Baydal, R - Activity 1

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1. As a college student of BISCAST, what actions do you do to achieve the

mission and vision of BISCAST to produce exemplary graduates who are
globally competitive, ecologically sensitive, and socially responsive? (20
As a college student, I have the opportunity to make a difference
in the lives of my fellow students, as well as the world around us. The
school I attend has a mission and vision to produce exemplary
graduates who are globally competitive, ecologically sensitive, and
socially responsive.
I believe that there are many ways in which we can achieve our
mission and vision at BISCAST. First, I am involved in the community.
This means going on volunteer work for organizations such as a food
pantry or helping out at an animal shelter. Second, I am part of a
diverse group of students in my classes so that we can learn from each
other. We should all be respected as individuals and valued for our
unique perspectives. And lastly, I have relationships with other people
outside of school so that they can guide me through life's challenges
after graduation.
I believe that if we want to be globally competitive, we must first
understand how our actions impact the world around us. Like if we
want to become ecologically sensitive, then we should take care not
only of our own resources but also those around us. If we want to be
socially responsive, then we should make sure that everyone who
comes into contact with us feels welcome and respected.

2. How does the following BISCAST community embody the BISCAST Core
Values? (10 points per community)

a) You, as a student
As a student at BISCAST, I embody all of the Core Values. These
values are so important to me because I believe that they help me
grow and become who I am as an individual.
 I embody brilliance by constantly working hard to learn more
about my coursework and doing my best to stay on top of it. I
also strive to be as efficient as possible in my studies, which
means that I will always be looking for ways to make studying
 I embody integrity by upholding a code of ethics both within my
own work and outside of it. Integrity is about being honest,
keeping promises, and treating others how you want to be
treated—it's about doing what's right when no one is looking.
 I embody student-centricity by striving for excellence on campus
and beyond. As a student an astean, I know that we are here for
each other—and we're going to do our best to help each other
succeed. This means that we should never stop learning or
giving back; instead, we should keep growing and improving
ourselves every day until we reach our goals.

b) Instructors
Instructors at BISCAST embody the Core Values of the school
by being bright, honest, and competent.
 They embody brilliance. Instructors at BISCAST are bright
because they are always looking at how they can do their job
better. They consider different ways to improve themselves and
make sure they are open to feedback from others.
 They embody integrity. Instructors at BISCAST are honest
because they speak up when something is wrong or needs to
change in order to help students learn better. They don't talk
behind people's backs or try to hide things from them.
 They embody competence. Instructors at BISCAST have
competence in their field because they know what they're doing
and how it should be done. Their students respect them
because they know what they're talking about when it comes to
teaching subjects.

c) Departments
In order to embody the Core Values of the school, departments
must be competent, adaptable, and service-excellent.
 They embody competence. It is defined as "the ability to do a job
well." This value is embodied by departments in the sense that
they have a capacity for managing their own work. It's also
important that they learn from each other and from their
supervisors what works best for them in order to achieve the
best results possible.
 They embody adaptability. It is defined as "the ability to change
or respond quickly when needed." This value is embodied by
departments in the sense that they are able to take on new
responsibilities without becoming disorganized or overwhelmed.
They are able to adapt quickly if necessary, whether it's through
hiring new people or using different tools than usual.
 They embody service excellence. It is defined as "the quality of
providing service that meets expectations." This value is
embodied by departments in the sense that they are able to
provide high-quality customer service every time someone calls
on them. They are always strive for perfection and provide
exceptional care while keeping their customers happy at all
times—even if they're busy.

d) Non-Teaching personnel and Staff

 They embody teamwork. At BISCAST, we believe in the
importance of teamwork. They take pride in their ability to work
together as a team, which is why they have the core value of
teamwork at our school. In order to embody this value, all staff
members are required to attend regular training sessions on
how to work well together and how to help each other succeed.
 They embody competence. They take pride in our competency.
We know that teachers can only do their best when they have
the right tools at their disposal—which is why they have made
sure that all of our teachers have access to the latest technology
and resources available. This allows them to teach effectively
while also allowing students to learn at a higher level than they
would if they were taught by someone without access to these
 They embody service excellence. Service-excellence is one of
our most important values because it means taking care of
others while also taking care of ourselves. They do this by
making sure that every student feels loved by their teachers and
cared for by everyone else at school, whether it's through
kindness or just being there for them when they need something

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