MAKALAH Addict Narkoba

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Irvana Dwi Fangga
Fikri Fauzan
Rifa Nabela Putra
Rizky Satria
Ahmad Sidiq

Y.T 2022/2023

Praise and gratitude I say to Allah SWT, who has given His mercy and grace so
that this paper entitled "Drugs and their prevention" can be completed properly. Don't
forget to send shalawat and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family,
friends, and to us as his people.

I made this paper to complete the English lesson assignment. I would like to thank all
those who have helped in the preparation of this paper. And I am also aware of the
importance of reading sources and internet references which have helped in providing
information that will become the material for the paper.

I also thank the teacher, Wita S.Pd as a teacher in the field of study who has given a
lot of guidance and all those who have provided direction and guidance so far so that the
preparation of the paper can be made as well as possible. I realize that there are still many
shortcomings in the writing of this paper, so I expect constructive criticism and suggestions
for the improvement of this paper.

I apologize if in this paper there are many mistakes and shortcomings, because
perfection belongs only to the Almighty, namely Allah SWT, and shortcomings are definitely
ours as humans. Hope this papers can be a benefit for all of us.

Bukit Kemuning, September 3, 2022

Group 6
List of contents


List of contents.......................................................................................................................iii


Chapter I Introduction.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Formulation of the problem…..........................................................................................1

1.3 Writing purpose…...........................................................................................................2

1.4 The benefits of writing….................................................................................................2

Chapter II Discussion............................................................................................................3

2.1 Definition of Narcotics and Psychotropics......................................................................3

2.1.1 Definition of Narcotics.................................................................................................3

2.1.2 Definition of Psychotropic............................................................................................3

2.2 Types of Narcotics and Psychotropics..............................................................................3

2.2.1 Types of Narcotics.........................................................................................................3

2.2.2 Types of Psychotropics..................................................................................................5

2.2.3 Other Addictive Substances...........................................................................................6

2.3 Factors Causing Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse.........................................................7

2.3.1 Internal factors...............................................................................................................7

2.3.2 External Factors.............................................................................................................7

2.4 The Impact of Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse...........................................................8

2.4.1 Impact on the human body............................................................................................8

2.4.2 Social impact.................................................................................................................8

2.4.3 Symptoms Changes as a result of drug abuse................................................................9

2.5 Prevention of Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse..............................................................10

2.5.1 Prevention against yourself.............................................................................................10

2.5.2 Prevention Against Family.............................................................................................10

2.5.3 Prevention of the School Environment...........................................................................11

2.6 Countering Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse.................................................................12

2.6.1 Preventive (Prevention)...................................................................................................12

2.6.2 Curative (Treatment)......................................................................................................12

2.6.3 Rehabilitative (Rehabilitation)........................................................................................12

2.6.4 Repressive (Repression).................................................................................................12

CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................................................................13

3.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................13

3.2 suggestion..........................................................................................................................13

in general, and in particular the Indonesian people. The name of the drug is very well known
among the public because the drug users say that the object is an object that can help those
who are experiencing problems in their lives, according to them drugs are heroes in their
his life. Drugs have been troubling our society in Indonesia because of the effects of
these objects if they are consumed incorrectly and excessively by users, it will cause
fatal, can also result in death for its users. Negative impacts other than death, drugs will
damage the nervous system for users so that
not infrequently addicts are often disturbed by the nervous system.
Keywords: Healthy

1.1 Background

Drugs are already familiar to the world community in general, even Indonesian people in
particular. The name of the drug is very well known among the public because the drug users
say that the object is an object that can help those who are experiencing problems in their
lives, according to them drugs are heroes in their lives. Drugs have been troubling our society
in Indonesia because of the effects of these objects when consumed incorrectly and
excessively by the user, it will be fatal, it can also result in death for the user.
its users. Negative impacts other than death, drugs will damage the nervous system for its
users so that it is not uncommon for addicts to be disturbed by the system
the nerves. However, with the threat that will be felt by drug addicts, most addicts do not pay
attention to this which will endanger the safety of their lives. They are even happy to be
friends with these forbidden objects, for them drugs are soulless friends who have the power
to help them when they need it. Cases of drug addicts are increasing from year to year, most
of the users are people
successful people who have excess money so getting drugs is not difficult. However, what is
even worse is the case of drug addicts from among teenagers. This is a concern for parents,
teachers and other parties, they are worried about it because if the successors of this nation
are mostly drug addicts, the future of this nation will be bleak. Therefore, it is necessary to
have proper socialization about drugs and effective prevention of drug users so that it is not

1.2 Formulation of the problem

There is also the formulation of the problem of prevention and control of drugs and
psychotropics as follows,

1. What are narcotics and psychotropics?
2. What are the factors or causes and consequences of the use of narcotics and
psychotropic abuse?
3. How is it treated and prevented?

1.3 Writing purpose

The purpose of writing a paper on the prevention and control of drugs and
psychotropics is as follows,
1. Know the meaning of narcotics and psychotropic substances.
2. Knowing the factors or causes and consequences of the use of narcotics and
psychotropic abuse.
3. Know how to treat and prevent it.

1.4 The benefits of writing

To provide information about drugs and their dangers so that we do not fall into it and we
can become the successors of a nation that is free from narcotics.


2.1 Definition of Narcotics and Psychotropics

2.1.1 Definition of Narcotics

Narcotics are substances or substances that can affect a person's psychological
condition (thoughts, feelings, and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological
dependence. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35/2009,
Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic
and semisynthetic which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of
taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can cause dependence.
2.1.2 Definition of Psychotropic
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35/2009, Psychotropics are
substances or drugs, both natural and synthetic non-narcotics, which have
psychoactive properties through selective effects on the central nervous system that
cause distinctive changes in mental activity and behavior.

2.2 Types of Narcotics and Psychotropics

2.2.1 Types of Narcotics
a. Group I
Narcotics that can only be used for scientific development purposes and are not used in
therapy, and have a very high potential to cause dependence. The example is :
 Heroin
This heroin is a morphine derivative that has undergone a chemical process. At
first this heroin was used to treat morphine dependence, but later it was proven
that heroin addiction was even more intense. Morphine or heroin is also called
putaw. It is a white, odorless powder.
 Cocaine
The effects of cocaine use can cause paranoia, hallucinations
and reduced self-confidence. The use of this drug will damage the nerves in the brain.

In addition to worsening the respiratory system, excessive use is very dangerous and
can lead to death. Cocaine, which is derived from putaw, is very dangerous for human

 Marijuana
Cannabis, also known as cannabis sativa, was originally widely used as a relaxant
drug to treat intoxication (mild poisoning). Marijuana can make mental addiction and
thinking becomes sluggish and the addict looks stupid because the substance can
affect concentration and memory and decreased thinking ability.

b. Group II
Narcotics that have medicinal properties, are used as a last resort and can be used in
therapy and or for scientific development purposes and have a high potential to cause
dependence. The example is :

 Morphine

Morphine is an opium derivative made from the mixture of

poppy sap (papaver sormary ferum) with other chemicals, becomes semisynthetic. Morphine
is the active substance of opium. In the world of medicine, this substance is used to reduce
pain during surgery or surgery. When the civil war broke out in the United States in 1856,
this substance was used for wounded soldiers, which reduced pain. However, because of the
negative effects, the users are replaced with other synthetic drugs.

c. Group III
Narcotics have medicinal properties and are widely used in therapy and/or scientific
development purposes and have mild potential to cause dependence. The example is :

 Codeine
Codeine is a type of drug used to treat moderate pain
to heavy. Side effects can be critical of the soul, as well as other opiate compounds
are respiratory depression.

2.2.2 Types of Psychotropics
a. Group I
Psychotropics that can only be used for scientific purposes and are not used in therapy,
and have a strong potential to cause dependence syndrome. The example is :

 Ecstasy
Of the many types of drugs circulating, this tiny ecstasy is the most widely
produced in the country. Apart from the raw materials
easy to obtain, the selling price also varies from the price of the "high class
executive" celebrity, above Rp. 100,000 to the price of slamming in the cafe stall
of Rp. 10,000 / item.
InexAnother name for this ecstasy is that it is still a descendant of psychotropic
substances and is widely traded like hotcakes. Ecstasy is circulated in the form of
tablets and capsules with the size of a shirt collar button that stands up from various
types, including: Adam, Eva, Flash, Dollars, Bonjovi, Mike Tyson, Playboy, Apple,
Angel, White Dove, and others.

b. Group II
Psychotropics that have medicinal properties and can be used in therapy and or scientific
purposes and have a strong potential to cause dependence syndrome. The example is :

 Amphetamine
Has street names: seed, meth, crystal, whiz. The form is in the form of white and
gray powder and also tablets. How to use by inhalation. While in the form of
tablets taken with water.

c. Group III
Psychotropics that have medicinal properties and can be used in therapy and or scientific
purposes and have moderate potential to cause dependence syndrome. The example is :

 Phenobarbital
Phenobarbatial is a barbiturate-derived anticonvulsant that is effective in treating
epilepsy. Phenobarbatial depresses the sensory cortex, decreases motor activity,
causes drowsiness, sedation, and hypnotics.

d. Group IV
Psychotropics that have medicinal properties and are very widely used for therapy
and or for scientific purposes and have a mild potential to cause dependence syndrome.
Example: Diazepam.
2.2.3 Other Addictive Substances
Other Addictive Substances are substances or substances that have psychoactive effects
outside of Narcotics and Psychotropics, including:
a. Alcoholic beverages containing ethanol ethyl alcohol, which has a depressing effect on
the central nervous system, and is often a part of everyday human life in certain cultures.
If used together with narcotics or psychotropic substances, it will strengthen the effect of
the drug or substance in the human body. There are three categories of alcoholic
beverages, namely:
1) Group A with an alcohol content of 1-5% (Beer).
2) Group B with 5-20% ethanol content (various wines), and
3) Group C with ethanol content of 20-45% (Whiskey, Vodca, Manson House, Johny Walker).

b. Inhalation (inhaled gas) and volatile solvents (solvents) in the form of organic
compounds, which are found in various household goods, offices, and as engine
lubricants. Some that are often misused are Glue, Tiner, Nail Polish Remover, and
c. Tobacco. The use of tobacco containing nicotine is very widespread in the community.
Cigarettes and alcohol are often entry points for drug abuse. Based on their effect on
behavior caused by drugs, they can be classified into three groups as follows:
1. Depressants(downer)
A type of drug that serves to reduce the body's functional activity. This type makes its use
calm and even makes you fall asleep and become unconscious.
Examples: Opioda (Morphine, Heroin, Codeine), sedatives (sedatives), Hypnotics (sleeping
pills), and Tranquilizers (anti-anxiety).

2. Stimulant Group(Upper)
A type of drug that stimulates body functions and increases the excitement of work. This type
makes the wearer active, fresh, and excited. Examples: Amphetamine (Shabu, Ecstasy),
3. Hallucinogens
Types of drugs that can cause hallucinatory effects that change feelings, thoughts, and
often create vision
different so that the whole feeling can be disturbed. Example: Cannabis (marijuana).

2.3 Factors Causing Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse

Factors causing drug abuse can be divided into two factors, namely:
2.3.1 Internal factors
Internal factors are factors that come from within the individual such as personality, anxiety,
and depression and lack of religiosity. Most narcotics abuse begins or occurs in adolescence,
because adolescents who are undergoing rapid biological, psychological and social changes
are individuals who are vulnerable to abusing these illegal drugs. Children or adolescents
with certain characteristics have a greater risk of becoming drug abusers.
2.3.2 External Factors
External factors are factors that come from outside the individual or the environment such as
the presence of substances, family conditions, weak laws and environmental influences. The
factors mentioned above do not always make someone later become a drug abuser. However,
the more factors above, the more likely a person is to become a drug abuser. This has to be
studied case by case. Individual factors, family environment and peer/association factors do
not always play the same role in causing someone to abuse drugs. Due to social factors, it is
possible for a child who comes from a harmonious and quite communicative family to
become drug abusers.

2.4 Impact of Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse

Narcotics and psychotropic abuse is the use of one of the

or several types of narcotics and psychotropic substances periodically or regularly outside of
medical indications, thereby causing physical, psychological and social function disorders.
As a result of abuse that is done too often will lead to dependence.

2.4.1 Impact on Human Body

a. The brain and central nervous system which result in memory impairment, attention or
concentration disorders, disturbances in acting rationally, perceptual disturbances causing
hallucinations, motivational disorders so that they are lazy to go to school or work, and self-
control disorders so that it is difficult to distinguish good or bad.
b. The airways will have inflammation of the lungs and swelling of the lungs.
c. Heart, there is inflammation of the heart muscle, narrowing of the heart blood vessels.
d. Liver, Hepatitis B and C occur which are transmitted through needles, sexual intercourse.
e. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS. Drug users are known for their high-risk
sexual behavior, they are willing to have sex to get substances or money to buy substances.
Diseases that occur dalah gonorrhea, lion king, and others. Drug users also share needles,
which increases the rate of HIV/AIDS transmission.
f. The skin has injection marks for users who use needles, so they often wear long
g. The reproductive system is often sterile.
h. Complications in pregnancy include: maternal anemia, vaginal infections, hepatitis, and
AIDS. The content has abortion, poisoning
pregnancy, stillbirth, and fetal growth retardation, premature birth, and low birth weight.

2.4.2 Social Impact

a. Family environment
1) Frequent fights and irritability.
2) Parents are anxious because valuables are often lost.

3) Children's deviant behavior (lying, stealing, disorderly, free living) and being
a family disgrace.
4) Dropping out of school or being unemployed due to being expelled from school
or work, thus damaging family life, and financial difficulties.
5) Parents become desperate because spending money increases for medical and
rehabilitation costs.

b. School environment
1) Damaging discipline and motivation to learn.
2) Increased acts of delinquency, truancy, and student brawls.
3) Leads to increased abuse among peers.

c. Community Environment
1) A black market is created between dealers and dealers looking for users.
2) Dealers or dealers use intermediaries for teenagers or students who have
become dependent.
3) Increased crime in society, such as robbery, theft, and murder that makes
people feel restless.

2.4.3 Symptoms of Change as Impact of Drug Abuse

a. Physical Change
1) When using drugs, road users stagger, talk slurred (slurred), apathetic
(indifferent), sleepy, and aggressive.
2) If there is an overdose, shortness of breath occurs, slow heart rate and pulse,
cold skin, and even death.
3) When you are addicted, there are red eyes, runny nose, yawning constantly,
diarrhea, pain throughout the body, lazy to take a bath, seizures, and decreased
4) Long-term effects will result in an unhealthy appearance, not caring about health
and hygiene, porous teeth, injection marks on the arm.
b. Changes in Attitude and Behavior
1) Decreased achievement in school, not doing schoolwork, often truant, lazy, and
less responsible.

2) Changes in sleep patterns, staying up late, having trouble waking up in the
morning, and being sleepy in class or at work.
3) Often travels late at night, sometimes doesn't come home without permission.
4) Often shuts himself up, lingers in the bathroom, and avoids meeting with other
family members.
5) Often gets calls and is visited by people who are not known by other family
6) Often lie, ask for a lot of money with various reasons but
unclear use, taking and selling valuables belonging to oneself or one's family,
stealing, engaging in violence, and frequent dealings with the police.
7) Often emotional, irritable, short-tempered, rude, hostile, suspicious,
secretive, and secretive.

2.5 Prevention of Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse

2.5.1 Self Prevention
a. Learn to say no, either to yourself or to others who offer us the illicit goods.
b. Don't be provoked because it's said to be clumsy.
c. You don't have to always want to be considered great, brave, slang, and so on.
d. Hang out with good friends and stay away from friends who behave badly.
e. Never try.
f. Thinking that drugs will cause suffering, both for yourself and for others.
g. Fill the days with positive activities, such as exercising, participating
in youth organizations, and extracurricular activities.
h. Increase faith and piety to Allah swt.

2.5.2 Prevention Against Family

a. Good parenting with love, planting good discipline, teaching the difference
between good and bad, developing independence, giving freedom of responsibility,
and developing children's self-esteem by respecting if they do good or achieve
certain achievements.
b. Create a warm and friendly atmosphere that makes the child long to go home.

c. Make time for togetherness.
d. Parents are a good example.
e. Develop good communication.
f. Strengthen religious life.
g. Parents understand the problem of drug abuse so that they can discuss it with
their children.

2.5.3 Prevention of the School Environment

a. Efforts Against Students
1) Provide education to students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse.
2) Involve students in planning, preventing, and
overcoming drug abuse in schools.
3) Form a positive self-image and develop positive skills to stay away from drug use
and smoking.
4) Provide a choice of meaningful activities for students (extracurricular).
5) Increase counseling guidance activities.
6) The application of religious life in daily activities.
b. Efforts to Prevent Drug Circulation in Schools
1) Raid by way of inspection.
2) Prohibit unauthorized persons from entering the school environment.
3) Prohibit students from leaving school during class hours without the teacher's
4) Foster good cooperation with various parties.
5) Increase supervision from the time the child comes to school.
c. Efforts to Foster a School Environment
1) Creating a healthy school environment by fostering a harmonious relationship
between educators and students.
2) Ensure regular attendance of teachers at school.
3) The teacher's exemplary attitude is very important.

2.6 Combating Narcotics and Psychotropic Abuse
Efforts to overcome narcotics and psychotropic abuse can be carried out in the
following ways,

2.6.1 Preventive (Prevention)

Prevention is carried out to form a society that has resilience and immunity to drugs.
Prevention is better than eradication.
Prevention of drug abuse can be done in various ways, such as guidance and supervision in
the family, counseling by competent parties both in schools and the community, recitations
by scholars, supervision of places of worship.
nightclubs by the security forces, monitoring the distribution of illegal drugs and taking other
actions aimed at reducing or eliminating the opportunity for drug abuse to occur.

2.6.2 Curative (Treatment)

Curative aims to heal the victims, both medically and through other media. Such as
places for healing and rehabilitating drug addicts, namely the Drug Rehabilitation Center.

2.6.3 Rehabilitative (Rehabilitation)

Rehabilitation is carried out so that after the treatment is complete the victims do not
back "addicted" to drugs. Rehabilitation seeks to support and
treats drug victims fairly so that they can return to society in a physically and mentally
healthy condition.

2.6.4 Repressive (Repression)

Repressive means cracking down and eradicating drug abuse
through legal channels, carried out by law enforcers or security forces assisted by the
community. If the public finds out, they must immediately report it to the authorities and
there should be no vigilante action.


3.1 Conclusion

Narcotics are substances or substances that can affect a person's psychological condition
(thoughts, feelings, and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological dependence.
While psychotropics are substances or drugs, both natural and synthetic, not narcotics, which
have psychoactive properties through selective effects on the central nervous system that
cause distinctive changes in mental activity and behavior.
Factors causing drug abuse can be divided into two factors, namely internal factors that
come from within the individual such as personality, anxiety, and depression and lack of
religiosity, as well as external factors that come from outside the individual or the
environment such as the presence of substances, family conditions, weak laws and
regulations. environmental influences. Efforts to overcome narcotics and psychotropic abuse
can be carried out in several ways such as preventive such as fostering and monitoring in the
family, curative such as healing with medical or other media, rehabilitative so that victims
do not get addicted to drugs again, and repressive through legal channels.

3.2 Suggestion
Based on the discussion, the author's suggestions are as follows:
1. Never try drugs even if it's just a little.
2. The government must eradicate drug trafficking in Indonesia.
3. Parents should pay more attention to their children so they don't fall
into the abyss of drugs.
4. It is necessary to increase cooperation between the community and the apparatus
to eradicate drug trafficking.
5. Teenagers must be considered by all parties so as not to fall into
drug abuse.


[1] Wikipedia. 2010. “Drugs” (online), (

[2] Tanjung, Ain. 2004. Understand Drug Crime. Jakarta: Integrated

Anti-Drug Correctional Institution

[3] BNK Samarinda. 2007. “Factors and Effects of Drugs”

(on line)( accessed on

24 April 2016)


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