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Physical Fitness

Through Dancing
Physical Education II
Opening Prayer
Dear Lord and father of all, thank you for

today. Thank you for the ways in which you

provide for us all. For Your protection and

love we thank you.

Help us to focus our hearts and minds now

on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by

Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide

us by your eternal light as we discover more

about the world around us. We ask all this in

the name of Jesus. Amen.

Fitness Program

What kind of activities do you

engage in during your free

Physical Activity
"any bodily movement produced by

skeletal muscles that requires

energy expenditures."

Physical Activity is any activity that

requires bodily movement.
"planned, structured, repetitive, and

purposeful in the sense that the

improvement or maintenance of one or more

components of the physical fitness is the

Physical Inactivity
it is a term used to "identify

people who do not get the

recommended level of regular

physical activity"

-sedentary lifestyle
environmental factors
According to WHO, an adult must have atleast

150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic

physical activity throughout the week or

atleast 75 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous

physical activity (MVPA) throughput the week

or an equal combination of both.

Fitness Program

How do you assess your

physical status? Are you

physically active or inactive?

Support your answer.

Fitness Program

What things prevent you from

being physically active? What

can you do about them?

Types of Physical Activity
1. Aerobic Activity - cardio or endurance


2. Muscle-strengthening activity - resistance


3. Bone-strengthening activity - applies force

on the bones for bone growth and strength

4. Stretching - a specific muscle or tendon is

deliberately flexed or stretched.

Physical Fitness

it is a "set of attributes that people have or

achieve that relates to the ability to

perform physical activity"

Health-related Physical Fitness
1. Cardiovascular-respiratory fitness
-can sufficiently supply oxygen to the

muscles during physical activities

2. Muscular fitness
-ability to use the muscles for

physical fitness.
-measured through muscular

strength and endurance.

Health-related Physical Fitness
3. Flexibility
- ability to move joints smoothly

4. Body Composition
- measurement of the relative

amounts of a person's body's fat, muscle,

bone, and water.

Dance as a Physical Activity
Dancing is moving one's body

rhythmically to music that often

accompanies it.

Dancing is an aerobic

physical activity.
Dance as a Physical Activity
Dancing improves the condition

of one's heart and lungs.

Dancing makes the bone stronger

and prevent risk of bone disorders

such as osteoporosis.

Dancing helps in weight

Dance as a Physical Activity
Dancing helps in lipid control.

Dancing can boost one's memory as it

exercises the mind, too.

Dancing helps improve one's

balance, spatial awareness and

Dance as a Physical Activity
Dancing increases self-

confidence and self-esteem.

Dancing is a proven stress reliever

as it is capable of uplifting one's


Dancing has social benefits.

FITT Guidelines for Dance
Frequency - how often a physical

activity is to be done

Intensity - magnitude of effort

required to perform an activity

Type - kind of physical

activity that you must engage

Time - how long you should do a

physical activity
Home-based Activity


Watch the documentary of dancers and

write a one-page summary of their life

and your reaction about their

experiences and the impact of dancing

on their life.
Closing Prayer

God of mercy, thank you for this

community of learning. Bless the work we

have already begun in this class, make

good its defects, and let us finish it in a

way that pleases you.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus

Christ our Lord.


Thank You!

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