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Ex1: Biochar

Paragraph 1: Charcoal is produced by burning wood slowly in a low-oxygen

environment. This material, which is mainly carbon, was used for many years to
heat iron ore to extract the metal. But when in 1709 Abraham Darby discovered a
smelting process using coke (produced from coal) demand for charcoal collapsed.
At approximately the same time the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere began
to rise.
1. What is the main topic of the divided paragraph?
The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to rise.
2. What is the main purpose of the divided paragraph?
The paragraph's objective is to present the consequence of the Charcoal in order for
everyone to understand its disadvantages.
3. What are the supporting ideas for each divided paragraph?
It has no supporting idea.
Paragraph 2: But a new use for charcoal, renamed biochar, has recently emerged.
It is claimed that using biochar made from various types of plants can both
improve soil quality and combat global warming. Various experiments in the
United States have shown that adding burnt crop wastes to soil increases fertility
and cuts the Loss of vital nutrients such as nitrates.
1. What is the main topic of the divided paragraph?
The Charcoal's new application.It is referred to as biochar.
2. What is the main purpose of the divided paragraph?
The paragraph's purpose is to introduce a new application for charcoal and to
discuss the benefits of biochar.
3. What are the supporting ideas for each divided paragraph?
It is claimed that using biochar made from various types of plants can both
improve soil quality and combat global warming. Various experiments in the
United States have shown that adding burnt crop wastes to soil increases fertility
and cuts the Loss of vital nutrients such as nitrates.
Paragraph 3: The other benefit of biochar is its ability to lock C02 into the soil.
The process of decay normally allows the carbon dioxide in plants to return to the
atmosphere rapidly, but when transformed into charcoal this may be delayed for
hundreds of years. In addition, soil containing biochar appears to release less
methane, a gas which contributes significantly to global warming. American
researchers claim that widespread use of biochar could reduce global C02
emissions by over 10%.
1. What is the main topic of the divided paragraph?
The additional advantage of biochar.
2. What is the main purpose of the divided paragraph?
The paragraph's objective is to educate readers about another benefit of biochar.
3. What are the supporting ideas for each divided paragraph?
The process of decay normally allows the carbon dioxide in plants to return to the
atmosphere rapidly, but when transformed into charcoal this may be delayed for
hundreds of years. In addition, soil containing biochar appears to release less
methane, a gas which contributes significantly to global warming. American
researchers claim that widespread use of biochar could reduce global C02
emissions by over 10%.

Paragraph 4: But other agricultural scientists are concerned about the

environmental effects of growing crops especially for burning, and about the
displacement of food crops that might be caused. However, the potential twin
benefits of greater farm yields and reduced greenhouse gases mean that further
research in this area is urgently needed.
1. What is the main topic of the divided paragraph?
the potential for increased farm yields and greenhouse gas reductions.
2. What is the main purpose of the divided paragraph?
- To demonstrate the value of increased farm yields and decreased greenhouse gas
3. What are the supporting ideas for each divided paragraph?
It has no idea

Ex 2: Task 2 in the handout "Defining Plagiarism Theory". Provide your

explanation for each option "Quotation", "Paraphrase", "Plagiarism"

2.1 Paraphrase
Because the original idea is restated in the student's own words and correctly
2.2 Quotation and Plagiarism
Because the words are taken directly from the original paragraph without any
significant changes or cite the original source.
2.3 Paraphrase and Plagiarism
Although the words are completely different but the ideas of original are
maintained without citation.
2.4 Paraphrase and Plagiarism
Although the words in new incorporated text are different but it is plagiarism.
Because the words are lifted must be enclosed in quotation marks.
2.5 Quotation: The words are quoted from the original paragraph and correctly

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