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Running Head: Assignment

Law & Ethics

[Name of Institute]
[Name of Student]
Table of Contents
Part A.........................................................................................................................................3
LO1: Relationship between morality and law............................................................................3
Low and Morality...................................................................................................................4
“Justice reflects our values about what is fair”. Do you agree with this statement?..............4
LO2: The values underpinning the legal system........................................................................5
LO3: Institutions, professional roles and ethics of the judiciary and legal professions.............6
Ethical implications for lawyers.............................................................................................7
Lusanda’s course of action about publicising Mr Wise’s name is permissible.........................7
LO4: Ethical responsibilities of lawyers....................................................................................7
The need for professional ethics.............................................................................................8
The importance of professional ethics in the legal profession...............................................9
Ethics and laws exist everywhere, in every corner of society. They constantly monitor the
activities of people near and far. They often work together to ensure the unmatched performance
of residents and do their best to ensure the well-being, safety and government support of people
in general. While the law regularly criminalizes moral leaders, law and ethics are not equally
broad. With an ethical community in mind, governments enact and enforce laws to mediate with
our associations and protect their residents 1.

Part A

LO1: Relationship between morality and law

The law is a government ruling. It is represented by a royal mandate. Courts deserve to be
destroyed. The desire of the state and understand its motivation. The laws reflect the political,
social and monetary relations between the people. It defines the rights and obligations of citizens
among themselves and before the state. According to the law, the agency fulfils its obligations to
people. It is a mirror of the sociological needs of society. Personal and moral are personally
identified with each other. Laws are highly dependent on society's ethical standards. Both of
them just control the person in the community. Usually, they affect each other 2. For laws to be
enforceable, they must comply with one's ethical beliefs. Regardless, great laws can sometimes
evoke a weak moral voice in humans and create and sustain conditions conducive to the
development of morality. Laws prohibiting and promoting primary education are the case. It's
impossible to separate this man from legal issues. Supporting the state and promoting human
Sheila McLean, Medical Law and Ethics (2017).
Wesley Cragg, ‘Business Ethics and Stakeholder Theory’, Corporate Social Responsibility (2017).
crime is the ultimate goal of the state. It is the responsibility of the state to determine laws that
raise the ethical standards of the individual. In this way, state laws comply with general moral
standards. Previous political science writers had no degrees in law or morality.
Plato's Republic can be equally regarded as a constitution on governance and ethical
issues. Compliance with the law is not only the sovereign of the ruler but also speaks in favour of
law or injustice, depending on the prevailing morality of the people 3. Moreover, compliance
with the law depends on the dynamic support of one's ethical feelings. Laws that do not protect a
person's moral spirit must be a dead letter. Model prohibition laws in India failed because they
did not promote a good voice for these people. Legislation. As Green puts it,
“A government trying to defend a law it doesn't like can do more harm than anything else
by breaking and spreading anti-legal prejudices. The total cost of such a breach will be more
significant than it might have been”.

Kerrie A Wilson and Elizabeth A Law, ‘Ethics of Conservation Triage’ [2016] Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

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