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Federation Competition Tips

1. Gathering

1)The core

- There will be a set time for mineral exploration.

- Let's use four 50% point cards instead of one 100%. Use a 50% card and try to get all apcs back within
that 1 hour time window

- Let's go after the iron mines

2)Progression Method 1

- The biggest challenge is how to collect the packed vehicles at 11:30 on Monday.

- First, the collection hero is divided and placed to match the collection speed similarly.

: The collection speed comes out when you click on the mine after hero placement.

- Second, let's collect in the territory without buffs

: If it takes 12 hours to collect after 11:30 on Monday, it means that collection can only start at 12 p.m.
on Sunday night. In other words, it's better for people who live a slow collection than fast collection.

- Third, let's collect only five levels of iron mines.

: Level 5 iron mine quantity is 1400. It's easy to find. The ore mine is over 2000. This leads to a situation
where it is difficult for some vehicles to dig up. That means there's a time difference. In particular, freight
cars are not possible. Level 5 Zcoin mine is difficult to find, but pass because the federation competition
research buff and collection buff are not applied.

3)How to proceed 2

- Everyone finished collecting and collecting safely after 11:30 on Monday. At this time, let's end the
mutated zombies and the regular zombie.

- After the zombie quests, start collecting again in the first way.

- However, the difference is that at this time, you have to use collection buff items in the territory where
you receive collection buffs.

- After the second collection, it's about 10 p.m. After finding the durability of the vehicle, looting took
place for about an hour.
- Once the looting is over, collection begins again in the second way.

- Then we collect the third one around 8 a.m.

* There are three point cards when each collection is finished. In the end, the time is ambiguous, but you
don't have to write or write based on the score. It's much more efficient to write like this instead of
writing 100% at the end.

If you do this, it's easy to get two million points even for a car generation. If you run a freight car and
finish collecting federation research, you can aim for 4 million points.


Federation Competition Tips

2. Architecture

1)the core

- Let's set the completion time to be similar to Tuesday.

- A 100% point card is a must.

- Resources, time-efficient building targeting.

2)a way of proceeding

- A building to be put up as a seasonal priority

: Central control room, troops training center, Zcoin factory, supply station, hospital, herb farm

: The rest, depending on whether it's necessary or not, is only necessary

- Buildings to be raised for Construction Day Score

: Mine > barracks > drawing room > storage room > workshop room

- Preparation is more important than the day of construction. Set the extended completion time on
: e.g. If it takes three days to build, it will start on Sunday, and if it takes four days, it starts on Friday.
Adjusted by adding a construction hero if Pearson is present.

: The best thing is that there are many buildings 1-2 days left until completion on Tuesday. It's better if
there's a finished building.

- Let's accelerate only buildings that can be completed.

: Building scores can be both accelerated and completed.

: If there is a building that has three days of acceleration and four days to complete, pass.

- If we lack acceleration and resources, let's proceed in the evening.

: You can reduce architectural research training by an hour with moon speedup

: If you open the box that you give in the game, such as the stool compensation box and the item
purchase box, you will get a lot of acceleration. Construction progress after opening in the evening.

- When the score is ambiguous, use the mine.

: The mine has a higher completion score compared to the resources and acceleration. The goal is to
score 2 million points, but if there is not enough acceleration, upgrade the mine first and check the

: I don't recommend you to do it all at once because you have to use it when you're still lacking.

* Tips for securing acceleration items

: Most of the transactions are carried out 5-8 times a day. At this time, you can purchase coins or get a
20% discount. If there are various accelerations with, let's buy it no matter what.

: Don't accelerate as much as you can on a day without the match. If you don't have to recruit more
soldiers or raise the tier in the face of a war, let's proceed on the day of the match.


Federation Competition Tips

3. Research

1)the core

- Let's focus on federation representation.

- A 100% point card is a must.

2)a way of proceeding

- Research that will be promoted as the top priority of the season

: The Federation of Science and Technology (first goal is one more set 2)

: Strengthening the ranks (car No. 2 to 5 heroes) is the top priority. Car No. 3 depends on the situation)

: Increase in attributes (attack and defense: target looting and slaughter in the last stage)

: Increase in attributes (Basic military: increase the speed of treatment in the event of war

- Study to be conducted for the score on the day of study

: a faction emblem

: This study has a higher score than acceleration time and required coins

: In addition, the higher the research, the easier it is to compete with the federation.

: Conduct research on medals and places supported by Zcoin

- If we lack acceleration and resources, let's proceed in the evening.

: You can reduce architectural research training by an hour with moon speedup

: If you open the box that you give in the game, such as the stool compensation box and the item
purchase box, you will get a lot of acceleration.


Federation Competition Tips

4. Summoning

1)the core
- Let's gather up for a week and pick one.

- A 100% point card is a must.

2)a way of proceeding

- There's nothing else but collecting and extracting.

- However, it is easier to train on Friday if you get 2 million points on Thursday. This is because the
training acceleration is not likely to come out of the box other than the purchase.

- Championship qualifiers will be held on Thursday. You can get 1000-2000 blue chips here. If you have
an ambiguous blue chip to score, please summon it after the Championship qualifying round.

- Summoning and training takes the shortest time. So if you can make time, you can use 100% card at
10:50 a.m. on Friday and summon it for 10 minutes before 11 a.m. It is also a way to save the point card
by conducting the training from 11:30 to 11:50 p.m.


Federation Competition Tips

5. Training

1)the core

- Let's clear our minds.

- Point card is selected.

- I don't recommend zombie hunting.

2)a way of proceeding

- Unlike other acceleration writing days, there is no acceleration score. That means it's hard to raise the
- Those who summoned Thursday after 10:40 on Friday will be trained right away.

- The only way to get a lot of points is to get promoted. If the level of the training center rises and the
production of the next tier soldiers becomes possible, all promotions will take place on Friday.

: E.g. 24 Training Center is completed on Tuesday. Don't get promoted immediately to a seven-tier
soldier, and Tuesday and Thursday produce eight-tier soldiers. Promote 7 tier to 8 tier on Friday to secure
a lot of points with less acceleration.

: It would be nice if there were more soldiers to be promoted for that, right? When the tier rises,
produce as many soldiers as you can before completing the training camp upgrade.

: If you have more than 2,500 soldiers to promote to 8 tier, you can easily get 4 million points with a
100% card for at least 3 weeks.

- Zombie hunting also gives points, but durability is also small compared to investment. It is inefficient to
catch zombies separately and score points even if it is done according to individual military time.


Federation Competition Tips

6. Treatment

1)the core

- Let's kill a lot and die a lot.

- I don't recommend the point card.

- A bot attack is a good way.

2)a way of proceeding

- The score is complicated, but the key is to kill or slander many enemies or kill my soldiers. The score is
higher in the order of relative (my) soldier death -> critical injury -> minor injury.

: You can't score my soldier's minor and serious injuries.

- The way to get the most points is to fall from the middle of the opponent's side of the federation's
competition and make the opponent's death maximum.

: Not everyone can fight as much as they can. Also, it's only possible if the opponent attacks

- The system is unable to cause death from scratch. As death occurs after a certain level of serious injury
(after bursting into the hospital), the score is higher when you hit a weaker opponent than me.

- The score goes up even if you're not the opponent of the federation In other words, it is easier to raise
the score for mid- to low-pitched pitching by aiming for a bot.

: The bot has nearly 100-200 deaths from the first attack and overwhelmingly fewer losses to my

: Let's move on to the other server and attack the bot if you don't have an easy opponent next to the
struggling players.

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