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Lesson 1
No Words Transcription Meaning
1 apartment (n) /a'po:rt mant/ Chung cv
2 balcony (n) /'bm1kani/ Ban cfi ng
3 basement (n) /'beIsrnant/ hang ham
4 garage (n) /ga'rn:5/ Nhñ de xe, ga-ra
s (n) /d/IlTl/ Phong tâp the duc
a yard (n) /jn:rd/ Cai san

Lesson 2
No Words Transcription Meaning
7 bed (n) /bed/ Cai giu'irng
8 clean (v) /k1i:n/ Don dep, rira
9 dinner (n) /'dInar/ Bii'a tñ i
10 dish (n) /dI{/ Cai dia
11 kitchen (n) /'kitJan/ Nhñ bep
12 laundry (n) /'la:ndri/ Vié c giat la (iii)
13 shopping (n) /'JD}3I I]/ Viéc mua sñ m

Lesson S
No Words Transcription Meaning
14 center (n) /'sentar/ Trung tâm
15 city (v) /'8Iti/ Thanh pho
16 east (n) / i:st/ Phia dñ ng
17 north (n) / no:r8/ Phia bac
18 south (n) / sau8/ Phia nam
19 town (n) / taun/ Thi tran, thi xñ
20 village (n) /'VI1Id3/ Ngñ i lang
21 west (n) /west/ Phia tây

Further words
No Words Transcription Meaning
22 attention (n) /a'tenJan/ Sir chu y
23 delta (n) /'delta / Dong bang
24 region (n) /'ri:d3an/ Viing
25 temperature (n) /'temprat{ar/ Nhiet dfi
26 museum (n) /mju:'zi:am/ Vien bao ting
27 college (n) /'ko1Id3/ Cao dang/ Dai hoc
28 restaurant (n) /'restrnnr/ Nha hang
29 possession (n) /pa'zeJan/ Srr sd him
30 , nsportatio (n) g,trmnsps:'teI{an/ Srr vâ n tâi
I. Zhi bljn Jr d‹r J'The simpfe presenr)
1. Can m.o
+ Can khang dinh
Dong tir thirnng
S + am/ is/ are+ N/ Adj
S + V(s/es)
- I + am
I/ We/ You/ They/ Danh tir so nhieu +
Cozzg - He/ She/ It/ Danh tir so it/ Danh tit
V(nguyén th6)
thirc khong dem cdrroc is
- He/ She/ It/ Danh tir so it/ Danh tir khong
- You/ We/ They/ Danh tir so nhieu +
dem dircrc + V(s/es)
- I often go to school by bus
- He is a lawyer. (Koi thinh thoang den tr ng bang xe bujit)
(Ong ay la mot lufit sir) - He usually gets up eariy.
- The watch is expensive. (Anh ay thtrñ ng xuyen day s6•m)
(Chiec dong ho rat dat tien) - She does homework every evening.
- They are students. (Co ay lam bai ve nha mfii tit)
(Ho lñ sinh vien) - The Sun sets in the West.
(Mñ t tr •i lan o• hirérng day)
- Von cac tir co tâ n ciing la “o”, ‘ch , “sh , “I, “s” thi khi dung vcri ngoi SO it, them duoi “es”. Jo

— goes; do — does; match — watches; fix —fixes, miss — misses, wash - cashes)
- Véri cac tir ro tâ n chng lâ “y” thi khi diing vdi ngoi so ft, bo “y” va thém duñ i “ies” {copy — copies;
study — studies}
- Vdi cac tir con lai, thém duñ i “s”. (see — seen; plug — plays,...}

- Câu phu dint

Dong tir “to be” Dong tir chi hiinh dong
S + do/ does + not + V(nguyén they
c S am/acre/is not cN/ Adj
(Trong dd: “do”, ‘ does” lâ cac frs dong ter.)

isnot=isn't do not = don't

are not = aren't does not = doesn't
I do not don't O O* BO to school by bus
- I am not a teacher.
(Tâi khong thwâng xuyen dean kg bâ xe
{Koi khâng phâi lâ mât giâo vien.)
- He is not (isn't} a lawyer. -
He does not doesn't
(Ong ay khâng phâi Iâ mât luât szr)
Anh by khâiy whig xuyen day sâm)
- The watch is not (isn't) expensive. -f
She does not (doesn't) do homework every
i!Chie“c dog hâ khâng dat tien)
- They are not (aren't) students.
(Ho khâny phâi lâ sinh vien) i:Câ a“y khâng Iâm bâi vc nhâ mâi toil
The Sun does no( i!doesn’i) set in the South.
(Mât trâi khâng Iân S huâmg Nam)
- Doi vow câ u phii dinh, phan dong tir thirñ ng, cac ban rat hay mac phfii Hi them s‘ hoâc es“
dang sau dâ I •. Cac ban chu y:
Chici don't/ doesn't + V (nguyén the - khong chia)
ngii' Vi
- Cau sai. She chorolate. (Sai vi dñ co “doesn’t’ ma déing tii ‘like” in cd dusi ”s
—› Cfiu dung: She doesn't like chocolate.
? Câu nghi vain
a. Cau nghi van st dung Inn dong tir (Cau hñ i Yes/ No)
Dong tir to ‘be” Dong tir chi hanh dong

Q: Am/ Are/ Is (not) + S + N/Adj? Q: Do/ Does (not) + S + V (nguyen the)?

Cfing thirc A: - Yes, S + am/ are/ is. A: - Yes, S + do/ does.
No, S + am not/ aren't/ isn’t. No, S + don't/ doesn't.
Q.- Are you a engineer? Q: Does she go to work by taxi?
(Ban co thai Iâ su' khâng? Câ ay di lâm bang taxi phâi khâng?)
A: Yes, I am. (Dung vây) A. Yes, she does. (Câ)
No, I am not. (Khân,q phai} No, she doesn't. (Khâng)

b. Cau nghi van sir dung tit hñ i bat dau bang Wh-
f Dfing tit chi hanh dong
Wh- + do/ does (not) + S + V (nguyen
Cfing thirc Wh- + am/ are/ is (not) + S + N/Adj?
- Where clo you come from?
- Where are you from? (Ban den ter dâu?)
(Ban den IN' dâu?)
- Who are they? (Ho lâ at?)
- What do you do? (Ban lâm n,qhe gi?)

2. Câch ding
- Thi hien tai den dirwc sir dung de.
+ Nd i ve mot thdi quen lap di lap lai hang ngay: I always get up at
+ No i ve siY that, chan ly hien nhién: The sun seM in the west
+ No i vé kha nang cua ai dd: She plays basketball very well

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pmnounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
1. C. balcony D. laundry
2. B. seafood C. serve D. summer
3. A. information B. population
4. A. live B. listen C. think
5. A. deltg B. garage D. Attention
6. A. speaking B. Aching C. cleaning
7. S C. marketg D. parks_
8. A. museums C. buildings D. scho ols
9. A. storgg B. templgq D.familigg
10. A. askd B. watchd C.wash
II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other
in each group.
11. A. center B. basement D. kitchen
12. B. laundry C. dinner D. shopping
13. A. delta C. country D. hometown
14. A. balcony B. temperature C. restaurant
15. A. museum B. attention D. possession
/. Write be suitable word ”or each


4. S. balcon

JJ. ffill in the blanks wi/ t words am (he unit. Vfze/irst leffer is alreazty thez'e.
(Studeii t's book, Review 1. Page 87)
1. I like sitting outside on my _balcony_ when it's how
2. North, East, South, and _West_ are the four cardinal point of the compass.
3. After eating dinner, I do the _dishes_.
4. I live in the countryside. My _village_ is very small. It o nly has a few houses and one store.
5. i•Iy house has a very Fig _yard_. I like playing soccer there with my fi iends.
6. Does your uncle live in a villa in Ha Noi? - No, he doesn't. He lives in an _apartment_.
III. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. (Workbook, Unit 1. Page 2 J

balcony village yard garage city pool flowers apartment

1. My mother goes to the _gym_ twice a week.
2. A _village_ is in the countryside and usually has a few houses.
3. Does your apartment have a _balcony_?
4. Did you park the car in the _garage_?
5. A: Does your house have a big _yard_?
6. B: Yes, it does. We plant trees and _flowers_ there.
7. We asked for a hotel room with a _pool_.
8. Our _apartment_ is small and has two bedrooms.
9. A _city_ has many big buildings, schools, parks and hospitals.

IV. Read the sentences and choose the correct answers (Workbook, Unit 1. Page 4)
1. My sister often makes breakfast/ dinner in the morning.
2. The plates are dirty. I need to do the shopping/ dishes.
3. Jenny makes breakfast/ does the dishes after eating lunch.
4. Let's clean the bathroom/ eat breakfast. It's so dirty.
5. My mom do the shopping/ laundry. My clothes are always really soft.
6. We'i e o tit of juice. Can you bmy some when you do the laundry/ show nine?

I. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.
(Stiiclrii I's hook, Rvvie w 1. Poor 87)
1. What are Manchester famous for’? is
2. My house have a b.u1cony .aid a gas age. has
3. I do lots of ho rises ork! I clean inR the bedrooms on the weekend. clean
4. Do yom family have a car? Does
5. What hoiisewoi'k does you do? do
6. My sister and I don't making the dinner. iriake
7. Thei'e Evo seasons: the di'y seaso n aIid the i'aiiiy se.ason. are

II. Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.
1. I often sets up early to catch the bus to go to work. get
2. She teach sbideiits in a local second.ui’y schoo1. teaches
3. They doesn't own a liouse. They still h.we to rent one to hve. don't
4. Dang Van Land am a farno its go.u1keeper in the Football Teaiii. is
5. What do your sister’ do? does
6. John and Harry doesn't go summing iIi the lake. don't
7. Jenny speak I*ietnarnes e ve ry well. speaks
g. How often does she Roes slioppirig in the super iiiarket? go
9. Oii i’ doqs aren't eat bones. don't
10. Jeliny's parents is very friendly and helpful. are
III. Read the sentences. Underline the correct words. {Workbook, Unit 1. Pagr 3)
1. Excuse me. Could/ Should I .ask yoii so rue qiiestio us?
2. Yes/ No, siire.
3. Are/ Do you live in .u horise or an ap.ui’tiiient?
4. I live/ lives in a house.
5. Does it have/ has a pool?
6. No, it doesn't/ don't.
7. It has/ have three bedrooms.
g. Does it has/ have a balco ny?
9. Yes, it does/ do.
10. Does To in's house has/ have a y.I’d and .a poof?

IV. Read the sentences. Underline the correct words. (A^o i khook, Unit 1. Pnye 5)
1. My another make/ iiiakes breakfast.
2. My sister do/ does the laundry.
3. My bro ther do/ does the dishes.
4. My father’ make/ makes the bed.
5. I clean / cleans the kitchen.
6. Lily do/ does the shopping.
7. Jack and Paul make/ ma kes dirniel’ together.
8. Lily's dad clean/ cleans the b.utlii oorn.
9. Theil morn do/ 8oes the triost housework
10. My brother play/ nlavs football very well.
E Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. (Student's book, Unit 1. Page 7)
1. My brother (live) _ lives_ in the USA.
2. We (have)_have_ a dog.
3. Does he (live) _live_ in Hanoi?
- No, he doesn't. He (live) _lives_ in Hue.
4. My house (not have) doesn't have a yard.
5. Do you live in a house?
- No, I don't. I (jive) _live_ in an apartment.
6. Do they (have) _have_ a car?
- Yes, they do.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. My mom always (make) makes delicious meals.
2. Jenifer (not eat) doesn't eat eggs.
3. Susie (go) goes shopping every week
4. Do Minh and Hoa (go) gg to wo rk by bus every day?
5. Do your parents (agree) agree with your decision?
6. Where does he (come) come from?
7. Where does your father (work) work?
8. Jimmy doesn't usually (not water) water the trees.
9. Who (do) does the washing in your house?
10. They (eat) eat out once a month.

VII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. It (be) is a fact that smart phone (help) helps us a lot in our life.
2. I often (travel) travel to some of my favorite destinations every summer.
3. Our Math lesso n usually (finish) finishes at 4.00 p.m.
4. The reason why 5usan (not eat) doesn't eat meat is that she (be) is a vegetarian.
5. People in Phu Tho (be) are very friendly and they (smile) smile a lot.
6. The flight (start) starts at 6 a. m every Thursday.
7. Peter (not study) doesn't very hard. He never gets high scores.
8. I like oranges and she (like) likes apples.
9. My mom and my sister (cook) cook lunch every day.
10. They (have) have breakfast together every morning.

I. Read Ken's blog post about his family and circle the correct answers.
(Student's book, Unit 1. Page 9)
Today I want to talk about housework in my family. I think I do the most housework in
my family. I clean the kitchen every day. I do the dishes, too. My mom does the shopping. She's a
teacher in a school. My sister is a college student. She doesn't do anything! She doesn't make
her bed or clear her room. My dad cleans her room after work. He's a chef in a restaurant so
he makes dinner. He does the laundry and cleans the bathroom, too. Hmm. Now, I really think
about it, my dad does the most housework.
1. What does Ken write about? Ken's school/ Ken's family
2. Who does the shopping? Ken's sister/ Ken's mom
3. Who makes dinner? Ken's mom/ Ken's dad
4. Who does the laundry? Ken's dad/ Ken's mom
5. Who does the most housework in Ken's family? Ken/ Ken's dad
JI. Read the par9if ph and answer one question (Students book, UnJt 1. Page 13)
Can Tho is a city in the south of Vietnam. It is in the Mekong Delta, on the Hau River.
hlany people live in Can Tho. It is a big city. Lots of people visit it to see its floating markets and
beautiful rivers. The weather is hot. It is very good for growing food. Farmers grow rice,
vegetables, and different fruits. It is an important center for business and transportation.

1. Where is Can The? It is in the south of Viemam.

2. What is it famous for? - It is famous for its floating markets and beautiful rivers.
3. WhaCs the weather like? - It is hot.
4. What do the farmers grow? - They grow rice vegetables, and different fruits.

Jff. feed the email and ansurer the quen:tions. (T orkboof Unit 1. Page 7}
of s 11a om s e dz ail

Dear Stella,
Thanks for letting me know about your hometown.
Let me tell you abnut my hometown, Burano.
Burano is an island in the north of Italy; about 7 km from Venice. You can take a 40-minute
waterbus ride from Venire. It is famous for its colorful houses. You can take great photos
wherever you are on the island. Burano is also famous for its seafood. A lot of restaurants
serve great, fresh seafood at cheap prices. Burano is very quiet and peaceful About three
thousand people live here.
It is better to visit Burano in summer because it is very rold in winter.
Please write back soon. I want to know about your family.
Your friend,

1. Where is Burano? - It's in the north of Italy.

2. How can you get to Burano? You can tahe a waterhus In Burann from Venice.
3. What is Burano famous for? - Burano is famoux for its colorful houses and seafood.
4. How many people live there? - About three thousand peaple live the
B.M/henisdhebesttñoetovisitBurano? -JMbe AooetomsmtlBuranoissuooooer.

JV. Read the artiHe about Bosmn. Choose the bext word QA, B, or C} for each space.
fWorkbook, Review 1. Page 62)
Boston is a (1)............. in the northeast of the USA. About seven hundred thousand people
live there. Boston is one of the oldest cities in the USA and has a rich history. You can (2)............
about the history of the city by walking along the Freedom TraiL Boston is also (3)................for its
many art museums. Some museums let you visit for free some evenings. Spring and fall are the
best times to (4)............. Boston. However, hotels can (5) ............. expensive in May and September.
You will get a cheaper price in January and February. Boston is a place you should visit if you
(6)............. to the USA
1. K store B. hotel D.counwy
2 A. exercise B. tearh C. work
3. A. excited B. exciting D. interesting
4. A. go C. stay D. study
5. B. is C. been D. are
6. A. learn B. stay C. love
V. fteodinp Read about the three places. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).
(Student's book, Review 1. Page 86)
Beautiful Places in the World
Lijiang is a city in the south of China. About 1.2 million people live there. It has many small canals and
Austin is a city in the south of the USA. About 950 thousand people live there. There ai e lots of b
along the river:

C. Sydney is a city in the southeast of Australia. It is the largest city in the country. About SP rn

1. Which place has lots of stone bridges? A
2. Which place has nice parks? A
3. Which place has the most people? B
4. Which place is famous for a show? D
5. Which place is good for takilig a walk? D
6. Which place is by the sea? A
I. Unscramble the questions. Answer the questions using your own ideas.
(Workbook, Unit 1. Page 5)
1. What/do/housework/you/do?
What housework do you do?
I make the beds.
2. housework/ does/ What/ youl mother/ do?
What housework does your mother do?
My mother does the dishes.
3. does/ yo ur father / do?/ What/housework
What housework does your father do?
My father makes dinner.
4. your brother or sister / does/ What/ do?/ housewoi
k What housework does your brother or sister do?
My brother does the shopping
5. the most/ Who/ housewoi k?/ does
Who does the most housework?
My dad does the most housework.

II. Use your notes to write a paragraph about your hometown. iVrire 40 to SO words.
My liometown is.....................................................................................................................................
It is in......................................................................................................................................................
It is a.......................................................................................................................................................
It is famous for .......................................................................................................................................
The weather is.......................................................................................................................................
I like........................................................................................................................................................
My hometown is Nha Tra ng. It is in the center of Vietnam. It is a city. It is famous
for its beautiful beaches and seafood. The weather is hot. I like my hometown because I
love going to the beach.

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pmnounced differently from t6of of the others
in each group.
1. A. s_ister B. has D.§x
B. C. egg D. men
3. A. cake C. make D. paper
4. A. bus B. fun C. sunny
5. A. wolneii B. spr_nig C. gun
6. B. dinner C. f_ish D. singer

II. Put “do/ don't/ does/ doesn't” in each blank fo complete the senfences.
1. My mother likes chocolate, but she doesn't like biscuits.
2. Do the children wear their iirnfoi iii at yo iir schoof?
3. Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he doesn't watch judo
4. Where do the M asons buy their’ fi'iiit?
5. Does the cat like to sleep oIi the sofa?
6. Dogs love bones, but they don't love cheese.
7. Where do Sant and Ben hide then’ pocket liioney?
8. We pizza, but we don't eat h.anibiirgers.
9. Does Miss Jenny i ead magazines?
10. Do the boys play cricket oiitside?
11. Please don't play mtli yoml’ food.
12. She does the cleaning thi'ee times .u week
13. We don't go out very rim.icli because we have a baby.
14. I don’t want to talk about my neighboi'ho od anynloi'e.
15. How winch d oes it cost to phone overseas?
III. Underline the correct answers
1. We so inetrines (read/ reads) books.
2. Emily (go/ goes) to the art club.
3. It often (rain /rains) on Sundays.
4. Pete and his sister’ (wash/washes) the f.curly car.
5. I always (hurrv/ hurries‘J to the bus stop.
6. She (speak/ era s foin 1.angiiages.
7. Jane is a teacher. She (teach / teaches‘) English.
8. Those shoes (cost/ costs) to o much.
9. My sister (go/ eoes‘J to the 1ibi'ary o rice a week.
10. We both (linen listens) to the radio in the mormng.

IV. Rearrange the words to complete the sentences.

1. always / at lime o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / di eves / lits / he
He a lways drives his car out of the garage at nine o'clock in the mooring.
2. a parking place / near the shops / they / find / i'arely
They rarely find a parking place near the shops.
3. by / with my parents / to Florida / soiiietirnes / I / in spa ilig
I sometimes fly to Florida with my parents in spring.
4. late / comes / she / often / to school / in winter
She often comes to school late in winter.
5. meet / at the sport ground / they / after dinner / always / their friends
They always meet their friends at the sport ground aRer dinner.
6. enjoys / swimming / in our poo1 / always / in the morning / she
She always enjoys swimming in our pool in the morning.
7. mother / On / the / my / always / washing / does / Mondays
On Mondays, my mother always does the washing.
8. out / once / put /1 / dustbins / week / the / a
I put out the dustbins once a week.
9. a / go / with / often / walk / dog / for / We / our
We often go for a walk with our dog.
10. sister / ironing / sometimes / My / the / does
My sister sometimes does the ironing.
V. Choose the correct answer.
1. I know the correct answer.
A. am not B. not D. doesn't
2. They agree with m o inion.
A. are C. aren't D. do
3. Kathy usually in front of the window during the class.
B. sitting C. sit D. is sit
4. What does this word ?
A. means B. meaning D. is mean
5. He share anything with me.
A. don't do B. isn't C. not
6. I come from Canada. Where you come from?
A. are C. is D. not
7. Jane tea very often.
B. drink C. is drink D. isn't drink
8. How often you play tennis?
B. are C. is D. have
9. They rice in cold climates.
A. isn't grow C. aren't grow D. doesn't grow
10. I a compass and a calculato r in Maths lesson.
A. am use C. aren't use D. doesn't use

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1. They plav hockey at school. (play)
2. She doesn't write poems. (not/ write)
3. Do you speak English? (speak)
4. My parent don't like fish. (not/like)
5. Does Anne have any hobbies? (have)
6. Andy's brother works in a big building. (work)
7. Do Jim and Joe water the flowers every week? (water)
8. Kent's mother doesn't ride a motorbike. (not/ride)
9. Does Elisabeth knock the door? (kriock)
10. What do you buv in the school canteen? (buy)

Lesson 1
No Words Transcription Meaning
1 biology (n) /baI'u1ad¿i/ Mñ n Sinli hoc
2 geography ( 1 / *s''uqiafi/ Mñ n Di.a 1
3 history (if) / ')lISt1’l/ Mfin L;cli sir
I.T /‹âI ’II /
4 (information (n) (/In1a,n4HIJ8n Mñ n Ten hoc
technology) tek'nulad3i/)
5 literature (n) / 'lIt.i a.tfai’/ Mñ n Van hoc
6 music (n) / 'mjtt:.ZINC Mñ n Am nliac
P.E (physical / pt: i: /(/ ,HZ.I.kal
education) (")
8 physics (n) /'fIZIks/

Lesson 2
No Words Transcription Meaning
9 act (v] / mkt/ Dién xeat
10 activity (n) / mk'tIVOtl/ dñ ng
11 arts and crafts (n) / , n:ts an 'km:fts/ This c ñ ng my nghe
12 drama club (n) / 'drn:.rna klab / Clem lac bñ kich
13 indoor ad]) / , Ill'do: r/ Trong nha
14 outdoor add) / 'a t,do:r/ Ngoâ i ti'ñ i
15 sign up (v) / saIlâ .\// D?4ng ky

Lesson 3
No Words Transcription Meaning
16 adventure (n) / o â's•entfai /
17 author (n) / 'o:8ar/
17 fantasy (n) /'fmntasi/
18 mystery (it) / 'il4Istari/
lS novel (n) / 'nu Tal/ Tieii thuyét

Fur ther words

No Words Transcription Meaning
20 peaceful (adj) /'pi:sfl/ Yén binh/ thanh hints
2.1 beautiful De,r
22 capital (n) /'krH/Itl/ Thai dñ
2.3 secret (n) /'si:krat/
24 event (n) /I'vent/ Sir kién
2.5 strange (add) /st1’CIIâ 5/ La
I. Using "and”/ "or" for listing
1. We use “and" fa join two or more nouns in a positive sentence
I like Eliglisli and iiiiisic.
I like Eliglisli, math and iiiiisic.
2. We use “or” to join two or more nouns in a negative sentence
I don’t like English or iiiiisic.
I don’t like English, math or music. Linh's T shirt
II. Possessive pronouns: mine and yours
My favorite subject is English. What's yours?
Mine's math. we - our they - their she - her, he
- his car
III. Using "like” to talk about school activities
1. We use “like + verb-inp"
I like doing outdoor activities.
I like spe.aking English.

f. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced difyerentlyfrom fha‹ay tLie others
in each group.
1. A. geogi aphy C. negative D. together
2. A. iiiysteI'y B. fantas_y D S
3. A. author B. things C. Thiirsday
4. A. pliys_ics B. li_istoiy
5. B. iiiath C. capital D
6. A. iiiountaiii B. ai ound C. pI'onoun
7. A. farmers B. problems D.
8. B. parts D. .adults
9. A. gauzes B. t.shies D. movies
10. A. booked B. pt.Iced C. n»ssed

If. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from tLiot o the other
in each group.
11. A. iiiiisic B. outdoor C. novel
12. A. physics C. aiithoi’ DNndoor
13. A. biology By geography D. technology
14. B. fantasy C. mystery D. history
15. A. adulation B. iliforniation C. intonation
16. A. drama B. baseball D. subject
17. B. biology C. actiVity D. geogi’.apliy
18. A. iiiiisic B. soccel’ C. physics
19. A. fantasy C. favor ite
20. A. novel D. science
I. i Nte che suimble word for eaCh R!"•••-

1. 4aths

4. Literature 5. Chemistry 6. Technology (IT)

7. English

10. Geography 11. 'tusic

13. Physical education (PE) 14. 5cience 15. Dancing

II. Read ltte sentences. Circle the correct answers.
1. I like because I like reading stories.
B. math C. physics D. biology
2. I like to learn about plants and how they grow. I like
A. I.T C. history D. math
3. I like computers. That's why I like
B. P.E C. history D. physics
4. I love to learn about mountains and rivers. I like
A. I.T B. physics C. English
5. I don't like running and playing sports. I don't like
A. literature C. math D. history
6. Studying helps me learn about countries around the world and famous people in the
A.muic C. biology D. math
7. I love to learn how light, hear, and sound work. I love
A. geography B. biology D. music

iZZ. FBI in the blanks usinp the words in the boX.

sign up drama club arts and crafts indoor activities outdoor acriviries act
1. Why don't you sign up for a look club?
2. Chris wants to be an actor. He's learning how to act at school.
3. Jane likes acting. She joined the drama club at school.
4. Some students love doing arts and crafts because they can make pretty things from paper.
5. Volleyball and table tennis are indoor activities. We often play them in the sports center.
6. Many students like playing soccer and tennis. They're outdoor activities.

IV.Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.

sign uphistoryarts and craftsfantasynovelgeographydrama club literature
1. My favorite subject is history I like learning about people in the past.
2. Harry Potter is a famous fantasv series. Many people love the magical world in the books.
3. There are many arts and crafts projects before the holidays. You can learn how to make
beautiful cards and decorations.
4. Her first novel is about her childhood in the south of India. Many people, especially girls and
women, love it because they can see themselves in her story.
5. Why don't you sign up for an outdoor activity? Being outdoors is great for your health.
6. Matt doesn’t like literature. He thinks all the books he has to read in the class are boring.
7. We learn about different countries in geographv class.
8. The drama club is looking for actors for their new play.
I. Circle the correct words.
1. My favorite sport is Bennis. What's mine/ vours? - I like soccer.
2. I found a bag. Is ir mine/ vours? - No, ir isn't. My bag is here.
3. This look isn't my book. Mine/Yours is blue. Is it yours? - Yes, it is.
4. I saw a red that on the table. Isn't yours/mine red? - No, mine is blue.
5. What's your favorite ice cream? Mine/Yours is chocolate. - I like chocolate, too.
6. Do you have a ruler? Mine/Yours is at home. - Sure, here you are

II. Rewrite the verbs using ‘-rug .”

Verb Verb-ing Meaning
1. sing singing
2. draw drawing
3. cut cutting
4. read reading
5. dance dancing
6. get getting
7. act acting
8. paint painting
9. sign signing
10. listen listening
I I. swim swimming
12. read reading
13. happen happen
14. play playing
15. join joining
III. WNte full questions and answers using the given words and your own ideas.
1. Which/ club/ you/ want/ sign up?
Which club do you want to sign up for?
- I want to sign up for the art club.
2. There's/ table tennis club./ Do/ you/ like/ play/ table Bennis?
- There's a table tennis club. Do you like playing table tennis?
- No, I don't. I don't like sports.
3. There's/ science club./ Do/ you/ like/ science?
- There's a science club. Do you like science?
- Yes, I do.
4. Why/ don’t/ you/ sign up/ it?
- Why don't you sign up for it?
- Yes, good idea.

IV. Circle the correct words.

1. I like art, English, and/or music.
2. What's your favorite subject? Mine/ Yours is Biology.
3. Do you like play/plavinR sports?
4. The book's b y/on Harper Lee.
5. I think the book is/are very exciting.
6. I like dancing/danceing. I want to sign up for a dance class.
7. Do you know where my bag is? - Hmm, is that mine/vours?
I. Reading Read the book review and write T “True” or F “False”for each sentence.
(Student's book, Unit 2. Page 21)
My Favorite Novel
Thanh Nguyén, November 18
My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass (Toi Thay Hoa Vang Trén Cd Xanh). It's an
interesting novel. The author of the book is Nguyén Nhar Anh. The book is about Thieu and the
people around him. I like the book because it shows us many beautiful things in Thiéu's village. It
is a peaceful village with green grass, trees, wind, and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are
very sad. I cried a lot when I thought Thieu's brother, Tu' g, cannot walk again. I really like this
book. I think you should read it.
Sentences True/ False
1. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is by Nguyén Nhat Anh. T
2. The writer thinks the book is boring. F
3. The story is about three girls as they grow up. F
4. In the story, Tirñ 'ng lives in a big city. F
5. Some parts of the story are sad. T
6. The writer likes this story. T

Read the text. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or €). (Student’s book, Review 2. Page B8)
I really like art, English, and literature. They're really interesting and can be fun. I don't like math,
geography, or science. They're boring. My favorite subject at school is literature. I like learning
about stories of people from different places and times. My favorite book is The Secret Garden.
The aiithor is Frances Hodgson Biirnett. The girl in the novel, Mary Lennox, goes to live at her
uncle's house .aid discovers a secret garden. She becomes friends earth Dickon and her cousin
Colin Craven They often play together and take care of the garden. It's a very interesting story
and I really love their friendship.
1. What subjects does Simon like?
A. iii.stir, geography, and science

C. He likes all of them.

2. Why does Simon like these subjects?

B. He is good at them.
C. They're exciting.
3. What is Simon's favorite subject?
A. English

C. wrath.
4. Who's the author of Simon's favorite book?

C. Colin Craven
5. Why does Simon like the novel?
A. He likes rnystei y novels.
B. It many fiin adventures,

III. Read the school newsletter and answer the questions. Sruden t's hook, Unit 2. Page 17)
School Clubs
We have lots of fun clubs at oin school. If you like outdoor activities, the Soccer Club meets at 4
p.m. ever y Tires day, with the Tennis Chib at the same tinge on Tlmrsdays. For indoor activities,
the Board Games Club starts next week It is popiilar so please sign up on the noticeboard The
Book Cliib welcomes anyone who likes readilig. You don’t need to sign rip but pie.use bring yoiir
own copy of The Secret Garden w itli yoii to the Library at 4 on Wednesday. 0 iir Arts and
Crafts Club is for people who like making things. The cost is $20 per term for materials
1. Which club is on Tuesdays?
(the) Soccer Club
2. Which club wants you to sign up on the noticeb oard?
(the) Board Games Club
3. Which club wants you to t.ate soinetclimg itli you?
(the) Book Club
4. Which club needs money?
(the) Arts and Crafts Club

I. Read the Writing Tip and answer the questions. Srodeiit's hook, Unit 2. Page 21)
Writing Tip: Punctuation
1. What's
We useyoin favorire
capital book?
letters - Pippi Longstocking.
• at the beginning of all sentences
• for insures of people, places, and books, etc.
• for the subject proiiotrn "I“
• for d.ays and nloliths
2. What kind of book is it? - Novel.
3. Who's the author of the book? - Astrid Lindgren.
4. Why do you like the book? - Because it's very funny.
5. Do you think your friends should read it? - Yes, everyone should read it.
if. Use your answers in Task a. to write a book review. Use the Reading to help you.
Write 40 to SO words.
by favorite book is Pippi Longstacking. It's a children's novel. The author is Astrid
Lindgren. I like the book because it's very funny. Pippi is an interesting and funny girl.
She's also very brave and find. I think everyone should read it.

iff. Read Rita and Robert's information. write a note to suggest which club they should sign
up for and why. Write 4O to SO words. (Workbook's, Unit2. Page 1T l

Name: Rita Williams School Clubs I think Rita should s›p» «p yor the book
Favorite subjects: literature, P.E. n science club club and the indoor sports club. She
treading books n arts and lifes reading books and playing
playing table tennis n crafts club table tennis. I think Robert should
* acting n indoor sign up for the outdoor sports club
n sports club hid the science club. He likes playing
n I.T. club soccer and working with plants and
n outdoor animals.
n sports club
i'4ame: Robert Lee n book club
Favorite subjects: math, biology n drama club
I playing soccer
working with plants and
* doing arts and crafts

I. Underline the correct word for each sentence.

1. Is this cup (your / ours)?
2. The coffee is (my/mine). i - mine your -
3. That coat is (my/mine). yours I am Iron
4. He lives in (her/hers) house. Duy
5. You might want (vour/yours) phone. I am Thonos
6. The new car is (their/theirs).
7. She cooked (our/ours) food.
8. Don't stand on (m y/mine) foot! Iinh's book
9. She gave him fher/hers) suitcase.
10. I met (their/theirs) mother.
II. Is this h{tier/theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat (her/hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my/mine).
14. That red bike is (our/ours).
15. We should take (ou/rours) coats.
16. That is (mv/mine) car.
17. He dropped (m y/mine) bag.
18. Are these phones (their/theirs)?
19. These cakes are (our/ours)!
20. Are those children (your/vours)?


Lesson 1
No Words Transcription Meaning
I blond (add)
2 blue (add)
3 brown (adi)
4 glasses (add)
5 long (n)
6 red (adi)
7 short (add) Ng?un, tliap
8 slim (add) /s IHit/ Thou the, gny
9 tall (add) /to:l/

Lesson 2
No Words Transcription Meaning
10 bafiminton /'bmdiâ1Iiitan / C?su|onq
11 barbecue /'ba: rbikjii:/ Tier iiwâi giigoaitrai
12 beach /bi:t /
13 cake /keik/
14 mall /iii :l/ Ti'ung min tliiro'ng mai
15 movie /'irn.i:i•i/ Plum dien Huh
16 party g'po:i ti/ Bora tiec
17 pizza /'pi:tsa/
17 swimming /'s\\'I111I1§/ Viéc bo'i lñi
18 TV /,ti: 'vi:/ Ti vi
lS video game /'VIdia seIm/ Ti'o cho'i dién ter

Lesson 3
No Words Transcription Meaning
20 friendly (add) /'frendli/ Thin thien
2.1 funny (add) /'f.rim/ Biiñ n error, i•iii nhsn
22 helpful (add) /'helpfl/ Cñ Fch
2.3 kind (add) /kaind/ Tir té
24 lazy (add) /'leIZi/ Ltrñ i bieiig
2.5 selfish (add) /'seIfI// Icli kev

Fur thei words

No Words Transcription
26 housework (n) /'tJFUS\V3 :I” /
2.7 character (n)
28 schoolwork (n)
2S expression (n)
30 shuttlecock (n)
I. Thi hiGn tai tiép difin (The present continuous tense).
1. Can mo
+ Câu khang dinh
S + am/ is/ are + V-ing
- I + am + V-ing
- He/ She/ It/ Danh tir so it/ Danh tir khong dem duxzc + is + Y-ing
- You/ We/ They/ Danh tir so nhieu + are + V-ing
- I am studying Main now. (Tâi dang hoc toân.)
- Pte is Naming a cafe. i:Anh ay dang nuâng bânh)
- the is Gliding on the phone. (Câ a“y da nâi chuyén trén dién thoai)
- They are singing a song together- fHodang hât ning man mât bâi hât)
- be are preparing for our parents‘wedding anniversary.
(Chung tâi dang chuan bi cho Ie niém ngây cuâi cua bS me)
- The certs praying witn some to:r•- f°on méo dang chmi vâi may the'dâ chat)
- The Grids are watching ‘Deadpool"urith their classmates in the theater.
(Bon tré dang rem phim “Deadpool‘vat câc ban cuny lâp o' rap)
- Véri cac tir co tâ n cling lñ ", khi chuyen sang darig ing thi se bñ dufii "e" vâ thñ m “ink luon. (use
— using; pose — posing; impmve — improving; change — chn ring)
- Vñ i cac tir cé › tâ n cñ ng la ‘ee“ khi chuyen sang dang ing thi Vn GHG NG N "ee" va thém dusi

"ing". (knee - kneeii;g)

- Quy tâ c gap dfii phu am roi m6'i thém ing:
+ Neu dfing tir co 1 â m tiet ket thiic bang mfit phu am (trir h, w, x, y), di trirñ c la mfit nguyen am ta
gap déii phu am be khi thém “ing. [ *••p - *••P,o•“•a: run - running}
+ VG dong Lir hai am fret trñ len, neu trong am nhan vñ o am cuoi thi md gap dñ i phu am. (begin
- beginning)
Neu trong am nhan vâ o vi tri am khfing phñ i am cuoi thi khñ ng gap doi phu am: Listen - listening,
Happen - happening, enter - entering..
+, Neu phu am ket thuc la "I" thi thirémg nguiri Anh sé gap doi 1 con ng fri My thi khñ ng.
Vi du: Travel : Anh - Anh la Travelling, Anh - My la Traveling, ca hai rach viet deu sir dung drroc
a Fd
Dfi£lg tir ket thuc l ie i khi them “ink thay "ie” vao y roi them “ink. (tie - Jii;g; die-
- Câu phâ d(nh
Cong thirc S + am/are/is + not + Ving
Chu y is noE = isn't
(Viet mt) are not = aren‘t

- I am not centring dinner. (Tâi day khâng chuan b( bra Int.)

- ffe is not(isn't} feeding his dogs.
(Ctng any dang khâng cho nh rig chu châ cirng an)
- She is not (isn't} watching the news with her grandmother.
(Câ a“y da khâng xem thâi su' vâi bâ)
- Be carefull I think tney are lying. (Can thân day! Tâi nghi ho dang nâi dii)

? Câu nghi van

a. Câu nyhi va“n siPduny frxr. dang tit (Câu hâi Yes/Re}
Q: Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing?
Cong thirc A: Yes, S + am/isfare.
No, S + am/is/are + noL
Q: Are you tahing a photo of me? (Ban dang chup anh tñ i phâ i khñ ng?) A: Yes, I am.
Vi du Q: Is she going out with you? (Cé› ay dang di choi ning ban co phdi khong?)
A: No, she isn’L

Cong thirc Wh- + am/ are/ is (not) + S + V-ing?

- What are you doing? (Ban dang lñ m gi vñ y)

Vi du
- What is he studying right now? (Anh ta dang hoc gi vjy)

2. Dau hieu nhan biet::

Thi hiGn tai tiep dién cñ câ c dau hiGu nhñ n biet nhir sau:
- Now: Bay giir
- Right now: Ngay bfiy gii'r
Trang tir chi thiYi gran: - At the moment: i'4gay luc nay
- At present: Hien tai
- It's + gin cu the + now (It's 12 o‘1ock now)
- Look!/ WaEch! (Nhin kia!)
VD: Look! AB!rl is jumping from the bridge!
fNhin kia! Câ ,Qoi dang nhây tñ• trén can
- Listen! (Nghe nay!)
TrongcauoécâcdosgTñ VD: Listen! Someone is cry'ing! N he nây! Ai dâ dang khâc.)
- Keep silent! (Hay im lang)
VD: Keep sirens/ The teacher is saying rhe main poin f of I:he lesson!
fTrât t •! Câ giâo dang giang den phan chinh câa câ bâi!)
- Watch out! = Look out! (Coi chiing)
VD: Watch ouc! The tmin is coming!
Coi chñwg/ Doân tâu dang de“n gân dia!)
S. CâcJi st dung
Dién tâ hiinh dong dang xâ y ra Mr thiii diem néi.
- My father is watching TV now. Hâ nh dfing “xem TV” vâ
Chore nñ ng 1 (Bo tñ i dang xem TV) “nau biia trtra” dang dién
- Mymomlscoo og€uochfigAtnow. ra o i di6m noi
(Me tñ i dang rhuan bi bu•a trna ngay bâ y gi •) la ngufri riot.
Dié n dat mot hanh dong dang xâ y ra khong nhat et tai thiYi diem néi.
“Lam luan an” hoiic ”doc
sach“ dang khñ ng thirc sir
- My son is quite busy these days. He is doing his
dien ra nhirng vâ n xâ y ra
Chile nñ ng 2 quanh thai diem
(Dao nay con trai tñ i kha lñ biin. Né darig phdi
nor. nhiing rfiu nâ y lñ
luâ n an)
hanh dñ ng dang trong
- I rim reading the book”The thorn bird”.
qua trinh thirc hién vñ
van chim lñ m xon
Difin dat mfit hanh dong sap xâ y ra trong tirirng lai gan. Thirémg dién tâ
mol kS hoach dii dtrcrc lén lich situ.
Chore nñ ng S Chuyen bag dñ dwtrc len
- I am qp txt Kyoto tomorrow. (Tñ i sé bay den Kynt
vâ o ngay mai) ke hoach nén sir
going to = will dung la “am flying"”
Mñ ta hanh dñ ng thirñ iig xuyén lap di lap lai gay srr birc ininh hay kho ch|u
cho ngrrâ i noi. Cach dung ndy de phan ndn va dtrwc dung vâ i trang tir tan
suat “always, continually".
Chirc nang 4 - He is always coming hate. Plinn wean ve viéc “déii
(Anti ta chuyen qi.a but rum fin) intro n" via “dé qnnn no
- IVh;• are you always putting ;•oiir dirty clothe s on b.iw tren giirñ ng '.

Mñ ta cai gi dñ phat trien hon, dñ i infri hon

- Tire childs en are growing quickly.

Chirc nang 5
- The cli in.ate is changing r.apidl;•.
- \"oiir Korean is improving
Dim ta inot cai gi do mii, dñ i lap vat nhiing gi cñ rrâ c dd
Chirc nang 6 - hIost people are using of i outing
letters. bI ñ t/u s;r kli/ic biet chia
- \V1iat kind of clothe s are teenagers rig.i¿ ti irñ c — bay gis.
wearing nowadays?

4. NhiPng tJ KHONG chia â thi hiéTi Lai tié"p dién:

1. Want 9. Siippo se 17, Hope
2. Like 10. Reineinbel’ 18, Foi'get
3. Love 11. Realize 19 Hate
4. Prefer 12. Understand 20 Wish
S. Need 13. Depend 2.1, Mean
6. Believe 14. Seem 2.2 Lack
7. Cont.ciii 15. Know 23 Appear
8. Taste 16. Belong 24 Sound

TP th p k p t gh
I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each proup.
1. A. f n»y B. lazy C. friendly
z. B C. person people D. spider
3. A. baI becue C. because D. coIiveI sation
4. A. selfish B. helpful D. endless
5. A. long =film C. sl1Oi’t D. shopping
6. A. teacher B. beautiful D beach
7. A. T-shirts C. blanks D. spouts
g. A. looks B. in.akes
9. A. glasses B. changes tiêu đề D. beaches
1.0. A. underlined B. pLaced C. massed C. back D. banket
1.2. A. light B. stripe D. a_»e
1.3. A. teiribe B. cabe C. syll.ube

Circle fhe word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of
following questions.
14. B. always D. fishing
15. A. barbecue B. vacation D. average
16. fi. sneaked s C. balcony D. selfish
I. iPrite the suitable word for each picture.
Describing appearance

1. tall - short 2. fat - thin


turn left

2. Bald 3. Straight

4. Wa o'n son téc vang

5. Curl xoan b. B\ante

I de
xoa xuon tran

7. Fringe
9. Bob

10. Red
11. Brown 12. Black

1. Blach 2. Green Z. Blue 4. Brown

Describing personality

'to:.ka.tIv]Iâm Ié'i tao, sang ta

1. talkative 2. Clever thong minh 3. Creative 4. Sit

S. Kind 6.£onfQenr 7. Hard-working 8. Lazy

9. Friendly 10. Funny 11. Stz cE khat khe Hz. Patient

II. iVrife the correct words from the unit on the lines. The first letter is already there.
1. This kind of person thinks about other people all the time. Kind
2. This is a big building with a lot of shops, restaurants, and cafes.
3. People often have one for their birthday. trâ i cau, dâ cau Party
4. This is a sport we play with a racket and a sluttlecock. (steal.ka:k] Badminton
5. This is when someone's color hair is yellow. Blond
6. This kind of person doesn't like doing housework or schoolwork.
7. People wear these on their eyes to help them see.
8. People only think about themselves. Selfish
9. People make their friends laugh. Funny
10. People love talking to their friends.
11. People are very nice to people and animals. Kind
12. People help other people by doing something or giving advice. Helpful
13. People don't want to work.

III. Fill in the blanks using the phrases in the box.

wa wa V have a barbecue m cake have a party go swimm
o ie p eo games p1 dminton
1. I want to go shopping to buy some winter clothes.
2. Let's go to the mall. I want to go shopping and there's a great restaurant there, too.
S. It's a beautiful day! Let's go to the beach and swim in the sea.
4. She's going to make a oizza. It's going to have cheese and tomato on it.
5. Let's watch a movie at the movie theater.
6. I usually play badminton with my friends at srhool. I can hit the shuttlerock really hard.
7. My sister and I always watch TV after dinner. We really like rartoons.
C. I like to Iviav go_dgain se with my friends. My mom only lets me play after I finish my homework.
9. I have milk, flour, eggs, and sugar. Let's matte a cake.
10. He's going to have a party for his birthday. I need to get him a
11. It's a lovely day. Let's have a barbecue in the garden. It will be delicious!
12. I like to swigommign at the beach when it's sunny.

I. 4Jte tne - ing form o/the verbs.

2. swim
S. play plajnne
4. ha e having
5. eat eating
6. watch watching

C. study smdying
9. do doinp
10.msit visinnR
1. tfnderfine the correct wor4z
1. Are/ Am u wearing brown pants?
2. He are is wearing green shorts.
S. They are is wearing blue T-shirts.
4. I am/are wears/ wearing sneakers.
S. You am/ are wearing glasses.
6. Are/ Is they wearing black caps?
7. What does/ is she wearing?
£t. Hey; Frank, what are you do/ doing on Saturday akernoon?
9. What's Hermione like/do?
10. Is/ Are she wearing glasses?
lL I'm not/ don't having a party this Saturday. It's next week.
12. What does/ is Spiderman do?
13. Is she having/ ha a Que tonight?

II. Bill in fne hand:s using the Z'resenf Conanuo

1. My brother (gn) is going shopping on Friday.
2. What you are (do) doing tomorrow?
S. I (makes am making a pizza tomorrow.
4. Are they (have) having a picnic in the park this weekend?
5. She (go) is going to the mall with Mark on Saturday.
6. We (play) are slaving basketball this evening.
7. Is he (watch) watching a movie at home tonight?

JLL. Unscramble cfiie sentences.

1. he/ look/ What/ does/ like?
tall/ and air./ has/ black/ He's —› He's tall and has black hair.
2. he/ glasses?/ white/ Is/ wearing Is he wearing white glasses?
is./ Yes,/ he —› Yes, he is.
3. wearing?/ she/ is/ What —› What is she wearing?
wearing/ a/ dress./ blue/ She/ is —› She is wearing a blue dress.
4. your/ Is/ friend/ a girl/ boy? a/ or Is your friend a girl or a boy?
friend/ My/ girl./ is/ a My friend is a girl.

I. Read the teKn Choose the best word {A, B, or C) for each space.
Kim is a new girl in my class. We're friends now. Kim is tall with (1) blond hair and blue
eyes. We (2) badminton together ea ach.At school, she always wears a uniform but
today is Saturday so she i (3) a yellow T-shirt and pink sneakers. I think Kim is very
funny and kind, and she inks (4) other people. We are going shopping at the mall this
afternoon because she's (5) a party tonight. After that, we are making pizza for the party
and watching TV Tomorrow we swimming at the beach.
1. A. tall B. slim C. fat
2. B. to play C. playing D. plays
3. A. wear B. wears D. to wear
4. B. to C. for D. in
5. A. working B. making C. doing
6. A. playing C. doing D. joining
II. Read the texts about what three students usually do on the weekends. Choose the correct
nnswer{A, B, or C).
A. I'm Alex. I often go shopping with my mom on the weekends. We usually go to the
supermarket near my house to buy food. When we go home, she sometimes teaches me how to
cook. I want to be a good cook like my mom.
B. My name's Will. I always ride my bike to band practice on Saturday mornings. We practice for
about two hours, then I go home and play with my younger isrother. He doesn't like going out and
meeBng new people. We often play video games together instead.
C. My name's Oscar. I like to sleep in on the weekends. I sleep until 9 a.m. and then I
sometimes go swimming with my brother. On Saturday nights, I often stay up late to watch
a movie or read a book.
1. Who plays music on the weekends? B
2. Who doesn't go to bed early on Saturdays? c
3. Who helps with chores on the weekends? A
4. Who wants to learn how to make delicious food? A
5. Who has a shy brother? B
6. Who goes out for two hours every Saturday? B

I. Rewrite the following using the continuous tense with the word bellow.
1. My/ father/ water/ some plants/ the/ garden.
My father is watering some plants in the garden.
2. My/ mother/ clean/ floor/.
My mother is cleaning the fioor.
3. Mary/ have/ lunch/ her/ friends/ a/ restaurant.
Mary is having lunch with her friends in a restaurant.
4. They/ ask/ a/ man/ about/ the/ way/ the/ railway/ station.
They are asking a man about the way to the railway staoon.
5. My/ student/ draw/ a/ beautiful/ picture
My student is drawing a (very) beautiful picture.

if. write a description of a student in your class. write 40-50 words.

My best friend is Jenny. She's short and thin. She has long black hair. She is wearing glasses.
She is wearing a white shirt and blue skirt. She is wearing black shoes and white socks.
She isn't wearing a cap.

I. Chia dang tiP‘to be” k ding hung

1. John and Mandy nre cleaning the kitchen.
2. I rim reading a book at the moment.
3. It is raining.
4. We are singing a new song.
5. The children are watching TV.
6. My pets are sleeping now.
7. Anns Helen is feeding the ducks.
8. Our friends are packing their rucksacks.
9. He is buying a magazine.
10. They are doing their homework.
II. Cho ding dung cua dang W trong ngo c
1. Be careful! The car (go) is oig ng so fast.
2. Listen! Someone (cry) is crvinR in the next room.
3. Your brother (sit) Is...sitEiiR? next to the beautiful girl over there at present?
4. Now they (try) are trving to pass the examination.
5. It's 12 o'clock, and my parents (cook) are cooking lunch in the kitchen.
6. Keep silent! You (talk) am so loudly.
7. I (not stay) am not staving at home at the moment.
8. Now she die) is lying to her mother about her bad marks.
9. At present they (travel) are travelinRto New York.
10. He (not work) is not working in his office now.

III. Cho ding hung cua câc dang th trong ngo c.

I. He (not read) is not reading magazine at present.
2. I (look) mm looking for Chrisnne. Do you know where she is?
3. It (ger) is aettina dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They (stay) are sts vina in Manchester with their friends.
5. They (build) are ñuiidrnp a new supermarket in the center of the town.
6. Have you got an umbrella? It (start) is stnrtinp to rain.
7. You (make) are makina a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I am trying to concentrate.
8. Why are all those people here? What (happen) is hnppenino?
9. Please don't make so much noise. I (try) rim trvinp to work.
10. Lets go out now. It (not rain) i any more.
11. You can turn off the radio. I (not listen) e to it.
12. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She (have) is having a great time
and doesn't want to come back.
13. I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) oam tatine lunch.
14. Andrew has just started evening classes. He (learn) is learning German.
15. Paul and Sally have an argument. They (speak) ore rpenkino to each other.

IV. Dich nhñmy câu saw sang trend Anh cé siP dv.rig Eni hien w.i tiep dim.
1. Bo me tñ i dang tâ n hwirng nghi he eta ho tai hliami.
My parents are enjoying their summer vacation in Miami.
2. Ho dang uong ca phñ v6'i doi tâ c.
They are drinking coffee with their parsers.
S. Nhin kia! Triri bat dau mwa!

4. Ho dang mua mñ t vñ i chiec banh ngot cho bon tré fi nha.

They are buying some cahes for the kids at home.
S. Em trai ciia ban dang lñ m gi roi?
What is ynur little brother doing?
6. Ho dang di dau vâ y?
Where are they going?
7. Co phâ i Peter dang doc sarh trong phong khong?
Is Peter reading lochs inhisroom?
8. Ban nGn mang theo mot chiec ao. Trot dang trñ lanh day!
You should bring along a coat. It is getting cold!
9. Lisa dang â n trira i'r cang-tin vrrl ban than ciia co
ay. Lisa is eafing in the canteen with her best
10. Bo tñ i dang stra chiec xe dap ciia tñ i.
My father is repairing my bike.
V. I ioanh trân dâp ân dung cho mli câu sau.
1. Andrew has just started evening classes. He German.
A. are learning C. am learning D. learning
2. The workers a new house right now.
B. am building C. is building D. build
3. Tom twopoemsatthemoment7
A. are writing B. are writeing C. is writeing
4. The chief engineer all the workers of the plant now.
B. are instructing C. instructs &.m
5. He his pictures at the moment.
A. isn't paint C. aren't painting D. don't painting
6. We the herbs in the garden at present.
Adon'tplant B.doesn’tplant C. isn‘t planting
7. They the artificial flowers of silk now?
A. Are... makeing C. Is... making D. Is... making
8. Your father your motorbike at the moment.
B. are repairing C. don't repair D. doesn't repair
9. Look! The man the rhildren to the cine
A. is wakeing B. are taking D. are takeing
10. Listen! The teacher a new lesson to us.
B. are explaining C. explain D.expbfns
11. They tomorrow.
B. is coming C. roming D. comes

if. Mai câu sun china m8r fdi sai. him vâ chuqp.
1. Are you do homework right now?
do —r doing
2. The children play football in the backyard at the moment.
3. What does your elder sister doing?
does -+ is
4. Look! Those people are fight with each other.

5. Noah is tries very hard for the upcoming exam.


Lesson 1
No Words Transcription Meaning
1 always Ltiñ n luñ n
2 never
3 often
4 rarely
5 sometimes Tliinli thoang
6 usually (.cdv) /'jii: Ariali/ Tliirñ ng xiiyân

Lesson 2
No Words Transcription Meaning
10 fashion (n] /'imfn Thai ti'ang
1.1 music (n] /'ml)MHZ HQ Am nhac
12 performance (n] /par'fo:rrnans/
13 puppet (it] /'p.\}3I1/
14 show (n] / feo/
15 stand (n] /stm nd/
16 talent (n] /'tmlant/ Tai nding
17 tug of war ( 1 /,'-'s ay 'we:r/ Kéo co
Lesson 3
No Words Transcription Meaning
18 buy (v] /bDI/
lS candy (n) /'k.ciidi / Neo
20 decorate (v] /'dekareIt/ Ti'ang ti i
2.1 fireworks (n) /'faIai iva.rk/ Pliao lioa
22 flower (n) /'f1aoa r / Hon
2.3 fruit (n) /fi ii:t/ Ho.a qud
24 gift ( I /SIJ/
25 lucky money (n) /'1aki 'mam/ Tien h xi
26 parade (n) /pa'r9I / Biiñ i diéii hnnh
2.7 traditional adj) /ti a'dI[ant/ Ti'uyen thsng
28 visit (v] /'VIZIt/ Them, tliain quan

Fur ther words

No Words Transcription Meaning
2S hopscotch (n) /'lin:pskn:t[/ Ti'o chvi ñ lñ cñ
30 wrestling (n) /'i eslIH/ Mñ n dari vat
3.1 martial (adj) /'mn:rat/
32 basketball (n) /'bmskItbo: I/ Bñ ng i'ñ
3.3 overseas (adj) /,a uvar'si:z/ Hni ngo.ui
I. Adverbs of frequenry
1. Dinh nghia trang M chi tan suat trong ngiPphâp tieng Anh
Trang tii' chi tan suat la trang tti' dung de bieu dat hay mfi ta ve nice do thrr0'ng xuyen xâ y ra chia
mot sir kien, hien ttrcrng nao do.

[a'kel.¿an.aI.i] thinh thoang

*A Adverbs of frequency Examples

100% always (Luñ n luñ n) I always brush my teeth at night.
90% usually (Thoang xuyen) I usually walk to school.
70% often (Thirñ ng thoang) I oRen play soccer.
50% sometimes (Thinh tliodng) I sometimes sing a song.
5% rarely (Hiem klii) I rarelv get bad marks.
0% never (Khñ ng Rao gif) I never go to school late.
Only approximate numbers

2. Vi tri cña trong IP chi tan suit trong câu

Cach diing trang tir nay tu'o'ng ttr nhir cac trang tir khac trong ngir phap tiéng Anh, ding sau dñ ng
tir to be va tru'ñ 'c dong tir thu'ñ 'ng, vâ thirñ ng co cac y nghia nhu' du'ñ i diiy:
Trong IK dñmg sau dang tiPTo be
She is alwavs patient when teaching her students.
(Câ ay luân kién nhân khi giang bâi cho hoc sink cua minh.)
• Trong tN dñmg trmâc dang th
thcrnng She sell comes back horne
at 7 p.m. (Câ ay thtr 'rig xuyén ve nhâ
vâo 7 gif' toi.)
• Trong tN dñmg trmâc trm. dang th vâ dang th chlnh
Marry has never attended this kind of competition before.
(Nlarry chu'a bao giâ tham dir cuâc thi nhu' the nây trtré'c dây.)
• Trong ngii phâp tieng Anh, trong tiP chi tan suat dot khi dñmg k Can câu ho c cuâi câu
(th hardly ever, never)
Sometimes, I don't understand what you are thinking.
(Thff7h thoang tâi chang hien ban dang nghi gi.)
II. Present Simple for future use.
Thi hien tai den dién ta cñ ng viec cu the (cd U hoach xac dinh) trong ttro'ng lai nhir la thñ 'i khoa
bieu hay chiro'ng trinh, 1{ch trinh cu the.
- The meeting starts ar 8.00 tomorrow.
- The train leaves at 5.00.
- The shops open at 7.00 tomorrow.

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pmnounced differently from that of the others
in each roup.
1. ˈspeʃ.əl]
B. celebrate C. excited D. center
2. A. Thanksgiving [θæŋk] B. thinking ðer D. thin
3. A. positive B. negative C. tu
4. A. puppet B. funny D. sunny
B. talent
5. B. fashion C. candy
6. A. town B. flowers C. fireworks D. cow
7. A. celebrates C. Saturdaysz D. points
8. A. festivals z B. weekends z s
9. A. activities z B. timetables z C. worked s D. roles z
10. B. watched D. danced
id/ t/ t t
if. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other
in each group.
11. A. market B. puppet D. magic
12. ɪkˈsaɪt]
costumes ˈkɑː.stuːm] C.
lantern 'læn.tɚn] D.
martial [ˈmɑːr.ʃəl]
13. A'. festivals B. decorate DI famil
14. A. B. apartment C. tradition
location 15. B. traditional C. participate D. activity

I. Site the suitable woNI for each picture.

musicerformance 2. food stand 3. tu of war

4. et show 5. talent show 6. fashion show

fZ. ftse they WDrzfr to ft&eJ pt
watch fireworks decorate a house or tree watch parades dieu hanh
eat traditional foods get lucky money, candy, or watch Korean wrestling
vieit family and friends play games or music buy fruits or flowers

EH. Pill In fne PlanRs fn the words from the box.

get lucky money mlent show rarely fireworks food stands always
eat traditional foods never

1. I rarely eat fast food. I don't like the taste and it often makes me sirk.
2. My favorite part about Tet is to get luckvmnmev. I usually use it to buy new books.
S. I think you should participate in the talent xhnw. You can dance really well.
4. Mary always waters her flowers before going to school. She waters them every morning
5. I want to check out the food smnds. All the dishes look very tasty.
6. Let's watch fireworks together. My mom lets us stay up late and you can sleep at my
7. We never go out after eight. My dad doesn't think it's safe.
8. We eat tradifional foods such as stollen, a special cake, on Christmas Day.
I. Use the right form of the verbs with each adverb of frequency.
1. Our’ teacher; Mrs. Johes, (never/ be) is never tate foI’ lessons.
2. I (often/ often clean my bedi'ooiii at the weekend.
3. My brother (never/ help) never helps tire with my homework.
4. I (sometimes/ be) am sometimes bored in the Maths lessons.
5. We (i’ai’ely/ watch) rarelv watch football on TV.
6. You and Tony (never/ play) never pI ay computer games with lne.
7. You (usually/ be) are usuallv at the sports centre on Simd.ay.
g. The school bus (always/ ai'rive) always arrives at half past eight.

II. Fill in the blanks using the Present Simple.

1. What tune does the iiiiisic pei'foi mance start? (start)
2. Does the cafe open in the nloI'mng? (open)
3. The tr.min leaves at 4:45 p.m. (leave)
4. What tune does the i'estatn .sit close? (close)
5. The puppet show ends in ten nlnitites (end)
6. What tune does the bus leave? (leave)
III. Choose the word of phrase that best completes each sentence below.
1. My brother to buy a new car.
A. want B. wanting C. to w•ant
2. Some Canadi.ans English and Fi'ench.
A. speak B. speaks C. to spealc D. speaking
3. Tiiesd.ay a very long day for’ rue.
A. is B. ai'e C. to be D. be
4. The teacher’ Fi'ench and English.
A. knowing B. to know C. knows D. know
5. Gi'eek and Chinese difficult languages to 1eai'n.
A. is B. ai'e C. be D. to be
6. A trip from here to London about 7 hoiirs.
A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take
7. Toinoi’row’s lionlewoi'k on page 37.
A. begin B. begins C. began D. beginning
g. Jentry the dishes eveI'y day. She hates it.
A. washing B. washes C. to w•asli D. w.ash
S. Tant to the cinein.u every Sunday but her sister doesn't.
A. go B. to go C. goes D. going
10. All of the teachers in my school young and nice.
A. is B. be C. are D. to be
IV. Unscramble the sentences.
1. hopscotch/with/rarely/I/ fi’iends/at school,
I rarely play hopscotch with my frienrls at school.
2. on the weekends./play badliiiiiton/with wry dad/I/often
I often play badminton with icy dad on the weekends.
3. buy/at the bookstore./new books/My parents/
My parents usually buy new books at the bookstore.
4. never /after school./does/ My sistel / arts
ˈmɑːr.ʃəl] võ thuật
Riy sister never doex martial am aAer school.
5. to read books/We/the library/and study./often/go to
We often go te the library to read boohs and study.

6. always/goes to/My mom/the supermarket/after work.

My mom always goes In the supermarket after work.

V. H'iJte sentenms using the words below.

1. We/ decorate/ houses/ Halloween.
We decorate our houses for Halloween.
2. John/ sometimes/ play video games/ his friends/ after school.
John sometimes plays video games with his friends aAer school.
S. fashion show/ start/ 8 p.m.
The fashinn show starts at 8 p.m.
4. How/ people/ prepare/ Christmas?
How do people prepare for Christmas? person
S. How/ often/ yoo/ go shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
6. bus/ leave/ 10 am.
Tbe fszzs leaves at 1D a.zo.

I. Read tne article and choose inc A, B, C for each question.

have = had do - did
Tyler Jacobs, February 10
I love going to different festivals. I went to a great festival in my town last week called
SummerFun. They hold so many great things there. There were lots of stands selling traditional
foods and drinks. I ate so mucK They also had lots of shows. I watched the fashion show and the
talent show. I didn't have time to watrh the puppet show, and I think puppets are boring. My
friend, Jane, and I did the lug of war. We lost but it was still fun. My favorite thing was the music
performance at the end. It wasn't Jane's favorite, though. Hers was the talent show. I can't wait for
next year's festival. I'm going to bring all my friends. think
1. Where was the festival?
A. Sumer Town C. a local park there are
2. What did they not have at the festival?
A. food stands C. a puppet show
S. What did Tyler not watch?
A. a fashion show B. a talent show
4. What was Tyler favorite thing?
B. the mlent show C. the tug of war
5. What was one favorite thing?
A. the fashion show C. the music performance

M. Read me article and answer tne question

A Famous Festival in Vietnam big bigger
In Vietnam, people celebrate many diRerent festivals each year. The biggest festival in Vietnam is
Tel. This celebrates the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Vietnamese people have to prepare a
lot for this festivaL Before Tet, people buy fruits and flowers frnm the market and decorate their
houses. Most people buy a special tree with lots of flowers. In the north of Vietnam, people buy
peach trees with pink flowers. In the south, people buy apricot trees with yellow flowers. ˈeɪ.prɪ.kɒt]

Everyone cleans their house before Tet. This is very important berause you shouldn't clean it mơ, mai
during Tel. During Tel, people visit their faintly and friends. Few people go In school or work.
Children wear new clothes and get lucky money. It's a great time to watrh lion danres and
fireworks. Everyone is happy and excited about the New Year. Vietnamese people love to
celebrate this festival.
1. Do people celebrate many different festivals each year?
Yes, they do.
2. Is Tet the biggest festival in Vietnam?
Yes, it is.
3. What do people often do before Tet?
People buy fruits and flowers frnm the market and decorate their houses
4. What do people often do during Tet?
Penple visit their family and friends.
5. In the North of Vietnam, what type of tree do people buy?
In the north of Yiemam, peaple buy peach treex with pink flowers.
fi. In the South of Vietnam, what type of tree do people buy?
In the south of Vietnam, people buy apricot trees with yellnw flowers

J. Jte sentences usiqg the words given.
1. dance performance/ start/6 p.m./end/ 7 p.m.
The dance performance starts at fi p.m. and ends at 7 p.m.
2. talent show/ start/ 11 a m./end/ at 1 p.m.
The talent show starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m.
3. music performance/ start/ 6 p.m./end/ 8 p.m.
The music performance starts at fi p.m. and ends at 8 p.m.
4. tug of war/ start/ 2 p.m./end/3 p.m.
The tug of war starts at Z p.zn. and ends at 3 p.m.

II. WNte a text message obnur mnsmas using the given informaaon.
- one of the biggest traditional holidays in the UK
- families get together
- give gifts and rards to family members and friends
- have a special meal
- play games after the meal
I. Use ’am - is - are - am not - isn't - aren't - have - has“to flH in me suitable blame.
1. I am a student. I have lots of friends. I am a popular person at school.
2. hIy brother is very young He is only one year old. He doesn't have any hair.
3. The man isn't young. He is sixty-seven. He has gray hair.
4. We have a new rar. Our car is very old. It is blark.
5. hIy mother isn4 at home. She is at the dentist.
6. She has a problem. She has a tootharhe.
7. We arena ready for the exam. We are afraid of it.
8. I have lots of clothes. I am lucky.
9. The children arena at the park. They are at home.
10. hIy daughter is six years old. She is a teenager.
11. We have a beautiful garden. It ix full of flowers.
12. My father isn't at home. Today is Monday and he is at work

NJ. Give che correct form of che verbs in bracRes

1. We have (have) an English lesson on Monday. We dent have (not have) on Thursday.
2. Long wants (want) to go to the cinema on Sunday.
S. John in (be) a student. His brothers are (be) workers.
4. Tomorrow is (be) Sunday. We are eoing (go) to Cuc Phuong National Park.
S. Does Mary often help (help) her mother with the housework?
6. They ear (not work) at the factory now.
7. How does (do) your father gp (go) to work every day?
8. Do your parents watch (watch) TV in the evening?
9. Jenny goes (go) home and turns (turn) on the radio.
10. Jane misses (miss) her parents so much when she is (be) away from home.

Lesson 1
No Words Transcription Cleaning
1 (n) / eInd/IIj ru.m/ Phñ ng thay do
2 customer (n) /'Wstamar/ Khatih hang
3 extra large (n) /'ekstra 1o:rds/ it 1ñ 'n
4 jeans (n) /°si:nz/ Qtinn bñ , Quan jeans
5 large (n) /1o:rds/ Lin, rong
6 medium (n) /'mi:diam/ CA trung binh
7 sales assistant (n) /'seIlz a'sIstant Nhan vié n bnn hang
8 sweater (n) /'swetar/ Ao len dai tay

Lesson 2
No Words Transcription Cleaning
9 change (II) /t{eInds/ Tien thira
10 check (n) /t{ek/ Hoa dci
11 dessert (n) /dI'Zz:rt/ Mdn ti ang inieng
12 menu (n) /'menju:/ Thirc dci
13 order (v) /'o:I dai / Goi mñ n
14 tip (n) /tIJ3/ Tien Noa
Lesson 3
No Words Transcription Cleaning
15 beef (n) /bi:f/ Thit bñ
16 fish sauce (n) /fI SD:S/ Nirfic mam
17 fry (v) /fraI/ Râ n, chién
18 grill (v) /qFI1/ Nu'ñ 'ng
19 lamb (n) /1mm/ Th! Cll'U
20 noodles (n) /'nu:d1/ Mi
21 pork (n) /po:rk/ That lan (Heo)
21 seafood (n) /'si:fu:d/ Hasan

Further words
No Words Transcription Cleaning
22 omelet (n) /'o:m1at/ Trang trang
23 cupcake (n) /'WpkeIk/ Banh timing nhñ
24 international (adi) /,Iiitar'nmJnal/ Qtific th
25 delicious (adi) /dI'1I as/ Ngon
26 famous (adi) /'feImas/ Noi tiéng
27 herb (n) /hz:rb/ Thao moc/ rau thani
28 expensive (adi) /Ik'spensIv/ Oat
I. Demonstratives (Oai tir chi dinh): “This/ That”; “These/ Those”
1. Dinh nghia dii th chl dinh
Dai tir chi dinh (tieng Anh: Demonstrative Pronouns) la nhrrng tir sit' dung de chi ngir0i hoac vat,
dira vao khoang giñ 'a ngir0i noi den doi ttro'ng ho dang muon nhac den.
This is my class's new friend. (Day la ban m 'i cua lé rp tfii.)
Those are my children. They are very cute, aren't they.
(Do la nhFrng dira con cua toi. Chung rat dé thtro'ng phai khong.)
2. Vi tr! cña dii tir chi dinh trong câu
Do la mfit loai dai tir nfin trong cau truc Tieng Anh, dai tir chi dinh cS the giFr cac vi tri, vai trs sau:
Dai tir chi dinh lam ché ngfr
This is my car. (Day la o tS cua toi)
That is my best friend. (Dñ la ban than cua toi.)
Dai tir chi dinh lam tan ngfr
I'll never forget those. (Tñ i sé khñ ng bao giñ ' quen nhñ ng dieu do.)
I didn't ask for this. (TSi khñ ng yé u cau dieu nay.)
Dai tir chi dinh dérng sau ié'i t (trong cum gisi tir)
Can you tell me the effects of this cosmetic? (Ban co the cho tñ i biét tac dung céa loai my pham
nay khsng?)
List the ingredients in that dish (Liet ke cac thanh phan trong mon an do.)
3. Câch dung dii IP chi dinh
CS tâ t cd 4 dai tir chi dinh trong tié ng Anh, do la: this, that, these, those.
Doli day la cach diing tong quat ciia cac dai tir chi dinh:
Di vâ i danh tir so it Di v danh tir so nhieu Khoang cach
This (nay) These (nhñ ng cai nay) Gan
That (kia, do) Those (nhii'ng cai kia) Xa

II. Object pronouns: “it”& “them”

- Dai tir nhan ximg lam chii ngii trong cau.
- He is a good student in my class. (Anh ay la hoc sinh gifii ciia 1 tfii.)
- Lan and Huong like music very much. (Lan va Hiro'ng rat thich am nhac.)
- Tinh tir st hñ 'u chi sir st h céa ngu'ñ i hoñ c vat.
- This is my schoolbag and that is your schoolbag. (Dñ y la cap sach ciia tñ i va kia la cua ban.)
- Her bike is old but his bike is new. (Xe dap ciia co ay cii roi nhw g xe ciia anh ay con rat mdi.)
- Dai tir sñ him thay thé cho in h th' st him + danh rN dñ de cap mdc do.
- Her house is beaunful but mine is not. (Nha cua cñ ay dep nhirng nha ciia toi thi khong.)
- Their school is small but ours is large. (Trirñ ng cua ho nho nhung ring cé achun g toi l .)
Dai tit nhan xirng Dat tir nhñ n xtrng
Tinh tir st hiiu Dai tir sd hiiu
(Lam chñ ngñ ) (Lam tan ngii)
you you YOUR YOURS
he him HIS HIS
she her HER HER
we us OUR OURS

you you YOUR YOURS

* Cach thanh lap st hiiu cach cua danh tir:
- Thé m dau sé' hii'u “’s” vdo sau danh tir so it va danh tit sS nhieu cS dang dac biet khong tan ning
la “s”.
A pupil's pens: nhii'ng chiec but chi cua mot ban hoc sinh.
The men's cars: nhirng chiéc xe ñ ro cua nh g ngtrñ 'i dan ong.
- Thfirn dau st hiiu “”’ vao sau danh tir tan ciing la (s)
These pupils' pens: nhñ 'ng chiec but ciia nhFrng ban hoc sinh nay.
Those students' bags- nhii'ng chiec cap sach cua nhirng hoc sinh kia.
* Chu y:
- Nhirng danh tir SO It co tan ciing la ’ s” dowc thanh lap bang ca hai cach:
The bus’ chairs (nhñ ng chiec ghe cua xe but.)
The bus's rhnrrs (nhFrng chiec ghé ciia xe but.)
- Nhñ m danh tir dirwc thanh lap theo cach danh dau st hiiu vâ o danh tir cuoi.
John and Brad's house (nha ciia John and Brad.)
Hien, Nga and Linh's teacher (thay giao céa Hién, Nga vd Linh.)
III. CountabJe & uncountable nouns
Trong tieng Anh co 2 loai danh tii lñ danh tir dém dirmc (Countable Noun) va danh tir khfing dém
du'o'c (Uncountable Coun).
Danh tir khong dem diroc: Vi du: tea (tra), water (nirñ 'c), sugar (dirñ ng)...
Danh tir dem dtrwc: danh tir dem dtro'c gom ca danh tir so it va danh ter so nhieu:
Danh tir so it chi mot ngirñ 'i hay mfit vat. Danh tir so nhieu chi hai ngu'ñ 'i hoñ c hai vñ t trñ lén.
- Cach thanh lap so nhieu cho danh tir dem drrnc: bñ a thém s vâ o sau danh tñ :
So it So nhieu
a book (mñ t quyen sach) books (nhirng quyen sach)
a table (rnfit car ban) tables (nhFrng cai man)
-F Riéng cac danh tir tan cung la -s, -sh, -ch, -x thi ta thém es
So it So nhieu
a bus(mfit chiec xe but) buses(nhii'ng chiec xe buyt)
a brush(mot cai bdn chai) brushes(nhirng cai bdn chñ i)
-F Nhñ ng danh tir tan cung la y va trirñ 'c y la mfit phu am thi ta phai doi y thanh i roi thém es
So it So nhieu
a fly (mot con rufii) flies (nhFrng con ruoi)
a lorry (rnot chiec xe tai) lorries(nhFrng chiéc xe tar)
-F Vñ i cac danh tir co tan ciing la phu am + o thi ta phai thém es khi chuyen danh tir nñ y sang so
SO (t So nhieu
a potato (mot cu khoai tñ y) potatoes(nhirng cé khoai tây)
a hero(mñ t ngtrñ 'i anh hung) heroes(nhñ ng ngu'ñ i anh hung)

- Cac danh tir diic biét khi chuyén sang so nhieu:

So it So nhieu
a woman(mot ngirñ i phu nir) women(nhñ ng ngtrñ 'i phu nñ )
a man(mot ngirñ i dan ong) men(nhii'ng ngu'ñ 'i dan ong)
a foot (mot ban chan) feet (nhñ 'ng bdn chan)
a tooth (mot cai rang) teeth (nhirng cai rang)
a mouse (mot con chuot) mice (nhii'ng con chuot)
a child (rnfit dia trd) children (nhii'ng dia try)
a leaf (mst chiéc la) a wife (mot ba ve] leaves (nhFrng chié c la) wives (nhirng ba va)

- Mot so danh tir dem diioc cé chung hinh thai cho ca hai dang so it vâ so nhieu
One fish (mot con ca) -> two fish (2 con ca)
One sheep (mot con ciru) -> two sheep (2 con ciiu)
- Mot so danh tir chi cñ hinh thai ñ so nhieu: trousers (quan dñ i), glasses (kinh mñ t)
Where are my glasses? (Kinh cua té' dau?)
My trousers are dirty. (Quan cua toi ban roi.)
- “There is/ There are” vñ i danh tir so it vâ so nhieu.
Cñ ng thñ c:

+ There is di vfii danh tir so it

- There is a dog in the garden. (CS mot chu cho ñ trong vu'in.)
- There is a kitchen rn their house. (Co mot phong bép trong nha cua ho.)
+ There are di vñ 'i danh tir so nhifiu
- There are two pens on the table. (Co hai chiéc but tren ban.)
- There are many pupils in the classroom. (CS raw nhieu hoc sinh trong lérp.)
Liru y: Trong mot ciiu neu cé ca danh tir so it va danh tir so nhieu thi viéc sit dung cau triic
‘ there is/ are” sG phu thuoc vâ o danh tir so it hay so nhieu di lien vâ i no.

- There is a book and two rulers in the bag.

(Co mot quyen sach vñ hai cai thtré'c ké trong tui.)
- There is a dictionary and ten books on the bookshelf.
(Co mot quyen tir dien va mirñ 'i quyen sach trén gia sach.)
- There are twenty pupils and one teacher in the classroom.
(Co hai mmai ban hoc sinh va mot giao vien trong 1 .)
- There are two chairs and one table in the living room.
(Co hai chiéc ghé va mst chiec ban trong phong khach.)

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced diJerei2f{yJom that of the
others in each group.
1. A. steak-frites C. sauce D. sales
2. A. large B. change singular D. orange
3. A. chocolate B. chicken C. cheesecake
4. B. menu C. e gg D. spaghetti
5. A. pants C. hamburger D. sandwich
6. A. cream B. meat C. seafood
7. A. jeans B. dollars D. herbs
8. A. B. egs C. potatoes
onions 9. B. tomatoes C. noodles D. French-fries
10. A. fried B. grilled D. shared

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other
in each group.
11. B. review C. enjoy D
12. A. sweater B. dollar C. menu
13. A. cupcake C. color D. pizza
14. A. customer B. omeler D. medium
15. A. wonderful B. popular C. countable
I. Fill in the blanks usin the words in the box.
g herbs '"k g ales
seat fish sauce

1. Steak-frites is a kind of meat dish. It's beef and French fries.

2. \Ve grill the sausages on the barbecue.
3. You can get good seafood iii this rest.min .ant. They serve really good crab and stir irnp.
4. I don't like to grilled beef or pork, so I had grilled lairip.
5. Frv the ste.ak iii a little butter. It's so good.
6. see cry is .a popular dish from Thailand with fried noodles.
7. I i'eally like fried pork. B.acon is my favor ite type.
g. I like to put c 1 in iriy fish sauce and poiir it on nay noodles.
9. fly idiom uses herbs from the qai'den to intake our’ food taste amazing.
I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1. slim t looks gi That/those fThat/ Those)
2. is a beautiful day today this/that (That/ Ti )s
3. Look .at malt over there that/this (this/ Ihat)
4. Do you like flowers? that/those (that/ those)
5. I love shoes but I don't hke shirt. t(bese/ that), (those/ that)
6. WI nt nt e the nz severs to q testiot›s? this/these (this/these)
7. LeF‘s zv.aFch n movie. Is a goocl iclen. this/that fT his/ That)
g. This look isn't very goort, but book's gi e»t.these/that (these/ tbt)a
9. Whose ho use is ? those/that (those/ that)
10. How Art Act is T-shirt? this/those fthis/ those)
11. How rt Act .ai'e shoes? thaVthose (that/ those)
12. Excuse z»e, I ozv nuich is shit t? this/thses Ithis/ these)
13. 1.1 ke th.aF skirt. Do you I nve in blnck/ iVthem (t/ them)
14. Do you h.ave shoes m bl.ack? this/these (this/ these)
15. I like these shorts. Can I ti'y on? it/them (it/ their)
16. What size are pants over there? those/these (those/ these)
17. How Zurich is sliil I by the u°indow•? that/this fthat/ this)
18. news book “1 learli Siiiai't Woi'ld 6” is very good. This/ Those) this/those
19. My brother’ can use iiiachines well. (that/ those) that/those
20. This T-s1iiI't is mce. I iv.ant to try (t/ them) it/them
II. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1. This is (mv/ I) book that is (vour/ you) book
2. Music is (I/ try) f.avoiirite subject.
3. (I/ My) w.ant to be a teacher and (mv / me) sister wants to be a doctor.
4. Mai likes English but (her / she) brother doesn't
5. (Nam and Lan's teacher/ Narn and L.un teacher) is very mce and ft iendly.
6. Hoa's pencil case (is/ are) blue. Her/ She) fi'iends’ pencil case .are violet.
7. (Those t ent school ba s/ Those students’ school bags) are very lie.Ivy.
g. (vour/ you) father’’s job?
(He/ His) is an engineer’.
9. How old (are/ is) (youl / you) sister?
(She/ HeI’) is ten year's old.
10. (The women's bikes/ The womens’ bikes) are new but (the mens'
bakes/ the men's bikes) are old.
11. The bird sang (its/ it/ it's) happy tune
12. Listen to fher/ hers/ her’s) carefully.
13. (His/ He/ She) uncle is a doctor’. He is a wice pei'son.
14. Thai old man is kind to (our/ us/ we).
15. William and Tracy love (their/ theirs/ they) dogs so much.
16. My car is new, but (her/ hers/ she) is old.
17. The teacher told (us/ out’/ we) an intei'esting story.
18. 1 want to sit between you and (lie/ him/ his).
19. She has an apple in (she/ her/ hers) hand.
20. Bob and Ted live near (them/ their/ they) school.
III. Use “a/ an/ some or any” to complete the sentences
1. TI ei e isn’ n ilk its the jat:
2. She'd like or ange.
3. There are oranges and bananas.
4. Is there iiieat in the fi idge?
5. There aren't noodles.
6. Tliei e is iiieat and i ice for lunch.
7. Ai e ther e vegetables?
8. I have frtiit for yort.
9. He eats apple after his dinner
10. Would yoii likewater; please?
11. She wants to buy oranges for her mother
12. Would yoii likeegg for breakfast?
13. Can yoti bi ing rite water; please?
14. I don't want siigai in the tea.
15. She liarsandwich for breakfast.
16. There is iiiilk in the botrle.
17. TI et e ai e onions on the taLle.
18. Do you needexpensive house?
19. Do yoii like meat for breakfast?
20. She buyt new hats for her children.
I. Choose A, B, C or D to fill in each bank.
I like to eat out and I go to a (1) for’ dinner twice a week. I (2) with my
family. Our (3) restaurant is an Indian restain'ant in Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. It is
not very big (4) it is always busy. Thei'e are only a (5) tables in the
i’estain’ant and thei'e is a white tablecloth on each table. Thei'e is also a vase with (6)
flowers on each table. There are plants (7) the corner. We usually order hot curries and
eat (8) with rice. The tood is delicious so we enjoy it very much. The service is
(9) and friendly. My family always has a (10) evening at our favorite
1. A. hotel C. school D. hospital
B. to go D. goes
3. A. favor B. favoring D. favored
4. A. and B. besides C. whereas
5. A. many B. much D. little
6. B. love C. loving D. loved
7. A. on C. at D. tindel’
8. A. they B. their D. themselves
9. B. quickly C. easy D. easily
10. A. pleasure B. please C. pleasing
II. Read the article and write the names of the dishes next to the pictures.
B un chs is a famous meat dish from Vietnam. It is grilled port. Yoii eat it with i'ice noodles,
vegetables, and a sauce in a small bowL People make this sauce with sugar’, lemon juice, chili, and
fish sauce. The dish is delicious
If yoii don't like poi'k, bun bñ Nani B ñ is a popular’ Vietnamese beef dish. It is very easy to
make. People make bun bñ Nam Bñ with beef, noodles, and hei'bs. You eat it with peanuts on top.
Bun chd and bun bo Nani Bñ are both delicious dishes. Vietnam has lots of other amazing dishes,
too. Its food is becoming very popular’ all over the woI'ld.
1. What meat is in bun chs?

Whato yoii eat born cha with?

What do they make the sauce iii him chd with?

What do people make bun bo Nam BS with?

What do yoii put on top of him bñ Narn Bo?

I. Complete fhe conversation with the given phrases or your own ideas.
forty-one rlollors thirty-six do11a rs hlue these ponts this jncket
(a) large (size) these who rrs Brown (a) medium (size)
extra lnrge twenty-seven dollars green

A: Hello. Can I help you?

B: Do you have
A: Sorry, we only have
B: OK. I like they.
Do you hav in
A: Yes, here you are.
B: Can I i on?
A: The changing I'ooin is over there.
Is it OK?
B: Yes, how much
A: It's

II. Write a paragraph about a famous dish from Italy. Use the information below to help
you. Write 50 to 60 words.
- Spaghetti Bolognese-Haly
- kind of noodle dish with meat s.nice
- tomatoes, herbs, beef, onions-cheese on top
- delicious-people all over the woI'ld love it

Spaghetti Bolognese is a famous pasta dish from Italy. It is a kind of noodle dish with meat
sauce. People make it with tomatoes, herbs, beef and onions. People put cheese on top of
it. It is delicious People all over the world love it.
f. Use tLie present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences.
1. The ti'aiii at 9 at night. (arrive)
2. Giovann to spend the weekend with its. (come)
3. What timesyou to fireworks competition on Wednesday? (gon
4. What time bthe film ? (start)
5. the conceI't at 7 or 8? (begin)
6. W a dinner’ party on Friday and we want to invite you. (have)
7. Most shops in Spain until 10 am. (open)
8. What time bthe horse racing ? (finish)
9. Where you in Bangkok? (stay)
10. My taekwondo classes next week. (start)
11. Our flight in London at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. (land)
1.2. Everything’s arranged. We oiise this Saturday. (move)
13. Weeat the museum this a ernoon at four’. (meet)
14. I'm sorry. I can't meet up this weekend. W to Wales. (go)
15. W the gardening at 6 tomorrow morning. (do)
16. This is a teri'ible film Tony! When it ? (finish)
17. The libi'ai in five minutes and I have foul’ books to I'eturn. (close)
18. After this lesson, Isa friend at McDonald's for a burger and a chat. (see)
19. your your’ niotoi'bike tonight? I want to bori'ow it. (use)
20. The plane t 10 am. (leave)

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