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Getting Sick

2.3.1 Having a fever

Are u OK? Oh, u have a fever. Let me take ur temperature.
Oh, my dear! You have to see the doctor.

2.3.2 Blowing ur nose

Don’t wipe ur nose with ur hands. Go get a tissue.
Blow ur nose. One, two, three. One more time. Good boy!

2.3.3 Sneezing
A~Ahchoo... Cover ur mouth with your hands.
A~Ahchoo... Bless u.

2.3.4 Having Diarrhea

What’s the matter? Do u have a tummy ache?
Are u finished? Let me wipe ur bottom.
Poor boy, u have diarrhea

2.3.5 How Itch 好痒

Your skin rash is getting worse. 皮肤疹子越来越严重
It must really itch, but don’t scratch. 我知道我痒,但是不要去抓
Come on. Let’s put on some ointment. 我们来涂点药膏

2.3.6 Having A toothache

Honey, do u have a toothache? Open ur mouth, please.
Oh, boy. Your tooth has a cavity. 你的牙齿蛀了一个洞
Let’s go to the dentist.

2.3.7 Having chicken pox 长水痘

Oh, my! You’re covered with spots. 你全身都起满了疹子
You’ve got chicken pox.
They itch, right? Don’t scratch!
Don’t worry! What u need is a good night sleep.
2.3.8 A bump on the head
My goodness! What’s this big bump on ur head!
When did you get it?
Don’t touch it with ur dirty hands. It should go away soon.

2.3.9 Mommy’s not feeling well

Mommy’s not feeling well. Go play by yourself, please.
Oh! You made a get-well card. How lovely!

2.3.10 Getting hurt in the park

Don’t run so fast! Take it easy!
Oh, it’s OK. Show me where it hurts.

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