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1 Go for a ride on a motorcycle

Sweetie, go get ur helmet. Ready! Hold tight. Here we go.

2.2.2 Getting in the car

Get in the car. Move over a little bit. Buckle ur seatbelt.

2.2.3 Don’t put your hand outside the window

No, don’t put your hand outside the window. Hey, stop that.
You could lose ur arm.

2.2.4 Be careful when u get out of the car

Wait until I stop. Here we are. You can get out.

2.2.5 Waiting for a bus

Stop horsing around. The bus will come any minute.
How come the bus is late again? Let’s take a taxi.

2.2.6 Taking a bus①

Here comes the bus. Get on the bus quickly. Hold on to the bar.
Say “thank you” to the nice lady.

2.2.7 Taking a bus②

Hush, u’re too loud! Don’t stand on the chair!
Wake up, boys! We are getting off the bus.

2.2.8 MRT①
Let’s go through the blue door. Honey, don’t go on the escalator.
Let’s take the elevator.

2.2.9 MRT②
Let’s wait in line. Don’t cross the yellow line. Watch out for the gap.

2.2.10. MRT③
No juice here. Look at that sign? No drink no food. That sign says “No smoking.”
2.2.11 On the street
Don’t run into the street!
Whoo! You almost got run over by that truck!
Look both ways before u cross the street.
Crossing the street can be dangerous.

2.2.12 Crossing the street

Don’t play ball in the street. Give me ur hand, please.
Red light, stop!
Green light, go!

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