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When I was a little, my parents sent me to a good class with "perfect” kids at Hùng Vương

elementary school, which was known as one of the most prestigious schools for children to
study, and as a child, I had no idea about my next journey with my new classmates and the
challenge I would face. I was famous for my friendliness toward everyone around; however, I
was infamous for my hopelessness in gaining knowledge at school. I was terrible at learning
different subjects in class. My mathematics teacher said I was a "retarded child" because I
could not do any multiplication tests in math let alone the easiest math types such as addition
and subtraction. My English teacher emphasized me to go to the English class since I did not
even know how to spell my name, this recommendation from her made me become ridiculed in
front of my friends. Repercussions succumbed had happened to me that I started being bullied
by my classmates, they said that I was a stupid girl and I should not go to school, my favorite
teacher even told my tablemate that he should slap on my face if I try to copy or peek at his
test. These circumstances made an 8-year-old me pull an all-nighter and self-isolated myself
everyday, I was at the most lonely point in my life. I had nowhere to run, no one to turn to, and
this process constantly grew a feeling of desperation inside me.
One day, my dad went on purchasing me a hot bowl of noodles on a pouring day for me to get
ready for school, I was emotional when I witnessed my father's appearance, with soggy clothes
and a muddy face. From that moment, I actually stepped back and recalled everything have
happened to me. I decided to study harder to have more improvement in my learning journey so
I did not let my parents down. I did not have to try to please everyone in my class anymore, and
I wanted to be more confident and change the situation to become better day by day. I have
tried a lot and breakthrough my fear of being judged and looked down on by others’ opinions. I
feel ecstatic because I can overcome my difficulties in learning lessons at school, finding new
friends, and adapting to a brand new environment.
That experience at my old school has certainly turned me into a different person from who I
was. I am more focusing on my study process and more aware of what I am going to do in the
next chapter of my life. I am now a student at the best school in the city, which is Lê Quý Đôn
high school for gifted students, and I specialize in English, I want to speak for all youngsters out
there that sometimes, it is important to take a step backward to make better progress, and do
not afraid of anyone’s prejudice against you.

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