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Health Optimizing
Physical Education 12
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Dance: An Introduction
Health Optimizing
Physical Education 12
First Quarter – Module 1:
Dance: An Introduction
(Week 1-2)

Subject Teacher
TM- 0905-155-8935 / SMART- 0968-516- 9790
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Dances from the Past

• Lesson 2 – Dancing toward the 21st Century
• Lesson 3 – Health-Related Fitness and FITT Principles

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss the true meaning of dance from different perspective;

2. self-assess health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical
activity assessment participation and one’s diet; and
3. set FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain

What I Know
Instructions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your
choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Dance comes from the German word ________, which means “to stretch
or “to drag”.
a. damson c. theatron
b. legamentus d. exodus
2. Dance during the ______ period is based on superstition and infused
with magic.
a. 21st Century c. Ancient Egypt
b. Prehistoric d. Middle Ages and the Renaissance
3. Dance in this period increased as a court amusement and later
transformed into professional entertainment.
a. 14th century c. late 16th to 17th century
b. 15th century d. 18th century
4. Dances during prehistoric time have not yet been fully recorded. It was
only during the ancient period where ______ are believed to be the first
people to dance because of the discovery of dancing figures in rock
shelters and caves.
a. Romans c. Greeks
b. Cretans d. Egyptians
5. A period of “dance fever” wherein the young and old alike were not
limited to express their emotions through dance.
a. 16th to 17th century c. 19th century
b. 18th century d. 20th century
6. How many health-related fitness components are there?
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
7. The ability to use your entire body for long period of time without
stopping. This requires a strong heart, lungs, and clear blood vessels.
a. Cardiovascular Fitness c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Strength d. Muscular Endurance
8. The amount of force your muscles can produce.
a. Muscular Strength c. Power
b. Muscular Endurance d. Speed
9. The ability to move your joints through a full range of motion.
a. Flexibility c. Muscular Endurance
b. Reaction Time d. Muscular Strength
10. The percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when compared to
your other tissues, such has bones and muscles.
a. Body Composition c. Power
b. Muscular Strength d. Agility

What’s In

How healthy is your lifestyle? Prior to conducting a series of tests, let’s take a
review on your physical activities and make a self-assessment.

Instructions. Read the following statements carefully and put a check mark (√)
on the statements that apply to you.
I engage in dancing I always find time to I choose dance style
activities for at least do aerobic dancing at and intensity level
30 minutes several least 30-minutes in a that meets my needs
days a week day of fitness level

I take 1 to 2 days
I engage in dancing I perform flexibility rest in a week after a
that challenge my exercises a minimum week-long dance
heart rate of 2x per week practice

I do warm-up,
stretching, and I am always I balance the
cooldown exercises conscious with my intensity level of
before dancing body composition my dance training

I assess my physical
I maintain my ideal I dance to build
fitness level before
body mass index muscle stamina
I adjust to certain I dance regularly to I engage into nonstop
movements and enhance my dance exercise 20-30
routines to perform muscular and minutes in 4 to 6
dance better cardiovascular days a week
Count the number of check marks (√). Try to know your Healthy Lifestyle
Assessment rating in the Answer Key page of this module.

What’s New

Guided with the test protocols of the different test for health-related fitness,
perform the test with the help of any members of your family or
clasmmate. The Test Protocols contain the materials you need, the
procedure and the interpretation of your scores/results. (PERFORMANCE

Before performing the test, be sure to do the following:

1. Answer the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and record

all scores/results in the Physical Fitness Record Card. Get a copy from
your teacher/facilitator.
2. Wear appropriate clothing: t-shirt, jogging pants, rubber shoes, or any
suitable sports attire. However, when taking the BMI test, it is
recommended that you wear shorts.
3. Do not take food or drinks three (3) hours before taking the BMI test.
4. Make sure that the facility is safe for the administration of the test.
5. Conduct warm-up exercises and dynamic stretching exercise before the
tests except for the 3-Minute Step Test.
6. Perform cool-down exercises after the fitness test.
7. Perform the test in a challenging, encouraging, and fun-filled
8. BE HONEST in conducting the test. This will not be graded. Results will
be your basis in setting your fitness goal, to achieve and/or maintain
health-related fitness.




What is It

Dances from the Past
What is Dance?

Dance comes from the German word damson, which means “to stretch or “to
drag”. It developed as a natural expression of united feeling and action. Dance
is considered the mirror of the society because it responds to historical and
religious events as well as social and political statements.
Although there have been immense comparative differences in period and
culture, people still dance mainly for four reasons: (a) to please gods; (b) to
please others; (c) to please themselves; and (d) to build community within an
ethnic group or social interaction.
History and Development of Dance from the Different Periods

 Dance During the Prehistoric Period

 It had been a major form of religious ritual and social expression
within primitive culture.
 It was used as a way of expression and reinforcing tribal unity and
 It is based on superstition and infused with magic. Shamans as lead
dancers acted as physicians and religious leaders and kept tribes
healthy, prosperous and safe.

 Dance During the Ancient Civilization  Ancient Egypt.

 3,300 BCE (First Dancing). It is believed that the first people to
dance were the Egyptians. Archaeologists discovered paintings of
dancing figures in rock shelters and caves.
 As a way of expressing religious service and teaching ancient myth,
three (3) major dancers were evolved:
(1) the king;
(2) the priests who performed magical dances;
(3) virgin dancers who were trained to perform during
ceremonies led by the priests.
 Ancient Crete.
 The Cretan civilization (3000-1400 BC) was a cultural link in the
ancient world between Egyptians and Greeks.
 Cretans used dance to perfect their military training which made

 Ancient Greece.
 Dance was not just for religious and military training but also a
form of entertainment and display.
 Plato immensely gave importance to dance in education as stated
in the education on the Laws. He highlighted the two kinds of
dance and music: the noble (fin and honorable) and the ignoble
(imitating what is mean or ugly).
 Ancient Rome.
 Gave less importance to dancing which eventually became an
integral part of the corruption in the latter days of the Roman
Empire resulting in the condemnation of dance by early Christians.
 Dance was primarily performed for religious, social and
entertainment. However, theatrical entertainment was prohibited
but still existed and was performed within church during religious
 Dance During the Middle Ages and The Renaissance
 1400 (Ballet Comes into Play). Ballet started in this year in Italy, but
didn’t really become popular until around the year 1500. Ballet gained
its popularity when a lady of the arts, Catherine de Medici, married
King Henry 11 and threw festivals where they would perform ballet
dances. Ballet is believed to be the main core of every single dance
 A vast dance movement occurred throughout the courts of Europe in
the 15th and 16th centuries. During these times, new court dances
performed by the nobility came about as well as the rise of the art of
ballet in Italy and France.
 Several other dance forms continued to sprout and spread across
several countries.

Dancing toward the 21st Century
Modern History

 Dance During the Late 16th and 17th Centuries (1501-1700)

 1600 (Masque Dancing). Masque dancing started from elaborate
pageants and shows in the 16th century. Masque dancing involved
intricate costuming and stage designing that also incorporated singing
and acting as well as dancing. It was often used as a court
 A period in the history of dance in Italy, France, and England which
was considered to be pleasantly deep and rich. France became the
forerunner in dance during this period.
 Dance increased as a court amusement and later transformed into
professional entertainment.
 Dance During the 18th Century (1701-1800)
 1795 (Classical Persian Dancing). This style of dance evolved from
courtroom dancing. An era influencing Persian dance was the Qajar
Dynasty which lasted from 1795 to 1925. Dancers would perform
artistic and lively dances for the Shah. The music is usually played by
a small band.
 1800 (Tippity Tappity, Time for Tap). Tap dancing originated from
African tribe dancing. Tap dancing makes percussion sounds because
of dancers most commonly wearing leather shoes with two pieces of
metal and clip and clap against hard floors. Tap is still very popular to
this day.
 Dance During the 19th Century (1801-1900)
 1890 (Merengue Dancing). It is a Caribbean dance style that involves
partners holding each other in a tango-like position and moving their
hips side to side.
 1900 (Jazz and Acro). It involves doing smooth and flexible
movements, and lots of back bending and tricks. Both styles are
widely popular to this day.
 Ballroom dances also emerged during this period like Cotillion,
Polonaise, Quadrille, Waltz and Polka.
 20 Century Dances (1901-2000)

 Described as a period of “dance fever” wherein the young and old alike
were not limited to express emotions through dance.
 1950 (Contemporary Dance). Contemporary dance is a style that
combines jazz, ballet, and modern dance. It can be many different
styles, but most of the time it is melancholy and or intense.
 1970 (Hip Hop Dance). There are many styles of hip hop that include
breaking, popping, locking, and more. Street dance was performed
both in night clubs and on the streets. It is associated with funk,
breakdancing, and hip-hop.
 Several social dance movements also evolved such as castle walk,
tango, foxtrot, Charleston, Lindy Hop, Rumba, Mambo, Cha-ChaCha,
Samba, Bossa Nova, Boogaloo and Twist.
 Popular fad dances also emerged like YMCA and Macarena.

 21st Century Dance (2001- Present)

 2018 (Dance Nowadays). Today's dance style has taken a turn
towards more hip hop dances. Small and popular dances that involve
hip hop and that most everyone can achieve include the whip and nae
nae, Gangnam Style (it’s a little old), shooting, and more.

Lesson Health-Related Fitness (HRF) and

3 FITT Principles
The Health-Related Fitness Components

Before engaging any physical activities, you need to self- assess your
healthrelated fitness status and determine barriers to physical activity
participation. Health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do in
order to try to improve your physical health and stay healthy.
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to work together
to provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads.
The 3-minute Step Test is used to test cardiovascular endurance.

Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce. The PushUp
Test is most often used to test muscular strength.

Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to perform continuous

without fatiguing. The Basic Plank is most often used to test muscular
Flexibility is the ability of each joint to move through the available range of
motion for a specific joint. The Zipper Test and Sit and Reach Test is frequently
used to test body flexibility.

Body composition is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass,
bones and organs. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square
of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m², resulting
from mass in kilograms and height in meters.

Getting FITT with Dance

When engaging in any form of dance, always consider the FITT (Frequency,
Intensity, Time, Type) principle of training to be able to perform efficiently and
minimize unnecessary body stress and injury.

Frequency (How Often)- number of training sessions that are performed during
a given period (usually one week). About 3 to 4 times per week or more are the
recommended times of exercise for an individual. Rest or easy days are in
between to allow your body to recover from physical exertion.

Goal Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Workout Workout Workout Workout Workout

Cardio-vascular (3- Session Session Session Session Session
Munite Step Test) Rest 1 2 Rest 3 4 5
Intensity (How Hard)- an individual’s level of effort (light, moderate, vigorous).

Sample Activities Light Moderate Vigorous

Cardiovascular Endurance Slow walking Fast walking Jogging

This Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale below is used to measure the
intensity of your exercise/ physical activity. This value gives a reference point
for an individual’s internal load which can be compared with others during a
similar session.
RPE CHART (Rate of Perceived Exertion)

Rate Level Effort Description

• Feels almost impossible to keep going

10 Maximum Effort Activity
• Completely out of breath, unable to talk

• Very difficult to maintain exercise intensity

9 Very Hard Activity
• Can barely breathe and speak a single word

• On the verge of becoming uncomfortable

7-8 Vigorous Activity
• Short of breathe, can speak a sentence

4-6 Moderate Activity • Feels like you can exercise for hours
• Breathing

• Feels like you can maintain for hours

2-3 Light Activity
• Easy to breathe and carry on a conversation

1 Very Light Activity  Anything other than sleeping, watching TV, riding
a car, etc.

Time (How Long)- duration of a workout (including warm-up and cool-down) or

the length of time spent in training. To improve health-related fitness, trainers
recommend 20 to 30 minutes of nonstop exercise. Time should be decreasing
as the intensity of the activity is increasing.

Goal Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Slow Slow Fast

walking Walking walking Jogging Jogging

Cardio-vascular Rest Rest

30 30 25 20 20
minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
Type (What Kind)- mode of physical activity (swimming, jogging, dancing).

What’s More

Activity 1.1. Arrow It Out!

Follow the arrows and supply the blank portion of the Mind Map. Possible
answers are inside the box. Write the letter of your choice.

7 . ___

1 . ___ 8 . ____
6 . ___

as lead 2 . ____

5 . _____ 3 . _____
4 . _____
10 . ____ 9 . ____

(a.) Whip, Nae Nae and Gangnam style (f.) Ballet comes into play
(b.) Contemporary & Hip Hop dance (g.) Theatrical performance in churches
(c.) Merengue, Jazz and Acro dancing (h.) Noble and Ignoble dancing
(d.) Classical Persian & Tap dancing (i.) Dance for military training
(e.) Masque dancing (j.) Dancing figures on caves

What I Have Learned

1. Participation in regular physical activity can lead to improved physical fitness.
Regular moderate physical activity means engaging in relatively vigorous bodily
movement for 30 minutes to 1 hour that can elevate your heart rate.
2. Dancing is good for the heart. It gives a sense of balance and coordination. It is
a workout that engages the entire body. A 30-minute dancing burns between
130 and 250 calories, about the same as jogging.
3. The benefit of strength training for young teenagers like you lead to increase
muscle strength and endurance, power and muscle tone- all of which help to
improve and maintain your functional physical capacity to perform your daily
tasks easily.
4. Strengthening and flexibility exercises, on the other hand, are intended to
improve bone and muscle strength and improve resilience of your connective
5. At low values of BMI, weight gain should be achieved. If BMI test results
indicate that fat loss would be beneficial for your health, your first step is to
establish a fitness goal. Make your goal realistic and will ensure good health.
For normal values, weight maintenance is recommended.
6. Other activities that will help develop your health-related fitness are as follows:
Cardiovascular Crisscross jumps, jumping rope, mountain
Endurance climbing, high knee march, jumping jacks,
Zumba, dancing
Muscular Endurance Wall climbing, swimming, sit-ups, crab
push up, wall push-ups, V-sit

Muscular Strength Weight lifting, squat jumps, power lunges,

standing squat, pull ups, shoulder presses
Flexibility Yoga, volleyball, martial arts, gymnastics,
tumbling, toe touches

I. Matching Type. Match Column A with Column B. Select the letter of your
Column A Column B

1. Cardio-vascular Endurance a. Sit & Reach

2. Muscular Strength b. Dancing and Zumba
3. Muscular Endurance c. fat mass over lean muscle mass
4. Flexibility d. Push-up
5. Body Composition e. Stork Balance Test
f. Basic Plank
II. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of the best answer. Choices are
inside the box.

6. D a. Prehistoric
a nPeriod c e c. Middle
w Ages
a & Renaissance
s u s e
b. Ancient Civilization d. Modern Period

7. Dance style has taken a turn towards more hip hop dances.
8. Ballet gained its popularity in this period and it is believed to be the
main core of every single dance style.
9. Plato immensely gave importance to dance in education as stated in the
education on the Laws.
10. Theatrical entertainment was prohibited but still existed and was
performed within church during religious ceremonies.

III. True or False. Write A if the given statement is correct. Write B if the
statement is incorrect. Be guided with the underlined word/phrase.
11. Regular moderate physical activity means engaging in relatively vigorous
bodily movement for 10-20 minutes can elevate your heart rate.
12. Same as jogging, a 30-minute dancing can burn fats between 130 and 250
13. The benefit of strength training will lead to increase cardio-vascular
endurance which will help improve and maintain functional physical
capacity to perform your daily tasks easily.
14.Strengthening and flexibility exercise is intended to improve bone and muscle
strength and improve resilience of your connective tissue.
15. For normal body composition, you need to have at least a BMI of 23.

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