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- Fixed-term Temporary Employment Contract - Phases 1 & 2 (A)

(in accordance with Section 691 in Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code)

The parties:

The employer / temp agency

Recruit a Student Personeelsdiensten B.V., situated in Breda at Ginnekenweg 32, represented by Folkert

The employee/ temp worker

Name/ initials: Navarro Mari M.
Address: Helper Westsingel 14 A
Zip code + place: 9721BD GRONINGEN
BSN number: 569036537 Phone number: +34675127779
IBAN: ES1130580990222757149355 Date of birth: 30/07/1998
Identification card: 53880369V Payroll tax*: YES *(YES=1 NO=0)

Article 1. NBBU Collective Agreement for Agency Workers

This temporary employment contract is subject to the NBBU collective agreement for agency workers, the details
of which can be found at The agency clause in this temporary employment contract does not apply
and an exclusion of the obligation to continue to pay wages applies. This means that no wage is due if the work
has been cancelled, as a result of which no work has been performed. The exclusion of the obligation to continue
to pay wages does not apply in the event of incapacity to work.

Article 2. Term and commencement of the temporary employment contract

The Employment Contract will end after 4 weeks. The Employment Contract will start on 05-09-2022 and will end
by law on 02-10-2022.If the contract ends, the contract shall be continued without objection by one the parties
for the same time as in the first contract, but never for more than a year. This will continue with the same terms as
the first contract. Referred to Article 667 paragraph BW. Fase 1-2 is maximum of 52 weeks worked . After this
period fase 3 will start.

Article 3. The function and nature of the work

After registration you will receive a personal code. With this code you can logon to your work agenda on . In this agenda you can see the assignment and the job title.

Article 4. Scope of working time and hours of work

The working hours are a minimum of 0 hours per week and a maximum of 160 hours per 4 weeks. After
registration you will receive a personal code. With this code you can logon to your work agenda on In this agenda you can see the working hours and times.

The client is entitled to demand overtime and to make changes to the hours of work in consultation with the
agency worker and the employment agency, insofar as business circumstances necessitate this, in accordance with
the statutory provisions.

Article 5. Trial period

The parties have agreed not to have a trial period.

Article 6. End of the temporary employment contract and notice period

1. The agency clause does not apply to this temporary employment contract. This temporary employment
contract ends by operation of law when the fixed term for which this contract was concluded ends.
2. The parties can legally terminate the temporary employment contract prematurely. When one of the
parties wishes to terminate this temporary employment contract prematurely, the statutory notice period
stipulated in Section 7:672 of the Dutch Civil Code must be observed. If the term of the temporary
employment contract is shorter than the statutory notice period, premature termination is not possible. A
notice of termination can be submitted throughout the month.

Article 7. Wages and allowances

1. The wage of the employee is at least the minimum wage per hour. By clients with own CAO, their CAO
2. Temporary employee indicates that she/ he does want to apply the payroll tax (‘loonheffingskorting’) by the
employment agency from the start date of this contract.
3. After registration you will receive a personal code. With this code you can logon to your work agenda on . In your work agenda you can see exactly what you earn gross per hour per assignment.

The agency worker may be assigned to multiple clients. If the agency worker is assigned to another client, the
aforementioned terms and conditions of employment may change. The employment agency will confirm the
changed terms and conditions of employment to the agency worker.

Only the employment agency, not the client, owes the agency worker wages.
The employee agrees that his pay slip and his annual statement are sent to him in a digital format.

Article 8. Vacation days

For every full month worked, the agency worker is entitled to 16 2/3 vacation hours (Article 26 of the NBBU
collective agreement). The agency worker is entitled to continued payment of the effective wages1 during his
vacation days, provided vacation entitlements have been accrued.

Article 9. Incapacity to work Agency Worker

When ill, the agency worker notifies the client as well as the employment agency without delay but at least
before 8:30. and act in accordance with the sickness protocol in attachment 1. When off sick, the agency worker
is entitled to continued payment of 90% of his time-based pay during the first 52 weeks and to 80% of his time-
based pay between weeks 53 and 104. The statutory minimum wage is the lower limit. The foregoing applies in
accordance with Article 25 of the NBBU collective agreement.

The agency worker authorizes the insurer, the working conditions service, the reintegration company of the
employment agency and the private or public Employee Insurance Agency [UWV] of the employment agency to
use administrative details in connection with his employment insofar as such information is required for effective
absence management and correct payment of wages in the event of illness.

The agency worker authorizes the employment agency – as soon as two months of the temporary employment
agency have passed – to ask the Employee Insurance Agency [UWV] for information about the agency worker’s
benefits history, etc., insofar as such information may result in a reduction in wage costs for the employment

Article 10. Risk analysis

The agency worker, in the interest of order, health and safety, must comply with the instructions and directions, as
applicable to staff of the hirer. Before the agency worker commences his work, the employment agency notifies
him of the required (professional) qualifications and any possible health and safety risks and how to deal with
them.Within the framework of the Working Conditions Act, the agency worker is obliged to take note of the
potential hazards involved with working for the client. The agency worker is also obliged to use all prescribed
protective equipment made available for working in unsafe situations.

Article 11. Pension

The agency worker is entitled to accrue a pension as soon as he meets the conditions to join the STIPP industrial
pension fund, more information about which can be found at, or when the employment
agency meets the conditions to join any other industrial pension fund.

Article 12. Employment history

The agency worker hereby declares to have provided correct information about his employment history. The
information requested also includes information about his participation in pension schemes at previous employers.
If the information shows that the employment agency can be considered a successive employer within the
meaning of Article 12 of the NBBU collective agreement, the candidate, on request, provides information about

1 When applicable, the effective wages for the vacation days must be supplemented with the allowances the
agency worker would have received by virtue of the remuneration under the collective agreement or the hirer
fee if he had worked during his vacation days. Expense allowances do not fall under the allowances referred to
any transition payment paid to him and the employment agency can withdraw its offer before the start of the
employment agency work. There is no successive term of employment when its applicability was not foreseen as a
result of the agency worker intentionally or otherwise imputably providing incorrect or incomplete information
about his employment history.

Article 13 Obligations of the agency worker

Towards the employment agency, the agency worker is obliged:
– to notify the employment agency in writing, before signing the temporary employment contract, if he
was referred to the employment agency by the client;
– to abide by reasonable regulations of both the employment agency and the client in connection with the
performance of the work;
– to immediately notify the employment agency of changes to his personal details, changes to his position,
his training and/or other details that are relevant to the employment relationship;
– Share details on education/ diploma’s, work experience and competences from previous employers.
– to maintain secrecy regarding all matters he becomes aware of while exercising his duties and of which
he can reasonably suspect that disclosure thereof may be detrimental to the employment agency or the
– to use appropriate work materials and/or work clothes to perform the work, if this is customary in the
client’s branch of industry and/or the wish to do so has been made known;
– to acknowledge that all materials made available to the agency worker by the employment agency or
the client remain the property of the employment agency or the client. The agency worker ensures that
all equipment, tools and documents made available to him during his assignment remain available to the
client. On the day his assignment ends, the agency worker will return all equipment, etc. made available
to him to the client or the employment agency;
– to carry out his work under the management and supervision of the client;
– to immediately notify the employment agency in writing when he concludes an employment contract or
enters into an employment relationship with the client;
– to carry valid proof of ID on his person during working hours and to immediately produce this for
inspection by authorised persons when requested to do so.

Article 14. Other provisions

This agreement is governed by Dutch law.

The employment agency is entitled to unilaterally change this contract in the event that its interests outweigh the
interests of the agency worker in accordance with the standards of reasonableness and fairness.
The undersigned declare that they agree with the above and with what is stated on the first page. The
undersigned also declares they received the terms of the contract and agrees with them. In attachment 2 of this
agreement all data that is used is mentioned in accordance with the GDPR, by signing this contract employee
agrees to have read and agree to this attachment.

Date: 05-09-2022 Town: GRONINGEN

Employer’s representative: Temporary worker:

Name: Folkert Brouwer Name: Maria Navarro Mari
(Signed by R. Beijer; CEO Recruit a Student)

Attachment 1 Default protocol Illness

Attachment 2 General Data Protection Regulation, processing personal data of employees
Attachment 1 Default protocol Illness

Employer and employee are jointly responsible for work as soon as possible in case of incapacity for work due to sickness in
accordance with the Improvement Poortwachter (WVP) Act. Part of the absenteeism is outsourced to the UWV.

This protocol applies for a period of up to 4 weeks after the employment contract expires.

1. sick leave
In case of illness, the employee reports to the client as soon as possible, at least before the service begins, sick with the (A)
employer and (B) the client.
(A) Employer (notification must be by phone and by mail)
Telephone: Contact information employer: (Head office number 088-522 00 00). We are
available 24 hours a day. Outside office hours, calls can be made with an emergency number indicated on the office's
voicemail, or you will be redirected to our emergency number. By mail: In addition to the telephone notification, an e-mail
from the employee must also be sent to confirm the interview under the following conditions **.
(B) Client
Telephone: Contact information assignment is always on the online schedule If the employee is not
able to contact the employer / client himself, the sickness report can be done by others. The sickness report is preferably
conducted at one instance in the company (direct manager or staff member or porter and the like).
** In the case of sick leave, the employee provides the following information:
– Nursing address, if different from the home address
– Probable duration of the disease
The employee is not obliged to provide information about the nature and severity of the disease. The employer is obliged to
report to the Arbodienst as soon as possible, but at least within four days at any time.

2. Accessibility
The sick must be accessible for contact with the employer and / or the labor department. During the first 2 weeks, the
employee is required to be available between 10:30 and 14:30. During this period, unannounced contact can be contacted /
visited; Then in principle by appointment. If the employee is ill for more than 2 weeks, the obligation is due to be at home
during the above hours. This duty also expires after the first consultation with the labor service.

3. Information
The sick must provide information about the course of the disease; On request but sometimes also spontaneously. The
employer informs him / her about changes in the expected disease time.
The Arbodienst will send the employee a so-called 'Own Statement' within 10 days of sick leave, which must be completed by
the employee and returned by return. If the sick suspects a connection between the illness and the work or working conditions,
he / she will mention this on the Statement.

4. Medical examination
The sick employee allows medical examination to assess disability.

5. Call from employer or employment service

The employer will contact the sick employee in the first week to inform him of his situation. During this discussion it will also be
discussed how often and in what way the employer and the sick employee will keep in touch during the illness period. The sick
employee is required to comply with a call from the company doctor unless he is informed in a timely and motivated manner.
If the company doctor wishes to visit the sick employee, the employee must give the company doctor the opportunity to do so.

6. Problem analysis
Within 6 weeks of the sick leave, the Arbodienst will issue a so-called 'problem analysis' in case of threatening long-term
absence. This analysis also includes an advice to the employer and employee about the employee's recovery and employee
resumption. The problem analysis is sent to the employer and the employee.

7. Plan of approach
Based on the problem analysis, the Arbodienst or the employer, together with the employee, establish a plan for
reintegration. A case manager is also appointed.

8. Availability for guidance

The sick employee grants co-operation for guidance aimed at his immediate resumption. Furthermore, the sick employee is
obliged to comply with the instructions of the company doctor for recovery.

9. Holiday
Holidaying during work disability is allowed provided:
· Does not prevent healing
· The Arbodienst agrees with this
To this end, the labor service issues a "declaration of no objection" to the employee, with a copy to the employer.
10. Termination contract
In the event of a contract for a certain period of time without a termination of employment, without a payroll obligation, the
contract will not be renewed at the end of the week of sick leave if this is terminated (contracts run from monday to sunday).
The continuation of the sickness benefit goes through the UWV. In case of a contract with a temporary employment contract,
the contract will be terminated immediately and the sickness benefit will be paid directly through the UWV.

11. Custom work

The employer is obliged to offer customized work, in his own company and, if that is not possible, outside his own company.
The employee is obliged to accept this customized work. The Arbodienst advises what custom work is. These are possibilities,
based on condition, condition and associated constraints and aspects as general education and skills of the employee.

12. Second opinion

If you disagree with statements by the Labor Service or with proposals or activities of the employer then you may request a
second opinion at the UWV. The judgment of the UWV is not binding but will be considered by a judicial review. Costs are for
the employer. Pending the verdict, the employee is entitled to a wage payment.

13. Preventive consultation hour / open consultation hour

The consultation hour in meant for employees to visit a doctor, even when they are not sick. When there are questions about
your health in relations to your work, working conditions or to prevent threatening long-term absence, you can make use of
the consultation hour.

The consultation hour can not be used for not work related problems. You have to go to your own doctor or those problems.

You can call Profcare , our advisor in vitality, labor and health, to make an appointment. Phone number +3145-572 22 43

Your visit to the doctor is completely anonymous. We will not be informed. There are no costs to visit the doctor.

13. Sanctions
In the first violation of the rule described above (Art 1- tm 11) for a period of 12 months, the employer is authorized to warn
the employee in writing.
In any subsequent violation of these rules of conduct for a period of 12 months, the employer is authorized to:
# In the 2nd violation, hold a half-day salary
# In the third violation, keep a daily salary
# In the 4th offense hold two days pay;
# In the 5th and every subsequent violation three days pay.
If, in the same illness case, the employee refuses to respond to a call from the labor service more than 2 times without vali d
reason, or if he refuses to cooperate, the employer is entitled to terminate the wage payment until the employee Keep up
with the rules.

· Before the employer imposes a penalty, he will report to the employee in writing and motivated his intention to this effect .
This is given at least 3 days to respond to this intention orally or in writing. After the employee's respon se or after the expiry
of the time limit, the employer will communicate his decision to the employee.
· If the employee fails to comply with one of the rules of conduct without valid reason, the company doctor informs the
· If the offenses in nature and number are so serious that further assistance due to the armed service is no longer possible, the
Arbodienst will share this with the employer and cease supervision.
Attachment 2 General Data Protection Regulation, processing personal data of employees

Personal data of employees are processed by us for the following objective (s):
• Implement the employment contract.

The basis for this personal information is:

• The employment contract.

For the above objective (s) we may request the following personal data from you:
• First Name; Last name; Telephone number; E-mail address; Date of birth; Salary data;
Copy ID; BSN number; Bank details.

Your personal data will be stored by us for the above mentioned processing (s) for the period:
• During the period that one has a contract and then only in the financial administration for a maximum of 7 years.

Provision to third parties

We may provide the information you give to us to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the above described purposes.

• Your name and telephone number can be provided to clients and employees of recruit a student if this is necessary for the execution of
an assignment.

In addition, we use a third party for:

• Providing the internet environment of Recruit a Student; Taking care of the administration and CRM; Taking care of the (financial)
administration; Taking care of the ICT environment; Providing newsletters and the like.

We never pass on personal data to other parties with whom we have not entered into a processor agreement. With these parties (processors),
we of course make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data. Furthermore, we will not provide the information
provided by you to other parties, unless this is legally required and permitted, for example by a court order or a court order. In such a case
we must cooperate and are therefore obliged to provide this information. We may also share personal data with third parties if you give us
permission in writing.

Within the EU
We do not provide personal data to parties which are located outside the EU, except when this is stated in the processor agreement we have
with a third party.

Storage period
We do not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or on the basis of what the law requires.

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing. For example,
we have taken the following measures;
• All persons who can take cognizance of your data on behalf of Recruit a Student, are obliged to maintain their confidentiality;
• We use a username and password policy on all our systems;
• We anonymize and ensure the encryption of personal data if there is reason to do so;
• We back up the personal data in order to be able to recover it in the event of physical or technical incidents;
• We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
• Our employees have been informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.

Rights concerning your data

You have the right to inspect, rectify or delete the personal data we have received from you. You can also object to the processing of your
personal data (or a part thereof) by us or by one of our processors. You also have the right to have the data provided by you transferred by
us to yourself or by order of you directly to another party. We can ask you to identify you before we can comply with the aforementioned

May we process your personal data on the basis of a permission given by you, you will always have the right to withdraw this consent.

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly. You always have the right to file a
complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, this is the supervisory authority in the field of privacy protection.

If you have any questions or comments in response to our Privacy Statement, please contact us:
Recruit a Student Personnel Services B.V. Ginnekenweg 32 - 4818 JG Breda - - 088-5220000

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