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28. WALKING ON WATER (Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-21) esus spent His time alone in prayer. He had told His disciples to go back to the other side of the lake ahead of Him, so when evening came, they got on the boat and sailed toward Capernaum. Night fell as they were crossing the lake. A strong wind was blowing, and stirring up big waves. The waves tossed the boat about, and Jesus’ disciples were straining at the oars. Sometime near dawn, they saw a figure coming toward them, walking on the water! “It's a ghost,” they thought, and screamed with terror. But the figure spoke to them. “Don't be afraid; it is 1!” It was Jesus’ voice! When Peter heard it, he said, “Lord, if it's really You, let me come out to You on the water.” “Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter stepped out of the boat and on the water, and began walking toward Jesus. But before he reached Jesus, he was distracted by the strong wind. He became afraid and began to sink! “Save me, Lord!” he cried. Jesus reached out and pulled him up. “What little faith you have,” He said. “Why did you doubt?” They both got into the boat, and the wind died down, The disciples were completely amazed. They had still not gotten over the miracle that Jesus had done with the bread and fish, and now they had seen Him do another one! They worshiped Him, saying, “You are truly the Son of God!" The boat landed at Gennesaret. The disciples tied up the boat and they ed Jesus at once. They hurried throughout the went ashore. The people recogniz ney whole region, gathering those who were sick and bringing them to Jesus. Jesus visited villages, towns, and farms, and everywhere He went the people took their sick to the marketplaces and begged Him to at least let the sick touch the edge of His cloak. And all who touched it were healed. Discussion Guide ‘ Why were the disciples afraid when they saw Jesus walking on the water? (They thought He was a ghost.) What did Peter ask Jesus to let him do? (He asked to be allowed to walk on the water towards Jesus.) Why did Peter sink? (He got distracted by the strong wind and became afraid.) What did the disciples do when they witnessed these miracles? (They worshiped Jesus. They recognized that He is truly the Son of God.) ‘> What have we learned about Jesus? (He spent time alone in prayer. He can walk on water. He saves us when we cry out to Him. He is the Son of God.) 0 Application Peter bravely stepped out of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus, but halfway there, he became afraid and began to sink. Like Peter, we, too, believe that Jesus is powerful and able to help us, but when troubles come like strong winds, we become afraid. We forget to trust the Lord and begin to sink into fear and worry. But if we call on. Him in the midst of our trouble, He will answer us. Just as He did with Peter, He will save us, and it will lead us to praise and worship Him. Are you in any kind of trouble right now? Have you called on Jesus to help you? Let students/family members share with the group what they are going through. Prayer Time Gather everyone in a circle. Give each person an opportunity to tell the Lord about his/her troubles and express faith in His poyg, to help and to save. Memory Verse When | was in trouble, | called to the LORD, ang he answered me, Psalm 120:1 , Storytelling Craft MARIONETTE You will need: For the Marionette: Bond paper Color markers or pencils and crayons Q Cardboard or used folders Glue 1 Scissors or cutter (for teacher’s/parent’s use only) Q Puncher Q Paper fasteners (round) Q String or yarn Q Sticks (blunted barbecue sticks or used disposable chopsticks) For storytelling: Q Blue blanket Q Big paper boat made from newspaper How to make it: 1. Draw Peter on bond paper. Color and cut out the picture. 2. Carefully cut it into five parts: head, tw arms, torso, and lower body. Glue the pat to pieces of cardboard or used folder; cut to fit the shape. punch holes where the body parts would be jpned. Use paper festeners to join the head rerp arms to the torso and the torso to the Jower body. Fanch a hole at the top of the head and on 4 th hand. Insert a piece of string or yarn {hrough the hole at the top of the head and secure with a knot; tie the other end to the middle of a stick. 5, Get two more pieces of yarn about 2 % times longer than the first piece. Tie these othe hands and then to the ends of the stick. Your Marionette is complete! To use, spread a blue blanket on a table or on the floor, gather the children around it, and invite them to imagine that the Lake of Galilee. Fold abasic paper boat from newspaper, set it on the blanket, and put Peter on it. As you tell the Bible story, invite the children to participate by Moving the blanket to make “waves.” When Youcome to the part where Jesus tells Peter i ‘ome to Him, pick up Peter by the stick and ‘ake him walk on the “water.” Encourage the children to retell the story to family members and friends using their own Marionette. Source: http:|/ puppets I'm Calling on You, Lord Words & Music by Stephen Elkins chorus Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Shall be saved, shall be saved Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Shall be saved, shall be saved V'm calling on You, Lord Calling today In my heart | am calling on You Cause | wanna be saved Repeat chorus Lord, | lift up Your name on high Higher than the highest mountain 2 Lord, | lift up Your name on high For Your love is an ever flowing fountain Repeat chorus Lord, | praise You with all my heart Lord, there is none above You Lord, | praise You with all my heart And forever | will be singing of You Repeat chorus 127

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