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1 Write down ur name

Get ur book and a pencil.
Hold ur pencil correctly.
Write ur name on the page.
That is too sloppy.写的太潦草了
Erase it and try again.

4.2 The word is backwards 字写反了

You can write ur name by yourself.
Hey, ur “P” is backwards.
Write it the way mommy does.
That’s right.

4.3 Painting
Let’s paint.
What’s this? A tree?
Don’t paint ur toes!
Come and paint here please.

4.4 Recognizing shapes ①

Can u see any rectangles in our living room?
Yes, that’s a rectangle!
What else?
Yes, the door is a rectangle, too.
You’re so smart.

4.5 Recognizing shapes ②

This is a circle.
Can u point to the square?

4.6 Recognizing shapes ③

Look, a heart. Now, it’s ur turn. Draw a triangle. Good job!
4.7 Comparison
Which one is taller? Great!
Which one is shorter? You are absolutely right!

4.8 Making a cake ①

Who’ll help me make a cake? It’ s me, it’s me
Put in the eggs and oil.
And u add a little water, Mike, while I add the cake mix.
Great, let’s stir.

4.9 Making a cake ②

Now, put the mixture into a pan.
OK. I’ll put it in the hot oven.
Mummy, mummy
Not yet. Wait for ten more minutes.
It’s done.
You can eat it.

4.10 Building blocks ①

Don’t cry.
I’m sure he didn’t mean it.
I’ll help u build another tower tomorrow.
OK. It’s getting late.
Let’s pick up the blocks.

4.11 Building blocks ②

Wow! You are building a castle.
It’s OK.
Let’s do it again. Hurray! It looks great!

4.12 Watering the plants

Want to water the plants? Great! You are a good helper!
You missed that pot.
4.13 Taking a picture
Mike, can u take a picture of us?
Don’t worry.
I’ll show u how.
Just press the button, OK?
Say “cheese”.

4.14 In the musical instrument store

A guitar, a drum and a flute.
Look, a trumpet. Toot,toot...

4.15 Waiting in line

Don’t cut in! Go to the end of the line.
Everyone else is waiting for their turn.
You have to wait in line, too.
It’ll be ur turn, soon.

4.16 Putting photographs in order

That’s ur grandpa and grandma.
They are you Aunt and Uncle. Look! That’s u.

4.17 Saying hello to guests

Come down here and say hello to everyone.
Don’t be shy!
Say “Hi” to Tina.
Hey, don’t run away!

4.18 Planting some flowers

Want to plant some flowers?
First, dig a hole in the soil.
Then, put the seeds in and cover them with soil. Now, water the seeds.
That’s how u do it!
4.19 Measuring ur height
Come on. Let me measure your height.
Stand still! Don’t move!
Oh, you’ve really grown!
You are a big girl now!

4.20 Training the dog

Lie down!
Stay, naughty dog!
That’s OK.
He won’t hurt u.

4.21 The dog makes trouble

Oh, no! What a mess!
Who did this?
You’d better get this mess cleaned up before daddy sees it.
Take the dog out, please.

4.22 Whose footprints

Who made those muddy footprints?
It must be Mary’s.(dog)
Can u take her outside and play in the yard?
But don’t wreck my flowers!

4.23 Petting a dog

Do u want to hold the doggie?
No. No. Be gentle!
Pat him on the back. 拍他的背

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