DM - MICA - KIDMEDICS - Anamika Bhandari

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Case Study - KidMedics

Anamika Bhandari

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2 Identify different
<Enter Your Response - Mention 2 channels for each>
paid, owned and
1. Paid:
earned channels to
a. Google Ads
meet the objective (2 b.Twitter Ads
channels each). c. Facebook

2. Owned:
a. Email Marketing campaigns such as company newsletters
b. Social Media posts and blog including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

3. Earned:
a. Product reviews on Youtube, social media, or blogs
b. Media coverage of products , services, brand or events

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2 <Enter Your Response>
Mention any four
Note: You can use two paid channels from the ones you mentioned in the previous question
paid channels and
identify ad formats Channel 1- Channel 2- Channel 3- Channel 4-
Google Ads Youtube Facebook and Quora
and the campaign
ideas on each.

Ad format for Ad format for Ad format for Ad format for

Channel 1- Channel 2- Channel 3- Channel 4-
Search Ads Text Ads Carousel &Video Bumper &
Discovery Ads

Campaign for Campaign for Campaign for Campaign for

Channel 1- Channel 2- Channel 3- Channel 4- Brand
Campaign to How KidMedics Will Addressing Pain story telling. How
educate couples help 1st time Points of the 1st this will provide
about the unknown parents and new time parents and solution to the
important facts born parents. do’s and don'ts. users.
about pregnancy.

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3 Allocate your budget
(in %) between <Enter Your Response>
Note: You can allocate a range of % among awareness, engagement and conversions
engagement & 1. Awareness:
Awareness campaign through google Ads. Mainly with search ads. The awareness of the
conversions. Mention service is very low, I would allocate 45% of the budget here.
your reason for the
same. 1. Engagement:
Engagement campaign through facebook ads. Through display ads need to display ads
through various channels I would allocate 25% of the budget here.

1. Conversions:
Conversions campaign through email marketing. Through emails we can create a good
conversion rates need to have specific cta I would allocate 30% of the budget here.

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<Enter Your Response - Min 2 for each stage>

Assign KPIs to (a) Awareness:

measure the As we can see the perfomance of awarness stage mainly through search ads like through
Seo conversion happened from the date when campaign started.
performance of
your campaign. (b) Consideration:
As we can see the perfomance of consideration stage mainly through how many users
intereacted with it the engagement rate can help.

(c) Purchase:
As we can see the perfomance of purchase stage mainly through how many users
downloaded the app or we can check how many cta conversion happened.

(d) Delight:
As we can see where mainly people have mentioned the brand on social media or set of
users perform brand action among other users.

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<Enter Your Response>
Create an
engagement 1. We can use the uninstall data so we can perform strategy on that
strategy to reduce
the uninstall rate.
2. Re-engage across channels . We can create a strategy for re-marketing
such channels like creating an email campaign with suitable cta with the
factors of product details

3. Like for users install the app the best for that is like creating a cta to get the
details for specific product like we can do in this way where the user uninstall
we can notify them about there next visit to doctor where it will create an
awareness among the users.

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