Concrete Works Management Procedure Final

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Document No:

Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016





September, 2016

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Document No:
Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Table of Contents

Preamble 2
Acronyms 3
List of Tables 4
List of Figures 5
1 Introduction 6
1.1 TACON Overview 6
1.2 The Purpose of this Procedure 7
1.3 The Scope of this Procedure 7
2 Concrete Works 10
2.1 Definition 10
2.2 General Requirements 11
2.3 Deliver, Storage, Handling & Placing Requirements 18
2.4 Concrete Works: High Level Process Map 20
3 Concrete Works: Detail Implementation Guide 23
3.1 Preparatory Works or Services 23
3.2 Form & False Works 31
3.3 Reinforcement Works 36
3.4 Preliminary Installation Works (MEP) 41
3.5 Concreting, Vibrating & Curing 44
3.6 Form & False Works Removal 47
3.7 Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators, Baselines & Measurement 47
3.8 Monitoring & Evaluation Services 47
4 Roles and Responsibilities 48
5 Adjustment, Revision & Amendment 50
5.1 Adjustment 50
5.2 Revision 50
5.3 Effective Date 50

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

6 Annexes 51

Annex 1 Process, Activity, KPI, Baseline and Desired Outcomes

Annex 2 Detail Activities and Responsibility Matrix
Annex 3 Detail Checklists for Concrete Works
Annex 4 Detail Safety Precautions

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016


Whereas, TACON identifies three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) while monitoring
and evaluating its quarterly reports; namely: Productivity, Cost Overrun & Cash
Flow, that ensure successful completion of its projects;

Whereas, TACON envisions to look after the management of these identified three
KPIs to enhance its efficiency, viz: Increasing Productivity, Minimizing Cost Overrun
and Cash Flow problems;

Whereas, Concrete Works (including its components; namely: Preparatory, Form &
False, Reinforcement, Preliminary Installation and Concreting Works) covers 20 to
40% of the total project cost and the sole trade of works the company engages in
without subcontracting which is identified as “Game Changer”;

Whereas, Developing Proactive System based Concrete Works Management across

and within projects governed by basic engineering and construction sciences, the
country’s laws, regulatory directives and international best practices for the
successful accomplishment of desired targets;

TACON has therefore developed this “Concrete Works Management Procedure” as

a framework to govern its operation in line with the expected level of Construction
Projects Performances Worldwide.

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Document No:
Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016


BC Building Contractor
CEO Chief Executive Officer
SHE &F Safety, Health, Environment & Fire
EWLAP Eight Weeks Look Ahead Plan
FW Formwork
GC General Contractor
ICT Information & Communications Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicators
MD Managing Director
OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
PCD Project coordination departments
PPC Pozzolanic Portland Cement
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
QA Quality Assurance
SHE Safety, Health and Environment
SWLAP Six Weeks Look Ahead Plan
TACON Tekleberhane Ambaye Construction Plc
TAF CG Tekleberhane Ambaye Fanta Corporate Group
RW Reinforcement Works

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Table 1-1 Identified Performance Gaps
Table 1-2 Desired Outcomes/Intended Transformation
Table 2-1 Minimum cement content per m3 of concrete
Table 2-2 Standard Mix Recommended for Ordinary Structural
Concrete per 50kg of Cement
Table 2-3 Concrete Works Materials Required per 50kg Bag of Cement
Table 2-4 Compressive Strength of Concrete without Admixtures
Table 3-1 Concrete Works Methods
Table 3-2 Concrete Works Crews
Table 3-3 Concrete Works QA Checklist
Table 3-4 Concrete Works EHS & F Requirement Checklist
Table 3-5 Concrete Works M&E Indicators, Baselines & Measurement
Table 3-6 Form & False Works Prescribed Re-Use Times
Table 3-7 Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines &
Measurement Methods
Table 3-8 Reinforcement Bars Cross Sections Area in cm2/m
Table 3-9 Reinforcement Cross Section Area in cm2
Table 3-10 Maximum No of Bars in One Row
Table 3-11 Bending Schedule Format
Table 3-12 Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines &
Measurement Methods
Table 3-13 Preliminary Installation Works M&E Indicators, Baselines &
Measurement Methods
Table 3-14 Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines &
Measurement Methods

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Figure 2.1 Concrete Mix
Figure 2.2 Box Size for Concrete Mix Properties
Figure 2.3 Concrete Works High Level Process Map
Figure 3.1 Formwork Detail Process Map
Figure 3.2 Formwork installation guide
Figure 3.3 Reinforcement detail process map
Figure 3.4 Preparatory works detail process map

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Document No:
Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

1. Introduction
1.1. TACON Overview
1.1.1. Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction (TACON) P.L.C. is a privately
owned GC-1 construction company that has been in business since
1993. Established as a category 6 Building Contractor (BC), success
allowed TACON to be shortly ranked among the top local Grade 1
construction companies in the nation. TACON’s remarkable
achievement in construction and engineering areas has also resulted
in gaining international and nationwide recognitions.
1.1.2. In order to maintain the above achievements and increase TACON’s
competitiveness and operational excellence, TACON has initiated the
preparation and implementation of Company Overhauling Project
whose objectives are to increase customer satisfaction, service and
products quality, operational speed or reduce process time, cost
reduction, enhance innovation, productivity, etc.
1.1.3. The Engineering and Construction sector is one among the focus
areas of the company overhauling project. In this sector game
changers identified to introduce major shift through Context Analysis
and determination of Desired Outcomes & Recommended Intervention
study in relation to the following major operational areas/processes:
 Concrete Works (Including Form, Reinforcement, Preliminary
Installation and Concreting works);
 Metal (Aluminum) Works Mainly Doors, Windows, curtain wall and
 Finishing Works (Including Wall & Floor Finishing Works);
 Sanitary Works mainly Sanitary pipes and Fixtures;
 Electrical Works mainly Electrical conduits, boards, fixtures and
 Subcontract Management, and
 Construction Programming.
1.1.4. This Procedure is prepared in order to develop standardized
operational systems and implement one of the identified game
changers/improvement area; namely Concrete Works, efficiently and

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

1.2. The Purposes of this procedure

1.2.1. The main purposes of this procedure are:
a. To focus on Concrete Works major components and to clearly establish
their operational processes in order to minimize, if possible avoid; non
value adding activities / tasks;
b. To use standardized operational processes that ensure quality of works
for timely approval and to minimize, if possible avoid; reworks and cost
c. To ensure TACON’s competitiveness through enhancing operational
productivity, hence speed and timely payments as a contribution to
cash flows;
d. To continuously minimize wastages to accepted or less levels of
tolerances; hence saving costs or avoid cost overruns;
e. To ensure safe ways of implementing such major components in order
to enhance the welfare of the operatives and avoid accidents as much
as possible; and
f. To guide Engineers and Operatives on how they should implement the
operation process of Concrete Works major components.

1.3. The Scope of this procedure

1.3.1. This procedure is prepared for Concrete Works including Preparatory,
Form& False, Reinforcement, Preliminary Installations and
Concreting Works / Services and is applicable to / on all projects of
TACON to respond to the identified Performance Gaps and Desired
1.3.2. While the problems, their root causes and their expected measures
(Table 1.1) clearly show the identified Performance Gaps; the Intended
Outcomes or Stretched Objectives, their key performance indicators
(KPIs)& New Ideas or Recommended Interventions (Table 1.2) are
developed in order to define the Desired Outcomes or Intended

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Table 1.1: Identified Performance Gaps

Identified Performance Gaps
Trades of Work
Problems Root Causes Expected Measures
Design / Optimization Non Existent / Carpenter Led Engineer Led /Accurate Requirement
Poor Utilization / Cost
Definition / Formwork Design
Preparation & Lifting Rejections / Wastages Lack of Supervision Quality Assurance
Erection & Setting Out Low Productivity / Defects Lack of Attention & Due Care Timely Cleaning, Proper Storage &
Form Works

/ Reworks Appropriate Setting Out & Output

Inspection Non Existent / Carpenter Assumed Consultant Guideline Preparation / TACON’s
Led / Rework Responsibility /Lack of Responsibility
Removal Wastages / Lack of Due Care / Quality Assurance, Awareness Creation &
Damages/safety Subcontractor’s Negligence Ensure Resources Utilization
Cleaning & Storing Wastages / Reworks Non Existent Timely Cleaning & Appropriate Storage
Proper Handling Re-procurement / Quantification Error / Accurate Requirement Definition
Rejections / Time & Cost Contract Doc. Discrepancies including Discrepancies & Variations
Reinforcement Works

Optimization Poor Utilization / Cost Traditional Approach / Bar ICT Based Optimization
Overrun/wastage Bender Led
Preparing & Lifting Rework / Low Productivity Sub Contractor’s Quality Assurance & Inspection
Responsibility only
Placing Rejections / Reworks/ Lack of Competency & Due Engineer Led / Quality Assurance &
Missing Top & Secondary Care Inspection
Inspection Non Existent / Bar Bender Assumed Consultant Guide Line Preparation / TACON’s
Concrete Works

Led / Reworks Responsibility / Lack of Responsibility Too / Engineer Led

Preparatory Works Re-Procurement / Time & Quantification Error / Accurate Requirement Definition
Cost Overrun Contract Doc. Discrepancy including Discrepancies & Variations
Preliminary Installation

Optimization, if Poor Utilization / Cost Traditional Approach / Lack Quality Assurance / Inspections
necessary Overrun of Cost Consciousness
Positioning Outlets Reworks Sub Contractor’s Appropriate Positioning / Inspection /

Responsibility only /Lack of TACON’s Responsibility too

Due Care
Placing Rejections / Damages / Lack of Competency & Due Quality Assurance / Inspections
Blockages / Slope Errors Care
Inspection Non Existent / Electrician Assumed Consultant Guide Line Preparation / TACON’s
Led / Reworks Responsibility / Lack of Responsibility Too / Engineer Led
Preparation & Use of Appropriate Buffer in
Delay Improper Planning
Ready Mix Use

Ordering Construction Programming

Rework / Rejections
Conformance Lack of due care in Quality Assurance as TACON
Placing Defects / Low aggregates conformance Responsibility

Curing No Problem Not Applicable Not Applicable

Preparation Use of Appropriate Buffer in
Delay Improper Planning
Construction Programming
Mixing On Site

Batching & Mixing Lack of due care in

Rework / Rejection Quality Assurance
aggregates conformance
Hauling Cueing Improper Planning Resources & Productions balance
Placing Rework / Rejection / Quality Assurance
Batching & Mixing error
Pump Failure / Low Prod
Curing No Problem Not Applicable Not Applicable

NB: Preliminary Works / Services has not been a practice as a recognized & distinct process for each Game Changers in TACON.

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Table 1.2: Desired Outcomes / Intended Transformation

Intended Outcome, Means of Verification & Intended Transformation
Trades of Work
Intended Outcome KPIs New Ideas &/or Interventions
 Engineer & Proactive System Led
Design / Optimization using Operational Guideline
 No Unjustified Delay  Cost due to unjustified
 Design First using ICT based
 Achieving delay
Optimization & Considering Contract
Benchmarked /  Cost due to low
Preparation & Lifting Discrepancies
Tender Productivity / productivity
 Subcontractor’s Capacity Building to
Form Works

Timely Payments &  Lost Cash Inflow

create drawing intelligible & wastage
Cash Inflow Contribution due to
Erection & Setting Out conscious Carpenter
Contributions Payment Delays
 Quality Assurance & Inspection by
 Wastages Within  Cost due to Wastages
TACON to ensure Careful Removal,
Tolerances / beyond Tolerances
Inspection Timely Cleaning, Appropriate Storage
Assigned Utilization  Cost due to less than
for Maximizing Utilization
 No Rework / No assigned utilizations
 Productivity Gauging for continuous
Defects  Time & Cost due to
Removal improvement
reworks & / or Defects
 Cost Consciousness
Cleaning & Storing  Feedback for Tendering Bases
 Engineer & Proactive System Led
Preparatory & Proper  No Quantification using Operational Guideline
 Time & Cost due to
Handling Works Error / Re-  ICT based Optimization &
Quantification Errors
procurement Quantification considering Contract
Reinforcement Works

 Cost due to unjustified

 No Unjustified Delay Discrepancies
Optimization  Achieving  Subcontractor’s Capacity Building to
 Time & Cost due to low
Benchmarked / create drawing & quantification
Tender Productivity / intelligible plus wastage conscious
 Lost Cash Inflow
Preparing & Lifting Timely Payments & Bar bender
Contribution due to
Cash-inflow  Quality Assurance & Inspection by
Payment Delays
Concrete Works

Contributions TACON to ensure Careful Top &

 Cost due to Wastages
Placing  Wastages Within Secondary Reinforcement Placement
beyond Tolerances
Tolerances  Productivity Gauging for continuous
 Time & Cost due to
 No Reworks / No improvement
reworks & / or rejections
Inspection Rejections  Cost Consciousness
 Feedback for Tendering Bases
 Engineer & Proactive System Led
Preliminary Installation Works

Preparatory Works using Operational Guideline

 Time & Cost due to
 Quantification considering Contract
 No Quantification Quantification Errors
Error / Re-  Cost due to unjustified
Optimization, if necessary  Use of Modern Connectors &
procurement delay
Stretchers Technology
 No Unjustified Delay  Time & Cost due to low
 Subcontractor’s Capacity Building to
 Wastages Within productivity
Positioning Outlets create drawing & quantification
Tolerances  Cost due to Wastages
intelligible plus wastage conscious
 No Reworks / No beyond Tolerances
Rejections / No  Time & Cost due to
Placing  Quality Assurance & Inspection by
Blockages / No Slope reworks & / or rejections
TACON to ensure Careful Positioning
Errors & / or Blockages & / or
of outlets, avoidance of blockages &
Slope Errors
Inspection laying of appropriate slopes
 Cost Consciousness
Preparation &  Engineer & Proactive System Led
Ready Mix

 Time & Cost due to using Operational Guideline

Quality  No Quantification
Quantification Errors  Construction Programming

Conformance Error
 Cost due to unjustified Reliability & Applicability
 No Unjustified delay

Placing delay  Quantification considering Contract

 No Rejections / No
Curing  Time & Cost due to low Discrepancies
Preparation productivity  Centralized Batching & Mixing
 No Defects
Batching &  Time & Cost due to  Quality Assurance & Inspection by
Mixing on

 No Cueing / Idleness
Mixing reworks & / or rejections TACON

due to Hauling &

Hauling & / or Blockages & / or  Use of Chemical Technology to
Pump Failure
Placing Slope Errors increase drop heights
Curing  Cost Consciousness
NB: Preliminary Works / Services shall be considered as a recognized & distinct process for each Game Changers.

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

2. Concrete Works
2.1. Definition
2.1.1. Concrete is the most common construction material with strong
compressive strength that can be cast in any desired shapes using
forms and false works, which does not rust, decay, rot and resistant
to wind, rodents, water, fire for longer life with relatively low
maintenance requirements.
2.1.2. Concrete can either be Mass or Reinforced Concrete such that its
strength can be augmented to withstand tensile forces.
a. Mass Concrete can be used in retaining walls and in some
instances as structural members in stepped footings with
minimum reinforcements when placed on loose soils.
b. Reinforced Concrete is a composite structure of Concrete and
Reinforcement bars in order to strengthen Concrete load bearing
characteristics and enable to withstand all kind of forces;
compressive as well as tensile forces exhibited either in the form
of direct actions, and / or moments, and / or torsions, and / or
shear forces under static and / or dynamic states and dead and
/ or live and / or accidental loads.
2.1.3. Concrete can be with different strength such as C5, C10, C15, C20,
C25, C30, C40, etc.
a. C5 Concrete (Lean Concrete) is a mix where the amount of
cement is lower than the amount of liquid present and is ideal as
a base layer where other kinds of concrete are placed on top of it.
It is good for providing a flat bottom in uneven or dirt terrain as
well; hence mostly used below Foundation Structures and under
Masonry Walls or Ground Slabs constructed on compacted earth.
b. C10 & C15 Concrete: Usually they are used with minimum
reinforcement criteria for ground slabs resting directly on hard
cores and steel mesh floor structures with construction joints
that separate from the main structures.
c. C25 & C30 Concrete: Usually they are used for structural
members of Midrise Buildings and Bridges with smaller spans.
d. C40 & Above Concrete: Usually they are used for structural
members of High Rise Buildings and Bridges with bigger spans.
2.1.4. Concrete can either be cast in situ / place, or pre-manufactured.
a. Cast in situ / place concrete is also either premixed concrete at
a batching plant and transported to the work site using transit
mixer and pumped to be placed, or concrete whose ingredients
are transported to the site and mixed just before casting in place.
b. Pre-Manufactured Concrete can either be normal / standard
Mass or Reinforced Concrete, or Pre-Stressed (pre-tensioned or

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Document No:
Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

post-tensioned) Concrete that are manufactured for assembly on

c. Pre-Stressed (Pre-Tensioned or Post-Tensioned) Concrete can
strengthen concrete using stretched steel cables, thereby
allowing for beams and slabs with slimmer shapes or longer
spans than is normally possible with standard reinforced
concrete; to carry heavier loads.

2.2. General Requirements

2.2.1. Concrete, be it Cast in Situ or Pre-Manufactured; is a mixture of
Cement, Aggregates (Coarse and Fine Aggregates), and Water which
will change from dry ingredients to plastic mass [requiring vibration
to create consistency of mixes and prevent segregation of coarse
aggregates (Figure 2.1)] and then to its hardened state overtime
through the chemical reaction between the water and the cement
subjected to various curing period depending on the use of admixtures
or plasticizers.

Figure 2.1: Concrete Mix

a. Cement is usually supplied in bags and / or powder form which
require great care to protect moisture to enter and be stored in dry
places with good clearance from floors and walls so as not get damp
or wet not to trigger chemical reaction and decrease its strength.
b. Cement shall fulfill the requirements set in ES C. D5 201: General
Requirement of Portland Cement for Concrete Works. The Engineer
and Concrete Forman in charge shall make sure the use of the right
Cement (PPC or OPC or others) and their due care as a consequence
to ensure the compressive strength, workability, etc. characteristics.
c. Cement need to be procured not more than a month to be used and
shall be used following its delivery; that is, the oldest cement shall be
used first as it deteriorates overtime and cause reduction in strength
of 20, 30, 40, 50 % for C-25 concrete within 3, 6, 12 and 24 months’
time respectively.
d. Cement shall be stored in a well ventilated dry place / room having
good clearance from the floor and walls (min. 20cm) to prevent the
bags from getting damp or wet.

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

e. Cement contents in excess of 550 kg/m3 (Max. Cement Content) shall

not be used unless special consideration has been given in design to
increased risk of cracks due to drying shrinkage in thin sections or
thermal stress in thicker sections.
f. Aggregates (including Sand) are the main contributors to the
strength of concrete and comprise the largest volume of concrete (70
%) in which their composition shall be fine (0.3 to 5 mm of sand) and
coarse (stones up to 40 mm) aggregates and should not be porous,
brittle, substantially rounded, flat, flaky or polished, soft and mixed
with clay.
g. Aggregates shall fulfill the requirements set in ES C. D3 201: Normal
Concrete Aggregates for Concrete Works. The Engineer and Concrete
Forman in charge shall make sure the use of the right Aggregate
(Coarse & Fine aggregates) and their due care as a consequence to
ensure the water cement ratio and the resulting compressive
strength, workability, etc. characteristics.
h. Coarse Aggregates can generally be assumed that sand and gravel,
in a dry condition, consist of 60 percent solid matter and40 percent
empty spaces and coating. These empty spaces and coating need to
be filled with Cement – Sand (Fine Aggregate) – Water paste.
i. Aggregates are washed to remove impurities such as clay, dust and
fine crushing residues and shall be stored on clean hard ground
different sizes being stored separately.
j. Aggregates shall be handled and stored separately for different sizes
so as to minimize segregation and contamination with undesirable
k. Water can either be drinking water or water from rivers and lakes
without salt and acceptable quality. Before concreting, it is important
to make sure adequate supply of water is made available around the
site (including stockpiling water when necessary) for both mixing and
curing purposes.
l. Water - Cement Ratio is meant to form a paste that coats and binds
the aggregate particles together through a process called hydration
and for workability of the concrete mix. Water – Cement Ratio of 0.4
(not recommended for hand mixing) to 0.65 depending on the larger
sizes of the coarse aggregates provides good workability to mold
concrete to desired shapes and to consolidate to the required density
without compromising its quality. The higher the water – cement ratio
is used for lower sizes of coarse aggregates (when w/c increases
strength of concrete decreases).
m. Cement contents lesser than shown in Table 1.1 with its respective
max. water cement ratio shall be adhered to in order to provide
acceptable durability under Mild, Moderate and Severe exposures.
2.2.2. Concrete Works shall be carried out under the direct supervision of
a Site Engineer and a Concrete Forman of TACON’s staff.

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Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Table 1.1: Minimum Cement Content per m3 of Concrete to Ensure Durability under Specified Conditions of Exposure
Reinforced Concrete Plain / Mass Concrete
Nominal Maximum Max. w/c Nominal Maximum Max. w/c
Exposure Size of Aggregate Ratio Size of Aggregate Ratio
40 30 20 10 40 30 20 10
Mild: e.g. Completely protected against weather, or aggressive
conditions, except for a brief period of exposure to normal
weather conditions during construction 230 260 280 300 0.65 220 230 260 280 0.70
Moderate: e.g. Sheltered from sever rain. Buried concrete and
concrete continuous under water 270 300 330 350 0.55 230 260 290 310 0.60
Sever: e.g. Exposed to sea water, driving main alternate wetting
and drying. Subject to heavy condensation or corrosive fumes. 330 370 400 420 0.45 280 320 340 370 0.50
2.2.3. Concrete Works can be produced using either Designed or Prescribed
mixes. In both cases, standard mixes recommended for the different
grades of Concrete per 50 kg Bag of Cement are given in Table 1.2

Table 1.2: Standard Mixes Recommended for Ordinary Structural Concrete per 50Kg of Cement
Nominal max. size of Aggregate (mm) 40 20 14 10
Workability Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High
Limits of slump that may be expected (mm) 30 to 60 60 to 120 20 to 50 50 to 100 10 to 30 30 to 60 10 to 25 25 to 50
Total aggregate(kg) 640 550 540 480
C5 Fine aggregate (%) 30-45 30-45 35-50 35-50 - - - -
Vol. of Finished Concrete (m3) 0.312 0.275 0.277 0.252
Total aggregate(kg) 370 330 320 280 - - - -
C15 Fine aggregate (%) 30-45 30-45 35-50 35-50 - - -- -
Vol. of finished Concrete(m3) 0.2 0.183 0.178 0.16 - - -- -
Total aggregate(kg) 305 270 280 250 255 220 240 200
C20 Fine aggregate (%) 30-35 30-40 30-40 35-45 35-45 40-50 40-50 45-55
Vol. of finished Concrete(m3) 0.165 0.155 0.156 0.143 0.146 0.13 0.137 0.121
Total aggregate(kg) 265 240 240 215 220 195 210 175
C25 Fine aggregate (%) 30-35 30-40 30-40 35-45 35-45 40-50 40-50 45-55
Vol. of finished Concrete(m3) 0.147 0.137 0.137 0.127 0.13 0.118 0.124 0.11
Total aggregate(kg) 235 215 210 190 195 170 180 150
C30 Fine aggregate (%) 30-35 30-40 30-40 35-45 35-45 40-50 40-50 45-55
Vol. of finished Concrete(m3) 0.134 0.127 0.124 0.115 0.115 0.106 0.109 0.097

2.2.4. Concrete Works recommended mix proportions by volume with its

respective compressive strengths are 1:4:8 (C-10), 1:3:6 (C-15), 1:2:4
(C-20), 1:2:3 (C-25) and 1:1.5:3 (C-30) using a box sizes corresponding
to 50kg bag of cement, say 40cm(L) x 25cm(W) x 40cm(H) (Figure 1.1)
(international and commonly used sizes).

Commonly used 20/18/16

box size cm

Figure 2.2: Box Size for Concrete mix proportions

2.2.5. Concrete produced from modern batching plants should be based on

weight batching. The weight of cement should be proportioned with

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Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

the weight of fine and coarse aggregates for corresponding class of

2.2.6. Concrete works as a policy of TACON shall not be produced by either
Hand or small volume Concrete Mixer unless otherwise allowed or
approved by the Authorized person. When allowed, Concrete mixes
made older than ½ an hour shall not be used unless remixed with
other proportions of mixes.
2.2.7. Concrete works shall be produced using appropriately located
traditional (TACON) batching plant with truck mixers, digital (modern)
batching plant or stationery mixers and using concrete pumps hauled
with transit mixer, when necessary.
2.2.8. Concrete works components (Cement, Coarse & Fine Aggregate)
required per 50kg bag of cement and the yield of concrete for the
different grades of concrete are shown in Table 1.3 below. These
values shall be used to determine the right quantities of Concrete
Works components considering appropriate tolerances for wastages
for procurement purposes.
Table 1.3: Concrete Works Materials required per 50Kg Bag of Cement
Concrete Coarse Fine Yield of Recommended
Grades Aggregate (m3) Aggregates (m3) Concrete (m3) Mix Proportions
C-10 0.32 0.16 0.34 1:4:8
C-15 0.24 0.12 0.27 1:3:6
C-20 0.16 0.08 0.19 1:2:4
C-25 0.12 0.08 0.16 1:2:3
C-30 0.08 0.10 0.12 1:1.5:2.5
2.2.9. Concrete Works involves Form& False, Reinforcement, Preliminary
Sanitary & Electrical Installations and Concreting works.
2.2.10. Form and False Works shall mean temporary support construction
for in-situ concrete, designed and constructed in timber or metal to
create the desired shape and capable of withstanding the live and
dead loads imposed on it and fully preventing leakage of concrete.
a. Formworks are meant to create the shape of a concrete structure.
Accurate formwork construction is necessary to ensure correct levels
and dimensions.
b. Formwork joints should be adequately tight to prevent cement paste
leaks, which cause poor off-form finishes.
c. Formwork should be coated with form oils (or approved mold release
agents) to improve concrete finishes and aid the removal of the
d. Formwork is left in place, primarily, to protect the edges of the pre-
hardened concrete structure from mechanical damage during site
works, and to avoid damage during the premature removal itself.
e. Formwork is also an effective means of curing when it is left in place.
If the formwork is stripped before 3 days have elapsed, it is advisable
to continue curing exposed surfaces.

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f. False works are temporary structures which are meant for supporting
formworks or provide access to build structures. Both formworks and
false works need to be designed to carry loads subjected on it.
Specialist literature need to be visited to design form and false works.
g. Form and False works shall be designed and supervised during
erection by suitably trained professional and erected by qualified
h. Form and False works shall be removed slowly and the greater of
either of when 50 % of compressive strength is proved gained or twice
the stress it will be subjected is achieved provided that such earlier
removal will not result unacceptable deflections due to mainly creep
and shrinkages.
i. Form and False works are recommended to be removed within the
following recommended times in normal situations (without using
1. Vertical formworks of beams, columns and walls 18 hours
2. Soffit formworks to slabs 7 days
3. Soffit to beams 14 days
4. Props to slabs 14 days
5. Props to beams 21 days
2.2.11. Concrete is often strengthened with reinforcements forming strong
Concrete - Reinforcement Bond to augment its weak tensile strength
as Reinforcement Bars have high tensile strength.
a. Reinforcements or Re-Bars shall be stored in a clean location, lifted off
the ground, placed on a flat surface with sufficient supports preventing
buckling, sags or bending, different sizes separately and away from mud
and oil so as to be free from factors except minor rust coating that can
be cleaned easily affecting good bonding with concrete.
b. Concrete – Reinforcement Bond is meant for maintaining the
composite action required to transfer load between concrete and
reinforcement along the steel – concrete interface to act as a monolithic
Reinforced Concrete structure.
2.2.12. Reinforcement works shall be understood as the supply, cutting,
bending, preparing and placing of top, bottom and secondary
reinforcement bars, including ties and chairs.
2.2.13. Reinforcement bars used for reinforced concrete structures shall not
have notches of dents or damaged, surface deposits decreasing
bonding properties with concrete, reduced sizes throughout their
lengths and corrosions.
2.2.14. Reinforcement bars can be plain and deformed with sizes varying
from diameter 06mm to 32mm whose weights are 0.222 (ø6), 0.395
(ø8), 0.617 (ø10), 0.888 (ø12), 1.210 (ø14), 1.518 (ø16), 2.00 (ø18), 2.47
(ø20), 2.98 (ø22), 3.55 (ø24), 4.17 (ø26), 4.83 (ø28), 5.55 (ø30) and 6.31
(ø32) kgs/m length.

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2.2.15. Reinforcement bars connected by welding shall be of suitable ones

for welding and shall be supervised by suitably trained engineer.
Reinforcement Bars shall not be welded at or near bends.
2.2.16. Reinforcement bars shall be covered with a minimum concrete cover
or coat greater or equal to the diameter of the bar but recommended
not be less than 1.5cm for slabs and 2.0cm for other structures in a
mild exposure condition. The minimum concrete cover for Moderate,
Severe and Very severe (when exposed to sea water) conditions shall
be 2.5, 3.5 and 5.0cm respectively.
2.2.17. Preliminary Installations of sanitary & electrical works shall mean
placing sanitary pipes and electrical conduits together with their
appropriate sizes of junction boxes at their appropriate positions to be
buried and concealed in the concrete and to be connected to electrical
appliances, continuing sanitary pipes and sanitary fixtures.
2.2.18. Sanitary Pipes and Electrical Conduits quantities with accessories
shall be determined from the sanitary and electrical working / detail
drawings taking their supply lengths into consideration.
2.2.19. Concreting works is the actual placement of concrete on after
Reinforcements and Preliminary installations are properly placed
involving Vibration and Curing of Concrete. Admixtures or
Plasticizers can be used for different purposes.
2.2.20. Vibration of Concrete is a process of compaction employed by
consolidating the concrete and elimination of air bubbles by
vigorously shaking the freshly poured concrete with either an internal
or surface or form vibrators. Right after placement, concrete contains
up to 20 % of entrapped air.
a. Vibration of Concrete improves 3 - 5 % of its strength for each
percent of air removed. Vibration consolidates concrete in two
stages: (1) by moving the concrete ingredients to form good mix
and then (2) by removing entrapped air.
b. Vibration of Concrete shall stop when expulsion of air bubbles
stops or when bleeding of water on the surface starts.
c. Vibration of Concrete best practices are given below:
1. Availing spare vibrator ready at hand as a backup in case the vibrator
in use fails.
2. Be sure to penetrate at least 15 cm into previous layers of concrete
already placed to reduce cold joints.
3. Vibrators should be inserted close to the vertical to maximize its
4. Do not over-bend the vibrator; it will fail.
5. Do not use the vibrator as a concrete placement tool not to create
inconsistent surface and the concrete mix will be negatively affected.
6. Do not force the vibrator into the concrete; it can be caught
by rebar, the reinforcing steel.
7. Vibrators should be held in the concrete mix at least 10 seconds.
8. Do not turn on the vibrator until the tip is fully submerged.

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9. Every time the vibrator is inserted, its radius of action should

overlap the previous radius of action. A good rule of thumb is that
the radius of action is four times the vibrator tip diameter.
10. Stop vibration when air no longer escapes the concrete, not before.
11. Stop vibration when the concrete surface takes on a sheen.
12. Do not withdraw internal vibrators at a rate not more than 2.6 cm
per second; that is very slowly.

2.2.21. Curing of Concrete is the hydration process that occurs after placing
of concrete with water as damp concrete sets better than dry concrete
to allow concrete to achieve optimal strength, hardness, lower
permeability (enhance water tightness), prevent premature drying and
avoid shrinkage cracking.
a. Curing is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content
and temperature in concrete for a period of time immediately
following placing and finishing so that the desired properties will
develop; or,
b. Curing is the process of controlling the rate and extent of
moisture loss from concrete during cement hydration.
c. Improper Curing does also cause scaling, reduced strength,
poor abrasion resistance and cracking; hence the following care
shall be taken:
 Maintain the concrete at controlled temperature (> 10 0c) and humidity
(internally > 80 %) within the first seven days.
 Hydration and Hardening of the first three days is too critical.
 Too much water is counterproductive and too little is deleterious.
 Care need to be more for Slabs as they are more affected by improper
curing as compared to other structures.
 Surfaces of concrete require curing as they are more susceptible to
insufficient hydration because they dry first.
 Special care is required for curing in (a) low water cement ratio concrete
(< 0.4), (b) hot and (c) cold climates.
 Curing for a minimum of seven days is recommended as non-cured
concrete can achieve only 40 % of its strength as compared to fully cured
concrete for 180 days.
 Concrete cured for seven and twenty-eight days even acquire 72 and 95
% of their strengths as compared to those fully cured for 180 days; hence
keeping concrete moist and curing more than seven days is therefore the
most effective way to increase strength and is advantageous.
2.2.22. Concrete starts to set or hardens within a couple of hours in which
it enters a setting stages and its compressive strength increases over
time (Table 2.1). Admixtures can be used to fasten or retard such
compressive strengths.

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Table 2.1: Compressive Strength of Concrete without Admixtures

No. Time Frame Compressive Strength
1 One Day 16 %
2 Three Days 40 %
3 Seven Days 65 %
4 Fourteen Days 90 %
5 Twenty Eight Days 99 %
2.2.23. Admixtures are chemicals or minerals in the form of powder or ready
to use liquid form added to normal concrete not more than 5 % by
mass of cement in normal situations which are used as / for:
d. accelerators (recommended in hot areas),
e. retarders (recommended for large mass or difficult concreting),
f. increasing workability as plasticizers for placing fresh concrete easily
and can serve as water reducers,
g. changing the color of concrete as pigments,
h. pumping aids, and
i. Bonding agents between new concrete and older ones
j. Improves curing
k. Improves other properties such as water tightness, chemical resistance
and cold resistance.
2.3. Delivery, Storage, Handling & Placing Requirements
2.3.1. Delivery of Concrete Materials such as Cement (decide for cement
silos), Reinforcement Bars, Coarse and Fine Aggregates, or the
Concrete mix itself; Sanitary Pipes, Electrical Conduits and all other
accessories need to be delivered within the Resources Buffers and at
the Right Quantity set / defined in the Approved / Revised
Construction Programs of each projects.
2.3.2. Delivery / Deployment of Concrete Works related Machineries such as
Concrete Mixer or Concrete Batching Plant, Transit Mixer, if
necessary, and Concrete Pumps; Vibrators; Dump Trucks; Crusher
Plants, when necessary; and all accessories need to be deployed or
installed within the Resources Buffers, at the Right Quantity and the
right type set / defined in the Approved / Revised Construction
2.3.3. Sufficient In-house and Lay-down Storages (Main and Sub Storages)
and Machinery shades or placements shall be made ready to house or
to shade or be placement for Concrete works related Materials and
Machineries as per the Approved Site Organization Plan of each
2.3.4. Concrete Works related Main- and Sub- Storages, Shades, Lay-down
and other placement areas, and sufficient access and maneuverability
shall be properly located to ensure the achievements of Concrete
works productivity set in the Approved / Revised Construction

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2.3.5. Proper handling and placing of Concrete Works related Materials

during transportation, storage, mixing and use shall be adhered to
requirements set in this procedure.
2.3.6. Resource optimization shall be considered based on the plant
capacity, number of truck mixers and concrete pumps.
2.3.7. Proper handling and placing of Concrete Works related Machineries
during use, preventive maintenance and shading shall be adhered to
requirements set in the Approved Concrete Works Machineries
handling and use guides and descriptions provided in the detail
processes of Concrete Works in this procedure.
2.4. Concrete Works: High Level Process Map
2.4.1. Concrete Works mainly involves(a) Preparatory, (b) False and Form
then Rebar or Rebar then Form and False, (c) Preliminary Sanitary
and Electrical Installations, (d) Concreting including Vibrating and
Curing, (e) Form Removal Works and (f) Monitoring & Evaluation
Services (Figure 2.3).
2.4.2. Preparatory Works or Services include readiness of (1) Working
Place, (2) Construction Methods& Crews, (3) Prior Works, (4) Input
Resources, (5) Quality Assurance (QA)& SHE Guidelines, and (6)
Performance Determinations Guidelines for Concrete Works (Section
3.1 of this guideline).
2.4.3. Form and False Works include (1) Design, Quantification and
Optimization, (2) Preparation, Hauling & and Hoisting or Lifting, (3)
Setting-out and Erection or Assembly, (4) Quality Assurance(QA)&
SHE, (5) Removal, Cleaning and Storing for Re-use or Disposal works
or services to form and support Concrete Structures (Section 3.2 of
this procedure).
2.4.4. Reinforcement Works include (1) Quantification, Changes
Administration if any &Optimization, (2) Preparation & Hoisting or
Lifting, (3) Placing or Positioning, (4) Quality Assurance & SHE works
or services to serve for resisting tensile forces and produce monolithic
RC Structure (Section 3.3 of this procedure) and (5) Removal /
Stripping, Cleaning & Storing / Re-use / Disposal.

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Figure 2.3 concrete works process map

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2.4.5. Preliminary Sanitary and Electrical Installation Works include

Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing related installation works to be
buried or concealed in concrete works following (1) Positioning
Outlets, (2) Quantification and Optimization, (3) Placing or
Positioning, and (4) Quality Assurance& SHE works or services
(Section 3.4 of this procedure).
2.4.6. Concreting Works include (1) Quantifications, (2) Batching & / or
Mixing or Ordering, (3) Hauling and / or Hoisting, (4) Placing, Leveling
& Vibrating, (4) Curing, and (5) Quality Assurance& SHE works or
services (Section 3.5 of this procedure).
2.4.7. Monitoring & Evaluation Services include (1) Indicators, Baseline,
Performance Measurement and Evaluation Methods Setting, (2) Data
Recording and / or Performance Measurement and Reporting, and (3)
Performance Evaluation, Lesson Learned & Intervention
Recommended Services.

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3. Concrete Works: Detail Implementation Guide

3.1. Preparatory Works or Services
3.1.1. Preparatory Works or Services are meant to ensure the
requirements of Make Ready plans based on the (1) Head Office
Procedure & Basic Plan, (2) Project Offices Eight Weeks Look Ahead
(EWLA) and (3) Head Office Six Weeks Look Ahead (SWLA) Operation
Plans, and (4) principles of integrating the (a) Tender-Contract, (b)
Program - Basic & Operation Plans, and (c) Production requirements
of Shall – Can – Will Do approaches or strategy.
3.1.2. Preparatory Works or Services shall consider the readiness of the
following six Concrete Works related constraints:
a. Working Place Readiness using Site Organization
b. Construction Methods & Crews Definition Readiness
c. Prior Works Readiness based on Construction Works Program
d. Construction Inputs or Resources Readiness based on Construction
Resources Program and their Resources Buffers
e. Quality Assurance (QA), SHE & Fire Requirements Checklist Readiness
f. Monitoring & Evaluation Instruments Readiness
3.1.3. Concrete Works Working Place include sufficient and appropriately
located places for:
a. Actual Concreting Structures such as Foundation, Slabs, Beams,
Columns, Shear Walls, etc.
b. Concrete works related Permanent and Temporary Materials Storages,
Lay-down areas and Mixing or Batching areas.
c. Concrete works related Machineries and / or Plants Placement areas
and Shades.
d. Appropriate and sufficient Accesses including maneuvering areas for
delivering or deploying resources and for leaving Machineries.
3.1.4. Concrete Works Methods are described for the Detail Process Maps
below (Table 3.1).

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Table 3.1: Construction Works Methods

Items Concrete Works Methods
 Check and review Contract Documents and Site Situations for existence of
Contract Discrepancies that affect delivery orders or progress of works
 Designed to form the intended structure and be strong enough to withstand all
types of dead and live loads
 Quantify components such as sheeting or stiffened panels, joints or ledges, planks,
posts, cleat, joist, wedge, batten, shore, connectors, etc. to serve as bases for
requesting timely delivery orders
 Optimize sizes of sheeting or shuttering based on the fabrication sizes to minimize
 Timely order & deliver; properly handle during transport and storage; supply based
on each structures requirements; and properly strip / remove. clean and re-use
form & false works components to ensure effective utilization or minimize wastages
 Prepare form and false works components as per designed and optimized sizes
 Accurately and rigidly construct or install false and form works components to form
Form & False Works

the desired shape, lines, levels, and dimensions, and sufficiently brace them both
horizontally and vertically
 Make sure proper provisions shall be made for openings, offsets, sinking, keyways,
1 recesses, moldings, chamfers, blockings, screeds bullheads, anchorages, inserts
and other features as required
 Form & False works generally involves the following operations during installations
or erections; (a) propping and centering, (b) shuttering, (c) provision of camber, (d)
cleaning and surface treatments with appropriate releasing agents, and (e)
 Ensure joints of formworks shall be tightly sealed against leakage of cement
 Ensure false and form works components shall be light in weight, shall not warp
or get distorted when exposed to different situations, shall be free from loose knots
and shall easily be workable with connectors without splitting or any damages
 Removal of form and false works shall follow first sides of vertical faces, second
soffit of slabs, and finally soffits of beams, girders or other heavily loaded structures
 Removal of form and false works shall be gradually, evenly and carefully made in
order to prevent loads being suddenly transferred to the concrete structure
 Form and False works shall not under no circumstances be allowed to be removed
until all the concrete reaches strength of at least twice the stresses to which it may
be subjected at the time of removal of form and false works
 Avoid protruding of form and false works connectors into the concrete

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 Check and review Contract Documents, Site Situations and Availability of designed
sizes requiring changes for existence of Contract Discrepancies that affect delivery
orders or progress of works
 Quantify and optimize for preparation purposes based on the fabrication lengths
(12m except for ∅6) using Bending Schedule to minimize wastages
 Timely order & deliver; properly handle during transport and storage; supply based
on each structures requirements; and properly clean to ensure effective utilization
or minimize wastages
 Prepare reinforcement works as per optimized sizes in bending schedules such as
cutting, bending and tying before placing in the case for footings, beams, columns,
Reinforcement Works

 Bending of Bars shall be done only in cold conditions, no heating is permitted and
shall not be straightened
 Make sure form and false works are ready and safe to place reinforcement bars
2  Reinforcement bars must be cleaned with dry gunny bags if they are coated lightly
with rust or other impurities before being bound and placing
 Accurately place main (Bottom & Top), secondary, tying such as stirrups and other
accessory such as spacers reinforcement works on the form works
 Reinforcement works generally involves the following operations; (a) cutting &
bending to optimized sizes, (b) fabricating or tying to designed meshes when
necessary, (c) hauling and / or hoisting, (d) placing, and (e) finishing fabrications
with secondary, tying and accessory reinforcement works
 Ensure top and secondary reinforcements are properly and accurately placed
 Ensure staggering of laps and anchorages to minimize loss of bonding between the
concrete and the reinforcements
 Ensure the right types, numbers, locations, sizes, lengths (including la or
anchorage lengths, curtailments, directions in cases for slabs, walls, etc, welding,
and strengths of reinforcement bars are used and placed
 Ensure adequate numbers of chairs, spacers and cover blocks are used and placed
 Check and review Contract Documents and Site Situations requiring changes for
existence of Contract Discrepancies that affect delivery orders or progress of works
 Prepare Shop Drawings to locate appliance and fixture positions in the concrete
 Quantify and optimize for preparation purposes based on the shop drawing
fabrication lengths of pipes and conduits to be placed to minimize wastages
 Timely order & deliver; properly handle during transport and storage; supply based
on each structures requirements; and properly clean to ensure effective utilization
Preliminary Installation Works

or minimize wastages
 Prepare preliminary installation works as per optimized sizes in shop drawings
before placing
 Conduits and Pipes shall be joined and bend with proper connectors, additives and
fibers, and if necessary by heating in case PVC is used
 Make sure form and false, and reinforcement works are ready and safe to place
3 preliminary installation works
 Accurately place preliminary installation works and tie them on the reinforcement
bars to prevent movement during concreting relocate positions
 Properly seal all possible openings and connections in order to prevent entrance of
concrete and blockage thereof
 Ensure locations of fixtures and appliances are properly and accurately located
and preliminary installation outlets placed
 Fix Scat olla firmly so that shifting of positions of appliances and fixtures is
 Preliminary Installation works generally involves the following operations; (a)
cutting & bending to optimized sizes, (b) hauling and / or hoisting, (c) placing,
joining and tying and (d) finishing with properly fixing and sealing preliminary
installation works
 Ensure the right types, locations and sizes preliminary installation works are used
and placed

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 Check and review Contract Documents and Site Situations requiring changes for
existence of Contract Discrepancies that affect delivery orders or progress of works
 Prepare mix proportions and install batching plants
 Quantify both concrete and inputs for preparation purposes based on the mix
proportions, production capacity of batching plants and construction program in
order to minimize wastages
 Timely order & deliver inputs or concrete; properly handle during transport and /
Concreting Works

or storage; and supply based on each scheduled works and structure requirements
to ensure effective utilization or minimize wastages
 Make sure form and false, reinforcement and preliminary installation works are
ready and safe to place concreting works
 Make sure the batching plant, transit mixer, concrete pump and vibrators are
available and properly operating
 Make sure inputs or concrete itself supplied are to the required specification and
appropriately tested and approved for use
 Properly mix the concrete as per the Batching Plant type and requirement including
the use of admixtures and transport with transit mixer
 Make sure Cube Test samples are taken, slump test checked, and place, level and
vibrate the concrete properly
 Make sure appropriate curing is made
3.1.5. Concrete Works Crews are described for the four Detail Process Maps
below (Table 3.2).
Table 3.2: Concrete Works Crews
Items Detail
1 Form & False Manpower: FW Forman, Carpenter, Ast. Carpenter and Daily Laborer
Works Machineries: Circular Saw & FW Tools
2 Reinforcement Manpower: Rebar Forman, Bar Bender& Daily Laborer
Works Machineries: Bar Cutting & Bending Machine, Rebar Tools
3 Preliminary Manpower: FW Forman, Carpenter, Ast. Carpenter and Daily Laborer
Installation Machineries: Bar Cutting & Bending Machine, Rebar Tools
4 Concreting Manpower: Concrete Forman, Concrete Masson, Carpenter, Ast.
Works Concrete Mason & Daily Laborer
Machineries: Batching Plant, Transit Mixer, Concrete Pump, Vibrator,
Concreting Tools
3.1.6. Concrete Works Prior Works shall be determined from Head Office
Basic Plans using Project Offices EWLA & Head Office SWLA Plans
and all necessary efforts shall be arranged to ensure their readiness
to execute Concrete Works timely.
3.1.7. Concrete Works Inputs or Resources shall be determined from
Construction Resources Program using Project Offices EWLA & Head
Office SWLA Plans and all necessary efforts shall be arranged to
ensure their delivery or deployment within the Resources Buffers or
Delivery or Deployment Times.

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3.1.8. Location or Production Units Buffers or Other Trades of Works

shall be considering during Project Offices EWLA & Head Office SWLA
plans in case Concrete Works Primary Works readiness could not be
3.1.9. Concrete Works QA Checklists are described for the four Detail
Process Maps below (Table 3.3).
Table 3.3: Concrete Works QA Checklist
Items QA Checklist
 Preceding work(s) acceptance
 Form & False works working place is ready
Form & False

 Formwork subject, type, design, methodology & crews defined and accepted
 Form & False works carrying capacity & stability checked

1  Form & False works Monitoring & Evaluation baselines and indicators are set (Right
Methodology & Crew assignment, Right Quality & Quantity Delivery timely,
Productivity & Utilization) and gauged
 Form & False works are set out and installed properly or as per the design
 Form & False works appropriate oiling is applied for easy and safe removal
 Preceding work(s) acceptance
 Reinforcement works working place is ready
Reinforcement Works

 Reinforcement bars test accepted

 Reinforcement works Main (Bottom / Top) & Secondary ones’ layout are approved
 Reinforcement works Quality Tests and Conditions are accepted
 Reinforcement works sizes, lengths, bending, lap or anchorage requirements
 Reinforcement works Monitoring & Evaluation baselines and indicators are set
(Right Methodology & Crew assignment, Right Quality & Quantity Delivery timely,
Productivity & Utilization) and gauged
 Reinforcement works are placed properly or as per the design using studs and
 Preceding work(s) acceptance
 Preliminary Installation works working place is ready
Installation Works

 Preliminary Installation works positions, types, sizes, length & accessories are

defined and accepted

 Preliminary Installation works manufacturers specifications and Conditions are
 Preliminary Installation Works Monitoring & Evaluation baselines and indicators
are set (Right Methodology & Crew assignment, Right Quality & Quantity Delivery
timely, Productivity & Utilization) and gauged
 Preliminary Installation works are placed properly or as per the design
 Preceding work(s) acceptance& readiness to receive concreting
Concreting Works

 Concrete works working place is ready

 Concrete works mix proportion approved
 Concrete works Monitoring & Evaluation baselines and indicators are set (Right
4 Methodology & Crew assignment, Right Quality & Quantity Delivery timely &
Productivity) and gauged
 Concrete works are produced, placed, vibrated and cured properly
 Concrete works on site (Slump Test), Cube Test, Workability, Vibration & Curing
requirements compliance

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3.1.10. Concrete Works EHS&F Requirement Checklists are described for

the four Detail Process Maps below (Table 3.4).
Table 3.4: Concrete Works EHS&F Requirement Checklists
Item EHS&F Precautions
1 1. Create awareness regarding EHS&F precaution requirements indicated in the
SHE&F guideline and / or train crews involved in form and false works
Form & False Works

2. Ensure proper design, erection and removal of form and false works to avoid
formwork collapse and consequential accidents
3. Avoid as much as possible falling from heights using falling protection equipment
and avoiding slips and trips
4. Avoid as much as possible falling objects and ensure using falling objects protection
5. Keep dusts produced within acceptable limits
6. Ensure availability of fire precautions requirements fulfillment
2 1. Create awareness regarding EHS&F precaution requirements and / or train crews

involved in reinforcement works

nt Works

2. Avoid as much as possible accidents associated with reinforcement works such as

3. Ensure availability of fire precautions requirements fulfillment
4. Refer annex 4 other checklists...

3 1. Refer annex 4 for checklists


1. Minimizing Hazards from Cement Dust and Wet Concrete such as eyes, noses, troths
and respiratory irritations, skin irritation and chemical burns
2. Guarding Concrete related Machines including log out / tag out during servicing to
minimize accident to Concrete Workers and others
Concreting Works

3. Protect from falling objects from higher places, blocked concrete equipment,
Conveyor belt system, if any to minimize workers’ accidents
4 4. Avoid improper lifting, awkward postures and repetitive motions to minimize
musculoskeletal disorder and strains
5. Beware of hazards associated with concrete works in confined spaces such as heat
stress from concrete mixers; use of entry, work and exit spaces; and avoid silica
exposure using appropriate protective equipment
6. Use Noise or Hearing Protection
7. Ensure Pollution Control to acceptable level if not better

3.1.11. Concrete Works M&E Indicators, Baselines and Measurement

Methods are described for the four Detail Process Maps below (Table

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Table 3.5: Concrete Works M&E Baselines, Indicators & Measurement Methods
Item Detail Processes Indicators Baselines Measurement Method
Zigba FW:
Zigba FW:
Utilization Plywood FW:
Form & False
1 Steel FW:
Quantification % Error:
Accuracy Cause:
SHE&F Accident:
Compliance Compliance Rate:
Productivity Preparation:
Placing & Finishing:
Utilization % waste:
Quality % Rework:
Reinforcement Compliance % Delay:
Works Cost Overrun:
Quantification % Error:
Accuracy Cause:
SHE&F Accident:
Compliance Compliance Rate:
Productivity Preparation:
Placing & Finishing:
Preliminary Utilization % waste:
3 Installation Quantification % Error:
Works Accuracy Cause:
SHE&F Accident:
Compliance Compliance Rate:
Productivity Mix to Pumping:
Placing & Finishing
Utilization % waste:
Quality % Rework:
Concreting Compliance % Delay:
Works Cost Overrun:
Quantification % Error:
Accuracy Cause:
SHE&F Accident:
Compliance Compliance Rate:

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3.2. Form & False Works

3.2.1. The Form& False works detail process map (Figure 3.1) shall
a. Form& False works Preparatory Works
1. Form& False works QA Requirement Definition
2. Form& False works SHE &F Precautions Definition
3. Form& False works Subjects Identifications: (1) Footings, (2)
Slabs and Beams, (3) Columns & Shear Walls, (4)Stairs, and (5)
Other Special Structures
4. Form& False works Types Definition: (1) Wooden, (2) Ply Wood,
(3) Metal, and (4) Others
5. Form& False works Sources Assignment: (1) Used Vs New, and
(2) Own Vs Rental; and Quantities Determination
6. Form& False works Design, Optimization &Components
Definition: Sheathings or Panels, Props or Joists, Studs, Bracings,
Pegs or Stakes, Spreaders, Connectors, Wedges, Cleats, etc.
b. Form & False works Preparation and Lifting
c. Form & False works Setting-out and Erection
d. Form & False works Removal
e. Form & False works Cleaning & Storing and / or Disposal
3.2.2. Form & False works QA & SHE &F Requirements shall be as per
Table 3.3 & 3.4 in sections 3.1.10& 3.1.11 of this Guideline.
3.2.3. Form & False works as part of TAF & TACON FW implementation
strategy / policy prohibits the use of Traditional Zigba Wooden
Formwork unless special permissions are obtained.
3.2.4. Form & False works Subjects, Types and Sources shall be
determined based on the Contract Schedule of Requirements
(Drawings & Technical Specifications) together with TAF & TACON FW
implementation strategy / policy.

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Figure 3.1 Formwork detail process map

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3.2.5. Form & False Works Design, Components and Quantities

Determination, and Optimization shall be based on the Subjects,
Types and Sources determined in section 3.2.4 above.
3.2.6. Form & False Works Design & Components determination can be
based on Subjects based installation guide shown in Figure 3.2 below.

Shear Wall Formwork

Figure 3.2: Formwork Installation Guide

3.2.7. Form & False Works Components shall be prepared (Fit and / or
Cut and / or Manufactured and / or Joined) based on the design and
optimization guide determined or shown in section 3.2.6 above in
order to minimize wastages, hence cost overruns.
3.2.8. Form & False works quantities (together with their accessories) can
be determined using the following guides:

3.2.9. Forms & False Works hauling and hoisting (Lifting) as part of TAF
& TACON FW implementation Strategy / Policy shall not be made
manually and using human labor except in some mandatory

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3.2.10. Forms & False Works shall be hauled and hoisted by Trucks and
Mechanical Pulleys. Necessary care shall be adhered to during hauling
and hoisting of Farm & False Works in order not to damage and
minimize wastes, hence cost overruns.
3.2.11. Forms & False Works shall be set out using surveyors, carpenters
and setting out tools and equipment not to cause chiseling of Concrete
3.2.12. Forms shall conform to the shape, lines, grade and dimensions
indicated on the drawings.
3.2.13. Forms shall be substantially and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage
of mortar and shall be supported by False Works not to deflect under
the weight of the wet concrete or construction loads.
3.2.14. Forms shall be properly braced or tied together with False Works so
as to maintain position and shape, and insure the safety of workmen
and passerby. Appropriate access shall be provided to facilitate
cleaning and inspection immediately before placing concrete /
3.2.15. Forms & False Works shall not be disturbed until the concrete has
hardened adequately to carry its own weight and other loads that may
occur. When the inside forms are erected and reinforcements together
with preliminary installations are in place, the Engineer / Consultant
in charge shall be notified and the outside forms shall not be placed
until works before concreting has been approved.
3.2.16. Forms & False Works shall be assembled in such a manner as to
facilitate their removal without damage to the concrete and
themselves. All forms shall be cleaned and oiled each time they are
3.2.17. Forms & False Works shall be removed carefully to avoid damage and
wastages, hence cost overruns.

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3.2.18. Forms & False works shall be cleaned as soon as they are removed
and stored in appropriate place to ensure re-use to its prescribed
3.2.19. Form & False works need to be inspected before, during and after
concreting and approved before placing of concrete for Stability,
Opening and Setting Out.
3.2.20. Forms & False Works prescribed re-use or re-manufactured times
are as described in Table 3.5 below.
Table 3.5: Form & False Works Prescribed Re-Use Times
Item FW Types Prescribed Re-Use Times
1 Plywood based Form & False Works Up to 20 Times
2 Steel based Form & False Works Up to 30 Times

3.2.21. Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines and Measurement
Methods are as described in Table 3.6 below.
Table3.6: Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines & Measurement Methods
No Detail Process Indicators Baselines Measurement Methods
1 Preparatory Works Prep Reliability No. of Review:
2 Design, Reliability No. of Review:
Optimization & Utilization % Wastage:
Preparation Productivity Design & Opt:
3 Hauling, Lifting, Productivity Hauling & Lifting:
Setting Out & SO & Erection:
Erection Rework Cost Overrun:
4 Removal& Re - Use Utilization No. of Re-use:
Wastage / Damage:
Cost Overrun

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3.3. Reinforcement Works

1.1.2. The Reinforcement Works detail process map (Figure 3.3) shall
a. Reinforcement Works Preparatory Works
 Reinforcement Works QA Requirement Definition
 Reinforcement Works EHS&F Precautions
 Reinforcement Works Subjects Identifications: (1) Footings, Slabs
and Stairs, (3) Beams, Columns & Shear Walls, (4) Shear Walls, and
(5) Other Special Structures
 Reinforcement Works Types Definitions: (1) Bottom, (2) Top, (3)
Secondary, and (4) Stirrups
 Reinforcement Works Accessories determinations: Spacers,
Studs, etc.
 Reinforcement Works Sizes & Quantities Determination
 Reinforcement Optimization Works
b. Reinforcement Preparation and Lifting Works
c. Reinforcement Placing& Finishing Works
1.1.3. Reinforcement Works QA & EHS&F Requirements shall be as per
Table 3.3& 3.4 in sections 3.1.10& 3.1.11 of this Guideline.
1.1.4. Reinforcement Works Subjects, Types and Accessories shall be
determined based on the Contract Schedule of Requirements
(Drawings, Technical Specifications& Approved Changes) including
considering Contract Discrepancies.
1.1.5. Reinforcement Works Sizes and Quantities Determination and
Optimization shall be based on the Subjects and Types determined
in sections 3.3.3 above& 3.3.4 below and Supply Length (12 m).

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Figure 3.3 Reinforcement detail process map

1.1.6. Reinforcement bars quantities in length per size are determined

using Bending Schedules (Table 3.11) taken from drawings. The
number of bars required for each sizes except for ∅8 can be

determined using total length divided by 12m rounded to the next

higher number.

Table 3.11: Bending Schedule Format

Ref. ∑W[kg] for ø
No. SHAPE No ø L[m] ∑L[m]
6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 26 28 30

Ø6 = 0.222 Ø12 = 0.888 Ø20 = 2.47 Ø26 = 4.17 ∑

Ø8 = 0.395 Ø14 = 1.21 Ø22 = 2.98 Ø28 = 4.83
Ø10 = 0.517 Ø16 = 1.58 Ø24 = 3.55 Ø30 = 5.55 TOTAL WEIGHT [kg]:

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1.1.7. Reinforcement bars used as stirrups shall be of size ø8 and ø10 for
main bars sizes between ø10 to ø20 and ø22 to ø32 respectively.
1.1.8. Reinforcement Works shall be prepared based on the bending
scheduled and optimization guide determined or shown in sections
3.3.4 & 3.3.8 above in order to minimize wastages, hence cost
1.1.9. Reinforcement bars can be replaced by one another using equivalent
areas using Tables 3.8 (for slabs and shear walls) & 3.9 (for others)

1.1.10. Reinforcement bars cannot be more than the prescribed number

(Max number of Bars) in a row in Table 3.10 shown below.

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Table 3.10: Maximum No. of Bars in One Row

Bar Diameter (mm)
Width (cm)
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
10 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
20 (5) (5) 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
25 7 6 6 (6) 5 5 (5) 4 4 (4)
30 (9) 8 7 7 (7) 6 (6) 5 (5) 4
35 10 (10) 9 8 8 (8) 7 (7) 6 5
40 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 (7) 6
45 (14) (13) 12 11 (11) 10 9 (9) 8 7
50 15 14 13 (13) 12 11 10 9 (9) 8
60 (19) 17 16 15 15 14 12 (12) 11 10
dst = 8mm dst = 10mm
Diameter dst
Concrete Cover from the Stirrups Cst =2.0cm
1.1.11. Reinforcement Works hauling and hoisting (Lifting) as part of TAF &
TACON RW implementation Strategy / Policy shall not be made
manually and using human labor except in some mandatory
1.1.12. Reinforcement Works shall be hauled and hoisted by Trucks and
Mechanical Pulleys.
1.1.13. Reinforcement Works shall be placed and finished with secondary
reinforcements and accessories in accordance with the design and
approved changes.
1.1.14. Reinforcement shall conform to the size, length, bending, anchorage
and lap requirements indicated on the drawings and codes. Bending
of Reinforcements shall be cold bending only using recommended
bending diameters.
1.1.15. Reinforcement splicing shall preferably be staggered to minimize
effects of low bond, and anchorage shall be used when it is in
compression & lap shall be used when it is in tension zone.
1.1.16. Reinforcement Splices will not be permitted at points where the
section is not sufficient to provide a minimum of 5 cm between the
splice and the nearest adjacent bar or the surface of the concrete.
1.1.17. Reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in the position shown
on the plans taking due care for bottom, top and secondary
reinforcement provisions and shall be firmly held in position during

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concrete placing, vibrating and setting using spacers, stays and

chairs. Recommended concrete cover to reinforcements shall be
adhered too.
1.1.18. Reinforcement placing need to be inspected and approved before
placing of concrete. The following are recommended during
• Number, size and spacing of bars
• Height and distribution of chairs to maintain required bottom and side
concrete covers
• Location, staggering, and lengths of anchorage and lap splices
• Location of service pipes, conduits, openings and outlets affecting rebar
• Effectiveness of tying (re-bars to re-bars, bars to fitments, lap splices,
chairs to re-bars)
1.1.19. Reinforcement Works M&E Indicators, Baselines and
Measurement Methods are as described in Table 3.12 below.
Table 3.12:Reinforcement Works M&E Indicators, Baselines & Measurement Methods
No Detail Process Indicators Baselines Measurement Methods
1 Preparatory Works Prep Reliability No. of Review:
Reliability No. of Review:
Design, Optimization
2 Utilization % Wastage:
& Preparation
Productivity Design & Opt:
Hauling & Lifting:
Hauling, Lifting Productivity
3 Placing:
Rework Cost Overrun:

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3.4. Preliminary Installation Works

1.1.20. The Preliminary Installation works detail process map (Figure 3.3)
shall consider:
a. Preliminary Installation works Preparatory Works
 Preliminary Installation works QA Requirement Definition
 Preliminary Installation works EHS&F Precautions
 Preliminary Installation works Subjects Identifications:(1)
Conduits, (2) Pipes with connectors, (3) Junction Boxes, (4)
Distribution Boxes, (5) Fire Hose Boxes, and (6) Wires
 Preliminary Installation works Types Definitions: (1) Sanitary, (2)
Electrical, and (3) Mechanical
 Preliminary Installation works Fixtures & Appliances outlets
 Reinforcement Works Sizes & Quantities determinations and
b. Preliminary Installation Works Preparation and Lifting Works
c. Preliminary Installation Works Placing& Finishing Works
1.1.21. Preliminary Installation Works QA & EHS&F Requirements shall be
as per Table 3.3 & 3.4 in sections 3.1.10 & 3.1.11 of this Guideline.
1.1.22. Preliminary Installation works Subjects, Types and Accessories
shall be determined based on the Contract Schedule of Requirements
(Drawings, Technical Specifications& Approved Changes) including
considering Contract Discrepancies.
1.1.23. Preliminary Installation works Shop Drawings with schedules of
requirements shall be prepared based on the contract schedule of
requirements and determined preliminary installation works subject,
types and accessories (Section 3.4.3 above).
1.1.24. Preliminary Installation works Sizes and Quantities Determination
and Optimization shall be based on the Subjects and Types
determined in section 3.4.3 above and Supply Length (6m).
1.1.25. Preliminary Installation works shall be prepared based on the
preliminary installation shop drawings and optimization guide

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determined based on section 3.4.4 & 3.4.5 above in order to minimize

wastages, hence cost overruns.

Figure 3.4 preparatory works detail process map

1.1.26. Preliminary Installation works hauling and hoisting (Lifting) shall
preferably be made by Trucks and Mechanical Pulleys.
1.1.27. Preliminary Installations shall be accurately placed in the position
shown on the plans taking due care for sealing openings and shall be
firmly held in position during concrete placing, vibrating and setting
using tying.

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1.1.28. Preliminary Installation placing need to be inspected and approved

before placing of concrete. The following are recommended during
• Size and openings
• Location of Fixtures and Appliances outlets
• Effectiveness of tying firmly holding conduits and pipes to prevent
movement during concreting works
1.1.29. Preliminary Installation works M&E Indicators, Baselines and
Measurement Methods are as described in Table 3.9 below.
Table 3.9:Preliminary Installation works M&E Indicators, Baselines & Measurement Methods
No Detail Process Indicators Baselines Measurement Methods
1 Preparatory Works Prep Reliability No. of Review:

Shop Drawing, Reliability No. of Review:

2 Optimization & Utilization % Wastage:

Preparation Design & Opt:

Hauling & Lifting:
Hauling, Lifting Productivity
3 Placing:
Rework Cost Overrun:

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3.5. Concreting, Vibrating & Curing Works

1.1.30. The Concreting, Vibrating & Curing Works detail process map
(Figure 3.4) shall consider:
a. Concreting, Vibrating & Curing works Preparatory Works
1. Concreting, Vibrating & Curing works QA Requirement Definition
2. Concreting, Vibrating & Curing works EHS&F Precautions
3. Concreting, Vibrating & Curing works Subjects Identifications: (1)
Footing, Slab, Stairs & Beams, (2) Columns & Shear walls, and (3) Other
Special Structures
4. Concreting works Types Definitions: (1) Cast in Situ / Place Concrete
(Ready Made Mix Vs On Site Mix), and (2) Pre Manufactured (Pre-
Fabricated, Pre-Tensioned and Post-Tensioned) Concrete.
5. Concreting works Quantities determinations
b. Concreting works hauling and hoisting or pumping
c. Concreting works placing, vibrating & curing
1.1.31. Concreting Works QA & EHS&F Requirements shall be as per Table
3.3 & 3.4 in sections 3.1.10 & 3.1.11 of this Guideline.
1.1.32. Concreting works Subjects and Types shall be determined based on
the Contract Schedule of Requirements (Drawings, Technical
Specifications& Approved Changes) including considering Contract
1.1.33. Concreting works Grades and Quantities Determination shall be
based on the Subjects and Types determined in sections 2.2.1 to
2.2.3, 2.2.6 and 3.4.3 above and Supply Length (6m).
1.1.34. Concreting, Vibrating and Curing Equipment such as Concrete Pumps,
Vibrators, Hoisting, Leveling & Curing Equipment shall be ready
1.1.35. Concreting using ready-made mix shall consider:
a. Select Supplier as close to your site as possible to reduce hauling time
b. Consider to provide sufficient access and space for transit mixer
entrance, unloading and turning to ensure quick discharge of concrete
during site organization plan preparation
c. Ensure that right quality and quantity together with right delivery
schedule order is in place

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d. Make ready prior works such as completing, inspection and approval

of form& false, re-bar and preliminary installation works at least 24
hrs beforehand
e. Ensure deployment of sufficient human resources and all concreting
equipment in good order on site at least 24 hrs beforehand
1.1.36. Concreting using on site batching and mixing shall consider:
a. Quantities of Concreting works components shall be determined as
described in section 3.5.4 above.
b. Size of the traditional batching that entertain sufficient transit mixers
with respect to the total volume of concrete required at different times
c. Consider to provide sufficient access and space for truck mixers and
d. Consider sufficient space for stock piling of coarse aggregate, fine
aggregate and cement
e. Consider delivery mechanism of water with proper gauging
f. Ensure deployment of sufficient manpower and other auxiliary
concreting equipment
1.1.37. Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the formwork as
rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent the segregation
or loss of any of the ingredients, and maintain he required workability.
1.1.38. Concreting Works shall be placed / poured, leveled, vibrated, remain
supported and cured in accordance with the requirements defined in
section 2.2 above.
1.1.39. Concrete Works to avoid segregation, the free fall of concrete mass
shall be restricted to a maximum of three (3m) unless the system of
placing concrete is approved by an Authorized Person.
1.1.40. Concreting Works using admixtures shall adhere to requirements
described in section 2.2 above and the manufacturer’s specifications.
1.1.41. Concreting Works shall conform to the grades / strengths, sizes,
workability, test requirements set in the Contract and referenced
Codes and Standards.

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1.1.42. Concreting Works need to be inspected and approved before any

subsequent works to be executed. The following are recommended
during inspections:
• Delivery, Storage, Transportation and Handling requirements
• Mix proportion applicability and reliability
• Placing, Vibrating and Curing Requirements
• Slump and Cube / Cylindrical Test results
• Admixture Administrations
• Defects during support and after form work removals
• EHS&F Requirements
1.1.43. Concreting Works M&E Indicators, Baselines and Measurement
Methods are as described in Table 3.9 below.
Table 3.9: Form & False Works M&E Indicators, Baselines & Measurement Methods
No Detail Process Indicators Baselines Measurement Methods
1 Preparatory Works Prep Reliability No. of Reviews:
Mixing / Batching Reliability No. of Reviews:
2 incl. Admixture Utilization % Wastages:
Administration Production Rate Rate:
Productivity Hauling & Lifting:
Hauling, Lifting
3 Placing:
Utilization % Wastage:
4 Vibration Rework Cost Overrun:
5 Curing Strength Trend % Compliance:

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3.6. Form & False Works Removal Works

1.1.44. Form & False Works Removal Works are as described in section 3.2
3.7. Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators, Baselines &
Methods of Measurement Setting
1.1.45. Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators, Baselines and Methods of
Measurement are as defined in each Concrete Works detailed
processes and High level process.
3.8. Monitoring & Evaluation Services
1.1.46. The Project Team & The Respective PCD’s shall prepare their daily,
weekly, monthly and bi-monthly progress reports based on the
Approved Project office EWLA & PCD’s SWLA Plans, and the
indicators, baselines and methods of measurement defined in the
respective concrete works detail and high level process maps.
1.1.47. The Planning Directorate in collaboration with TACON Top
Management shall follow up the daily implementation of the
Approved Project office EWLA &PCD’s SWLA Plans to check their
smooth progress and serve as problem solving mechanisms, if any.
1.1.48. The Planning and Business Development and the Engineering and
Construction Sectors of TAF CG in collaboration with TAF CG
CEO or his delegate shall monitor and evaluate the weekly, monthly
and bi-monthly performances of the Approved Project office EWLA&
POCO’s SWLA Plans to ensure their successful accomplishments.

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4. Roles and Responsibilities

1.1.2. The Project Team shall determine
a. the necessary preparatory works readiness
b. the Form & False work subjects, types, accessories, QA & SHE&F
requirement definitions, sources, quantities and responsibilities to
handle formworks with accessories
c. the Reinforcement Works subjects, types, accessories, QA & SHE&F
requirement definitions, and Sizes & Quantities
d. the Preliminary Installation Works subjects, types, QA & SHE&F
requirement definitions, and Sizes & Quantities
e. the Concreting, Vibrating & Curing Works QA & SHE&F requirement
definitions, and Strengths & Quantities
as part of the EWLA Project Office Plans based on the principle of
collaborative planning eight weeks prior to the commencement of respective
Concrete Works detail processes and forward same for approval to their
respective Program Coordination Departments (PCD) except for input
resources whose resources buffers are beyond eight weeks.
1.1.3. The Respective PCD’s shall give their final approval after considering
all necessary processes with the project team within one week.
1.1.4. The Respective PCD’s shall distribute the approved EWLA Project
Office Plans to all relevant divisions of TACON Head Office
Management and in collaboration with them and the Planning
Directorate shall prepare Six Weeks Look Ahead (SWLA) POCO’s Plan
to ensure all necessary make ready plans for concrete works detail
1.1.5. The Project Team & The Respective PCD’s shall undertake all their
responsibilities in accordance with the Approved EWLA Project
Office& SWLA PCD’s Plan and shall serve as bases for their weekly,
monthly and bi-monthly progress reports.
1.1.6. The Planning Directorate in collaboration with TACON Top
Management shall follow up the implementation of the Approved
EWLA Project office& SWLA PCD’s Plans daily to ensure their smooth

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progress and serve as leading indicators together with solving

problems if there are any.
1.1.7. The Planning and Business Development and the Engineering and
Construction Sectors of TAF CG in collaboration with TAF CG CEO
or his delegate monitor and evaluate the performances of the
Approved EWLA Project office &SWLA PCD’s Plans weekly, monthly
and bi-monthly to ensure their successful Make Ready Plans and their
1.1.8. The Engineering and Construction Sector of TAF CG in
collaboration with TACON Top Management shall ensure continuous
improvement of this guideline with respect to Technology Transfer,
Productivity and Progress increase, Quality enhancement, SHE
compliance, Cost reduction, Easiness to perform, Optimized system
development, Increased Cash Flow contribution, etc.
1.1.9. TAF Board of Directors monitor and evaluate the successful
implementation of this guideline and its continuous improvement
based on Technology Transfer, Productivity and Progress increase,
Quality enhancement, SHE&F requirements compliance, Easiness to
perform, Optimized system development, etc.
1.1.10. At all levels, lesson learned shall be recorded focusing on Systems
(Inputs, Processes, Outputs & Feedbacks & Forward Interventions)
Modernizing Technologies & Methodologies and Crews in order to
improve customer satisfaction, quality performance, productivity,
profitability and minimize cost overrun and cash flow problems.

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5. Adjustment, Revision and Amendment

1.2. Adjustment
1.2.1. This Concrete Works Management procedure shall be adjusted to
confirm to specific requirements of projects in line with their
contractual obligations.
1.3. Revision
1.3.1. This Concrete Works Management procedure shall be revised every
three years unless otherwise required due to special circumstances.
1.3.2. The revision of this Concrete Works Management procedure shall be
initiated by Planning Directorate of TACON based on requests from
feedbacks collected during monitoring & evaluation system and
decision made by the Managing Director
1.4. Effective date
1.4.1. This Concrete Works Management procedure shall come into effect as
of ___________ 2016 with the approval of the MD of TACON and the

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Annex 1: Process, Activity, KPIs, Baselines & Desired Outcomes

Table A.1- Activity, KPIs, and Baselines and Desired Outcome in Concrete Works
Key Performance Indicator
Process Activity Baselines Desired Outcome
Parameters Indicators
Time No unjustified delay No delay to schedule
To erect
Productivity compared to
Formwork Erection

formwork to Cost of resources and productivity with

Cost expenses, wastage with in
3-4(three to reasonable standards
four) floors
No rework, Zero defect
Quality for columns, Minimized defect and rework
and as per standard
beams, slabs,
No damage to manpower
Safety stairs, shear Zero accident
and resources
walls within
Timely cash inflow

Cash flow one month Collection of cash from executed work

No delay in releasing Removal of
formwork formwork No delay to schedule
Formwork Removal

Cost Productivity in removal within the No of usage of formwork

Quality No damage to formwork intended Handling of formwork
No damage to manpower technological
Safety time(after 7, Zero accident
and resources
14, 21 or 28
Ready formwork for next depending on
Cash flow Ready formwork for next use
use the admixture
used or not
Time No of unjustified delay No delay to schedule
Productivity compared to To prepare
Wastage minimized, cost of resources
Cost expenses, wastage with in reinforcement
Preparation of Reinforcement

and productivity with in standards

tolerance bar for 3-
No rework, zero defect and 4(three to
Quality four) floors Minimized defect and rework
as per standard
No damage to manpower columns,
Safety beams, slabs, Zero accident
and resources
stairs, shear
walls as per
bar schedule
Timely cash inflow Collection of cash from executed

Cash flow and

generated optimization works
within one
Time No of unjustified delay To place No delay to schedule
Productivity compared to reinforcement Wastage minimized, cost of resources
Placing of reinforcement

expense bar for 3- and productivity with in standards
Placing as per drawing and 4(three to Minimized rework and improved
Quality four) floors
properly efficiency
No damage to manpower columns,
Safety beams, slabs,
and resources Zero accident
stairs, shear
walls as per
Timely cash in flow drawing Collection of cash from executed
Cash flow
generated within one works

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Time No of unjustified delay To install No delay to schedule

Comparing productivity to sanitary pipes Wastage minimized, cost of resources
expenses for 3-4(three and productivity with in standards
Preliminary sanitary and electrical works

Sanitary pipes
Installation of pipes as per to four) floor
Quality No rework and improved efficiency

drawing and standards slabs as per
Safety No damage to manpower drawing Zero accident
Timely cash in flow within one Collection of cash from executed
Cash flow month
generated works
Time No of unjustified delay To install No delay to schedule
Comparing productivity to electrical Wastage minimized, cost of resources
Electrical conduits

expenses conduits for 3- and productivity with in standards

Installation of conduits as 4(three to
Quality four) floor No rework and improved efficiency
per drawing and standards

Safety No damage to manpower slabs as per Zero accident

Timely cash in flow within one Collection of cash from executed
Cash flow
generated month works
Time No of unjustified delay To cast No delay to schedule
concrete for Wastage minimized, cost of resources
Comparing productivity to
Cost 3-4(three to and productivity with in standards,
four) floors of efficiency improved

No rework, wastage columns, No rework and improved efficiency,

Concrete casting

Quality minimized defect, accuracy beams, slabs, improved accuracy level for
level for subsequent works stairs, shear subsequent works
No damage to manpower walls as per
Safety Zero accident
and resources drawing
Timely cash in flow within (1) one Collection of cash from executed
Cash flow month
generated works

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Annex 2: Detail Activities & Responsibility Matrix

Item Major activity Detail works to done Responsible body Remark

A. Concrete work
1. General requirements
Cement The type of cement shall be Office engineer
defined based on requirements
and standards. “
Aggregate Sampling and testing should be Site engineer and
done as per the requirement of material engineer
standards. “
Admixture It shall comply with the standards Office and site engineer
to fulfill the required effect.

2. Material delivery and storage
Cement Cement shall be delivered Procurement and
properly in bags or containers project store
without damage
Cement shall be consumed in the Project store
order of first-in-first-out
Aggregates Aggregates shall be delivered in Procurement and
trucks and stockpiled on clear project store
surface and independently.
Water Water shall be delivered in pipe Site Forman
or stored in closed container free
from contamination.
Admixture Admixture shall be delivered Procurement and
properly checking the expiry date project store
and shall be stored to avoid
3. Test requirement and mix proportion
Trial mix test shall be taken Site engineer and
before start of concrete works material engineer
based on the required standard.
Concrete test cubes shall be taken Site engineer and
from the batch of concrete to be material engineer

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4. Concrete production, transporting and placing

Using stationery The type, capacity and Project and equipment
mixers number of mixers shall be department
known and delivered.
Using traditional The space available, the Project and equipment
batching plants manpower required and the department
equipment to deploy shall be
known with respect to
concrete volume.
Using modern The capacity and equipment Project and production
batching plants shall be known. department
The method of transporting Project, coordination
concrete shall be known and equipment
which ensure to avoid department
segregation, drying and
wastage(truck mixers,
dumpers, concrete pumps,
loaders or wheel barrows)
Concrete placing
Before any concrete placing, Site engineer, site
formwork, reinforcement and Forman
other embedded items shall
be completed, checked and
The method of placing Site engineer and site
concrete shall be known if it Forman
is manually or using
equipment and it shall be
Mechanical vibrators shall be Site Forman
used for compacting
Curing and
Concrete shall be protected Site engineer and site
from premature drying and Forman
shall be kept wet at least for
7(seven) days

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B. Formwork
1. Material delivery, storage and handover
Different types of formworks Temporary structure
and accessories shall be department
delivered as per the requirement
of the work.
Formwork and accessories shall Project store
be stored properly and kept
protected from rain and sun to
avoid any damage from
Formwork and accessories shall Site Forman and
be kept clean when stored. project store
Formwork and accessories shall Project store and site
be formally handed over to the Forman/subcontractor
person in charge of the work or
subcontractor who execute the
2. Formwork usage, construction and removal
Formwork and accessories shall Project store and site
be transported and used safely to Forman/subcontractor
avoid any damage.
Any cutting of permanent Forman/subcontractor
formwork element shall not be
Removal of formwork and Forman/subcontractor
accessories shall be safe and free
from any damage.
C. Reinforcement
General Reinforcement should comply to Office engineer Refer
requirement the requirement of standards standards
Delivery and Reinforcements shall be Procurement
storage delivered from accepted
suppliers and shall meet the
Reinforcement shall be stored Project
above the ground and under
Preparation and Placing
Preparation of reinforcement Office engineer
shall be done as per the bar
schedule of the work.
Preparation shall be made with Optimization
optimization to minimize engineer/subcontractor
Reinforcement shall be done as Site
per the drawing. engineer/subcontractor

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Annex 3: Check lists for concrete work

The following checklists are defined to measure our performance targets during concrete

Item Description of parameters for performance Conformed Not Not

no measurement conformed applicable
 Decision on location of batching plant with respect to
the location
of the project
 Identify and quantify the concrete to be ordered from
central plant
(if required)
 Submittal of mix proportion for the mix design as per
classified concrete;
 Rechecking footing formwork from displacement of the
fixed position, level and alignment.
 Spacer Position
 Rechecking the rigidity of the scaffolding & shuttering
formwork from displacement of the fixed position.
 Leak tightness of joints between form work element;
 Cleanliness of form work
 Cleanliness of Lean concreted area
 Surface condition of reinforcement
 Diameter, location, spacing, required length, required
number, shape, bonding dimension of the reinforcement
both for footing and foundation column.
 Proper positioning of foundation column reinforcement
with the footing;
 Alignment of centering of foundation column
 Method used for pouring concrete to avoid
Concrete pump, down pipe, or any other/
Check the following before production of concrete
Aggregates / Fine or Coarse/

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 Sufficiency for different size of aggregates piled

 Sufficiency of aggregates protected from contamination,
 Prevention of intermingling aggregates with adjacent
 Provision of adequate drainage for the piled aggregates
for maintaining uniform moisture content;


Fulfillment of quality test

 Type of cement. (Ordinary Portland, pozolana, sulphate
resistant etc.)
 Stored separately from other items;
 Protected from dampness, due to weather or ground
 Stored so that the cement will be used on the same order
as it is
delivered (FIFO);
 Free from dampness;
 Age of cement

 Protected from contamination
 Availability & sufficiency of water

 Type of admixture
 Preserved & identified with labels
 Stored according to manufacturer’s instruction;
 Availability of batching plant
 Required duration to mix the cement & aggregate
/check manufacturer’s instruction of the batching plant

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 Type of Vibrator

 Availability of enough number of truck mixers, loader

vibrator for ensuring continuous supply & compaction
of concrete;
 Cleanliness of the truck mixer
 Availability of aggregate, cement & equipment for
producing the
required volume of concrete
 Maximum size of aggregate allowed in the mix;
 Moisture content of aggregate;
 Duration of concrete mix
 Slump & cube test of concrete
 Workability of concrete for ensuring proper handling,
placing &
leveling of concrete using modern method of
without segregation/low, medium, high/;
 Weather / care during heavy rain & hot weather/

Check lists for formwork

The following checklists are defined to measure our performance targets during works of
formwork erection.

Item Description of parameters for Conformed Not Not

no performance measurement conformed applicable
 submittal of formwork design with
representative sketch showing
size, shape, location of opening for
pouring concrete, strength

 Submittal of formwork design,

optimization software output and
method of
construction to site Engineer & Quality
Assurance Engineer;
 Rigidity, bracing detail, method of
fixing, method of removing the

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form, detail at joints, method to be used

for grouting, Method to
be used for keeping the formwork in
position during placing
of concrete;
 Cleanness of starter bar from any cement

 Cleanliness of all reinforcement bar

(free from dirt, paint, oil, rust and other
foreign substances.) before erection of
 Deviation from the drawing in fixing &
positioning of reinforcement
 Type, shape, dimension, spacing and
method of fixing of
spacer to maintain the required concrete
 Alignment of columns along an axis.
 Type of material to be used for form
 Method used to treat the formwork for
preventing adherence
of concrete from oil, or any other release
 Cleanliness & smoothness for surface of
forms to be used;
 Provision of starter bar at location of
intermediate structure lintels
to avoid chiseling of concrete on the face
of column;

 Conformity of proper dimension of the

finished surface (example to use
formwork with height not more than the
finished level of column)
 Method of dismantling the formwork
 Cleaning and properly putting the used

Checklist for formwork removal

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The following checklists are defined to measure our performance targets during formwork
Item Description of parameter for performance Conform Not Not
no measurement ed conforme applicable
1 The day concrete casting registered
2 Formwork removal date defined according to the
type of concrete activity(work)
3 No of days required for formwork removal
4 Dismantled formwork cleaned and handled properly

5 No of usage of formwork properly recorded and

managed for analysis

Checklists for reinforcement works

The following checklists are defined to measure our performance targets during works of
reinforcement preparation and placing.
Item Description of parameters for Conformed Not Not
no performance measurement conformed applicable
 Identify type of reinforcement bar from
construction program
 Fulfillment of quality test
 Checked for the right dimension, level &
straightness of formwork.
 Method used to keep the formwork in
position /clamp, bolt or anchors/
 Well braced and strong enough formwork to
carry the load
 Rigidity, wrapping & opening of formwork
joints due to shrinkage of timber.
 Coated with release agent for the inside
surface of formwork;
 Nature & type of release agent;
 Avoiding contact between release agent and
reinforcement / care not to be
visible on the finished work/

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 Submittal of optimization software output &

shop drawing/bar schedule/;
 Handling & storage of reinforcement /raised
from ground, protected from
weather effect and appropriate location not to
hinder progress of work/
 Availability of reinforcement free from dirt,
oil, paint, rust & other foreign
 Readiness to place the reinforcement as per
the drawing;
 Availability of spacer for concrete cover
/shape, dimension & type of spacer/;
 Proposed method to prevent displacement of
reinforcement from tolerance;

Checklist for preliminary works

The following checklists are defined to measure our performance targets during works of
sanitary pipes and electrical conduits installation.
Checklist for preliminary sanitary Works

Item Description of parameters for Conformed Not Not

no performance measurement conformed applicable
 Design review
 Material approval

 Pipe & fitting size as per the

specification (mention size)
 Size of pins/brackets for
surface mounting

 Protection measure from

 Method of shaping

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 Junction of pipes & fittings

 Method of keeping in-position

 Location of fire hydrant duct


 Approximate length of
embedded pipe
 Method of crossing in
structural frames
 Cover to embedded pipes

Check list for preliminary electrical works

Item Defining parameters of performance Conformed Not Not

no measurement conformed applicable
 Qualification of Electrician technician
 Design review
 Material approval
 Conduits nature (rigid/flexible)
 Conduits size as per the specification (mention
 Junction box size/nature
 Shape of junction box
- Polygonal

 Filler of inverted box

 Connection to formwork/wall
 Size of pins/brackets for surface mounting

 Protection measure from

 Method of shaping
 Junction of conduits and boxes

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 method of keeping in-position

 Element for wire pulling
 Location of fire hydrant duct place
 Overlap in conduit connection
 Approximate length of embedded conduit
 Method of crossing in structural frames

 Cover to embedded conduits


To establish minimum safety-related requirements for concrete work, formwork, pre stressed
concrete, precast concrete and reinforcement works.
Concrete Construction

General Requirement
I. Personnel working at heights more than 1.8 m shall be provided with proper work
platforms with a complete guardrail system. Otherwise, a full body harness and shock-
absorbing lanyard shall be worn and securely attached to a lifeline or substantial
II. No construction loads shall be placed on a concrete or masonry structure or a portion
thereof unless the contractor determines that the structure or portion of the structure is
capable of supporting the loads. Structural capabilities shall be verified by structural
III. Bulk storage bins, containers or silos shall have conical or tapered bottoms with
mechanical or pneumatic means of initiating the flow of material.
IV. Personnel shall not be permitted to perform maintenance or repair activities on equipment
used for concrete and masonry construction activities (such as compressors, mixers,
screens or pumps), unless all potentially hazardous energy sources have been properly
V. All concrete construction activities covered by this manual shall be supervised by a
construction engineer who is knowledgeable and experienced in the type of work to be
performed, including potential hazards of that work and associated hazard control

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Form work and shoring Work

I. Formwork shall be designed, erected, supported, braced and maintained in accordance
with standards and the requirements in working instruction.
II. Formwork shoring, personnel access platforms, etc., constructed of scaffolding
materials (e.g., tube-and-coupler or system scaffolding components) shall comply with
required standard. Formwork constructed of scaffolding materials and supporting an
elevated concrete slab/deck more than 300 mm thick shall be classified as a “special
III. Drawings and plans shall be prepared for all elevated formwork. These drawings and
plans shall show the needed forms, formwork shoring, jack layout, working decks, and
personnel access scaffolding that is integral with the formwork, etc.
IV. Fabricated tubular frame scaffolding shall not be used for formwork. Other types of
metal tubular welded frames that are specifically designed for use as formwork may be
used if permitted by the consulting with consultant.
V. Formwork shoring, access platforms, etc., constructed of scaffolding materials shall be
erected under the direct, on-site supervision of a form work engineer
VI. Formwork shoring sills shall be sound, rigid and capable of safely carrying the
maximum intended load.
VII. Formwork materials shall be inspected for damage or defects by unauthorized person
prior to erection. Damaged or defective materials shall not be used for formwork and
shall be immediately removed from the site.
VIII. Formwork shoring, access platforms, etc., constructed of scaffolding materials shall be
inspected by form work engineer. These inspections shall occur immediately prior to
placement of concrete and shall verify that the formwork is constructed as per the
formwork drawings and the requirements.
IX. Formwork shoring shall be plumb in both directions, with the maximum allowable
deviation from the vertical not more than 3 mm/m.
X. Erected formwork that becomes damaged or weakened shall be immediately reinforced
or reshored.
XI. Reshoring shall be provided, as necessary, to safely support concrete slabs and beams
after stripping, or where members are subjected to superimposed loads due to

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construction work. Personnel shall not be allowed under or near formwork during
concrete pour operations.
XII. Personnel not engaged in concrete pour operations shall stay clear of the pour area.
XIII. Stripped forms and formwork shall be stockpiled promptly after stripping. Protruding
nails, wire ties, etc., shall be bent over, pulled, cut or other means taken to eliminate the
XIV. Placement of concrete or construction materials on partially completed formwork shall
not be permitted.
XV. Tube-and-Coupler Formwork Shoring (see Figure 3.1 )
a. Couplers (clamps) shall not be used if they are deformed, broken, have defective
or missing threads on bolts, or other defects.
b. All tubing used for formwork shall be “embossed.”
c. Connection of tubular members and tightness of couplers shall be checked prior
to placement of concrete.
d. Base plates, shore heads, extension devices and screw jacks shall be in firm contact
with the footing sill and form materials.

Figure 3.1Tube-and-coupler Formwork shoring

XVI. Single Post Shores (see Figure 3.2)

a. Single post shores shall be horizontally braced in both directions.

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b. Diagonal bracing shall be installed as the shores are being erected.

c. Single post shoring base plates and shore heads shall be in firm contact with the footing
sill and form materials.
d. Whenever single post shores are used in more than one tier, a layout drawing shall be
submitted for approval prior to construction, and the shoring shall be inspected and
approved by a degreed structural engineer prior to concrete placement.
e. When single post shoring is at an angle or sloping, or when the surface shored is sloping,
a layout drawing shall be submitted for approval prior to construction, and the shoring
shall be inspected and approved by a degreed structural engineer prior to concrete
placement. The shoring shall be properly designed by a structural/form work engineer
for the loading.
f. Adjustment of single post shores to raise formwork shall not be made after concrete is
in place.

Figure 3.2: Single post shores

g. Fabricated single post shores and/or adjusting devices shall not be used if heavily
rusted, bent, dented, re-welded, have broken weldments or other defects. If they contain
timber, they shall not be used if the timber is split, cut, has sections removed, is rotted
or otherwise structurally damaged.

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h. Timber and adjusting devices to be used for adjustable timber single post shores shall
be inspected y a form work engineer before erection.
i. Nails used to secure bracing or adjustable timber single post shores shall be driven fully.
The protruding point of any nails shall be bent over, if possible.
j. Single post shores shall not be stacked vertically.

Concrete placement:
I. Loading skips with a capacity of 0.75 m3or larger shall be equipped with a mechanical
device to clear the skips of concrete.
II. Mixers of 0.75 m3capacity or greater shall be equipped with a mechanical device to clear
the skip of materials and protective guardrails installed on each side of the skip.
III. Bull float handles, where they may contact energized electrical conductors, shall be
constructed of nonconductive material or be insulated with a nonconductive protection
IV. Manually guided, powered and rotating-type concrete toweling machines shall be
equipped with an automatic control switch (“dead man” switch) that will automatically
shut off the power whenever the operator removes his hands from the equipment handles.
The rotating blades shall be guarded at the top and outer perimeter.
V. Handles of concrete buggies shall not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the
buggy. Knuckle guards are to be installed on buggy handles to protect the worker’s hands.
VI. Pump Crete Systems
a.Pump Crete or similar systems using discharge pipes shall be provided with pipe
supports designed for at least 100% overload (safety factor of at least
b.Hoses in pump Crete or similar systems shall be provided with joint
connectors with a positive locking mechanism and safety chain/pin to
prevent separation of the sections.
c.Pump Crete outriggers shall be in place and outrigger pads used. Outrigger
pads shall be at least three times larger in area than the outrigger float.
d.Pump Crete machines shall maintain minimum clearance distances from
overhead power lines.

VII. Concrete Buckets

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a. Personnel shall not be permitted to ride on concrete buckets.

b. Personnel shall not be permitted to work under concrete buckets while
buckets are being elevated or lowered into position.
c. Concrete buckets equipped with hydraulic or pneumatically operated gates
shall have positive safety latches or similar safety devices installed.
d. Vibrator crews shall not stand or work under elevated concrete buckets
suspended from cranes or cableways.
VIII. The wheels of ready-mix trucks shall be blocked and the brakes set to
prevent movement
IX. A spotter person shall be orienting the direction when ready-mix trucks are traveling in
reverse (e.g., backing into position).
X. Personnel shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE),
including eye protection, when placing or working with uncured concrete.
XI. Wherever concrete is being mixed, poured or finished, eye flushing
equipment shall be readily available.

Reinforcement work:

General Requirement:

TACON should follow the following procedures to ensure safety while handling reinforcement

 Work must be done in compliance with the work jurisdictions of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, occupational
Safety and Health Directive
 TACON shall hire professional rebar subcontractors to carry out extensive rebar work
on project sites.
 For smaller operations, rebar tying and cutting operations may be assumed by qualified
TACON crew members under experienced Supervision.
 Always have a designated storage/staging area for rebar.
 Ensure when it is delivered to site that it is inspected for good condition and
appropriate for its application (i.e. the correct length, diameter, strength, etc.)
 There is a high risk of sprains, strains and other MSIs for workers who do rebar
regularly. Follow the MSI program’s prevention strategies ( read below)
 Always ensure the engineering drawings for rebar placement are readily available
 Always enforce the usage of appropriate PPE when working with rebar.

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Personnel working with reinforcement shall follow the following safety procedures

1. Unload rebar from trailers/ vehicles as close as possible to work area.

2. Use proper lifting devices whenever possible.
3. Reduce repetitive bending, where possible
4. Use proper lifting techniques.
5. Always use the correct hand and power tools to tie and cut rebar.
6. Do not overextend.
7. Reposition yourself if needed.
8. Do not carry more than you can handle.
9. Get help with heavy and/or awkward bars.
10. Use clear communication when working in teams.
11. Take regular breaks to relieve fatigue from constant lifting.
12. Observe careful hand placement. Watch out for ends of tie -wire and sharp edges on
13. The use of heavy duty gloves is required.
14. Use careful hand placement to prevent pinch points.
15. Keep fingers out from in-between bundles or pieces of rebar.
16. Always put caps on protruding rebar when workers are working above rebar
17. Workers must not remove rebar end cap protectors without permission from their
supervisor and must report situations where rebar projections have not been adequately
18. Clean work area as needed during the day. Pick-up tie wire, dunnage and excess
material as work progresses.
19. Keep walk area and paths of travel unobstructed.
20. Watch where you are walking.
21. Use careful foot placement while walking on rebar mats and at decks.
22. At excavations, stay back from edge unless entering or exiting.
23. Make sure that guardrail is around perimeter and/or use fall protection.
24. Make sure that all floor openings and holes are covered or protected.
25. Must wear a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) if working within 6 feet of an
unprotected leading edge outside of or above the guardrail.
26. Make sure that only trained workers are climbing walls or columns.
27. Make sure that vertical and horizontal bars are tied as required, and hook/tie-off to the
back bars.
28. Use 100% tie-off when working over 6 feet.
29. Guard all protruding rebar, onto which a worker could fall, to eliminate the hazard of
30. Hard hats, safety glasses, high-visibility vest, work clothes, safety shoes, and gloves
shall be worn at all times.

Page 68
Document No:
Tekleberhan Ambaye Construction PLC TWR/EC/002

Title: Game Changer procedure for Concrete Issue No: A1 Page No:
works management Issue Date: Sept, 2016

Preliminary Installation works safety precautions

General Requirement:

TACON should follow the following procedures to ensure safety while handling preliminary
sanitary and electrical works

 Work must be done in compliance with the work jurisdictions of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, occupational
Safety and Health Directive
 TACON shall hire professional sanitary and electrical subcontractors to carry out the
work on project sites.
 For smaller operations In-house staffs may be assumed by qualified TACON crew
members under experienced Supervision.
 Always have a designated storage area for sanitary pipes and electrical conduits.
 Ensure when it is delivered to site that it is inspected for good condition and
appropriate for its application (i.e. the correct length, diameter, strength, and free of
damage etc.)
 Always ensure the engineering drawings for sanitary pipes and electrical conduits
placement are readily available onsite.
 Always enforce the usage of appropriate PPE when working with pipes, conduits and
 Use clear communication when working in teams

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