of unemployment.

The situation wherein financial assets decrease in higher values.

Financial Crisis This is brought as well by the pandemic giving higher demands and
impacting many families including working students’.

The lack of motivation of working students hinder them in getting

Avolition their tasks and activities completed. This plays a vital role which
drives them in getting anything done.

A problematic state where it affects how a person feels, thinks, and

Depression acts. This serious problem often comes with anxiety and exhaustion
to some major life events.

The ability wherein it affects the performance of working students in

doing tasks. This made their thoughts unable to focus and is related
to interfering concerns.

The particular point of time wherein tasks and activities are needed
Deadlines to accomplish. This often gives struggles to working students who
had lots of tasks needed to complete.

This demands an individual’s ability to deal with tasks and activities

Heavy Workload
with exceeding time.

Adjustment is a psychological term that refers to a person's ability to

Adjustments adapt to changes in their physical, economic, and social

Prior to the data gathered, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought an economic
consequence that affects the livelihood of many people and the rise of unemployment. Due
to this crisis, working students have to make adjustments on their jobs and on their study. In

terms of education, students who are learning modular/online while working are found to be
a big challenge for them to balance time.

The researchers also discovered that working students were eager to help their
families out to sustain their needs, especially their financial payments in household and in
schools. This made them struggle more to achieve their goals considering that there would
be obstacles that they are about to face. Various demands for financial crisis drive them to
work harder and get higher chances of more workloads.

Working students find it hard to get anything done when they lack motivation. Prior to
the responses, motivation is what they needed to complete tasks and activities.

Many reasons contributed to the depression of working students, including the

exceptional crisis in our community. Working students, especially those who live away from
their families, felt anxiety and tiredness as a result of this. One respondent expressed
concern about his family's health during the pandemic because he is now living distant from
them, but he recognizes that he needs to work harder to assist his parents pay their school
fees. This represents a working student's difficulty, which causes them to be concerned and
unhappy about the problems that affect them and their families. Unless people discover
depression to be a reason for change, they cannot achieve anything properly with adequate
focus and attention since their minds are full of conflicting negative concerns. Working
students with depression typically leaves their schedules of chores neglected giving extra
time deep in thought about particular events that provokes their sentiments and mind to
worry about. As a result, chores are frequently completed during rush hours and schoolwork
submissions are frequently late.

Number of responses regarding the challenges they

Number of responses
have regarding the challenges they
have encountered
Economic Crisis
7% 7% Economic Crisis
Financial Crisis
27% 7%
27% Financial
Avolition Crisis
7% Avolition
Concentration Difficulty
Deadlines Difficulty
Heavy Workload
Heavy Workload
7% 20% Adjustments
Undecided/ No answer
7% 20%
Undecided/ No answer

Figure 4 shows the number of respondents who responded to this study's question about
the problems/challenges they faced during the pandemic.

The proportion of responses shown in Figure 4 reflects the highlighted themes

related to the challenges that working students have faced. According to data analysis, 20
percent of people responded, indicating the difficulty of being depressed during the
pandemic and 28 percent who are unable to specify the problem. This could be the most
difficult problem working students have encountered, as it is exacerbated by other
intervening factors that cause them to be apprehensive and concerned about their

“As a working student, it's hard for me to face this. I've been thinking about my family,
especially my parents, and how they can prevent it. Because I'm far from them, I've been
facing depression and anxiety for a couple of months. It's hard to have this kind of situation.”

A survey respondent stated that he had struggled owing to a variety of things that
had caused him to feel depressed in some respects, and that he could only aspire to do his
best in his own tasks. Also, 13 percent of respondents indicate that they're worried about
deadlines for work or school. We observed from the collected data that the majority of
working students struggled to complete their responsibilities on time. They are more prone
to perform other things during rush hours due to difficulty balancing work and study,
resulting in low performance outcomes.

Management of Time

There is enough data gathered from the respondents concerning how they manage
their time. Throughout analyzing the data, the researchers have come across every
participant’s idea of managing their time and thus is significant in contributing to strategies.

Based on the response given by some participants, they manages their time by
working in daytime and answers their module papers at night time. This may be a simple
strategy but they find it effective in some ways. Working during the daytime makes their
focus appropriately with enough energy to perform tasks. It was not easy to manage time as

a first timer. But as time passes by and with the challenges working students have been
through, they were able to persist in upcoming tasks and activities properly and completed
them early. A respondent stated that it is still difficult for him to manage as his tasks as a
working student come together especially in this time of pandemic. But some implies that
time management might be viewed as a goal in and of itself to persist those challenges.
We’ve discovered that working students perseveres in adhering to their strategies, believing
that it will allow them to attain their life goals if they follow through with their strategies.

“Good time management allows students to make the most of their abilities and enjoy the
satisfaction of accomplishment.”

A respondent believes that good time management allows him to make the most of
his abilities and that completing all of his chores and activities gives him satisfaction. A
working student should devote their concentration and focus even though they have less
time to complete it in order to be effective in time management. They will not be able to
waste time on distractions that interfere with their work as a result of this. Remark that no
distractions or barriers can prevent them from finishing their studies and job tasks if they had
enough determination.

“Simple, if you are determined enough to finish your studies of course no one can hinder it
even if you are a working student. I manage my time by doing multi tasking or I will finish
doing house hold chores first and then next my study.”

This respondent implies that she frequently finishes her job's chores first. According
to her, multitasking is a strategy that works well for her in a variety of scenarios/situations.
Some are capable of managing their time and that no obstacles will prevent them from
finishing their tasks. When it comes to job and school, according to a response, one must
manage his/her time by setting timetables ahead of time. There are ways to avoid or use the
demands of the obstacles that’s been facing as a component in development. With this, one
will be able to overcome any obstacles that are preventing him/her from completing
assignments by creating a schedule ahead of time.

We’ve also discovered that working students manages their time using a variety of
ways. To properly manage their time, they set their goals correctly, precisely, and concisely
to motivate themselves in accomplishing chores. They have to develop goals that are

achievable and measurable. With this, they wouldn't be readily stopped by distractions or
other impediments that put their demand at risk. Setting a time limit to complete duties is
also important to avoid doing anything during rush hours or completing things that are long
overdue, allowing themselves to function in a more organized manner. When it comes to
defining objectives to encourage oneself, taking activities, and executing proper ways to
attain them, including working students' adherence to their time management strategies, this
indicates that the framework is thus relevant.

Adherent to Time Management Strategies

Based on the gathered data, all 15 respondents indicated that they were able to
follow their strategies while working and studying. Despite the fact that they were hampered
by circumstances, they managed to stick to their strategies.

“I have to stay with that method or strategies because I can’t focus on studying until I finish
everything I have to work on and also on studying.”

One of the participants indicated that it is clear that they battle and persevere in
managing their time in order to reach their objectives. They are more likely to have a good
outlook on their current circumstances, which will motivate them.

Some of them may find it difficult to stick to their plans. As a result of these
obstacles, they experience low motivation, discouragement to complete tasks, and reduced
coping abilities. There are other times when pressing job tasks arise while you're learning.
The problem is that it crosses over, leaving working students with no choice but to do it first.
There is also a remark that heavy responsibilities in their occupations deplete them, and that
since they are tired or unwell, they are unable to learn, read, or complete their schoolwork
after. Working students struggle to strike a balance between learning at home via modular

and online learning because they must spend more time reading modules with or without
assistance and learning virtually via the internet. However, they were able to absorb
significant lessons in the meanwhile and saw things as a test. This epidemic, according to
their comments, is most likely a stepping stone to their achievement.

The Advantages

According to the information received, the pandemic and its underlying difficulties
that affect working students' time management are beneficial in some ways. Despite the fact
that this caused them a lot of trouble, they saw it as a way to improve their self-regulation
and stick to their time management strategies.

Table 2 presents the Advantageous Impacts of the challenges brought about by the
pandemic on the mediating variable, self- regulation, and dependent variable, time
management strategies of working students.

Theme Quotation

“… finding the motivation to focus and get the work done.”

“'s better to still challenge myself every single day because it

Challenges as Motivator makes me better to succeed on that challenge after all,...”

“…these challenges pave the way where we can be the best

version of ourselves.”

“During these trying times, there are a lot of things that we have
Principled Lessons come to realize and lessons this pandemic taught and instilled
to us.”

“It may develop ourselves to cope with every situation

Enhanced Coping Skills
interfering ourselves in getting anything done.”

Increased Chances to “...but as time goes on, I do well and finish my work and the
Work Completions online class early.”

“I have to stick to that strategy even if there is a little

interruption in learning so I can cope.”

Enhanced “I am determined and eager to achieve my dreams. With this,

Perseverance even this pandemic can't stop me from achieving my dreams.”

“I still have to study no matter what happens, and my work is

for my studies even if there is a pandemic now.”

“Through this, my reaction to time at work and study changed.


Development of Self- Regulation

Most of the respondents said they were challenged by the impacts of the pandemic
that worsened many situations. They found it as a factor for development. Many of them
believed this notion and have overcome many situations. With the crisis and other scenarios
encountered by working students, this makes the modification of judgment and response to
this matter. With behavioral and cognitive components, a working student might be able to
create meaning caused by environmental impact. In analyzing the data, many responses
were given that implies the behavioral and emotional effects of these challenges on how will
work students take response to every hurdle. With poor self-control, some respondents and
their motivation were put to test which oftentimes results to discouragement in doing tasks.

However, based on the data gathered, respondents viewed it positively that enables
them work even harder and strive for success. There is ample evidence that this pandemic
may come across with integrating impacts and brought crisis, but there is also evidence that
this makes and advantageous benefit that develops working students’ self- regulation skills.
The demands of these challenges forces them to make the most of their abilities to cope
with, take response it, and it indeed practices working students to be capable in future

The changed behaviors/ feelings of working students while

handling challenges/problems

7% Frustration
Undecided/ No answer


Figure 5 presents the number of responses regarding the changed behaviors/ feelings of
working students while dealing various challenges/ problems in this time of pandemic.

Based on the information received, certain behaviors/feelings have changed, which

is putting working students at a disadvantage in terms of how they will respond to the issues
they are facing. This is viewed as being linked to their ability to stick to their time
management plans. How one acts next is linked to how one behaves and feels. Their
mindset would be influenced by their conduct and sentiments. However, we've noticed that
working students use those hurdles as motivation to achieve their objectives and improve
their management skills.


According to the information gathered, there have been preferential answers to the
challenges that it has posed to working students. The bulk of them demonstrate that, despite
difficulties and limits, they were able to stick to their pace. This supports the findings of
studies on student part-time work in Scotland, which show that student employees
experience health and stress issues (Carney et al., 2005). They were able to manage
themselves in response to any event they encountered by setting clear goals. Student part-
time job, according to Derous and Ryan (2008), has a favorable impact on their personal
development in terms of self-reported and emotional growth in general. The evidence
acquired in this study supports this theory.

According to the data acquired concerning the challenges/problems that working

students have faced, roughly 28 percent indicate depression, 18 percent indicate task
deadlines, and 9 percent indicate the other challenges/problems. In this time of pandemic,
the collected data also shows how working students manage their time in the face of
difficulties. They can consider various barriers as beneficial or negative depending on how
well they regulate themselves, their behaviors, and their thinking. However, the researchers
discovered that working students build a positive meaning out of the difficulties they've faced
and as part of their growth.

Furthermore, the aim of this study is to better understand working students' lived
experiences in adhering to their time management strategies as a result of many
circumstances caused or aggravated by the pandemic. In some aspects, this is significant
since it can help students, working students, job employees, and future scholars obtain a
better grasp of this topic.
Chapter 6


In this chapter, conclusions and further recommendations for future research will be


This study has shown that aside from intervening crises and issues, the pandemic
resulted in the growth and enhancement of students' self-regulation skills, which allow them
to stick to their time management strategies and demands, resulting in positive outcomes. It
appears that working students saw the difficulties it brought or increased as a test of their
ability. Based on work in this study and information obtained through the literature review,
the following conclusions are drawn:

● Discipline/controlling oneself in executing tasks can help one develop

effective time management.
● Taking responsibility in the face of a variety of circumstances requires the
ability to think and act in accordance with one's goals.
● Work overload puts your health at danger, resulting in poor performance in
other jobs.
● The pandemic has accelerated a variety of life conditions, making working
students even more disadvantaged.
● Various hurdles improve every working student's grasp of how to deal with
them and enlighten them with time management lessons for upcoming activities.
● Despite the pandemic's intervening obstacles, most working students were
able to stick to their time management strategies.


1. It is advised that Clustered Sampling be utilized to compare time

management in Studying and Employment for future research.

2. The research is therefore needed in the future.

3. Students and employees must be regulated behaviors in dealing with time

management, thus quantitative investigators must do research on their controlled behaviors.

This paper presents the following recommendations to policymakers and managers

of organizations based on the study and analysis of questionnaire responses and the
physical finding of specific problems:

● Create a time management program for students.

● In the workplace, create a favorable working environment.
● In order to perform well, organize proper training.
● Stress and time management can help employees reduce their workload, especially
those who are still studying.
Online Survey Consent

Respondent 1:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 2:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 3:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 4:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 5:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 6:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 7:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

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Yes No

Respondent 8:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 9:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 10:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 11:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 12:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 13:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No

Respondent 14:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Respondent 15:


You are invited to take part in a research study titled "Time Management Strategies
in this Time of Pandemic," which is being conducted by a group of Maryknoll Academy of
Cateel student researchers as part of their Investigative Research subject.
The goal of this research is to see how the pandemic has affected working students'
time management strategies.
Your participation will be anonymous. This online survey involves minimal risk to you.
The benefits, however, may impact society by helping increase knowledge about this topic.
You may rest assured that your personal information and response will be treated
The completion of this survey implies your consent to participate. If you choose to
participate, please click yes and complete the attached survey.

Do you consent to these terms?

Yes No
Survey Questions

1. What are the problems you've encountered as a working student in this time of
2. How do you manage your time?
3. Were you able to stick to your strategies in both working and studying? If so, how? If not,
what obstacles have you encountered by doing these both?
4. What generally happens to your behavior or what are your reactions/feelings when you
have challenges with your time management?
5. How do you handle both your study and job amidst this pandemic?

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Curriculum Vitae

This researcher is Mr. Trhoy Castillones Albano, 17 years old, born on May 09, 2004
at Cebu City, Cebu. He is the eldest son of Mr. Rhoy Albano and Mrs. Emmalyn Albano. He
is currently residing at Barangay San Rafael, Cateel, Davao Oriental. He is a transferee
student from Cebu for the past 3 years just because his family decided to live here for good.

This researcher is passionately interested in sports such as skateboarding and

basketball. He is also inclined to creative designing and arts and even used it as a pastime
to earn money. During his elementary level, he studied at San Miguel Elementary School at
Cateel Davao Oriental and was later transfered to Iligan Central School at Iligan City, Lanao
Del Norte and then transfered again to Kalunasan Elementary School, Guadalupe, Cebu
City. During his High School Years, he studied at Ramon Duterte National High School at
Cebu City but then he transfered for his last year in Junior High School at Maryknoll
Academy of Cateel up to the present where he graduated his Senior High School taking up
the Humanities and Social Sciences Strand.

He is shy yet an active student. He gained awards as Best In Sports for attending
and representing the school during the Quadrangular Meet and was qualified during the
Provincial Meet. He always dreamt of becoming a Police Officer in the future and he is
working and studying hard to achieve his biggest goal in life.
Curriculum Vitae

She is Arlyn Mae Longyapon, the daughter of Armando A. Longyapon and Jocelyn
Longyapon. She is 18 years old and resided in Purok Madre De Cacao, Poblacion, Cateel,
Davao Oriental. She was born on May 28th, 2003. She is a Filipino with a single status and
a Roman Catholic religion.

She studied at Cateel Central Elementary School during her elementary school
years, and then went to Maryknoll Academy of Cateel during her junior high school years.
Curriculum Vitae

Rhea Mae Andrade Simacio is the researcher's name, and she is the daughter of
Mrs. Emely Liza A. Simacio and Mr. Rey S. Simacio, Sr. An eighteen-year-old who was born
on the 17th of January, 2004. She lives in Tinimbo, Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental,
where she assists her family with their business. Among her siblings, she is the firstborn.

She enjoys performing her hobbies such as drawing, painting, crafting, and computer
gaming when she has free time or is bored. She is imaginative and knows how to use a
computer. She would use the internet to learn new things. Cyber security, computer and
web programming, networking, and cryptography are additional areas where Rhea is
passionate and interested. She also enjoys reading manga and watching anime movies.

Cateel Central Elementary School was where she completed her elementary
education. She completed her junior high school education at Maryknoll Academy of Cateel.
Curriculum Vitae

Shan Cai L. Uy, the daughter of Zoilo C. Uy and Daisy L. Uy, is an 18-year-old
student who was born in Purok Magupay, Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental on October 9,
2003. She is a Roman Catholic and a Filipino. She is also single and physically, mentally,
and emotionally fit.

From 2006-2008, she attended Cateel Central Elementary School for her elementary
years, and from 2015-2019, she attended Cateel Vocational High School for her junior high
school years. Service Awardee is her non-academic award.
Curriculum Vitae

Jonalyn Yap is the daughter of Mr.Edgar A. Yap and Livalen P. Yap. She is 18 years
old and was born on August 23, 2003 in Purok Talisay 2, Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental.
She is a Filipino with a single status and follows the Iglesia Ni Cristo faith.

She attended Cateel Central Elementary School from 2009 to 2016, where she
completed her elementary education and junior high school years at Cateel Vocational High
School from 2016 to 2020. She attended her senior high school education at Maryknoll
Academy of Cateel from 2020 to 2022, where she studied Humanities and Social Sciences.

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