Leadership During A Crisis

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September 8, 2022

9:00 a.m.


Zheksenbek Aruzhan
What we'll learn:

What is leadership
What makes a great leader?
Steve Jobs`s leadership style
About Me

I'm Aruzhan, I am a student

of MKTU and group leader
FAD 111A.

Part I
What is leadership?
What is Leadership?

Leadership is the ability of an

individual or a group of individuals
to influence and guide followers or
other members of an organization

Leadership involves making sound -- and

sometimes difficult -- decisions, creating
and articulating a clear vision,
establishing achievable goals and
providing followers with the knowledge
and tools necessary to achieve those
An effective leader
possess the following
self-confidence, strong communication and
management skills, creative and innovative
thinking, perseverance in the face of
failure, willingness to take risks, openness
to change, and levelheadedness and
reactiveness in times of crisis.
What makes a
great leader?
Multiple definitions of leadership
exist, although the different
definitions generally converge in
the theory that great leaders have
the ability to make strategic and
visionary decisions and convince
others to follow those decisions.

In other words, great leaders know

how to both inspire people and get
followers to complete the tasks that
achieve the leader's goal.

Part II
Steve Jobs`s leadership style

“Gather 10 smart people into a room, and one or two will be creative, two are great at
solving problems, the rest are critics. Keep the creatives away from the critics.”
Steve Jobs

"Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that
you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you
can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."
Steve Jobs

In terms of the more academic leadership styles,

Steve Jobs’ approach is best defined as autocratic. He
had a “my way or the highway” approach to
leadership, and he believed that he was solely
responsible for the decisions and direction of his

Steve Jobs
Many past employees have shared
their accounts of what he was like
to work for—and it wasn’t a cake
walk. He was notorious for his high
expectations, impatience, and
One of the founders of Apple relentless passion for his
Corporation. company.
Breaking down the details of Steve
Jobs’ leadership style:
01 02 03

Jobs was also incredibly As a result of his high Steve Jobs didn’t only change
impatient, and wanted his expectations, Jobs was also a technology—he changed the
employees to take action right perfectionist to his core. He world. And you can bet he didn’t
away. He wanted them to work wanted everything Apple produced do that by sticking with the status
to be flawless. quo.
hard—and work hard now.

Steve Jobs was demanding Steve Jobs was perfectionistic Steve Jobs was innovative
Breaking down the details of Steve
Jobs’ leadership style:
04 05
Despite his rigid expectations and assertive or
Jobs believed strongly in the vision and
brash attitude, he was inspiring. His passion for
mission of Apple, and was highly committed
his work was contagious, and the people who
to its future. And he didn’t stop there—he
worked beneath him often describe it as a defining
expected that same level of commitment and
moment in their careers.
enthusiasm from his employees.

Steve Jobs was passionate Steve Jobs was inspiring

What you can learn from Steve Jobs’
leadership style
01 02

Hire the right Push your

people employees to be
their best.

03 04

Lead by example. Follow your


Thank you!
for your attention

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