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A Devise to change your gestalt
Sheikh Taoshobuddha List Price: $25.00 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Black & White on White paper 320 pages ISBN-13: 978-1463691646 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ISBN-10: 1463691645 BISAC: Religion / Mysticism

Tasuwware Sheikh:

This work is NAQSHBANDI CLASSIC BY SHEIKH TAOSHOBUDDHA DIFFICULT TO PUT DOWN ONCE STARTED. In this work Taoshobuddha explains the methodology that a master uses to bring about transformation in the disciple. His way and means are unique, beyond human comprehension, he says. When truth manifests itself there can be no better song or melody. Tasuwware Sheikh is such a moment to moment journey through the remembrance of the sheikh in the process of inward journey. Tasuwware Sheikh has been coined by Shah Bahauddin Naqshband in 13th century. And since then it has been recommended by the sheikhs as an essential dhikr for the murids.

This present classic on Tasuwware Sheikh is the journey of a Fana-fe-ul-Murid of Naqshbandi Sheikh Sufi Brij Mohan Lal. Riding the wings of the reminiscence of Naqshbandi Lakshmi Sahai Sheikh Taoshobuddha has woven a classic presentation through his command on language, understanding of the tariqat, and

Nisbet-E-Illahi. Whatever be your faith and whoever be your sheikh one thing is certain this classic will certainly connect you to your sheikh, tariqat and in the process will become a dhikr-e-qulb in the process of transformation. Various other chapters have been designed to bring an insight into life and works of Sheikh Brij Mohan Lal and Naqshbndiyah tariqat and its advent in Indian subcontinent, As you move through the pages feel Nisbet-e-Illahi deep within. Subhan Allah!!! CreateSpace eStore:

Shah Bahauddin Naqshband - Life and Works:

Authored by Sheikh Taoshobuddha List Price: $25.00 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Black & White on White paper 304 pages ISBN-13: 978-1463691714 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ISBN-10: 1463691718 BISAC: Religion / Mysticism


I am ecstatic that once again I have the occasion to speak to you. However this time the overflow is of Hazrat Shah Bahauddin

Naqshband, one whose very essence pulsates through the entire Sufi path.

Spiritual awareness is like water, it takes the color and shape of the cup. Allah's Knowledge is so great, that however much we take; it is like a drop of a huge ocean. It like a vast garden, however much we have cut it is as if we had cut but one flower says an ecstatic Bahauddin. Yet still the fundamentalists try to cage this sublime awareness of eternal oneness within narrow boundaries of religion and beliefs. Spirituality begins when you cross the narrow boundaries of religion and religious beliefs. The entire ummat or creation is the responsibility of the one who has attained spiritual awareness. But very rarely you find someone who is versatile to speak of various paths and masters with authenticity and thus brings out truth in its sublimity. Sufism is such overflow of love a great experiment in human consciousness: how to transform human consciousness into ishq. It is alchemy. And through this work and others my effort to bring about the alchemical change in consciousness that be possible! This is what I am doing here with you. You may be aware, you may not be aware of it, but this whole experiment is to create in you as much love energy as possible. Man can be transformed into pure love energy. Just as there is atomic energy discovered by physics, and a small atom can explode into tremendous energy, so too each cell of your heart can explode into tremendous love. That love is called ishq. It is atomic in nature. No one can destroy this. You may call this Love or Awareness, or Consciousness or God matters not. What really matters it to be with this energy. Even more significant is to imbibe it into your being. And then let it overflow your being. Also let it surround your life, your living. Sufism is the path of the overflow of energy. This is Naqshbandiyah Nisbet the Tariqat. CreateSpace eStore:

Leaves from a Sufi Heart Vol. 2 Sheikh Taoshobuddha

List Price: $30.00 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Black & White on White paper 436 pages ISBN-13: 978-1463691011 (CreateSpaceAssigned) ISBN-10: 1463691017 BISAC: Religion / Mysticism

Sufism is great celebration. I invite you to celebrate it with TAOSHOBUDDHA. The Volume 1 of Leaves from a Sufi Heart paused at Bahauddin Naqshband. I thought enough has been spoken. No, yet still much has been left unspoken of his methodology. So when I began the Volume 2 of Leaves from the Sufi Heart I had to begin with Bahauddin Naqshband. After Bahauddin the path that was single tracked developed many off shoots. From him the main stream had developed many tributaries. Therefore it was essential to begin with Post Bahauddin Era. However before I could do this his methodology the unique way through parables needs to be explained. This has not yet begun something else

was knocking the consciousness. When I looked deep within it was the entire Sufi Doctrine - the explanation of various terms.

Thus the journey of the Volume 2 of Leaves From a Sufi Heart began. It is outcome of the grace, the nisbat, the faiz, of Allah

Subhan wa Taala and the Khawajans that this volume is now in your hands as the Makhtoobats of the masters. Without the faiz or the nisbat it could not be possible and the effects that it is creating within the readers. May Allah shine His Noor along the path of every aspirant. Many I may not meet physically, kindle their path through the Gaibana Tawajjoh each finite moment. Kudrat-E-Illahi is beyond human comprehension. ALHAM DIL ALLAH, SUBHAN ALLAH, ALLAH HO AKBAR. I think your books are highly recommended for the true seekers, especially for the seekers of the highest spiritual order Naqshbandiyah Mujaddidiyah in English language. I pray to Allah Ta'ala may your book THE LEAVES FROM A SUFI HEART is acceptable to Allah Ta'ala, His Prophet and the whole Ummah. Maulawi Jalalludin Ahmad Ar-Rowi Naqshbandi, Malaysia CreateSpace eStore:

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