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Marking Guide

BSBADM504 Plan and implement administrative systems

Assessment Task 2- Project
Implement and monitor the new or modified administrative system

Candidate Name

Assessor Name

Assessment Site

Assessment date/s


Did the candidate perform and submit the following? Satisfactory

Yes Yes

A submitted a document that addresses all the activities listed

B conducted a short presentation to either the assessor or another

approved person to outline your findings so far

C submitted all documentation in the format and within the timeframe

agreed with your assessor.

D Outcome is free from plagiarism, collusion and cheating

Performance Standards

Did the candidate answer the following questions addressing Satisfactory

required length, key terms and descriptions?
Yes No
Identified and developed implementation strategies in consultation with staff
 You will need to identify the new procedures that need to be followed
to make the system effective, highlighting possible problems that
maybe encountered with implementation and putting in place a time
line of implementation for the new system.
May include:
develop and communicate a plan
Follow a methodology like PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, Act
Test with early adopters
Encouraged staff to participate in all stages of the implementation process
 As part of this implementation plan you will be liaising with staff,
identifying the involvement staff will play in implementing the new
quotation system, assessing staff training needs, communicating the
changes to staff about the new system.
May include: creating the right attitude
Creating the right subjective norm
Creating the perception of control
Implemented system in accordance with organisational and legislative
Collated an implementation plan for the new quotation system that has been
approved by management. Your report needs to be professionally presented
and address all points listed below.
 identify stakeholders regarding implementation and
identify costs associated with implementation
 explain methods used to consult stakeholders and explain
why consultation is important
 outline timeframes associated with implementing this
 detail when and how implementation will take place, who
will direct this process’
 create a timeline of events leading up to implementation
including steps that need to be taken prior to
 detail staff involvement and staff support given during the
process of change, identify the benefits of involving staff in

4. a) Identify stakeholders regarding implementation and identify costs
associated with implementation - stakeholders regarding
implementation and identify costs associated with implementation
b) Explain methods used to consult stakeholders and explain why
consultation is important – Explain methods used to consult
stakeholders and explain why consultation is important
c) Outline timeframes associated with implementing this system -
timeframes associated with implementing this system
d) Detail when and how implementation will take place, who will
direct this process’ - when and how implementation will take place,
who will direct this process’
e) Timeline of events leading up to implementation - a timeline of
events leading up to implementation including steps that need to be
taken prior to implementation
F) Identify the benefits of involving staff in process.- staff involvement
and staff support given during the process of change, identify the
benefits of involving staff in process

Provided training and support for staff on the use of the new or modified
a) identified training requirements factoring in who needs to be
involved in the training and the different training needs of staff

b) detailed how and when training would be conducted, factoring in

suitable times to train staff and implement the system

c) documented the new procedures associated with the system,

detailing step by step each component of the new system and staff
member’s responsibilities

d) written a procedure for staff members on how to use the new

system, clearly identifying their responsibility

e) detailed two strategies that could be used to communicate system

changes to staff.
Dealt with contingencies to ensure minimal impact on users
a) detailed how information will be transferred between the current
administrative system and the new system

b) identified the people involved in the planning and their roles in the
system changeover
c) conducted a risk assessment of the possible issues that maybe
encountered with implementing this system and detail ways of
dealing with these issues
d) Identified any organisational or legislative policies may need to be
considered when implementing this new system? (i.e. privacy laws,
occupational health and safety, organisational policies).

7 Provided solutions to the activity based on the following scenario.

Monitor system for usage, security and output in accordance with
organisational requirements
a) First you are to provide appropriate strategies that will assist
management to monitor the system and address the following
b) identified some strategies management could employ to monitor
the use of this new system
c) determined some methods management could use to identify
problems with the system
d) described how management could ensure the system is being used
properly and to its full potential
e) highlighted methods that could be used to ensure that information
collection via this system is secure and identify potential security
f) detailed how you can ensure new staff are trained properly on the
g) identified how new staff members should be trained in the new
h) identified methods of assessing if the system meets the needs of
the organisation into the future
i) recommended communication methods to inform staff of system
j) identified methods of identifying ongoing training needs.
Modified system to meet changing needs in accordance with organisational
a) provided suggestions about understanding the issues Tim and Jim
have with using the new system, and possible reasons why they may
not want to use the new system
b) provided recommendations about overcoming Jeff’s attitude
towards the system and outlining recommendations on how Jeff
could be assisted to adopt the new system
c) identified strategies that could be used to modify the new system,
decreasing the pricing errors being made by Sarah and Chris
d) explained your thoughts about how management should proceed
after implementing the changes you recommended.
Clearly identified further modifications and notify users.
10 Monitored staff training needs and train new staff on administrative system.

Comments/feedback to candidate

Assessment Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature

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