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Australia Awards in Indonesia is seeking applications for the Digital Technologies

for the Healthcare Sector (Including Telehealth) Short Course. This course
provides participants with opportunities to benchmark the Australian digital health
care sector, including policy development, implementation and review, and develop
strategies and plans to respond to the Indonesian Government’s objectives in
digital health, including telehealth.
The course includes a 2-week course in Australia (subject to Covid-19) and two
3-day workshops in Indonesia. The course is offered to 25 participants, and it is
Australia Awards Short Course targeted at Indonesian policy and planning officials from the national Digital
Transformation Office, provincial government health office officials; city and
“Digital Technologies for the Healthcare regency government health office officials; the leadership of major hospitals; and
health academics at universities.
Sector (Including Telehealth)” Learning objectives
• Explore how Australia has implemented digital technologies for the
healthcare sector (policies and programs)
• Benchmark and share experiences on the use of telehealth to improve
health care services, especially in remote areas (especially for areas with
less digital literacy, focus on how technology helps deliver primary health
care services)
• Explore telehealth integration with electronic medical records
• Explore current and proposed future applications of digital innovations in
the health service delivery
• Map stakeholders in the provision, approvals, funding and use of digital
services and technologies in the health care sector and explore government
bodies that manage the telehealth ecosystem
• Understand the need for clear regulation, sufficient infrastructure, skilled
health workforce, standardised mechanism, training (and refresher training),
and monitoring and evaluation of telemedicine health services
• Identify lessons learned in inter-agency coordination and collaboration
(federal/state, central/provincial), including the use of evidence to influence
• Benchmark approaches to building integrated digital systems that
communicate with each other (including data migration)
• Build networks with Australian institutions and experts for partnerships and
future collaboration on digital technologies for the healthcare sector
• Explore potential issues around management and use of information
technology in the provision of health services (including data
standardisation, limitation, protection and security and how to ensure best
practice is adopted)
• Explore how digital technology can improve GEDSI outcomes in healthcare
(e.g., inclusive services for people with disability, improving maternal and
child health, better access to reproductive healthcare services) by better
sharing of data from local levels to national levels
Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply!
Key Dates
• Pre-course workshop in Indonesia (3 days) in mid-October 2022,
• Short course over 2 weeks in Australia in November 2022,
• Post-course workshop in Indonesia (3 days) February 2023
Dates and location TBC, subject to Covid-19
To apply for this course, you must:
• Be a decision maker from the government (central government agencies,
Australia Awards Short Course provincial/city/regency government health offices), front line worker, manager
at a major hospital, or academic working in a related field (government
“Digital Technologies for the Healthcare representatives are expected to be ASN and have at least 5 years in the
Ministry of Health or Provincial hospitals/Puskesmas)
Sector (Including Telehealth)” • Have relevant experience in a relevant role
• Staff or middle managers outside of the above-mentioned targeted agencies
can apply
Course participant profile:
• Staff to Echelon II level
• Diploma (D3) qualification or higher
• Application is endorsed by the supervisor
• Committed to preparing and implementing an Award Project, an individual or
small group development project as part of the course
• Committed to engaging actively and fostering networks with multiple
• Committed to disseminating learning from the course with colleagues and
• The course is targeted at policymakers (not technical staff) in relevant
Applicants are expected to have professional working proficiency in English. The
applicants’ English language competency is part of the selection process. The course
will be delivered in English. Interpretation or language assistance will not be
This is a fully funded short course. Course fee, mobilisation cost, return airfares
(domestic and international), insurance in Australia (OSHC), accommodation (in
Indonesia and Australia), per diem, transport allowance and visa will be covered by
Australia Awards in Indonesia.
All applications MUST be submitted online via: by Monday,
29 August 2022 at 23.59 WIB at the latest!
An information session will be held virtually by Australia Awards in Indonesia on 15
August 2022 at 2 PM WIB. This session aims to guide applicants on the application
procedures, including the online application system, selection scheme and interview
process. RSVP before 13 August 2022 at

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