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LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

LAKASA Oil Interceptor

LAKASA Oil Interceptor is required wherever
lubricating oil, cutting oil, kerosene, gasoline, From Source (car wash bay,
washing sink etc)
naptha, paraffin, trisod phosphate and
numerous other light density and volatile liquids
are present in the drainage. In commercial
establishments such as service stations, Vent
Outlet to Sewer
garages, auto-repair shops, dry cleaners,
laundries industrial plants or process industries Inspection
having machine shops, metal treating process Connection
access cover

rooms, chemical process or mixing rooms, etc,

there is always the problem of flammable or
Gravity Draw-off Line
volatile liquids entering the drainage system
which can contaminate the sewer line and
cause a serious fire or explosive condition. The LAKASA Oil Interceptor
discharge of oily wastewater, which consists of
high degree of BOD (Biological Oxygen
Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), Oil Storage Tank
FOG (Fat, oil and grease), and other organic
wastes into natural waterways has disastrous
impacts on aquatic life and the environments. Install at Carwash bay, Service & repair
workshop, carpark, petrol station, oil
LAKASA Oil Interceptor is a preliminary distribution depot, garage etc.
treatment for oily (hydrocarbon) wastewater
discharged from sources such as service &
repair workshop, carwash bays etc. The effluent from the interceptor should be channeled to sewer line for
further process and treatment. LAKASA Oil Interceptor is designed to allow introduction of any liquid types for
separation as long as there is sufficient specific gravity differential to permit gravitational separation. When the
liquid temperature is about 20 C, the Water Specific Gravity is 0.998; whereas, the Oil Specific Gravity is 0.92

It is also take into account that the water flow is intermittent and variable and the oil or any combination is non-
emulsified oil/water mixtures. The design also allows the intercepted oil to be automatically drawn-off for storage
in a continuous operation. Sediment should be removed from sediment bucket at regular intervals. To eliminate
pressure build-up inside the interceptor, a vent connection on side of the body allows the venting of interceptor.

Oil in Water Coalescing Media – How It Works

LAKASA Oil Interceptor contains a coalescing medium or media. This media provides a suitable surface for oil
droplets to meet and grow, or coalesce, into larger droplets. As oil droplets grow in size the buoyancy of the
droplets increases. The droplets rise towards the surface of the water due to the fact that the specific gravity of oil
is less than the specific gravity of water. In this way the oil will form a layer that can be skimmed manually or to be
channeled into a separate storage tank, pending for proper disposal.

As oil droplets coalesce into larger droplets, the

Time needed for oil droplet (0.85Sp.Gr.)
buoyancy of the droplets increases. This reflected in
in water to rise 3 inches
the known rise time for a given size of oil droplet. The
Droplet size, microns Rise Time
more efficient the coalescence action of the media,
the larger the oil droplets become. Larger oil 300 12 seconds
droplets result in reduced rise time. Shorter rise 150 42 seconds
time will certainly increase and improve the 60 4 min 12 seconds
efficiency and effectiveness of Oil Interceptor.
Coalescing plates offer high efficiency and low operating and maintenance costs because there are no moving
parts and no replacement parts are needed or spent absorbents generated.

Notes to follow to generate good effluent

1. Sizing of interceptor meets the requirement. Water flow rates are within the specification. Adequate water
retention time will ensure proper separation of oil/ water mixture.
2. Perforated bucket at sludge chamber should be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. Sludge and
deposits present in the oil will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the interceptor.
3. Hydrocarbons entering the separator will be in a free non-emulsified state and capable of being separated
from water by gravity separation.
4. Detergent will emulsified the oil and allow it to enter the sanitary sewer system because detergents have a
definite affinity for hydrocarbons. Wash water from truck washing racks must be routed directly to a sanitary
sewer or treated with special equipment.

LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

LAKASA Oil Interceptor

Used at garage, carwash area, service & repair workshop etc.

Stainless Steel
Gasketted Aluminium
Cover with
nc Checker Plate
na be
r Hinges Support Vent
in rt
Ma ppo ct N
um A Connection
su nta
Co Overflow
Exit Coalescer
B Pack E
ro er
nt b
Co um
it l N Air-Relief
U n eria
S Oil Draw-off Sleeve Valve & C
Inlet (adjustable level) Rodding

Outlet F
se trap
eep ral
D teg
Schematic View

(Ref. No. 237/16/206)
Material : stainless steel (Job No. J197/01)


Dimensional Data (All dimension in mm)

Model Flowrate Flowrate Inlet & A B C E F G WeightH
(GPM) (litre / outlet (length) (width) (height) *(full)
second) pipe (kg)
LK3015A 15 1.14 50 600 450 430 110 320 200 150 120
LK3020A 20 1.50 75 780 470 450 110 340 220 200 150
LK3025A 25 1.89 75 800 500 480 110 370 250 250 200
LK3035A 35 2.65 100 880 550 500 110 390 270 300 240
LK3050A 50 3.78 100 930 600 550 130 420 300 350 300
LK3075A 75 5.68 100 1200 800 620 130 490 370 400 550
LK3100A 100 7.57 100 1450 900 750 180 570 450 450 1000
LK3150A 150 11.35 100 1650 1000 850 180 670 550 500 1500
LK3200A 200 15.14 150 1850 1100 1000 210 790 670 550 1800
LK3250A 250 18.92 150 2050 1200 1140 210 930 810 600 2700
LK3300A 300 22.70 150 2440 1220 1220 210 1010 890 650 3000
LK3350A 350 26.49 150 2440 1220 1460 210 1250 1130 700 3300
LK3400A 400 30.28 150 2440 1220 1690 210 1480 1360 750 3800
LK3500A 500 37.84 150 2440 1525 1700 210 1490 1370 800 4500
LK3600A 600 45.41 150 2700 1720 1850 210 1640 1520 850 6000
LK3700A 700 52.98 200 2800 1930 1930 250 1680 1560 900 8500
LK3800A 800 60.55 200 2950 1950 2100 250 1850 1730 950 10,000
LK3900A 900 68.11 200 3050 2050 2200 250 1950 1830 950 12,000
LK31000A 1,000 75.69 200 3300 2100 2250 300 1950 1830 1000 13,500
* Full weight means when full with water & solid waste
Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (will not applicable to the following)
 Processing, manufacturing, washing or servicing of any other products or goods :
i. That produce effluent of less than 60 cubic metres (13,000 imperial gallons) per day ;
ii. That the effluent of which does not contain those contaminants listed as parameters (vi) to
(xvi) in the first column of the Third Schedule ;
iii. Where the total load of biochemical oxygen demand of the effluent fixed at 20 degree
centigrade for 5 days or suspended solid or both, shall not exceed 6 kilogrammes per day
(concentration 100 miligrammes per litre) ;
iv. In any housing or commercial development or both of less than 30 units, without affecting
the generality of the (iii) above.
For application whereby it need to meet the requirement of the Environment Quality Act, 1974, Standard B on
the oil & grease of 10mg/l of effluent quality, LAKASA Oil Interceptor should be sized with the Water Retention
Time (WRT) of more than 30 minutes. This will normally be able to produce the effluent result with >99.9%
grease & oil removal and to achieve the Standard B and to produce an average effluent of 10mg/l.

LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

Operation and Maintenance Guide

The oil shall be skimmed and dirt, sand and sludge shall be removed on a quarterly basis at a minimum. Oil shall
be handled as a hazardous waste stored and sent to a used oil recycler. If the oil is too thin to pump or skim, oil
absorbent pads or pillows can be used to remove the oil. These can be sent for disposal or recycling, or if oil can
be removed from them they can be reused (oil collected and sent for recycling).

The first quarter’s sludge/dirt shall be sent for waste characterization to determine if it can be disposed off as
ordinary waste or hazardous waste. If hazardous, sludge shall be stored in labeled drums and picked up by a
licensed hauler. If non-hazardous, sludge shall be disposed off to a landfill, and is not to be deposited on-site.

1. Manual draw off of oil. A routine inspection of oil interceptors should be Normal Water
Operating Line
undertaken at least once every 3 months by the inspection technician.
Using a dipstick, the amount of accumulated oil and solids shall be
measured to determine if a clean-out is required. Servicing and clean-out Adjustable
Draw-Off Sleeve

of oil to a separate storage tank pending for proper disposal whenever is 2mm

necessary. Static Water Line Interceptor Wall

2. Automatic draw off of oil. During the first 2 weeks of operation, check
the oil storage tank for oil build up to determine the frequency it needs to
be emptied. If water is found entering the draw-off sleeve into the oil To Oil Storage

storage tank during normal working condition, adjust the draw off level
upwards from 2 mm to 5 mm.

Installation method statement

 Inspect unit for defects / damages and make sure it meets specified requirements (eg : model and size).
 DO NOT INSTALL INTERCEPTOR BACKWARDS. Install interceptor as close as possible to the source to
minimizes unprotected pipe.
 Install interceptor sitting on floor, partially recessed or flush-to-floor, making sure there is enough room to
allow for easy maintenance of the unit. (Room for cover to be removed and sediment bucket to be taken out
for cleaning).
suspending interceptor from floor above, all units must be fully supported on bottom with a flat surface strong
enough to support the weight of the unit when full of water/sediment waste. All units must be independently
supported to avoid stress on fittings.
 WHEN INSTALLING IN THE GROUND, Construct a solid manhole sump for housing the interceptor.
Manhole sump cover should normally be higher a bit the floor level OR construct a drain surrounding the
cover to channel away most rain water and prevent in from entering the sump. The sump should also allocate
four corner Water Exit at lowest possible 4 sides corners for the in case splashed into rain water to escape
and seep into the earth outside the sump.
 Connect a ventilation pipe to the interceptor. This is to eliminate pressure build-up inside the interceptor.
 For automatic oil draw off by gravity flow, connect the interceptor to an oil storage tank for receiving and
storing oil pending for proper disposal. For manual draw off of oil, seal up the connection
light sand for back fill. Be sure backfill is free of sharp stones and foreign matter to avoid punctures. (DO
 INTERCEPTOR filled with clean water until static water level and is ready for operation.

Sizing of LAKASA Oil Interceptor

In order to work effectively, the amount of wastewater flowing into the interceptor needs to be calculated. An
estimate of the peak water flow during the washing process, the pattern of water flow (continuous flow throughout
the day or just intermittent water flow, on and off for every interval period). The Volume as well the Pattern of
water flow is the key contributor to the high or low Water Retention Time (WRT) achieved.

Removal % Water Retention Time
1. >30 min, >99.9% removal
99.9% 2. >20 min, >98% removal
LAKASA Oil Interceptor, SIRIM Test,
15 minutes WRT, achieved 99.4%

0 30 min 1 hour Time

LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

1) Calculation by number of fixtures

Peak flow rate Total nos. of hose outlet that continuous discharging to drain line at a particular time
Example A carwash area, equipped with 2 water hoses, used for car washing.
Each hose generates a water flow rate of about 8 GPM (example). Thus the estimated
peak water flow is 8 GPM x 2 = 16 GPM .

Scenario 1 (Very busy working environment)

If continuous water flow thru-out the day.
 To achieve Retention Time of 30 minutes : 16GPM x 30 min = 480 gallons.
 To propose model LK3250A (250 GPM), which has a volume capacity of approx.. 500 gallons

Scenario 2 (Not busy working environment)

If Waterflow continuously for 5 minutes at every interval of 30 minutes.
 To achieve Retention Time of 30 minutes : 16GPM x 5 = 80 Gallons
 To propose model LK3075A (75 GPM), which has a volume capacity of approx.. 103 gallons

2) Calculation by area (open area, subject to rainfall, example : Car Park)

Rainfall estimation in Peninsular Malaysia : Article Extract

Rainfall Total area (length x width in meter) x rainfall

Waterflow Length 30m, width 15m, rainfall : 25mm / hour (assumed average figure)
Rainfall water flow = 30 x 15 x 25 ÷ 3600 = 3.125 liter/sec
 To achieve WRT of 30 minutes : 3.125 x 30 X 60 = 5625 litres = 1240 gallons
 To propose model LK3450A (450 GPM), which has a volume capacity of 1240 gallons.

Sizing of Oil Storage Tank

1. Estimate the volume of oil into the interceptor

2. Frequency of maintenance routine (once a month, twice a month, etc)
3. Calculate the tank size required to cater for the total accumulated oil during the period.

Oil Storage Tank Dimensional Data

Model Effective Length Width Height Top to mid Recommended

Capacity (mm) (mm) (mm) draw-off for
(litres) pipe (mm)
LS0200 200 580 550 750 230 15-20 GPM
LS0250 250 630 580 800 230 25 GPM
LS0300 300 650 600 880 230 35 GPM
LS0400 400 700 640 1020 250 50 GPM
LS0500 500 750 680 1110 250 75 GPM
LS0600 600 800 720 1160 300 100 GPM
LS0800 800 900 800 1290 300 150 GPM
LS0900 900 940 840 1350 330 200 GPM
LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

LS1000 1000 960 880 1400 330 250 GPM

LS1200 1200 1000 900 1540 330 300 GPM
LS1400 1400 1050 950 1610 330 350 GPM
LS1600 1600 1100 990 1690 330 400 GPM
LS1800 1800 1150 1050 1700 330 450 GPM
LS2000 2000 1200 1050 1850 330 500 GPM
LS2500 2500 1220 1220 1930 370 600 GPM
LS3000 3000 1350 1220 2100 370 700 GPM
LS3500 3500 1480 1220 2200 370 800 GPM

Note : Select higher capacity of storage Tank should the application anticipate high volume of waste oil and / or
require longer maintenance interval.

LAKASA Oil Interceptor _ SIRIM Test Report

LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

Letters from DOE on LAKASA Oil Interceptor Installation

LAKASA Marketing & Distribution

Letters from DOE and SPAN on LAKASA Grease and Oil Interceptor


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