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1 Taking a bath
Look, a rubber duck. Quack! Quack! The water is getting cold.
Time to get out. Say “bye bye duck”

3.2 Taking a bubble bath

It’s time for a bath. Look! A bubble bath. Your favorite.
5 more minutes. OK, put on ur clothes

3.3 Don’t grab my glasses

Don’t grab my glasses. Don’t grab my hair. Ooh! It hurts!
Yeah, shake ur rattle. 1,2,3

3.4 The kid feel sleepy

Honey, do you feel sleepy? Wanna sit on my lap? 想坐我腿上吗?

3.5 Watching TV ①
You’re too close to the TV. Please sit on the sofa.
One cartoon only. OK. It’s over. Turn off the TV, please. Good boy.

3.6 Watching TV ②
You always watch TV and eat potato chips. 你总是边看电视边吃马铃薯片
What kind of program are u watching? Cartoons again!
You shouldn’t watch so much TV. Don’t put ur legs on the table, please!

3.7 Watching the video

Want to watch the video? Put away ur toys first.
Don’t lie on the sofa. Sit up! 坐起来

3.8 Don’t play with the scissors

Oh, kettle’s boiling! Oh, dear! Put those down.
Don’t play with the scissors, please.

3.9 Don’t litter 不乱丢垃圾

Don’t litter! There’s a garbage can over there. That’s a good girl.
3.10 The piggy bank is broken
oh oh! What was that? Oh my, who broke the piggy bank?
OK, u both need to help me clean it up.

3.11 You’ve made it even worse

Who made this terrible mess? 是谁弄得乱七八糟的
Goodness, you’ve made it even worse!
You’d better go wash ur hands. Be neat and tidy. please!

3.12 Your sleeves are wet

Baby, where are u?
There u are!
Your sleeves are wet.
Change ur T-shirt, or u’ll get a cold.

3.13 The toy is too expensive

You like this toy? How much is it?
No way, it’s too expensive. We’ll take that one instead.

3.14 Ending a fight

Who started this? I want to know everything.
I saw u hit him. Say “sorry!”

3.15 Too hot

Get your fried chicken here. 炸鸡
Don’t get too close to the stand. 别太靠近摊子
Look, it’s very very hot

3.16 Scribbling on the wall

Oh! Look what u did. You scribbled all over the wall.
Write on this notebook instead, OK?

3.17 Ready for school

Come on, boys! Wake up! Hurry up! The school bus is waiting!
Bye-bye! Be good at school!

3.18 Close the door

Don’t slam the door. Close the door gently.

3.19 Be quiet!
Hush, boys! I’m on the phone. Turn the volume down.
Be quiet! Don’t wake up the baby.

3.20 Don’t be noisy

Shh... I’m talking on the phone.
Don’t play video games on my computer!
Go play in another room. Give me 5 minutes, OK?

3.21 Too noisy to sleep

It’s so noisy.
I can’t sleep.
Mike, Something is dripping. 水滴个不停
Go turn off the faucet. 去把水龙头关好
Who’s running upstairs, Harry?
It’s Mike.
Go tell him to stop running.
I want to take a nap.

3.22 Taking an afternoon nap

Time for a nap. Put ur toys away.
Have u been to the bathroom? OK. Stop jumping.
Lie down. Have a nice sleep.

3.23 Time to go to bed

Time to go to bed. Go pee pee, please.
Don’t forget to brush ur teeth. Nighty-night.
3.24 Having a nightmare
Honey, what’s wrong?
You had a nightmare.
Go to sleep again
Mommy’s with you.

3.25 In the bathroom

You forgot to lift up the toilet seat.
Hey, flush the toilet after u use it.
Don’t forget to wash ur hands.

3.26 Making a mess

Oh no!
You pulled out all the toilet paper again!
Stop that!
I said No and that’s final.
If u do that again, u’ll get a spanking.

3.27 Be good
Sandy, go to ur room.
Stay here until dinner time.
Can u watch baby for a minute?
Ah, That’s the Sandy I like to see.
Dinner is ready.

3.28 The toy chest

Are u looking for something?
Look at all this mess.
Put the toys u aren’t using in the toy chest.

3.29 Cleaning up
What a mess! Clean it up! That’s better. You are good kids.

3.30 Sharing the toys

Stop fighting.
Take turns, or I’ll put it away.
Good boys. Share your toys and playing nicely.

3.31 Staying apart for a while

What did u do to ur little brother?
Nothing? I don’t believe u.
OK. It’d better stay apart for a while.

3.32 Playing together

Don’t hit ur little sister and make her cry.
Don’t be so mean.
You’ve got to be nice to her!
Play nicely together, OK?

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