Laboratory Exercise No.2

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NAME: Collin Jasper C.

Pachingel DATE ACCOMPLISHED: January 25, 2022


Laboratory Exercise #2


GENERAL INSTRUCTION: In answering, use color blue ink. please follow instructions carefully. All sources in
answering your Results and Discussion must be cited following APA format 7 th edition. A deduction of 5 points will
be given in every error that will be committed. spacing for your answer will be your discretion, just make sure that
everything is aligned. send your final laboratory exercise both in a PDF and MS WORD format.

Familiarization with the different equipment and their uses is important to aid the students in the performance of the
different laboratory exercises. This will provide them with the confidence necessary in doing the various activities in the

At the end of the exercise, the students shall have
A. identified the different equipment and apparatuses used in microbiology and parasitology laboratory;
B. describe the functions and uses of each equipment and apparatus; and
C. illustrated the different materials and equipment used in microbiology and laboratory.

Petri dish Erlenmeyer flask
Inoculating loop Hanging drop slides
Inoculating needle Beaker
Staining jar Staining rack
Spatula Droppers
Stirring rod Centrifuge tubes
Applicator sticks Autoclave
Test tubes with screw Refrigerator
Alcohol lamp Incubator
Test tube rack Centrifuge
Fermentation tubes

1. Examine and identify all the equipment and apparatuses given.
2. Research on the important functions of each and how they are used.
3. Draw and label the different equipment and apparatuses.


Draw, label, take a picture, then paste the apparatus and equipment given. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from the net.

Petri dish Uses:

Illustration: Petri dishes are commonly used in labs to study microorganisms. Petri dishes
are shallow, spherical glasses used to grow cell, virus, bacterium, and other
microorganism cultures.

Inoculating loop Uses:

Illustration: When transferring or recovering germs, sterilize over a flame to reduce or
eliminate the danger of cross-contamination.

Inoculating needle Uses:

Illustration: To transmit and inoculate live microorganisms, use this device.
Erlenmeyer flask Uses:
Illustration: Used as a distillation receiving container, a reaction flask, and to heat the
solvent for crystallization.

Hanging drop slides Uses:

Illustration: To examine living, non-stainable, extremely minute
organisms, use this method.

Beaker Uses:
Illustration: It's used for measuring, mixing, containing, and decanting, among other things.
Staining jar Uses:
Illustration: It's used to stain germs, cells, and tissues.

Staining rack Uses:

Illustration: When staining microscope slides, use this to keep them in place.

Spatula Uses:
Illustration: Scrapes stuff out of beakers and moves things about.
Droppers Uses:
Illustration: To measure and transport little volumes of liquid, use this device.

Stirring rod Uses:

Illustration: To combine chemicals and liquids, use this tool.

Centrifuge tubes Uses:

Illustration: In medical laboratories, it's used to isolate components.
Applicator sticks Uses:
Illustration: Transfer microorganisms and mix liquids using this tool.

Autoclave Uses:
Illustration: Use a physical disinfection and sterilization method.

Test tubes with screw Uses:

Illustration: Cultures are transported and grown using this method.
Refrigerator Uses:
Illustration: To maintain the proper functioning of a variety of fluids and compounds in a
regulated environment.

Alcohol lamp Uses:

Illustration: To use for sterilizing and combustion, it creates an open flame.

Incubator Uses:
Illustration: Growing and sustaining microbiological or cell cultures in a heated and
confined cage.
Test tube rack Uses:
Illustration: To hold numerous test tubes at once, use this container.

Centrifuge Uses:
Illustration: To separate liquid samples at fast speeds, use this device.

Fermentation tubes Uses:

Illustration: In fermentation experiments, use to monitor and verify the production of gas.
1. What are the advantages of knowing the different equipment/apparatuses used in microbiology and parasitology?
It is critical to employ the appropriate laboratory apparatus for each experiment. Which sort of scales to use for an
experiment, and whether to use an electronic pipette or a manual one, are questions that should be answered before
beginning the experiment. Before even considering an experiment, one should be familiar with the various types of laboratory
equipment available. Above and beyond the reasons stated, understanding one's science equipment will only assist one have
a good experiment and may even aid in the correction of faults.

Aside from learning how to utilize scientific equipment, one needs also know how much it can take. Is this, in other
words, high-quality equipment? We should be cautious of the quality of science equipment we put in our laboratories, just as
we should be mindful of the silverware we buy for our microwaves. It will not only obstruct or interfere with the experiment you
intend to do, but it will also be a major red signal for your health.

It is critical to operate the various scientific apparatus with safety and attention. You should seek the guidance of an
expert chemist or laboratory worker if you aren't used to handling them since you might badly damage yourself. Your
experiments will also give you with inaccurate information and measurements if you mistreat the equipment.

Laboratory equipment is crucial in research and education, thus it should not be considered as a toy. They're
widespread in school laboratories to give students with fundamental chemistry instruction and experience, and they're now
one of the most popular types of laboratory equipment. They're also utilized in research laboratories, however they have more
complex and expensive equipment. Each piece of laboratory equipment has been developed to fulfill a certain function. They
are all necessary for scientists and researchers to carry out their work and experiments in the lab, resulting in data that will
benefit the general public. This is why we are offered beginning laboratory courses in chemistry and physics to teach us how
to utilize and care for laboratory equipment.

Science Equip. (2019). The Importance Of Being Familiar With Laboratory Equipment & Their Uses.


Walter, A. (2015, January 12). The importance of advanced science lab equipment in School labs - Science

First. Science First.


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