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Have you ever done something creative? Do you consider yourself creative?

Do you
know what kind of creative person you are? There are always certain creative qualities or types
in everyone, although these qualities vary from person to person. I obtained the result "the
Dreamer" on the Adobe Creative Type Test. After answering 15 questions, I discovered my
imaginative side based on my response as a creative type. It is said that a dreamer unleashes the
power of imagination. Given that I have a strong sense of feeling, a keen intuition, and a creative
imagination, I do agree with this result.

According to the outcome, my creative strength is that I have a strong sense of empathy,
sensitivity, and the ability to connect with emotions. When I watch movies, especially ones with
tragic scenes or when an animal—especially a dog—dies in the story, I get really emotional and
feel empathy. While I am developing crafts, especially when creating powerpoints for my
academics, I quickly connect to my creativity. When I am with someone, especially with total
strangers, I easily connect with my sensitivity.

I didn't perceive the world as it is when I was gazing at it. For me, the world is a magical
and beautiful place. I viewed everything as a symbol with a deeper significance. For instance, the
street where people pass by on foot is not simply a regular street in my opinion. When I am
wearing my lovely attire, the road serves as a runway where I can model. I also consider the
entire world to be a stage where I can perform or do anything I want.

I believed that the world was beautiful and magical, and I used it as a platform for
expressing my inner self. Since I perceive the world as a runway or stage, I want to express
myself in this world by wearing very fabulous and extraordinary clothes. I am not afraid of what
people will say about my outfit because I know I am just expressing my inner world through my
clothes in the real world. When I am expressing myself in the real world, as a dreamer, I only
think of myself as a magical realist since I naturally infuse my everyday life with the beauty and
wonder of imagination. With this, I do think the conclusion that I am a "dreamer" is not far from
the truth; in fact, I picture myself fitting the definition of being a dreamer.

The visionary type of creative is the one that wants to grow. The individual with great
ideas and the capacity to perceive potential and opportunity everywhere is the visionary kind. I
only view life with limits because I am aware that it has them. I am aware that I have utilized my
inner imagination in the real world, but I have always set boundaries. I want to grow so I can go
beyond my own expectations and beliefs. In order to build a community with like-minded people
who share the same beliefs and objectives, I also want to be more expressive, both to myself and
to others. I'm hoping to become more like a visionary soon.

I was only at my most creative in the second semester of last school year. I enrolled in
SPCM 104 during the previous academic year's second semester, which required us to write
scripts and deliver a variety of speeches. Being creative was necessary for this course. Since we
need to perform the speeches, it calls for a variety of backgrounds and props to make them
appear more realistic, especially since I am only at my home. I currently need to use my
creativity to transform my small room into an ideal setting for these types of speeches. The toast
speech is one of my favorites since it allows me to use my creativity.

The occasion for my toast speech should be my friend's bridal shower. Because the
occasion is a bridal shower, I must use my imagination to decorate my room to look like I'm at
one. I bought the craft supplies I needed to decorate my room. I placed some bridal shower-
appropriate décor. The toast required "wine," but as I don't consume any alcohol, including wine,
I had to find a substitute. I discovered coke, which has a tint similar to wine. Since my professor
loved it so much, especially when I did all of my backdrops that actually appeared realistic due
to my creativity, I know that this time giving speeches and giving speeches was my most
creative. I'd like to believe that this is not my last creative endeavor. I hope that this is not the last
time I will be creative and that I will develop more creative types.

The podcast is available at this link:

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