Course 3

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When a law is established, it is taken into account and deducted from values.

features, for example, advise and support the normal and rational pursuit of how the military
should be coordinated, directed and controlled at the public and private levels. These traits have
their origins incorrect law, as well as cultural aspirations, behaviours and activities (to be
expressed or accepted in law as you would expect, but you do not need to formally communicate
with the public to understand your accuracy or significance). These features are not laws, rules,
norms and desires that derive from and reflect them, or are intended to be final, rather like
obvious social phenomena or implications for social or jurisdiction. Such traits will likely be part
of the socially expressive heritage. They're bigger, but some are likely to rise above social
boundaries. As human qualities, they are the heart of everyone and the heart of society.
The law is based on these features in various habits and structures in terms of creativity
and adaptability. It can be assumed that public law issues refer to austerity measures, which,
according to their criteria, are capricious or pointless as a cause for concern to eliminate
inequality. It is everyone's reasonable desire not to use this power against themselves or in a way
that ignores their attention, credibility and pride. Equality covers private law matters that aim to
prevent inconsistencies and limit acts contrary to legitimate, reasonable and useful business
relationships 1. Public law covers various areas or subjects in which society has common
interests and one or more forms of state power develop. This includes not only sacred and
precautionary law but also law governed by the administrative and main forces union, as well as
areas such as criminal law and debt law.

LO3: Institutions, professional roles and ethics of the judiciary and legal professions
A lawyer is a client's representative, legal interlocutor, the authority responsible for the
legal framework, and a resident with exclusive responsibilities regarding the nature of the
judicial system. As a client representative, legal counsel has a variety of skills. As a consultant, a
legal counsel provides the client with a clear understanding of the client's legal rights and
obligations and explains their respective consequences 2. As a lawyer, the lawyer vigorously
confirms his client's situation by the enemy's guidelines. As a moderator, the legal counsel
strives for an outcome that is beneficial to the client but still predictable given the demands of
legitimate interactions with others. The legal counsel acts as an appraiser who investigates the
client's legal problems and provides detailed information to the client or others.

Ethical implications for lawyers

“Autonomous litigation is necessary to protect the quality of the law adequate general security of
freedom and essential opportunities for all Monetary, social and cultural, or common and
political property rights require everyone to recognize the autonomous judiciary as the legal
Peggy Dilworth-Anderson, Geraldine Pierre and Tandrea S Hilliard, 'Social Justice, Health Disparities, and Culture
in the Care of the Elderly' [2012] Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.
E Raaijmakers and others, ‘Criminal Defendants’ Satisfaction with Lawyers: Perceptions of Procedural Fairness
and Effort of the Lawyer’ [2015] Psychology, Crime and Law.
"Lawyers will constantly protect the dignity and honour of their calls key experts in organizing
justice. "

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