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Name : Ni Putu Diva Iswarani

Student Id : 018202100001
Major : Environmental Engineering

Summary of Hindu’s Religion

Religious education is very important for all college students as it has a positive impact
on the growth and development of our personality and personality. For this reason, religious
education is so urgent that you need to study from elementary school to high school as soon as
possible to build and develop a noble personality. Students are obliged to practice and further
develop the religious teachings they have learned at the university in the form of concrete
actions. Whenever possible, it is expected to be the Queen's application in the practice and
practice of religious teachings in daily life. In other words, as a student, you are expected to be
truly religious people who can live peacefully and happily towards the Almighty God based on
Sradha and Bhakti (faith and devotion). Hindu religion containing the teachings of "dharma"
is also stated to function as a means to helping/crossing humans across the ark of life in order
to achieve the desired goals (Jagathita and Moksa).

In the education system Hinduism, the principle of education is familial, where

outpouring or love the love between Acharya and Sisya is already attached, like a child and
someone old. After finishing the Savitri ceremony, usually the sisya is continued to take oath
or promise to follow all the rules of Brahmacharya or school religion (A Wanita et al, 2001:
4). The age limit of a sisya (student), no is a rigid criterion, because basically everyone can
enter at a time that is considered good to start school. Every Brahmacarin (sisya) are required
to follow and obey the applicable regulations. the rules that enforced usually involves matters
of daily life manners, such as Silakrama, Sisya Sasana, and so on.

The development of Hindu religious education in Indonesia is influenced by expansion

of trade relations between China and India. This cooperative relationship trade had an influence
on the cultures that developed in Indonesia. This influence can be seen with the emergence of
Hindu kingdoms in the past. From archaeological evidence, it is more likely South Indian
influence (Ambarawati culture) and North India (Gandhara culture) which is more influenced
the culture in Indonesia. Beginning of India's trade relations with Indonesia coincided with the
start of the development of Hinduism in Indonesia. In subsequent developments, various sects
or sects emerged genre. One of the sects or schools that developed in Indonesia is Shiva

The Development of Hinduism

The history of Hinduism began with the Sindhu river valley civilization in India,
Harappa, and Mahenjodaro, it is known that India in the past was a very large continent as part
of the world, especially in Asia. In general, according to Dadjoni (1987), India is divided into
two poles of life. The first is northern India with a very prominent high-low plains character
difference, forest in the highlands, not as much as in the Shindus and Ganges valleys plains.
The people of northern India who live in the lowlands make it possible to live by collecting
forest products and have a better life than those who live in the highlands (mountains). Second,
in southern India, the plains are close to the equator. The plains that are lined with the equator
usually have a rather hot climate. Such a climate generally causes people in the South to have
a black skin colour when compared to those living in northern India. In general, people living
on the equator have good agricultural activities. The agrarian society is a characteristic of the
Harappan and Mahenjodaro civilizations

There are many remains, both in the form of archaeological and anthropological
artifacts, that at one time the civilization in the Indus valley had a very advanced civilization.
It's just that during the Aryan war, civilization with its various relics became marginalized and
eventually destroyed. The people in the Indus valley actually have similarities with the people
in Egypt and Mesopotamia, namely a society that inhabits an area with a distinctive
architectural system. This is where many are found through archaeological excavations in the
form of city lines with very regular roads.

The development of Hinduism in Indonesia is known in the days of the Kutai kingdom.
Kutai is the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia in the 4th century AD. Historical evidence was
found by finding 7 inscriptions in the form of yupa using Pallawa letters in Sanskrit in the form
of poetry. The writing of inscriptions using Sanskrit and Pallawa letters shows that the Kutai
kingdom was influenced by Hinduism from India, where the language and writings were
mostly controlled by the Brahmins who occupied the highest status in society. This group may
also lead the vratyastoma ceremony for the appointment of Aswawarman and Mulawarman as
kings and Brahmin priests of Hinduism in the Kutai Kingdom. One of the yupa-shaped
inscriptions states that the reigning king was King Mulawarman who was a great king, virtuous,
strong, son of Aswawarman, grandson of Kundungga. The name Kudungga is probably a native
name that has not received any Indian influence, while words ending in –Warman are names
commonly used in India. This shows that when Kudungga had a son who was later named
Aswawarman, the Kutai kingdom had received Hindu influence.

Faith and piety

Sraddha contains a very broad meaning, namely belief or faith. In broadening our
understanding of this term, some understandings of the term Sraddha will be reviewed from
several perspectives, as Yaska expressed in her book Nighantu (III. 10), namely: the word
Sraddha comes from the root word srat which means truth. Human belief or belief must also
be based on devotional service because if it is only sraddha without full devotion and surrender
to God, it will never reach perfection. According to Oka Punia Atmaja (1971), formulating
sraddha into five types: beliefs, including:

1. Widhi Tattwa or Widhi Sraddha, faith in God Almighty with its various manifestations.
2. Atma Tattwa or Atma Sraddha, faith in the Life Atma all creatures.
3. Karmaphala Tattwa or Karmaphala Sraddha, faith in the truth the law of cause and
effect or the fruit of action.
4. Samsara or Punarbhawa Tattwa/Punarbhawa Sraddha, faith in rebirth.
5. Moksa Tattwa or Moksa Sraddha, faith in the highest freedom the union of Anna with
Brahman, God Almighty.

The sacred teachings were revealed by Sang Hyang Widhi, God Almighty is the handle of
life and the life of mankind. A person who has sraddha and a strong grip, will not worry in life.
Religious teachings guide humans on how to live, how to live life, what is the purpose of our
life, how to realize it, and various guidance that direct humanity towards the perfection of life.

Brahmavidya or theology, is the science of God, theos and logos. In Sanskrit literature and
various Hindu scriptures, the study of God is called Brahmavidya. The word Brahma in this
case is interpreted by God, namely the title given to God as the element that gives life to all of
His creation. While the word Tattwa means the essence of Tat (That, namely God in the form
of Nirguna Brahman). The use of the word Tat, which means God, is to refer to a God who
exists far from humans. The word is distinguished from the word Idam, which means that it
refers to objects that are close, namely all objects created by God. In religion, specifically in
the field of theology, there are various teachings that describe the relationship between human
belief and God, such as: Monotheism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Monism, and Henotheism. Ism
means belief or teaching.

Religion has taken part at the most important moment in the experience human life.
Religion not only binds the individual to the divine, but also humans with one another so that
religion is indeed coincide with social life. Religion is a form of legitimacy that effective in
social and cultural life. Religion in a social context and culture has taken part in defining the
boundaries of identity individual or society. In addition, religion also illuminates human life in
the economic field, especially in realizing prosperity and well-being. In addition, religion
provides a moral basis for activities. In the economic field, the goals of the fields of religious
and economic life are both to realize physical and spiritual well-being which in Hinduism is
called universe.

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