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8, 100, 1st St, Kamarajar Nagar, Thiruvalluvar Puram

, Choolaimedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Pay Slip for the month of JUNE 2022
All amounts in INR

IFSC Code : YESB0001062
Emp Code : MA057321 Doj : 19 FEB 2019 Bank A/c No. : 106291900010362 (YES BANK LTD)
Emp Name : ANCHAL WORHA Payable Days : 30.00
Company : MABARA
Department : P A YR OLL Paid Holiday : 0.00 PAN : AHLPW6048C
Designation : ADMIN
Arrear Day(s) 0.00 PF No. : TH/048473844/848483
Band : 2B PF UAN. : 1017365869274
Cost Center No. : 8696848593
ESI No. : 364758594
Gender : FEMALE FG Date Of Joining: 19 FEB 2019
DOB : 01 A P R I L 2000 9073
Site Code :
Format : Lee Cooper Apparels
Functions : PAYROLL
Employee Zone : South
Official Email ID : A A AN CH A L.WO RH A .PA YR O LL@MAB A RA .C
Earnings Deductions
Paid Holiday
Description Monthly TDS Total Description Amount
BASIC 80104.00 -13083.00 0.00 67021.00 PF 3190.00
int_w k_prk_all 10000.00 0.00 0.00 6622.00 ESI 231.00
Company Contribution to PF 395.00 Company Contribution to PF 395.00
Company Contribution to EPS 895.00 Company Contribution to EPS 895.00
Company Contribution to ESIC 559.00 Company Contribution to ESIC 559.00
GROSS EARNINGS 90104.00 -13083.00 0.00 75492.00 GROSS DEDUCTIONS 5470.00

Income Tax Worksheet for the Period April 2022 - March 2023
D e s c ri p ti o n Gross E x e mp t Taxable D e d u c ti o n U n d e r C h a p te r VI-A Taxa ble HRA Calculatio n (M e tro )
BASIC 764980.00 0.00 764980.00 I n v e s t m e n t s u/s 80C Rent Paid 0.00
int_w k_prk_all 112003.00 0.00 112003.00 Provident F und 5980.00 From: 01/04/2022
To: 31/03/2023
1. Actual HRA 0.00
2. 10% or 15% of Basic 65992.00
Gross 876980.00 0.00 876980.00 T o ta l I n v e s t me n ts u/s 80C 5980.00 3. Rent - 10% Basic 0.00
Tax Wo r k i n g U/S 80C 5980.00 Least of above is exempt 0.00
Standard Deduction 25000.00 T o tal Ded Un d e r C h a p te r VI- A 5980.00 Taxable HRA 0.00
Previous Employer Taxable Income 0.00
Previous Employer Professional T ax 0.00
Professional Tax 0.00 TDS D e d uc te d Mo n thl y
Under Chapter VI-A 2990.00 Month Amount
Any Other Income 0.00 April-2022 13083.00
Taxable Income 597190.00 May-2022 13083.00
Total Tax 0.00 T o ta l 26166.00
Tax Rebate u/s 87a 0.00
S urcharge 0.00
Tax Due 0.00
Health and Education Cess 0.00
Net Tax 0.00
Tax Deducted (Previous Employer) 0.00
Tax Deducted on Perq. 13083.00
Tax Deducted on Any Other Income. 0.00
Tax Deducted Till Date 26166.00
Tax to be D educted 0.00
Tax per month 13083.00
Tax on Non-Recurring Earnings 0.00
T o tal Any O the r I n c o me
Tax D e d u c ti o n for this mo n th 13083.00

Personal Note: This is a system generated payslip, does not require any signature.

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