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Answer & Explanation

Solved by veri ed expert

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1. One  Element/Idea that can be considered as creative

2. One innovative Element/Idea

Report (350-400 words)

1. What's the element/ idea for creative..? Why do you consider it as creative?

2. What's the element/ idea for innovation? Why do you consider it as innovation?

3. How would you be more creative?

Step-by-step explanation
1. One  Element/Idea that can be considered as creative

Turn your home into an art space- from making a bundle of small sticks into a
golden wall design.

Things to prepare: 

bundle of small sticks (used for bbq)

1 glue gun

2 stick glue (may vary upon the quantity and the size of your nal product)

golden spray

1 small hook


First, cut the pointy edge of each sticks. We will form a diamond so we'll need four
sides, so it will be 1 stick each side.

Secondly, glue the point of each stick until it forms into a diamond.

Then, do it repeatedly with different distance so it will spread.

Until all the sticks are glued together, 

Spray them all together. Make sure to spray it outside your home so it won't be

Then add the small hook.

Hang it in your room or walls.

2.One innovative Element/Idea

Indoor herb garden

Initially, choose an herb that's good for your children/family especially with asthma.
There are herbs which gives you a great help since they can clean the air, making it
healthier to breathe. Then choose what shape would you prefer for your garden to
be. It can be small or wide, it depends on you actually. Then prepare a good soil
which is healthier. Or if you didn't like to have a garden, you can choose a mini pot.
Then just plant your herbs. Make sure to review the proper ways to plant herbs
because it's gonna create a little problem if you don't start it correctly in the rst
place. Finally, make sure you keep it from high temperature or too cold. Let your
herbs stay hydrated! Good luck.

1. What's the element/ idea for creative..? Why do you consider it as creative?

Turning my space into art, I would consider it creative since I'm reusing things that
can be considered as garbage into something better and with that, I'm transforming
it into another use. Things people could've never foreseen before that they have the
hidden ability perform and change situations or things into a more positive and
helpful way. No worries, it would come out unexpectedly for sure.

2. What's the element/ idea for innovation? Why do you consider it as innovation?

The indoor herb garden, I also consider this as an innovation since there's a better
change too for the people being affected with the new experience. It could create a
nice way of living and a healthier one of course. The theme for this is like killing two
birds with one stone. Being innovative while being able to live healthily. It's not one
side or the other, it's both sides! 

3. How would you be more creative?

Being creative doesn't have to be always based externally. It will always start within
yourself. By being creative and innovating things way much greater would create a
positive impact to me. I can be more creative by anticipating things with a better
deal of uncertainty, each of us differently. Being creative helps me to become a
better problem solver in all areas of my work and life too. Different studies have
shown being creative prepares a certain person to be all ready for uncertain
situations that could happen in one's life. People often thought that for you to be
creative you have to force yourself to think harder and deeper but I oppose with that
mindset. Creativity comes naturally, not forcefully. The one who has never seen
such ideas of things turning into a greater style is a person who's been pressured
by the societal needs and expectations. For me, I don't need to invalidate my way
of creativity by accepting their perceptions that I can't turn something better much
more than they thought I could. Trusting myself that I can bloom naturally, slowly, is
the gonna be the rst step.

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