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Environmental Monitoring Report

Project No.36173-013
Period Covering January to June 2019
August 2019

Sri Lanka: Greater Colombo Wastewater

Management Project

Prepared by the Colombo Municipal Council, Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Council
for the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may
be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area

Environmental Monitoring Report – 2019(1)

For the period of 01.01.2019 to 30.06.2019

A summary report on Environmental Monitoring of the GCWMP for the period of

01.01.2019 – 30.06.2019

1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................5
1.1. Project Description........................................................................................................................ 5
1.2. Environmental Monitoring Mechanism ........................................................................................ 8
2. SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD ISSUES ........................................................................10
3. COMPLIANCE STATUS OF SUB PROJECTS ...................................................................................12
3.1. Rehabilitation of Sea Outfall: ...................................................................................................... 12
3.2. Upgrading of Wanathamulla Gravity sewer networks: .............................................................. 12
3.3. Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewers................................................................................................. 12
3.4. Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains: .......................................................... 21
4. Photographs .............................................................................................................................40


Figure 1. Location of project sites ................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 2. Institutional arrangement for the implementation of the project ................................................ 8
Figure 3. Mosquito control options recommended at site ......................................................................... 24
Figure 4. Larvicide samples used at site...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5. Fumigation at site ........................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 6. Awareness posters to dengue prevention at sites....................................................................... 26
Figure 7. Ground water quality measurements by nbro conducted at borella-ps project influential area 27
Figure 8. Baseline ambient air quality measurement conducted by nbro at borella-ps ............................ 27
Figure 9. Baseline noise quality measurement conducted by nbro at borella-ps ...................................... 28
Figure 10. Baseline vibration measurements conducted by nbro at borella-ps ......................................... 28
Figure 11. Waste collection containers at vystwyke-ps .............................................................................. 29
Figure 12. Rock particles extracted from bedrock ...................................................................................... 29
Figure 13. Properties subjected to crack survey in borella-pumping station ............................................. 30
Figure 14. Tree plantation program ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 15. Daily pep-talk conducted at wanathamulla-ps .......................................................................... 32
Figure 16. Pep talks provided for the workmen at borella-ps .................................................................... 32
Figure 17. Ehs training provided for the office staff at l&t office ............................................................... 33
Figure 18. Ehs-safe execution engineering (see) training for staff ............................................................. 33
Figure 19. Ehs safety month celebrations to improve the safety culture among workmen at borella-ps . 40
Figure 20. Inauguration of ehs-safe execution engineering training at borella-ps .................................... 40
Figure 21. Ehs-health checkup conducted for the workmen...................................................................... 41
Figure 22. Ehs-pep talk conducted for the workmen for the night work at malligawatte-ps .................... 41
Figure 23. Ehs-onsite training conducted for the workmen at borella-ps .................................................. 41
Figure 24. Ehs- induction training conducted for the workmen at slave island -ps ................................... 41
Figure 25. Ehs awareness quiz program conducted for contractor staff.................................................... 41
Figure 26. Health checkup for workers ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 27. Ehs executive walkdown conducted to ensure ehs implementations at site............................ 41
Figure 28. Ehs-pep talk conducted for the workmen at wanathamulla-ps ................................................ 41
Figure 29. Fumigation conducted to manage mosquito at bambalapitiya-ps ............................................ 41
Figure 30. Ehs- safety month inauguration session at borella-ps ............................................................... 41


Table 1. Ongoing construction sub projects ................................................................................................. 6

Table 2. Environmental monitoring and reporting arrangement ................................................................. 9
Table 3. Specific environmental safeguard issues ...................................................................................... 10
Table 4.details about gravity sewer project ............................................................................................... 12
Table 5. Environmental action plan for the gravity sewer sub project....................................................... 14
Table 6. Environmental monitoring plan and compliance status ............................................................... 17
Table 7. Details of the pumping station project ......................................................................................... 21
Table 8. Major activities of pumping station .............................................................................................. 22
Table 9. Environmental action plan for pumping station sub project ........................................................ 35
Table 10. Environmental monitoring plan and compliance status ............................................................. 37


1.1. Project Description

The wastewater disposal system of Colombo was first built in 1906-1916 and extended and
rebuilt in the 1980s and 1990s.The system comprises of gravity and pumped collection
systems; Northern and Southern that discharges all wastewater, untreated, to the Indian
Ocean through two long sea outfalls at Wellawatte and Mutwal. For various reasons the
system has lost its intended operational capacity and thus, the whole system requires
significant rehabilitation to restore its performance and allow expansion to underserved areas.
The government of Sri Lanka has received a loan from ADB to execute the Greater Colombo
Wastewater Management Project to rehabilitate the selected critical components of the
system. Accordingly the project has implemented with an estimated cost of USD116.5 million
out of USD100 million is funded by ADB while Sri Lankan government financing the balance
amount. The project become effective in April 2009 and planned to be completed by end of
December 2020.

Ministry of Internal & Home affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government is the
executing agency of the project while Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and National Water
Supply and drainage board (NWSDB) has been working as the project implementing

The overall objective of the Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project (GCWMP) is
to improve the urban environment by securing improved sanitation services for the people of
Colombo by upgrading sewerage infrastructure, and strengthening the institutional,
operational, and project management capacity of the wastewater service provider.

The project has the following three components:

Component 1: Upgrading Sewerage infrastructure. This is the main civil works component
of the project and consists of contract packages as follows.
1. Rehabilitation of Sea outfalls: Design, supply of equipment and construction of
rehabilitation of 2 marine outfalls in Mutwal and Wellawatte. – The contract, for this sub
Project component, was awarded to Leader Civil Guaugzhou Salvage Joint Venture. The
letter of acceptance was sent on 03.05.2013 and the completion date was 19.05.2015.
The contract was completed as planned and it is handed over to CMC who is the owner of
the asset. No more monitoring is done by the PMU as it is operated by CMC.

2. Upgrading of Wanathamulla Gravity Sewer Network: Supply of equipment and

construction of gravity sewers including new sewer pipe line laying to expand the
catchment, relocation of the sewer to public road, changes to the sewer alignment,
construction and cleaning existing manholes, modification to the sewer network and
conducting CCTV survey of sewers. The contract, for this sub project component has been
awarded to M/S Vonlan constructions (Pvt) Ltd. The letter of acceptance was issued on
20.12.2013. Lately the contract was terminated by a decision made by National steering
committee meeting due to the delay and some other issues of the contractor and
advertised the balanced work with CS19 sewer rehabilitation project. After reviewing the
received bid TEC report submitted to CAPC not recommending the bidder.

3. Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewers: Supply of equipment and construction of gravity sewers

and force mains including replacement of critical sewers of under capacity and
refurbishment of existing gravity sewers and force mains by replacement of non-
operational control valves and conducting CCTV survey of sewers. The contract, for this
sub Project component, has been awarded to TEACLY (S) PTE LTD, Singapore. The
letter of Acceptance was issued on 13.05.2014. 98.53% of the physical works are as of

4. Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains: Design supply of equipment,

construction of civil, mechanical electrical works associated with rehabilitation of 10
existing pumping stations and construction of 01 new pumping station in CMC service area
and laying 02 pumping mains. The contract, for this sub Project component, has been
awarded to Larsen and Toubro Limited, India. The letter of Acceptance was issued on
30.07.2015 and the effective date of the contract is 01.09.2015. 58.03% of the physical
works are completed as of 30.06.2019.

5. Rehabilitation of sewer lines in CS19 and Wanathamulla area for Colombo Municipal
Council: A fresh contract is being formulated combining balance works of Wanathamulla
gravity sewer contract and the repair works of CS 19 sewer line which connects whole
north catchment to the land-based chamber to the Mutuwal sea outfall. The condition
assessment carried out under component-1 has revealed that the line is heavily corroded
at several places and need immediate repair. It has been decided to give up this
component as there is no any potential contractor is selected and decided to consider in
future funding.

6. Supply of Operational Equipment: This sub component provides operational equipment to

assist CMC to carry out O & M tasks.
Component 2: Strengthening Institutional and Operational Capacity: This component
includes the following tasks. Asset management planning and operations, Financial
Management, Operational and Monitoring capacity, Environmental Compliance, customer
service and public awareness and Pro-poor and Gender-Inclusive sanitation services. All
these tasks were carried out under Institutional Development Consultants.
Component 3: Project Management and implementation support: This component is
supporting the project management and implementation including incremental administration
and operations associated with the project management unit (PMU).

The table 1 below summarizes the ongoing construction sub projects.

Table 1. Ongoing construction sub projects

No Sub project Contractor Overall progress

as of 30.06.2019
01 Rehabilitation of Gravity sewers
Teacly (S) Pvt Limited, 98.53 %
02 Rehabilitation of Pumping Larson and Toubro Limited, 58.03 %
Stations and Pumping Mains India

Figure 1. Location of Project Sites
1.2. Environmental Monitoring Mechanism

The proposed project falls within Category B of the ADB’s environmental classification of
projects. Accordingly, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report has been prepared and
approved by the ADB. Since the project is to rehabilitate the existing sewer system, it does not
require approval from Central Environmental Authority. In addition the Lanka Hydraulic
Institute (LHI), with the financial assistance of ADB, evaluated quantitatively the effects of
rehabilitation of the outfall using mathematical model simulation and it revealed that the
rehabilitation of sea outfalls will significantly improve the ambient marine water quality and
thus, minimize the threat of primary and secondary contact in beaches for recreational and
fishing activities.

The institutional mechanism for ensuring the proper implementation of environmental

safeguards will be directly coming under the purview of the Engineer to respective contract.
The Engineer with the assistance of the Design, Supervision and Management Consultants
(DSC) and the Project Management Unit (PMU) will carry out supervision and monitoring of
compliance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Management
Implementation Plan (EMIP), Health and Safety Plan (H&SP), Emergency Response Plan
(ERP) and the environmental effects of each sub project. In keeping with standard practice the
Engineer will report to the National Steering Committee (NSE) of the project regarding
environmental performance on a regular basis. A detailed report based on Site Specific
Environment Monitoring Systems (SESMS) will be submitted biannually to ADB. The
institutional arrangement for project implementation is as follows.

Figure 2. Institutional Arrangement for the implementation of the Project

The details of Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting responsibility for environmental

management at the site level are as follows.

Table 2. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Arrangement

Areas of monitoring Responsible Monitoring Frequency Reporting

Overall implementation of Environmental Supervision / Internal Monthly to Project
Officer / team Daily
EMIP /internal Monitoring (Contractor) Audit Director

Monitoring of As necessary to
implementation of Environmental Monthly / As
Officer / PMU Compliance Audit necessary Project Director
Occupational Health and
Safety Measures Biannually to ADB

Monitoring of EMIP Environmental Monthly / As As necessary to

safeguard measures Officer / PMU Compliance Audit necessary Project Director
Biannually to ADB

Public Relations Supervision /Internal As necessary to

Public Relations Daily Project Director
/complaint handling and Officer / audit Monthly / As
monitoring Contractor, necessary Biannually to ADB
PMU Ad hoc audit
Effects monitoring
Noise monitoring Contractor (Noise Level) As necessary

By Sound level meters

Effects monitoring
As necessary to
Dust monitoring Contractor (Dust Level) As necessary Project Director

Physical observation
Biannually to ADB
Effects monitoring
Impacts on structures Contractor As necessary
Pre and Post crack


The sites are frequently monitored by PMU to monitor the compliance of environmental safeguard. Any non - compliances are observed
they are notified to the Site Manager or Project Manager of the contractor immediately. A correction to the non-compliance is sought
immediately to rectify and the contractor are instructed to find permanent solution to the issue to comply the safeguard requirement. The
post compliance are confirmed by physical observation or through contacting the site supervision team of PMU in a week time. Table 02
below summarise the issues.

Table 3. Specific Environmental Safeguard issues

Sub Project Site Issues Correction Corrective action Post

Gravity Sewer Contract
Insufficient protection at voids in Provide adequate
Steel plates were placed on top of
05/03/2019 M26 manhole cover slab has led the Temporary Cover to close satisfactory
voids in the manhole cover
workers lives in danger the voids
Immediately covered the stock to
ABC stock kept near road exposed to Cover the stocks to avoid
avoid any air contamination and
17/05/2019 M26 external environment causing health the exposure to external satisfactory
proceeded material transportation to
issues to the public environment.
the site based on the requirement.
Avoid collection of water
Damaged plastic road barriers caused
inside the plastic barriers Arrangements were done to avoid
water to infiltrate and collect inside.
17/06/2019 M26 and frequent monitoring of collection of water inside the plastic satisfactory
This can be act as breeding ground for
damaged barriers specially barriers and monitoring is being done.
during rainy period
Shaft perimeter not barricaded Barricade the shaft
Constructed safety fence from GI pipes
13/03/2019 R1 properly threatens to the safety of perimeter with proper satisfactory
and steel net wrapped around.
the employees supports
water pumped out of the shaft left Connected the dewatering line to a silt
Improve drainage
drained along the road causing trap and directed the water by a
05/04/2019 R1 arrangement and water satisfactory
disturbance to the public rubber horse up to a storm water

Pumping Stations Contract
Inadequate cover provided at void Cover the void areas
Covered the void areas immediately
18/06/2019 CS3 areas of the main structure causing immediately after the satisfactory
with barriers and minimize the risk
employees to falling from heights. construction
Rainwater collected at some Possible preventive
Dewatered the collected water at
excavated areas resulting water to measures such as
18/06/2019 excavation pit and completed the satisfactory
stagnate. This can be act as breeding dewatering the excavated
activity and reinstated
ground for mosquitos. areas frequently
Sub-contractor has left the site Remove unnecessary
Removed the water on the equipment
without collecting his equipment & /unused equipment
and covered with Tarpaulin until the
15/04/2019 Vystwyke machinery leaving places to water immediately from the site satisfactory
equipment and machinery were
stagnation. This can be act as breeding and avoid collection of
removed from site.
ground for mosquitos. water
Immediately clean the
Bathroom sanitary equipment are not
equipment and adopt a plan Bathroom was cleaned and in a
09/05/2019 cleaned properly leaving health risk to satisfactory
to clean the bathroom position for use
the users


3.1. Rehabilitation of Sea Outfall:

The total civil works of the project is completed satisfactorily within the stipulated time and it is
handed over to the CMC. The land-based outfall access chamber of Mutuwal site was raised
and improved. A new outfall section along with diffuser section was constructed using HDPE
pipes with concrete anchors offsetting the damaged section of the outfall (Mutuwal). Further
mid-sea access points (Man-Holes) for both outfall lines were constructed. The whole lines
were cleaned and all accumulated grit and sediments were removed. No complaints were
recorded from any stakeholders during or after the execution of the contract.

3.2. Upgrading of Wanathamulla Gravity sewer networks:

The contract was terminated after having completed 65% of the original scope and there is a
balance of around 240 m of pipe laying and its associated construction works. The balance
works were incorporated with CS 19 formulating a new contract as described as 5th contract
package under component 1 in section 1.1.

3.3. Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewers

A. Sites under this Package

Table 4.Details about Gravity Sewer Project

Date of Planned Physical Financial

Details Status
award completion progress Progress
Contractor: Sewer construction
Teacly(s) Pvt. Ltd through trench-less
03/05/2014 31/12/2019 98.53% 94.51%
Contract amount: technique and open
USD35.51 mil cut in-progress

There are five major components in the project as A1,M26,T1,U1,U3,CFM9 and R1.Out of
them Rehabilitation works of U1 and U3 were complete and handed over to the CMC while
rehabilitation works of M26 and R1 are under progress. CCTV based conditional assessment
of 125km length of pipes are also in progress.

B. Activities carried out during reporting period

Major Activities

∗ Shaft construction (M26,R1)

∗ Manhole construction at M26 & R1.
∗ Alternative grouting and excavation(M26,R1)
∗ Spot repair works
∗ Field testing (M26, R1)
∗ Pipe jacking (M26, Park street)

∗ HDPE liner welding between shafts
∗ Spot repair works
∗ Over pumping of manholes

C. Environmental Action plan for the Gravity Sewer sub project

Table 5. Environmental Action plan for the Gravity Sewer sub project

Activities Possible causes Effect Mitigation Measures Relevant sites

Unstable slope/undercut, Potential
1 Construction of shaft Collapse of soil Shoring (Cylindrical RCC Caisson) M26
threat to workmen
Implementation of traffic management
Construction of shaft
2 Traffic congestion Public disturbance plan and road closures as per the local M26,R1
and manholes
regulations and approval
Wasted fuel increasing air pollution,
Construction of shaft Provide sufficient trained traffic
3 Traffic congestion encouraging road issues from the road M26,R1
and manholes controllers and supervision at site
Construction of shaft Possibility of injury to employees &
4 Accidents Hard barricading M26,R1
and manholes Public
Construction of shaft Possibility of injury and traffic
5 Accidents Provide signage, lights, blinkers etc. M26
and manholes congestion
Construction of shaft Possibility of injury and traffic Provide and Maintain sufficient Public
6 Accidents M26,R1
and manholes congestion Access
Contaminates surface water bodies, Temporary storage and immediate
7 Excavation Waste material All Sites
health hazards disposal
Transport of Slurry spill during
8 Unsafe and unhygienic during transport Dry the materials before transport All Sites
excavated material transport
Properly cover the material during
Transport of Health impact to the road users such
9 Dust generation transportation to avoid dust generation All Sites
excavated material as: irritation of eyes and nose
and spillage
Stock piling of
Blocking of public Disturbance to the day today life of Plan and identify location prior to
10 construction All Sites
venues nearby residents implementation
Stock piling of
Necessary barricades to isolate the area
11 construction Accidents Workmen health Hazard All Sites
and to prevent un authorized access

Stock piling of
Health issues, irritation of eyes and
12 construction Dust generation Store with necessary coverage All Sites
nose & respiratory health issues
Stock piling of
Siltation of barricade and cover materials
13 construction Disturbance to natural flow All Sites
drainage canals sufficiently
Stock piling of
Blocking of natural Surface water pollution and possible
14 construction Plan and avoid natural waterways All Sites
waterways flooding
Stock piling of
Waste due to left Unnecessary increase in material
15 construction Remove any leftover immediately All Sites
over requirement
Material handling at Irritation of eyes and nose & The dust generating materials are
16 Dust generation All Sites
site Respiratory health issues wetted sufficiently
Material handling at
17 Noise & vibration Disturbance to public handle one at a time All Sites
Material handling at Avoid collision of materials when
18 Noise & vibration Disturbance to public All Sites
site handling
Material handling at employ banks man to direct crane
19 Accidents Hazard to workmen health and safety All Sites
site drivers
Collapse of Damages to the adjacent properties
20 Dewatering Approved Method statement Available All Sites
structure and Health of people
Collapse of Damages to the adjacent properties
21 Dewatering cracks and settlements are monitored All Sites
structure and Health of people
Pollution of water Danger to aquatic life and pollution of
22 Dewatering Use prefiltration and silt trap All Sites
bodies water sources
Siltation of Use sedimentation, prefiltration and silt
23 Dewatering Reduction in flow capacity All Sites
drainage canals trap
settlement of Monitor of surroundings and
24 Dewatering Damages to the adjacent properties All Sites
surrounding immediately hold the activity if any

Micro tunneling Provide sufficient disposal yard and
25 Sludge waste Pollution of surface drainage M26
(Boring) dispose immediately
Air pollution
Micro tunneling
26 during debagging Respiratory health issues to the public Cover completely when debagging M26
of Bentonite
Movement of heavy
27 Noise & Vibration Disturbance to public Drive slowly in a limited speed All Sites
Movement of heavy Irritation of eyes and nose & Employ sprinkler bowser and water the
28 Dust All Sites
vehicles Respiratory health issues site
29 Grouting Cement dust Irritation of eyes and nose cover completely when debagging All Sites
Bar bending, Form
30 works and Rebar Waste danger to the safety of workers collect and dispose immediately All Sites
Dismantling Limiting of Workspace and danger to
31 Waste collect and dispose immediately All Sites
formworks the safety of workers
Irritation of eyes and nose &
Dust sprinkle water to curb dust M26
Respiratory health issues
Road reinstatement / use serviced machines M26
32 backfilling/Levelling Noise & Vibration Public irritation
work slowly M26
use off peak hours for road
Traffic congestion Public disturbance R1
Level and back fill the working site All Sites

Breeding site for Add mosquito dung frequently All Sites

33 water stagnation Spread mosquito borne diseases
mosquitoes Remove/ dewater the water retaining
structure, waste containers All Sites
Pollution of environment and
34 Waste disposal Illegal disposal Disposal in CMC approved location All Sites
disturbance to the public
Road cutting (Open Use low noise machineries / use
35 Noise Disturbance to public M26
trench) appropriate Cutting bits

Road cutting (Open Irritation of eyes and nose & use sprinkler bowsers before and
36 Dust M26
trench) Respiratory health issues during road cutting
Road cutting (Open Disturbance to the transportation of
37 (Bituminous and store and dispose immediately M26
trench) public
38 Labour at work accidents Occupational health and safety risk Compliance to H & Safety Plan All Sites

D. Environmental Monitoring plan and Compliance status

Table 6. Environmental monitoring plan and compliance status

Mitigation Measures Monitoring Parameters Monitoring Methods Compliance

1 Shoring (Cylindrical RCC Caisson) Approved Method statement available Physical observation Satisfactory
Implementation of traffic
management plan and road closures
2 Approved traffic control Plan is available Reviewing the records Satisfactory
as per the local regulations and
Provide sufficient trained traffic sufficient Traffic controllers are available
3 Physical observation Satisfactory
controllers and supervision at site at site
4 Hard barricading Shaft area surrounded by hard barricades Physical observation Satisfactory
Signage are appropriately placed Physical observation Satisfactory
5 Provide signage, lights, blinkers etc. Blinkers are functioning at night Interview Satisfactory
Sufficient lighting provided to the access Interview Satisfactory
Provide and Maintain sufficient Access roads are safe & sufficient for
6 Physical observation Satisfactory
Public Access mobility
Temporary storage and immediate
7 No dried waste available at site Review the records Satisfactory
No spill of muds along the roads from site
8 Dry the materials before transport Physical observation Satisfactory
to disposal area

Properly cover the material during
9 transportation to avoid dust No spill of mud or dust clouds generation Physical observation Satisfactory
generation and spillage
Plan and identify location prior to Stock piling location is identified and
10 Physical observation Satisfactory
implementation marked
Necessary barricades to isolate the
11 area and to prevent un authorized Stock piles are barricaded Physical observation Satisfactory
12 Store with necessary coverage Stockpiles are covered or wetted Physical observation Satisfactory
barricade and cover materials No siltation at the adjacent drainage
13 Physical observation Satisfactory
sufficiently canal/ Water bodies /Road.
14 Plan and avoid natural waterways Waterways are not blocked Physical observation Satisfactory
15 Remove any leftover immediately No left over of stocked materials Physical observation Satisfactory
The dust generating materials are
16 No dust clouds while handling materials Physical observation Satisfactory
wetted sufficiently
17 handle one at a time Noise level is within permissible level Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Avoid collision of materials when
18 Noise level is within permissible level Reviewing the records Satisfactory
employ banks man to direct crane
19 Banks man are available Physical observation Satisfactory
Approved Method statement
20 No collapses or cracks Physical observation Satisfactory
cracks and settlements are
21 Records are maintained Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Reasonably clear water is discharged into
22 Use prefiltration and silt trap Physical observation Satisfactory
Use sedimentation, prefiltration and
23 No siltation or blocks in the drains Physical observation Satisfactory
silt trap
Monitor of surroundings and Caution to the nearby structures and
24 Physical observation Satisfactory
immediately hold the activity if any complains made by residents

Provide sufficient disposal yard and
25 Permission is obtained for disposal yards Reviewing the records Satisfactory
dispose immediately
26 Cover completely when debagging Sludge are disposed immediately Physical observation Satisfactory

27 Drive slowly in a limited speed Noise level is within permissible level Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Employ sprinkler bowser and water
28 No observable dust clouds Physical observation Satisfactory
the site
29 cover completely when debagging Debagging point is covered fully Physical observation Satisfactory
30 collect and dispose immediately Site is clean Physical observation Satisfactory
31 collect and dispose immediately Site is clean Physical observation Satisfactory
sprinkle water to curb dust No dust clouds Physical observation Satisfactory
use serviced machines Noise level is within permissible level Physical observation Satisfactory
32 work slowly Noise level is within permissible level Physical observation Satisfactory
use off peak hours for road
disturbance to the public is minimized Physical observation Satisfactory
No unnecessary water collection locations
Level and back fill the working site Physical observation Satisfactory
Add mosquito dung frequently No mosquito larvae found in the shafts Physical observation Satisfactory
Remove/ dewater the water
Site is free from any water retaining
retaining structure, waste Physical observation Satisfactory
containers immediately
34 Disposal in CMC approved location Disposal permit is available Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Use low noise machineries / use
35 Noise level is within permissible level Physical observation Satisfactory
appropriate Cutting bits
use sprinkler bowsers before and
36 No dust clouds at the surroundings Physical observation Satisfactory
during road cutting
37 store and dispose immediately The site is clean Physical observation Satisfactory
No of incidents occur at site during the
38 Compliance to H & Safety Plan Review the records Satisfactory

E. Natural Environment:
The excavated materials were transported and dumped safely in a designated and approved
dump yard approved by Colombo Municipal Council (CMC). The dust generated during the
movement of vehicle was minimized by driving slowly and by watering as and when

The micro tunneling brings less environmental pollution than the open cut method. However,
dust generation is possible during cement and bentonite is unpacked particularly during
grouting. Care is being taken to control the spread of dust when unpacked in the bentonite
tank. The slurry from the bentonite tank is frequently removed, transported and dumped in
an approved dump yard belong and maintained by to CMC.
A baseline crack survey on properties and random monitoring of noise, dust and vibration
were conducted along the work site to address any complaint in future.
F. Occupational Health and Safety:

Environmental Manager, Health and Safety Manager are available to implement the
provisions of the EMP. The following statistics which are extracted from the contractors
Monthly reports are reported.

Safety Statistics

฀ Safety meetings 06: Safety meetings are held for staff in ad hoc manner. This is a
brainstorming sessions for all staff to refresh their safety concerns.

฀ Tool box talks 21: Tool box talks are held at site at safety and environment related
topics. These were majorly under Public safety, Use of hand tools, Safety helmets,
Hearing protection and moving vehicles at site.

฀ Safety inspections 34: The contractor’s safety staff together with PMU site staff will
conduct inspections / safety audits time to time. These include monthly fire extinguisher
check, Inspection of first aid boxes etc.

฀ Incidents 12: The Risk assessment was revised based on these incidents.

฀ Near misses 4: The Risk assessment was revised based on these incidents.

฀ Medical treatment cases 0: no medical treatment cases were reported during the

Necessary sign boards were erected at places wherever necessary. Additional Sign boards
placed to remind workers to use proper PPE at site and to restrict unauthorized entries to
working area.
The transfer of heavy pipes was through flat-bed truck from yard to site and pipe transferring
was carried out using loaders.

G. Community Health and Safety:

The pipe jacking work is carried out with micro tunneling technology which minimizes the
interruption to the public. However, use of heavy vehicles and other machineries and
operation like bentonite dosing and recycling water is potentially give some interruption to
the public. In order to minimize the potential risk, pipe jacking is carried out at day and night
to expedite the works and traffic controller with special illuminated vests and helmet were
employed day and night to control the traffic. Necessary barricades and sign boards were
placed to prevent unauthorized entry to the site. The shaft pit or jacking pit is completely
fenced to prevent any accident or fall. They are completely shored with approved method to
prevent any possible collapses.

There were recorded 03 complaints against the activities carried out during the reporting
period where 02 complaints are related to vibration issues (1from M26 and 1 from R1) while
01 complaint is related to high noise levels(M26).

Out of the two complaints related to vibration, one complaint was further mentioned that
folding door of a structure has stuck after the vibration experienced. Accordingly, contractor
has inspected the site and lately obtained a quotation for the repair work from the owners.
Currently payment for the damage is under progress. The other vibration issue is recorded
at R1 site regarding high vibration levels experienced by a restaurant/shop. The complaint
was made by telephone and massage was passed to construction team to take prompt

Complaint made on high noise was also solved after prompt actions taken by the
construction team.

3.4. Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains:

A. Sites Under this package

Table 7. Details of the pumping station project

Planned Physical Financial

Details Date of award Status
completion progress Progress
Super structure for
3 pumping stations,
M&E installation
for One pumping
Larson and
station, pilling
Turbo Pvt. Ltd
30/07/2015 31/12/2020 works for one 58.03% 50%
pumping station
and design works
USD 57.84 mil
for 2 pumping
station are in

This project majorly contain rehabilitation of eleven numbers of CMC owned Sewerage
pumping stations namely Wanathamulla, Thimbirigasyaya, Maligawatta, Bambalapitiya,
Vystwyke, Polwatta, Borella, Fort, CS3, Harbour and Slave Islands. Out of them eight
number of pumping stations are in progress at the moment and two were omitted.

Activities carried out during reporting period.
Major Activities

Table 8. Major activities of Pumping Station


• Brickwork and plastering work of superstructure.

• Erection of roof truss.
• Construction of DG Room (including the casting of roof slab).
• Mechanical equipment installation.
• Construction of sub-structure parts as per the requirements.
• Backfilling works

• Construction of the boundary wall.

• Excavation activities for the construction of inlet arrangement.
• Housekeeping activities at the inlet chamber, wet well & grit chamber
BAM-PS area.
• Formwork, bar bending and concreting activities of DG room
• Electrical conduit works.
• Erection of mechanical equipment.

• Deep excavation activities at the wet well area & shifting of

excavated debris for proper disposal.
• Rock excavation by chemical expansion of rocks.
VYS-PS • Bracing installation for secant pile wall.
• Gas cutting and welding activities (for bracing installation).
• Dust Control and housekeeping activities
• Installation of guard rails for the bracings

• Mobilization activities including site clearance and levelling.

• Erection of the tower crane
• Transportation of excavated debris for safe disposal
• Site clearing, housekeeping and dust control activities.
• Silt removal activities at the wet well as well as the screen chamber
areas of the existing pumping station.
• Hacking of the piles for capping beam construction.
• Construction of the capping beam

• Deep excavation activities including rock excavation at the wet well

THMB-PS • Bracing installation.
• Gas cutting and welding activities (bracing installation works).
• Routine housekeeping activities and solid waste management.

• Removal of excavated debris
• Excavation activities for the construction of the flow meter chamber.
• Erection of the roof of the pumping station.
• Brick work and plastering work of superstructure.

• Formwork, bar bending and concreting of super structure.

• Brick work and plastering works of super structure.
• Removal of dismantled materials and excavated debris
• Construction of the pump operator roof top.

• Dismantling activities of the existing pumping station

• Guide beam construction for secant pile wall
Borella-PS • Site cleaning, segregation and disposal of waste materials and
housekeeping activities.
• Secant Piling

B. Natural Environment:
Environmental Manager, Health and Safety Manager and Public Relations officer are
available to implement the provisions of the EMP. In addition, Environmental, Health and
Safety Officers are appointed by the contractor at site, for monitoring and implementation of
EHS activities at site level reporting to the Environmental, Health & Safety Managers
including the site engineer.

Due to the intermittent rains and the onset of south-west monsoon, rainy period has
impacted the construction sites, including creating water stagnation and in turn creating
possible mosquito breeding grounds at various sites of GCWMP. The site staffs were
provided with necessary awareness on managing mosquito such as,

a. Primarily clearing of breeding grounds

b. Usage of larvicides to control mosquito breeding
c. Necessary fumigation activities including necessary guidance from Health Inspector
(PHI) of the area.

Information/details on larvisides maintained by the site staff were noted as follows.

Figure 3. Mosquito control options recommended at site

Any water retaining structures are frequently treated with larvicides to prevent mosquito

Figure 4. larvicide samples used at site

Figure 5. Fumigation at site

Figure 6. Awareness posters to Dengue prevention at sites

The Environmental Baseline Measurements were carried out in all pump station sites to
record the status of the environment prior to the starting of construction activities at sites.

During the last six months period (2019 Jan-July), such measurements were observed and
recorded at Borella- PS by National Building Research Organization (NBRO).

Figure 7. Ground Water Quality measurements by NBRO conducted at Borella-PS project

influential area

Figure 8. Baseline Ambient Air Quality measurement conducted by NBRO at Borella-PS

Figure 9. Baseline Noise Quality measurement conducted by NBRO at Borella-PS

Figure 10. Baseline vibration measurements conducted by NBRO at Borella-PS

Solid Wastes generated in the site includes the food and other waste collected due to
activities of staff and due to construction activities. Based on the Local Authority (CMC)
requirements, the Solid Waste produced on site are managed through an established Solid
Waste Management System (SWMS) at all key construction sites and daily monitoring by
the Environmental Manager and Health and Safety manager including the PRO at site.

Figure 11. Waste collection containers at Vystwyke-PS

All the above waste management in the Pumping Station sites are followed in line with the
Waste Management Plan (WMP). Please refer below the waste rock material excavated
through rock expansion method, ready for disposal at prior approved location by CMC.

Figure 12. Rock particles extracted from bedrock

The Pre-Construction crack survey has been completed at all ongoing key construction sites
and monitoring is in progress. In case any reported issue on crack development in adjacent
construction, location identification and measurements were recorded in registers at sites for
monitoring and future reference.

Figure 13. Properties subjected to crack survey in Borella-Pumping Station

In order to offset the number of trees been removed during the site clearance and
development of pumping station sites, L&T has undertaken tree plantation drive and planted
about 50 Nos of trees along the canal bank adjacent to Kelani Tissa power plant at
Colombo. Chairman and the Representatives of Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and
Development Corporation (SLLRDC) were participated in this event along with L&T

Figure 14. Tree plantation program

C. Occupational Health and Safety:

Daily pep talk sessions are being carried out at site level and significant EHS issues and
abatement measures anticipated during the construction activities are discussed at the
workmen level.

Necessary sign boards such as safety first, first aid station were erected at appropriate
places. Additional Sign boards placed to remind workers to use proper PPE at site and to
restrict unauthorized entries to working area. Special safety sign boards were installed near
the deep excavated sites.

Figure 15. Daily PEP-Talk conducted at Wanathamulla-PS

Figure 16. PEP talks provided for the Workmen at Borella-PS

To ensure the awareness among the workmen and staff on Environmental aspects and
management, series of trainings on the EHS areas are conducted during the construction.

Figure 17. EHS training provided for the office staff at L&T Office

Figure 18. EHS-Safe Execution Engineering (SEE) training for staff

D. Community Health and Safety:

A grievance redress Mechanism (GRM) has been introduced to this project by ADB
together with Ministry and CMC. Through that, it is expected to solve project related
impacts efficiently to the satisfaction of the affected people and the stakeholders.
Monitoring and reporting of Social Safeguard Parameters are done by CMC’s Project
Management Unit (PMU) through regularly visits to the sites and note down all social
safeguard activities against the details provided in resettlement plans.

Door to door awareness sessions have been done for public living to disclose construction
related disturbances and complaint handling procedure of the project. In case of
unexpected damages to public property, contractor shall take efforts to resolve the issue at
his level and if it fails it will be forwarded to GRM for further investigation.

Environmental compliance addressing through the Grievances Redressal Mechanism is

been detailed through Social Safeguard Monitoring Bi-Annual Report.

E. Environmental Action plan for pumping station sub project

Table 9. Environmental Action plan for pumping station sub project

Activities Possible causes Effect/Impact Monitoring Methods Compliance

Spillage and Wash-off water contaminates
Construction of Super- Control the spillage through necessary
1 handling during surface water bodies, health Relevant sites
structure handling methods
implementation hazards.
Dumping of excess Usage of excess concrete for access
Construction of Super- Unsafe to the workmen and
2 concrete inside the pathways or other predetermined Relevant sites
structure improper housekeeping practices
site premises requirements of site
Construction of Super- Falling of workmen from the site Provision of proper access, scaffolding,
3 Working at Height Relevant sites
structure Health Hazard for the workmen full body harness to workmen
Unstable slope/under cuts, Proper implementation of shoring
4 Sheet piling Collapse of soil Relevant sites
potential threat to Workmen method
Implementation of Traffic management
5 Sheet piling Traffic congestion Public disturbance plan and road closures as per the local Relevant sites
regulations and approval
Construction of wet
Unstable slope/under cuts,
6 well, Grit Chamber and Collapse of soil Proper Shoring Method (Secant piling) Relevant sites
potential threat to Workmen
inlet chamber
Use low noise machineries / use
7 Secant Piling /Drilling Noise & Vibration Public disturbance/irritation appropriate drilling machineries and PS
Unsafe for workmen in contact with
8 Secant Piling /drilling Desilting Sludge Dry & Dispose immediately as per EMP PS
disturbance to the public and control vibration through substitute
9 Rock excavation Noise & Vibration Vystwyke
surrounding properties methods
Contaminates surface water bodies, Temporary storage and immediate
10 Excavation Waste Material All Sites
health hazards. disposal
Transport of excavated Slurry spill during Unsafe and unhygienic during road
11 Dry the materials before transport All Sites
material transport transportation
Properly cover the material during
Transport of excavated Health impacts to the road users
12 Dust generation transportation to avoid dust generation All Sites
material such as: Irritation of eyes and nose
and spillage
Stock piling of Blocking of public Disturbance to day today activities Plan and identify the location prior to
13 All Sites
construction materials venues and access for public implementation
Stock piling of Necessary Barricades to isolate the area
14 Accidents Workmen health Hazard All Sites
construction materials and to prevent an unauthorized access
Stock piling of Health issues, Irritation of eyes and Storage with necessary coverage /
15 Dust generation All Sites
construction materials nose & respiratory health issues Wetted
Stock piling of Siltation of drainage Barricade and cover the material
16 Disturbance to natural flow All Sites
construction materials canals sufficiently
Stock piling of Blocking of natural Surface water pollution and
17 Plan and avoid natural waterways All Sites
construction materials waterways possible flooding
Stock piling of Waste due to left Unnecessary increase in material
18 Remove any leftover immediately All Sites
construction materials over requirement
Irritation of eyes and nose & Periodic wetting of dust generating
19 Material handling at site Dust generation All Sites
Respiratory health issues materials sufficiently
Avoid collision of materials when
20 Material handling at site Noise & vibration Disturbance to Public All Sites
Hazard to Workmen health and employ bank man to Signal and direct
21 Material handling at site Accidents All Sites
safety crane operators
22 Material handling at site Noise & vibration Disturbance to Public Implement some noise control methods All sites
Damages to the adjacent properties
23 Dewatering Collapse of structure Approved Method statement Available All Sites
and Health of people
Damages to the adjacent properties
24 Dewatering Collapse of structure cracks and settlements are monitored All Sites
and Health of people
Pollution of water Danger to aquatic life and pollution
25 Dewatering Use prefiltration and silt trap All Sites
bodies of water sources
Siltation of drainage Use Sedimentation, prefiltration and silt
26 Dewatering Reduction in flow capacity All Sites
canals traps
Ground settlement Monitor the surrounding and
27 Dewatering Damages to the adjacent properties All Sites
of surrounding immediately the activity if any
Movement of heavy
28 Noise & Vibration Disturbance to Public Drive slowly in a limited speed All Sites
Movement of heavy Irritation of eyes and nose & Employ sprinkler bowser and water the
29 Dust All Sites
vehicles Respiratory health issues site
30 Grouting Cement dust Irritation of eyes and nose cover completely when debagging All Sites

Bar bending, Form works
31 Waste danger to the safety of workers collect and dispose immediately All Sites
and Rebar fixing
Limiting of Workspace and danger
32 Dismantling formworks Waste Collect and dispose immediately All Sites
to the safety of workers
Potential mosquito
33 Water stagnation Spread mosquito borne diseases Level and backfill the working site All Sites
Add mosquito dung frequently All Sites
Remove/dewater the water retaining
All Sites
structure, waste containers immediately
Pollution of environment and
34 Waste disposal Illegal disposal Disposal in the CMC approved location All Sites
disturbance to the public
Possible health hazards to the Provision of proper access, scaffolding,
35 Working at heights Accidents All Sites shop
workmen full body harness to workmen
36 Labour at work Accidents Occupational health and safety risk Compliance to Health & Safety Plan All Sites

F. Environmental Monitoring Plan and Compliance status

Table 10. Environmental monitoring plan and compliance status

Mitigation Measures Monitoring Parameters Monitoring Methods Compliance

Control the spillage through necessary
1 Approved method statement available Physical Observation Satisfactory
handling methods
Usage of excess concrete for access pathways
2 Quantity of dumping concrete Physical Observation Satisfactory
or other predetermined requirements of site
Provision of proper access, scaffolding, full
3 Approved method statement available Physical Observation Satisfactory
body harness to workmen
4 Proper implementation of shoring method Approved method statement available Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Implementation of Traffic management plan
5 and road closures as per the local regulations Approved traffic plan Physical Observation Satisfactory
and approval
6 Proper Shoring Method (Secant piling) Approved method statement available Reviewing the records Satisfactory
Use low noise machineries / use appropriate
7 Noise level is within permissible level Physical observation Satisfactory
drilling bits
8 Dry & Dispose immediately No sludge stocks are at site Physical observation Satisfactory
rock expansion through chemical expansion
9 Approved method statement available Physical observation Satisfactory
10 Temporary storage and immediate disposal Disposal permit is available Review the records Satisfactory
No spill of muds along the roads from site to disposal
11 Dry the materials before transport Physical observation Satisfactory
12 Properly cover the material during transport No spill of mud or dust clouds generation Physical observation Satisfactory
Plan and identify the location to
13 Stock piling location is identified and marked Physical observation Satisfactory
14 Barricade to prevent un authorized access Stock piles are barricaded Physical observation Satisfactory
15 Store under cover / Wetted Stockpiles are covered or wetted Physical observation Satisfactory
No siltation at the adjacent drainage canal/ Water
16 Barricade sufficiently Physical observation Satisfactory
bodies /Road.
17 Plan and avoid natural waterways Waterways are not blocked Physical observation Satisfactory
18 Remove any leftover immediately No left over of stocked materials Physical observation Satisfactory
The dust generating materials are wetted
19 No dust clouds while handling materials Physical observation Satisfactory
20 Avoid collision of materials when handling Noise level is within permissible level Reviewing the records Satisfactory
21 Employ banks man to direct crane drivers Banks man are available Physical observation Satisfactory
22 Implement noise control methods measure the intensity of a noise Review the records Satisfactory
23 Approved Method statement Available No collapses or cracks Physical observation Satisfactory
24 Cracks and settlements are monitored Records are maintained Reviewing the records Satisfactory
25 Use pre-filtration and silt trap Reasonably clear water is discharged into drains Physical observation Satisfactory
26 Use pre-filtration and silt trap No siltation or blocks in the drains Physical observation Satisfactory
Caution to the nearby structures and complains
27 observe the surrounding and stop if any Physical observation Satisfactory
made by residents
28 Drive slowly Noise level is within permissible level Reviewing the records Satisfactory
29 Employ sprinkler bowser and water the site No observable dust clouds Physical observation Satisfactory
30 Cover completely when debagging debagging point is covered fully Physical observation Satisfactory
31 Collect and dispose immediately Site is clean Physical observation Satisfactory
32 Collect and dispose immediately Site is clean Physical observation Satisfactory
33 Level and backfill the working site No unnecessary water collection locations found Physical observation Satisfactory
Add mosquito dung frequently No mosquito larvae found in the shafts Physical observation Satisfactory
Remove/dewater the water retaining
Site is free from any water retaining containers Physical observation Satisfactory
structure, waste containers immediately
34 Disposal in the CMC approved location Disposal permit is available Physical observation Satisfactory
Provision of proper access, scaffolding, full
35 Approved method statement available Physical observation Satisfactory
body harness to workmen
36 Compliance to Health & Safety Plan No of incidents occur at site during the period Reviewing the records Satisfactory


Figure 19. EHS Safety Month Celebrations to improve the safety culture among workmen at Borella-PS

Figure 20. Inauguration of EHS-Safe Execution Engineering Training at Borella-PS

Figure 21. EHS-Health checkup conducted for the Workmen

Figure 22. EHS-PEP Talk conducted for the Workmen for the night work at Malligawatte-PS

Figure 23. EHS-Onsite training conducted for the Workmen at Borella-PS

Figure 24. EHS- Induction training conducted for the Workmen at Slave Island -PS

Figure 25. EHS awareness quiz program conducted for Contractor staff

Figure 26. Health checkup for workers

Figure 27. EHS Executive Walkdown conducted to ensure EHS implementations at site

Figure 28. EHS-PEP Talk conducted for the Workmen at Wanathamulla-PS

Figure 29. Fumigation conducted to manage mosquito at Bambalapitiya-PS

Figure 30. EHS- Safety Month Inauguration session at Borella-PS


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