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Improving the Dynamic Behavior and Working Accuracy of the CNC Laser
Cutting Machines

Conference Paper · December 2012

DOI: 10.1109/ICARCV.2012.6485437

2 613

4 authors, including:

Radu Breaz Cristina Biris

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


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Improving the Dynamic Behavior and Working
Accuracy of the CNC Laser Cutting Machines

Breaz Radu-Eugen, Târnovean Sorin, Biriş Cristina, Bologa Octavian-Constantin

Department of Industrial Machines and Equipments
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Sibiu, Romania

Abstract—CNC laser cutting machines are widely Reducing the machining feedrates could also improve the
encountered in the manufacturing workshops. The dynamic machining accuracy, by reducing the tracking errors, but this
behavior and working accuracy of these machines decreases in approach is considered uneconomical [5], [6].
time, due to normal wear and intensive use. Consequently, a
process or re-tuning the control parameters is required and it has Real-time error-compensation techniques offer a more
to be performed at the workshop level. The paperwork presents a advanced alternative that does not call for a reduction of
joint simulation and experimental process for improving the machining feedrates [7]. Time-optimal control algorithms were
accuracy of CNC laser cutting machines. The approach is focused also reported to improve machining accuracy [8]. Hence, these
on the capability of the machine to cut rectangular corners. techniques have received wide attention recently,
complementing developments in the domain of the CNC
Keywords—CNC, laser cutting machines, motion control, machine tool design and manufacturing approach [9]-[11].
rectangular corners
Most of the above-mentioned solutions have to be applied
I. INTRODUCTION in the designing phase of the machine tools and/or require
The most common way 2D laser cutting technology is cumbersome alterations of the CNC controller structure and
implemented in industrial systems is the CNC (computer high implementation costs.
numerically controlled) profiling machine. Although the prices One has to keep in mind the fact that the CNC machine tool
of such machine are still high, their use is wide-spread at the user is not a control specialist nor has the time and money to
small workshops level. modify the CNC controller of an existing machine. However,
The dynamic behavior and manufacturing accuracies of this there is a great demand of solutions for improving the machine-
kind of machines is greatly influenced by the motion control tools accuracy at the workshop level.
system implemented in the CNC controller. The laser cutting Usually most of the CNC controllers have a set of control
machines motion control architecture is quite similar to the parameters (axes parameters) which may be modified by the
control structure of the CNC milling machines and lathes. user. Of course, the modification of these parameters may
Typical CNC motion control equipment is based upon significantly affect the machine-tools accuracy. The work
rotational or linear servomotors, position and speed transducers presented here illustrates how an integrated simulation and
and ball screw transmissions. However, there are some experimental work approach, based upon the modification of
important particularities between CNC laser cutting machines the set of control parameters given in the CNC controller
and CNC milling machines or lathes: manual, may be applied at the shop-floor level in order to
 technological forces (cutting forces), inertial forces and obtain better manufacturing results.
friction forces) are significantly smaller; II. MODEL AND SIMULATION
 feeds are significantly higher within the process of laser Simulation techniques are widely used in order to predict
cutting. the machine tool performance. Most of the approaches are
based upon the dynamic models of the feed drives. The state of
One of the main problems, common to all CNC machines,
the art actuation device in the field of CNC cutting machine
is that in time, due to their extensive use, the manufacturing
tools is the permanent magnet synchronous servomotor.
accuracy is significantly decreasing. In order to address this
However, for the CNC laser cutting machines, due to the small
issue, a process of re-tuning the motion control parameters
values of the technological forces, the most used actuation
within the CNC controller is required.
device, at the feed drives level is the DC servomotor. There are
Traditional algorithms such as Proportional (P), also reported in the literature some promising researches
Proportional-Integral (PI) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative regarding the use of the asynchronous motors [12] or linear
(PID) based on the feedback principle [1]-[4] are widely used motors [13], in the structure of CNC feed drives, but this
in CNC motion control systems. solutions are still in an experimental stage.
Figure 2. The block diagram of the position loop
Figure 1. The block diagram of a feed drive.
This research is based upon a model of a feed drive, using a  = . 
DC servomotor as actuation device. This kind of motor is 1+ K a K t K th
widely used in the design of CNC laser cutting machines by a RB + K t K v
large number of manufacturers.
The mechanical part of the system has a small influence where:
upon the dynamic behavior of the machine, due to the small τ - electrical time constant of the motor
masses and inertias involved and also due to the small α – the attenuation factor.
technological forces within the process.
Then the motor speed can be expressed in the following
The method is focused on the fact that usually, the user of form:
the machine only knows a few parameters of the control
systems within the CNC controller. These parameters, together K 1U ( s )
with their variations ranges are included in the manual of the   ( s)  . 
controller. The model also shows the possibilities of calculating 1  s
the control parameters, which are not included in the
controller’s manual, starting with a small amount of input data. where:

The schematic diagram of a typical feed drive of a CNC  K a Kt

machine-tool is presented in fig. 1. Two control loops are  K1 = [rad/Vs].  
involved, an external position loop and an internal speed loop. RB + K t K v
The position loop is closed by means of a position measuring
unit (usually an encoder) which provides the position feedback The block diagram of the position loop, taking into
and the speed loop is closed by means of a speed measuring consideration the functional role of every component is
unit (usually a tachometer) which provides the speed feedback. presented in fig. 3, where KP is the position controller
proportional gain, Kc is the analogical to digital converter gain,
The relation between the angular speed of the DC Ke the encoder gain and Kg the gain of the mechanical actuator.
servomotor  and the input voltage U, with regards of the
complex variable s, can be expressed as [14]: The encoder, which is used for closing the position loop, is
characterized by the encoder gain Ke, defined as the number of
 pulses emitted for one rotation of the lead screw:
(s)  K a K t ].  
 [U(s)
1 +  s RB + K t K v
N imp
Ke = [pulses/rad].  
where: 2

R – motor armature winding resistance [Ω] where:

Jr – rotor inertia [kgm2]
B – viscous friction constant [Nms/rad] Nimp – number of pulses emitted by the encoder at a full
Kt – motor torque constant [Nm/A], rotation.
Kv – velocity constant [Vs/rad].
Ka – the amplifier gain
Kth – tachometer gain [Vs/rad]
τm – mechanical time constant [s] which can be expressed as:

 m  . 
RB  K t K v
Figure 3. The modified diagram of the position loop

  =   m  
The digital to analogical converter gain Kc can then be Vs/rad, Kth = 0.007 Vs/rad, τm = 0.004 s, n_bits = 16, Umax =
expressed as: 10 V, Kc = 0.000144 V/bit, Ke = 2500/2 pulses/rad.
Some other parameters of the systems are: motor rated
torque M = 6 Nm, rated output speed n = 4000 rot/min,
U max continuous RMS current I = 10 A, maximum allowable current
Kc = n _ bits
[V/bit].   Imax = 132 A.
2 1
In order to calculate the value of the amplifier gain, the
where: motor rated armature voltage U has to be calculated according
Umax – the digital to analogical converter input voltage [V]
n_bits – number of bits of the converter
U  K v + RI .  
Fig. 3 shows the rearranged block diagram, where the
transfer function of the position loop was set to unit and the where:
velocity loop block was replaced by its transfer function.
 – the angular speed of the motor
According to fig. 3, the overall transfer functions of the
position loop may be expressed as:
- for the open system   [rad / s].  

K P K c K 1K e Imposing the maximum working values for n (4000

H o ( s)  . 
s 2  s rot/min) and I (10 A), the motor rated armature voltage U =
85.57 V. Thus, the amplifier gain Ka may be expressed as:
- for the closed system
U 85.57
Ka    8.557. 
K P K c K 1K e U max 10
H c ( s)  . 
s 2  s  K P K c K 1K e
In order to study the behavior of the feed drive, a simulation
Equation (10) indicates the fact that the closed position loop diagram under Simulink software was built. The upper level of
can be considered as a second order control system, with the the diagram is presented in fig. 4 and the speed control
characteristic equation: subsystem is presented in fig. 5.
Another input from fig. 4 is the gear reducer gain, Kg,
s 2 + 2  n s +  n = 0.   defined as:

where the damping ratio and natural frequency are:

1 K
= ; n = . 
2 K 


 n = 2K .  

Taking into consideration equation 13, the position

controller proportional gain KP may be expressed as:

KP  2
. 
4 K c K1 K e

The input data was gathered taking into consideration the

experimental system, a feed drives of a CNC laser cutting
machine. The position control systems, on all feed dives, uses
as actuation device 6/3000 GE Fanuc DC servomotors [15].
The specific data for the motors, are: R = 0.18 Ω, J = 0.26 · 10-2 Figure 4. The simulation diagram of the feed drive
kgm2, B = 0.75 · 10-4 Nms/rad, Kt = 0.6 Nm/A, Kv = 0.2
Figure 5. The simulation diagram of the speed control subsystem.

 Kg = [m/rad].  
Figure 7. Maximum current through the motor
p – step of the leadscrew [m] For 2 and 3 the response of the feed drive is slower, but
i – gear reducer ratio the overshoot is zero, a normal fact for an over-damped
For this particular machine tool, p = 0.01 m and i = 1, so Kg system. However, fig. 7 clearly shows the fact that only 3 is
= 0.01/2 m/rad. the only acceptable value by the point of view of the
maximum allowable current through the DC servomotor, the
The position controller presented in fig. 4. Preliminary other value leading to a current value greater than 132 A.
simulation and experimental test had shown that other control
effects beside the proportional gain one (integral, derivative) It is here to notice the fact that by the point of view of the
had little or even no effects upon the dynamic behavior of the dynamic behavior of the system, the derivative gain, KD and
system. the feed-forward gain Kffwd of the position controller did not
influence the system.
In order to study the dynamic behavior of the feed drives,
by means of simulation, three values for the damping ratio  In order to study the working accuracy of the laser cutting
were into consideration: 1 = 0.707, 2 = 1 and 3 = 1.2. machine, by means of simulation, a rectangular corner
According to (14), the following values were obtained for the trajectory was generated. The parameters of the trajectory
for the position controller gain: KP1 = 81.2873, KP2 = 40.6314 were: feedrate f = 1000 mm/min, maximum displacement of
and KP3 = 28.2162. The derivative gain, KD and the feed- each axis x = y = 10 mm, maximum acceleration a = 3 m/s2.
forward gain Kffwd were kept zero. In order not to exceed the maximum current through the
From fig. 6 it can be observed that the velocity step motor the following equations were taken into consideration:
response of the feed drive depicts a good dynamic behavior for
1 (the system is fast, and the overshoot is acceptable). M
  . 

amax  p. (20)

 – angular acceleration [rad/s2]
amax – maximum linear acceleration [m/s2]
Fig. 8 and 9 shows the errors on X and Y axis with two
different values of KP, KP3 = 28.2162 and KP2 = 40.6314,
corresponding to 3 = 1.2 and 2 = 1.
It is here to notice the fact that the accuracy of the system
is better for KP2, corresponding to a smaller damping ratio.
Fig. 10 demonstrates the fact that as long as the condition
within (19) and (20) are fulfilled, the value of the current
through the motor does not exceed the continuous RMS
Figure 6. Velocity step response of the feed drive current, I = 10 A.
In order to demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach
to predict and improve the behavior of a CNC laser cutting
machine, some experimental tests were performed on the CNC
laser cutting machine. Rectangular corners were manufactured
on 6 mm thickness steel workpieces, with a feedrate f = 1000
mm/min (same value as the one used during the simulation
Fig. 11 shows the results of manufacturing a rectangular
corner with a position controller gain KP3 = 28.2162, while fig.
12 shows the results for a KP2 = 40.6314. It is here noticeable
the fact that the experimental measurements follow closely the
simulation results.
The values of the errors from fig. 11 and 12 were measured
on the manufactured parts, so the thickness of the laser beam
(which usually has a value in-between 0.1 – 0.2 mm) should
Figure 8. Errors on X and Y axis (KP3 = 28.2162)
be also taken into consideration.
The time periods for the processing cycles, both for
simulation and experimental tests were: acceleration time Tac =
0.0055 s, constant velocity time Tct = 0.5945 s, deceleration
time Tdc = 0.0055 s.
A trapezoidal velocity profile, on both axes, was used
during the corner manufacturing process. The trapezoidal profile
usually has the drawback of the occurrence of the jerk
phenomenon, due to the acceleration sudden variation from 0 to
amax, but this affects the accuracy of the CNC machines only
when large masses of the machine slides are involved.

Figure 9. Errors on X and Y axis (KP2 = 40.6314)

Figure 11. Measured errors on X and Y axis (KP3 = 28.2162, error on X axis
1.790 mm, error on Y axis 0.491 mm)

Figure 10. Current through the motor (KP2 = 40.6314) Figure 12. Measured errors on X and Y axis (KP2 = 40.6314), error on X axis
0.345 mm, error on Y axis 0.173 mm)
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