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1 Blowing bubbles
Honey, what are u doing?
Wow! a big bubble.
There are so many small bubbles, awesome!

6.2 Riding a tricycle

Keep going straight.
Make a right turn here. 右转
Hey, Use the pedals! Don’t just walk.
Here we are.

6.3 It’s a tie 平手

Boys, you missed it.你们都没投进
Keep trying. Don’t give up.
Who is the winner?
It’s a tie.

6.4 Awarding prizes 颁奖

The first prize goes to Ben.
The Second place goes to Mary.
The third prize goes to mike.

6.5 Jumping rope

It’s a lovely day!
It’s nice and warm.
Let’s go out and jump rope.
Watch me.
It’s your turn, Mike.

6.6 Going skating

Roller blades, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves.
Where is ur helmet?
Put it on.
OK. Let’s go to the rink.
6.7 Learning to skate ①
Are u OK?
Do u wanna try again?
Hurray! You can skate!

6.8 Learning to skate ②

Mike, Go! Go! Go!
Show daddy ur new trick.

6.9 In the park

Don’t pick the flowers.
Careful! Don’t stand near the swing.
Line up to go on the slide.
What a fun ride! Be careful!

6.10 Walking in the park

Look up! It’s a bird.
Look here. It’s a butterfly.
Oh, u wanna sleep?
Let’s go home.

6.11 On the slide

Oh, no, there’s a baby at the bottom of the slide.
Be careful!
You might hit her!

6.12 On the swing

You’re swinging too high!
Slow down.
Come on, stop that!
You might fall off!
6.13 see-saw
What are u going to play on first?
Oh, the see-saw. That’s a good idea.
OK, now. What’s next?
The swings or the slide?

6.14 Playing on the jungle gym

Do u want to play on the jungle gym?
Watch ur head.
Wow! You made it to the top

6.15 That was close

Where are u going, baby?
Look out, honey!
Oh, dear! That was close.

6.16 Where is the bathroom

You need to go to the bathroom? Where is the bathroom.
It’s over there.
Let’s go.

6.17 Let’s go home

It’s getting late.
Let’s go home.
Don’t forget ur ball.

6.18 In the bookstore ①

Don’t run around, boys.
Shh... Keep ur voice down.
Look, I found an interesting book.
6.19 In the bookstore
This book seems interesting.
Do u like this book?
OK, let’s buy it.

6.20 Going for a dip

How about going for a dip?
Let’s fill up the pool.
OK. Turn off the water.
Have fun, kids.

6.21 Learning to swim ①

Put on ur swim ring.
Now, kick the water.
Don’t be afraid.
I won’t let go.

6.22 Learning to swim ②

Come on. Kick ur legs.
Don’t be afraid of the water.
Great! Honey, u can swim!

6.23 Going to the beach

We’re going to the beach, hurry!
Get my bag, please!
A towel, swimsuits, a bucket and a spade.
Don’t forget to take the ball and the swim flotation ring.

6.24 Going swimming

Hi, kids, come for a swim.
We’re waiting for u, and we’re getting cold.
Well, Let’s go now!
6.25 I’ll get u
I’m coming.
Don’t splash water on me!
I’ll get u.

6.26 At the zoo ①

Don’t feed the elephant.
Don’t get too close to the cage.
You wanna pet his head?
Good! He is coming near!

6.27 At the zoo ②

Look at the giraffes.
What a long neck he has.
Look at the elephant!
What a long truck.
He’s saying hello to us.
Wave to him.

6.28 Ferris wheel

Wanna go on the ferris wheel with dad now?
I’ll stay here and take ur picture.
What’s wrong?
Oh, I forgot it had a height limit. 我忘记有身高限制了

6.29 Roller coaster

Buckle ur seatbelt.
The roller coaster ride will start.
We’re going faster and faster.
Oh, how exciting! Are u scared?
You’re so brave.

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