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Fundamentals of Systems

Project Team Formation &
Systems Science and Engineering
& Ethics in Industry
ARO 2011L
Week #2 Lecture

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #7 – 1

ARO 2011L Course Outline and Schedule:
Week Session Title Study Assignments Due Written Assignment
Systems Engineering Concepts, Applications and Team Building
1 Course Overview;
Personality styles;
Systems Engineering:
What and Why?
2 Form new teams and Blanchard- Chapter 1. HW #2-1 Pers. Style &
choose Lead 1 and System Science and Project Management
Deputy 1, System Engineering Score and Improvement
Science and Plan; HW 2-2 Natural
Blanchard - Chapter 2.
Engineering; Ethics in Bringing Systems Into Being WBS & INCOSE
3 Bringing Systems Into Chapter 3. Needs analysis, HW Week #3-1 My
Being; Conceptual System Design System Candidate for
System Engineering Team Design Project,
Processes HW 3-2, -3, -4

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 2

In Class:
Team Assignments for Design Project
• Form into teams per the instructors assignments in
ZOOM break-out rooms based on each team having a
diverse personality style.

• Nominate your self for team lead #1 (conceptual design)

if you believe you are ready (PM score > 60?)
• Vote on Leader #L1 and Deputy #D1 (backup person)
for Conceptual design
(Leader #L2 for Preliminary Design chosen later)

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #6 - 3

More on: What is Systems Engineering?
• Systems engineering is
– A concept
– A process
• There are some common threads
– Top-down approach
– Life-cycle orientation
Know this!
– Definition of system requirements
– Interdisciplinary or team approach
• There is NO
– Recipe
– Roadmap
– Equation
– Right way or wrong way

It is about determining what is important and seizing the initiative.

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #7 - 4

Examples of Complex Systems

• F/A-18 Fighter
• Wildfires
• Global warming
• California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
• Space shuttle
• Combat aircraft
• Autonomous vehicles
• Home entertainment center
• Kitchen appliance
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 5
Think System!

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 6

Today’s Topics

• Review and discussion

• Complex systems
• The engineered system and the product.
• System life-cycle engineering.
• System design considerations

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 7

The Engineered System
• Functional purpose (Why does the system need to exist?)
– Identified need
– Operational objective
Example for a new AIRCRAFT SYSTEM?
• Brought into being and operate over a life-cycle (How long will it be in
– Designed and built
– Operated
– Phase-out
– Disposal
• Combination of resources (What do I need to create the system?)
– People
– Information
– Facilities
– Money
• Composed of subsystems and related components that interact (What
other components of the system are impacted by other components ?)
Example for an AIRCRAFT SYSTEM?
• Part of a hierarchy that is influenced by an external environment and
external constraints (What other external systems are impacted by my
system and visa-versa?)

• Embedded in the natural world and interacts within it

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 8
Real Systems Engineers Focus On

What the entities do

before determining

What the entities are

No pre-conceived design solutions before you do the
Systems Engineering Design Process!!!
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 9
Product Competitiveness

• Product competitiveness is demanded by NASA,

DoD, and Commercial customers.

It is the product, or consumer good, that

must meet customer expectations!
• Accordingly, human-made entities should be
designed to satisfy human needs and/or
objectives effectively while minimizing system
life-cycle cost and ecological or social impacts.
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 10
Today’s Topics

• What systems engineering offers.

• Why do systems programs fail?
• Systems engineering organization.
• System definitions and elements.
– Subsystems
– Components
– Attributes
– Relationships
• Classification of systems.
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 11
Systems Engineering:
A Way of Thinking
Problem Solving


Systems Thinking

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 12

Enabling Resources for Systems
• Requirements Management (What is it supposed to do?)
– Analyze the problem posed by the stakeholders
• Alternative Analysis (Trade Studies)
– Assess and evaluate alternatives which may satisfy
these needs and expectations
• Risk Management (What if something bad happened?)
– Select and implement a balanced solution
• Technical Reviews (Earn a grade! )
– Verify the solution satisfies the stakeholder’s
Know these 4 keys!
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 13
Problem Solving
• Flow`chart for problem solving
• Trying to find the solution
– We may repeatedly change our point of view, our way
of looking at the problem.
– We have to shift our position again and again.
– Our conception of the problem is likely to be
incomplete when we start the work.
– Our outlook is different when we have made some
– It is again different when we have almost obtained the

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2- 14

Problem Solving Approach
• Understanding the problem
– Principal parts
– Define the problem looking outward
• Environment
• Constraints
– Define the problem looking downward
• Mental models
• Structured analysis
• Rapid prototyping
• Look for related problems
– Look for a bright idea
– Are there unknown unknowns
– Were the constraints adequately considered
• Carrying out the plan
– Use acquired knowledge and experience
– Use good mental habits
– Structured the approach
– Focus on what is important
• Looking back
– Reconsider and reexamine the path and the results
– Does the result make sense
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 15
• In the seventeenth century, Descartes suggested we solve
problems by applying a consistent paradigm of successively
breaking down a problem until a level is reached where
sufficient understanding exists. If all sub-problems are
solved, then an overall solution to the problem would seem to
be a certain result.
• This paradigm for problem solving is know as
REDUCTIONISM. Most engineers may not have heard of the
word yet practice it extensively. It is the basic thinking
methodology of science and engineering.
• Taking the idea to the next logical step, it is reasonable to
assume that a system rebuilt from a set of subsystems
solutions must be a sound overall solution.
= Reduce the systems failure to the lowest WBS level
where the failure occurred, and fix that item –
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 16
Reductionism Limiting
• A significant reason limiting the success of reductionism
is that small deviations in subsystem solutions propagate
upward leading to major errors in the overall required
performance. This difficulty compounds as the systems
get larger and the subtasks are sufficiently different from
a person’s prior experience.
• Difficulties in not meeting requirements, despite the best
intentions and professionalism, are related to the fact
that the traditional engineering viewpoint often cannot
cope with the complexity of real systems unless
reductionism is supplemented with other kinds of
Your “fix” or design improvement to a little part could
then cause a failure of another part you did
not think about. = Untended consequences!
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #1 - 17
Example of REDUCTIONISM causing
Unintended Consequences & ‘Temporary’
- Design for improving F/A-18A/B High Angle of Attack performance caused
Unintended tail buffet fatigue failures

•Vortex generated by chine

added lift to compensate for
lift loss due to wing flow
separation AOA ~ 35 deg
• Burst vortex caused
unsteady flow to hit vertical
tails = an INTERFACE!
•Resulting buffet vibrations
caused fatigue cracks in tail
reducing aircraft fatigue life by
•Post production fix (LEX
fence) took years to design
and implement at large cost
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 18

Week 3 -9b
“If you wish to understand a system, and so be in a position to
predict its behavior, it is necessary to study the system as a
whole. Cutting it up into bits for study is likely to destroy the
system’s connectedness, and hence the system itself.”
“If you wish to influence or control the behavior of a system, you
must act on the system as a whole. Tweaking it in one place in
the hope that nothing will happen in another is doomed to failure
– that’s what connectedness is all about.”
D. Sherwood, Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Managers guide
to Applying Systems Thinking, 2002

ANSWER: “Connectedness” via Systems Thinking

to fix Failures at the high level of the
Work Breakdown Structure (Product Family Tree)
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #1 - 19
Example of a ‘Temporary’ Fix Replaced by a
“Connectedness” driven Fundamental Fix
F-18E/F makes use of vents located near the junction of the LEX and main
wing as a more aerodynamically efficient replacement to the F/A-18 C/D LEX
fence. These vents automatically open at high angle of attack allowing air to
flow over the inner wing. This additional air flow interacts with the LEX vortex
to delay vortex bursting in much the same manner as the fence did.
Temporary Fix Fundamental Fix

LEX vents
LEX Fence fin efficient fix, design
(helped vortex was enabled by
burst but added identifying the
interface between
drag and the chine vortex
increased RCS) burst and vertical
tail vibrations at
start of design)
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 20
Systems Thinking
• It is concerned with wholes and their properties – the term holistic,
much used in the humanities but less in engineering, is an
appropriate descriptor.
• It is concerned with systemic thinking (including all issues) as well
as systematic thinking (methodical tracking).
• Systems consist of hierarchies that relate to each other through
numerous interfaces, each having their own kind of requirements.
• All parts of the whole are interconnected to a varying degree; some
are very dominant and thus have greater influence on the behavior
of the whole.
• Parts of the whole will have their own important emergent
properties. These are key performance parameters that may not
have been expected. They can exert a great influence on the other
systems with which they interface. Unexpected non-beneficial
emergent properties become very apparent once the system is in
= Define how a failure or design change of each part of the system
could affect the function of other parts or subsystems in the WBS
1/18/2021 – i.e. define the interfaces
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals between
of Systems Engineeeringthe parts! Week #1 - 21
What Systems Engineering Offers?

• What are the most common traps encountered during

execution of engineering programs?
– Cost overruns
– Excessive acquisition times
• In the first days of a new project, reality is often
subservient to enthusiasm and optimism … and
obscured by the inherent desire to succeed in spite of
the fact that technologies, time, and funding constraints
may preclude obtaining the desired goals.

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 22

Likelihood of Cost Growth*
Average Cost Growth Factor





< 7 Years 7-13 Years >14 Years
Time to First Operational Delivery

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 23

*Rand SAR Database - ACAT I Programs - From Program Initiation to First Operational Delivery
Average Cycle Times*
140 No of Months

Program Start to IOC


80 Navy

Air Force











1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 24
*Source: DSB Briefing, Dan Czelusniak, 12 June 1998
Fantasy Factor*


1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 25

*Augustine’s Laws. Norman R. Augustine. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1983
Program Mortality*

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 26

*Augustine’s Laws. Norman R. Augustine. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1983
Cost & Schedule Change*

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 27

*Augustine’s Laws. Norman R. Augustine. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1983
Department of Defense Schedule
Delays as of Jan 2009

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 28

Many Organizations that Think Systems
Engineering is Important are on the INCOSE
Advisory Board

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 29

Why Do Systems Programs Fail?

• Causal Loop Diagrams

– Drifting Goals
– Fixes That Fail

Better is the enemy of good enough.

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 30

Causal Loop Diagrams
• The Causal Loop Diagram
help us to create a systematic
understanding how changes
manifest in the problem.
+ +
• Cause and effect variables
either change in the same Births R Population B Deaths
direction (S or +) or change in + -
the opposite direction (O or -).
• Processes that feedback in the
same direction are called Population increase is reinforced by
reinforced processes (R) since the number of births whereas the
they amplify the condition. number of deaths reduces the
population and dampens the effect of
• Processes that feedback to the reinforcing loop.
give a change in the opposite
direction (B) balance out a

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 31

Drifting Goals
• Anchor the goal to an
external frame of O-
reference to keep it from Goal B2 Pressure to
sliding (benchmarks) lower goal
S+ S+
• Determine whether the
drift in performance is the
o S+
result of conflicts between Corrective
stated goal and implicit Actual B1
goal S+
• Establish clear transition

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 32

Example of Drifting Goals on
System Cost
AC-130U Gunship – Rockwell – 1980’s
• Some key goals & requirements not
adequately defined at early stage of program
• Program requirements management
implementation could have been better
– Customer engineers sitting with contractor engineers
were allowed to ‘tweak’ requirements and design
changes ‘at the drafting board’
– Changes often were not reviewed and approved by
a change control board nor properly documented
• Drifting requirements (“Requirements creep”)
caused many redesigns and schedule slips
• Contributed to cost over-runs in $100’s M &
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 33
Fixes That Fail
• Focus on identifying and
removing fundamental
cause of the problem
• If a temporary short term Problem
solution is needed, B Fix
develop a two-tier S+ O-
approach of
simultaneously applying Delay
the fix and planning out R
Unintended S+
the fundamental solution
• Map out potential side
effects of any proposed
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 34
What is a system?
• Elements of a system
– Subsystems
– Components - operating parts of a system
– Attributes - properties of the components
– Relationships – links between components and attributes
• Two hierarchical levels
– Systems
– Subsystems
• made up of components
– Made up of sub-components
» Made up of sub-assemblies
- Made up of ….etc.
• Environmental influences
• Classification of systems
– Natural and human-made
– Physical and conceptual
– Static and dynamic
– Closed and open

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 35

Environmental Influence on
System Design






1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 36

Example of Environmental Influence
- Aircraft Subsystem flying through the atmosphere
Environment: Every thing that lies
outside of the boundaries of the

Air input
Output impact
Throughput the
(Fuel + compressed air) environment

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 37

Another Example of Environmental Influence
- Increased radiation exposure
• The high altitude at which Concorde
cruised meant passengers received
almost twice the flux of extra-terrestrial
ionising radiation as those travelling on
a conventional long-haul flight.
Because of the proportionally reduced
flight time, however, the overall
equivalent dose was less than a
conventional flight over the same
• Unusual solar activity led to an
increase in incident radiation, so the IMPACT on SYSTEM PERFORMANCE:
flight deck had a radiometer and an Descending altitude resulted in either
instrument to measure the rate of •increased fuel consumption and ops cost
decrease of radiation. to maintain the supersonic speed at
– If the level was too high, Concorde higher drag,
descended to below 47,000 feet
(14,000 m). The rate of decrease • or reducing speed thus extending flight
indicator indicated whether the aircraft time which reduced passenger
needed to descend further, decreasing satisfaction to pay extra to get there fast!
the amount of time the aircraft was at
an unsafe altitude.
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 38
What is Systems Engineering?
• Systems engineering is
– A concept
– A process
• There are some common threads
– Top-down approach
– Life-cycle orientation
– Definition of system requirements
– Interdisciplinary or team approach
• There is NO
– Recipe
– Roadmap
– Equation
– Right way or wrong way

It is about determining what is important and seizing the initiative.

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 39

The NASA Space Launch Initiative Team “System”
Design Philosophy - A “Top Down Approach”
• We are designing the entire system, not just a rocket:
- The system design includes all activities and processes that interface with
hardware and software, contributing to the mission it is intended to perform.
- The system design includes only those interfaces that add real value.
• We are designing for complete operations:
- Operations include everything hardware and software sees (interface) from the
moment it is an idea until it is retired.
- Operations include all designs that result in safe, reliable, maintainable, and
supportable hardware and software.
• We will eliminate, minimize, or simplify all interfaces, including:
- Applicable documents, parts tracking, payload integration, inspection,
sustaining engineering, packaging, shipping, tooling, facilities, logistics,
training, test, verification, disposal, people, analyses, reviews, approvals,
and so forth.
• We will develop new technology only to provide operational benefit that
cannot be accomplished through managed requirements and system
• We are designing the total system for simplicity, even if some flight
components become heavier or more complex.
• We are each responsible for looking at the entire system, asking the right
questions, and minimizing system complexity and cost.
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 40
Example of Too Many New
Technologies Killing the System
• National Aerospace Plane (NASP) Four New
1. New hypersonic air-breathing engine (no-back-up)
2. New hot structure material: Titanium-Aluminide (no-
3. New SPF-DB 3-D corrugated Ti-Al panel NASP
manufacturing process (no-back-up)
4. Fuel cooled hot structure (no-back-up)
• Failed technologies 2 & 3 contributed to the
program being cancelled
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 41
To reduce Risk: Technologies are Best developed
on Tech Demonstrators, not inside the System
Design Process (Joan Robinson Berry, Boeing VP)

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #6 - 42

Example: SLI RLV System – 5 Sets of Subsystems with Components
- Relationships Integrated through Systems Engineering into an “Architecture”
- Provides capability to deliver crew and supplies to & from the Space Station

1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 43

Space Launch Initiative Architecture Synthesis Uses Top-Down
Systems Requirements Driven Process to Meet Figures of Merit Goals

Systems Engineering
Future Architecture Element Technology
Design Ref Missions Updates Updates Updates

Commercial Sub-systems
Missions Architecture • Launch Site Components
• Flight Support Risk
Level 1 • Earth-to-Orbit
Level 0
Level 2 Reduction Reqmts
DoD Reqmts Reqmts • Reqmts updates

Iterate Plan
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Value Value Value
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Select FOMs FOMs FOMs
Architecture • Convergence • Legal • Safety
• Business Case • Regulatory • Reliability
• Assured Access • Programmatic • Cost
• Evolvability
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 44
1/18/2021 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #2 - 45
What is your personal life cycle
phases? Beginning to end…
• Class activity…

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 46

System Life-Cycle Engineering


N Conceptual/ Detail Design Production

E Product Use, Support,
Preliminary and and/or
Phase-out, and Disposal
D* Design Development Construction

* “Need” usually includes steps of 1. Needs Analysis, 2. Program Goals, 3. Program Objectives, and
4. Definition of SL Requirements

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 47

Production Operations


N Conceptual/ Detail Design Production

E Product Use, Support,
Preliminary and and/or
Phase-out, and Disposal
D Design Development Construction

Manufacturing Production
Configuration Design Operations

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 48

Support and Maintenance


N Conceptual/ Detail Design Production

E Product Use, Support,
Preliminary and and/or
Phase-out, and Disposal
D Design Development Construction

Manufacturing Production
Configuration Design Operations

Product/System Support Support and

Configuration Design Maintenance

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 49

Product/System Retirement,
Phase-out, and Disposal

N Conceptual/ Detail Design Production

E Product Use, Support,
Preliminary and and/or
Phase-out, and Disposal
D Design Development Construction

Manufacturing Production
Configuration Design Operations

Product/System Support Support and

Configuration Design Maintenance

Product/System Retirement,
Phase-out, and Disposal

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 50

Benefits of Systems Engineering are
Highest Early in the Product Life Cycle
Systems Engineering

Design Disciplines
Design Influence

Ease of Design Change


Con- Prelim- Production
Detail Design Product Use, Support,
ceptual inary and/or
and Phase-out, and Disposal
Design Design Construction

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Week #3 - 51

HW 3-2.1 System Life-Cycle Engineering
Elevator Speech

Para #1

Para #4
Para #2
Para #3

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Week #3 - 52

HW#3-1: System Life-Cycle Engineering
Article Key Ideas (“elevator speech”)…
Para #1 –

Para #2 –

Para #3 –

Para #4 -
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 53
1.6 System Life Cycle Schedule (Notional Example)
Mission Objective - Emergency Crew Return & Deliver Crew and Cargo to Orbiting Space

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16-30

Announcement Aero/Heating
Approach & landing
Un-crewed space Crew Emergency Crew & Cargo Transfer
flight control
Mission Architecture
wind tunnel, data bases
reentry, descent,
landing demo
Return Capability to Space Station
Definition sub-systems Capability at
Space Station
Tech Demos Ground and Flight Technology Demos
Concept Design Conceptual
Proposal Design
Math Model
CD Down-Select SRR SDR/CoDR Verification
(3-5 contractors)
Proposal PDR
PD Down-Select
(2-3 Contractors) Prelim. Flight
Design Readiness CER C&CT Production
DD/FSD Review Valid. Valid. Vehicle
Flight Test
Proposal CDR Prototype Flight Flight
DD/FSD Down Select
(1 contractor)
Detail Design & Development

System Production

System Operations & Support
1st Operational
Mission System Disposal

Week #3 - 54
Space System Life Cycle Iceberg - 8 Life Cycle Stages
Visible Transfer DOD
Systems Veh. RLV
Components ELV OSP
• Project/Program Mgmt.• Requirements • Software • Gov’t Agencies
1. Design • Cost/Budget • Reviews • Planning • Environmental • International Agencies • Analysis • Test Facilities
Development•• Subsystems • Customers
Hardware • Mission


Competitive Sourcing •
• Re-Planning
Part Suppliers

Agencies • Documentation
Technology • Communications
• Production Improvement • People • Business Case • System Integration • Tooling • Independent
• International Partners • Software • Institutional Support • Overhead • Insurance Assessment
• Procurement Contracts • Landing Sites • Transportation • ASF/GSE • Design • Market Development
• Project/Program Mgmt • IT • Documentation • Competitive Sourcing • Progress/Project
2. Produce • Cost/Budget • ASE/GSE • Reviews • Institutional Support Mgmt 3. Training
• Training • Partners • Part Suppliers
• Subsystems
• Culture
• Calibration • Scheduling • Re-Planning
• Partners
• People Personnel
• Security • Hardware • Planning • Manufacturing • Overhead • Maintenance
• Investment • Facilities • Test Facility • Procurement Contracts • Culture • Manufacturing
• Tooling • Overhead • People • International • Crew
Program Life • Capital Investment • Accounting • Environmental • Education
• Calibration
• Project/Program Mgmt • Verification • IT • Facilities
4. Test, • Cost/Budget •

• Test • Payload • ASF/GSE • Independent
Verify, •• Subsystems
H/W • Reviews
• Test Facility • Institutional Support •

Certify • Customers • Certification


Part Suppliers
System Integration • Technology
• Communications
• Range
5. Deploy• IT • ILS • People • Security • Capital Replacement • H/W and S/W • Range
• Scheduling
• Planning
Assets • System Integration • ASF/GSE • Transportation • LV Processing
• International Agencies
• Landing Sites

• Project Mgmt • Customers • Weather • Crew

6. Operate •• ILS • Range • People • IT

• Capital
• Institutional
7. Support

H/W and S/W •
• Manufacturing

Payload • Test &
Insurance C/O • Security • Planning • Part Suppliers Operations
• Reviews • Ground Ops • Maintenance • Product Imple • Test & C/O • IT
• Landing Sites • Mission • Market Devel • Facilities • Test Facility • Consumables
• LV Processing • Consumables • Transportation • Sustaining Eng • Project Mgmt • Accounting
• ASF/GSE • Calibration • Communications • Archives
• Customers • Maintenance
• Archives • COFR • Test Facility


• Facilities
People Engineering-Fundamentals
• Aerospace • Institutional SupportEngineeering
of Systems • Landing Sites Week #3 - 55
• Test Facility • Environmental • Part Suppliers • Transportation
• Project Mgmt • Competitive Sourcing • ASF/GSE • Facilities
• Security • Consumables • Tooling • Documentation
System Life-Cycle Process (Like Text Book)
Definition of Need Preliminary Design

System functional Preliminary synthesis System optimization System synthesis

Conceptual Design analysis and allocation of and definition
design criteria
• Feasibility study
(a) Needs analysis • Functional analysis • Allocation of • System and • Preliminary design
(b) System operational • System operational performance factors, subsystem trade-offs architecture,
requirements functions design factors, and and evaluation of performance,
(c) System maintenance • System analysis, effectiveness alternatives configuration, and
concept identification of • Allocation of system • System and arrangement of
(d) Functional alternative functions, support requirements subsystem analysis chosen system
requirements and sub functions • System analysis (analyses, data,
• Down-select system prototyping, physical
architecture models, testing, etc.)
• Adv. product • Detail specifications
planning plans & Specs

Detail Design and Development Production and/or Construction

• System assessment,
System product design System prototype development System prototype
analysis, and evaluation
test and evaluation
• Modification for
corrective action and/or for
• Detail design of functional • Development of system • Test preparation
product improvement
system (prime equipment and prototype model • Testing of prototype system
• Production Approval
software) • Development of system and equipment
• Detail design of system maintenance and logistic • Test data, analysis and
maintenance and logistic support requirements evaluation Utilization and Support
support elements • Test reporting • System assessment,
• Design support functions • System analysis and evaluation analysis, and evaluation
• Design data and • Modifications for corrective • Modification for
documentation action corrective action or for
• System analysis and evaluation • System Validation product improvement
• Design review • Mission Validation
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 56
Feedback Phase-out and Disposal
System Life-Cycle Process & Tasks (Instructor Updates)

Definition of Need/ RFP/SLRs Preliminary Design

1. System functional 2. Preliminary synthesis 3. System optimization 4. System synthesis

Conceptual Design
analysis and allocation of and definition
design criteria
1. Feasibility study
1.1 Needs analysis
1.1 Functional analysis 2.1 Allocation of 3.1 System and 4.1 Preliminary design
1.2 System operational
1.2 System operational performance factors, subsystem trade-offs Architecture,
functions design factors, and and evaluation of performance,
1.3 System maintenance
1.3 System analysis, effectiveness alternatives configuration, and
identification of 2.2 Allocation of 3.2 System and arrangement of
1.4 Functional requirem’ts
alternative functions, system subsystem analysis chosen system
1.5 Arch design trades &
and sub functions support requirements (analyses, data,
Architecture down-select
2.3 System analysis prototyping, physical
2. Advanced planning (plans
models, testing, etc.)
and specifications)
4.2 Detail specification

Research Feedback

Detail Design and Development (Final Design) Tasks Production and/or Construction
1. Design/build factory floor
1.0 System product design 2.0 System prototype 3.0 System prototype 2. Design manuf processes
development test and evaluation 3. Simulate Assembly
processes for time & cost
1.1 Detail design of functional 3.1 Test preparation 4. Set-up assembly line equip
system (prime equipment and 2.1 Development of system 3.2 Testing of prototype system 5. Assemble 1st vehicle
software) prototype model and equipment 6. Full Production Approval
1.2 Detail design of system 2.2 Development of system 3.3 Test data, analysis and
maintenance and logistic maintenance and logistic evaluation Utilization and Support
support elements support requirements 3.4 Test reporting
1. System Ops assessment,
1.3 Design support functions 3.5 System analysis and
analysis, and evaluation
Design data and evaluation
2. Modification for
documentation 3.6 Modifications for corrective
corrective action or for
1.4 System analysis and action improvements/upgrade models
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals ofSystem
3.7 SystemsValidation
Engineeering Week #3Validation
3. Mission Capable - 57
Design review
Feedback Phase-out and Disposal
NASA Program/Project Life Cycle Process Flow wall chart
Assignment: Down-load and save for reference:
​ ttps://

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Week #3 - 58

The Systems Engineering
Process ‘V’ Model

See Text: Blanchard / Fabrycky,Chapter 2- Figure 5d

Time – Life Cycle

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 59
Detailed ‘V’
High-level SE Vee Model

Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 60
New Boeing SE ‘Diamond’ (Ref: Joan Robinson
Berry, VP Boeing

Week 3, Monday Feb 4

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 61

Mar. 2020
System Design Considerations
Political, social,
and technological

Supportability Functionality
(serviceability) (performance)

Constructability Producibility

Suitability Quality
System Design
Disposability Reliability

Safety Maintainability

Economic Human factors

feasibility (ergonomics)

Manufacture Other Flexibility (growth

(demanufacture) characteristics potential)

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 62

Hierarchy of Design Considerations
System Value
Economic Factors Technical Factors

Revenues Life-Cycle Cost System Effectiveness

~ Consideration
• Performance
• Operation availability
• Research and development cost • Dependability
• Production investment cost • Producibility
• Operation/utilization cost • Supportability
• Maintenance and support cost • Disposability
• Retirement and disposal cost • Others
These • Research cost • Size, weight, and shape

considerations • Design cost • Speed of performance

• Data cost • Reliability
can be selected • Contractor cost • Maintainability
as Figures of • Manufacturing cost
• Test and evaluation cost
• Ergonomics
• Safety
Merit (FOM) for • Operating cost • Flexibility (adaptability)
• Maintenance cost • Pollutability
evaluating • Recycle cost • Other Fourth-Order
analysis of Consideration
design • Accessibility • Mounting
• Aesthetics • Packaging
alternatives • Control and displays • Personnel skills
• Energy consumption • Security
• Facilities • Serviceability
• Handling • Shelf life/storage
• Interchangeability • Testability/diagnostics
• Inventory levels • Transportability
Oct. 2008 • Aerospace
Labeling Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering
• Utilities Week #3 - 63
• Logistic pipeline • Others Fifth-Order
Want to work for NASA Armstrong?
First thing you do is a training course in Systems Engineering….

Used By Permission from NASA ARMSTRONG

Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 64

Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 65
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 66
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 67
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 68
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 69
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 70
We looked at some examples of complex
We noted the impact of unintended
We examined the engineered system.
We explored the phases of the systems
engineering process.
We reviewed several system design
We think system!
Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 71
Ethics in Industry and
Government Engineering

ARO 2011L
Professor Dobbs
Spring 2019
What is the Definition of Ethics1?
• the principles of conduct governing an individual
or a group
• a guiding philosophy
• a consciousness of moral importance

• of or relating to ethics
• Involving or expressing moral approval or
• conforming to accepted standards of conduct

1 Merriam-Webster dictionary,

Student Ethics
Team Flip Chart Activity

1. What are some of the ethics violations

that students are tempted to commit?

2. Why is it important for students to be


3. Why is it important for engineers to be

ethical on the job?
Why are Ethics Essential for
Students, Practicing Engineers and an Organization?
• It’s the right thing to do

• It’s essential for safety

– The people that ride in your designs trust your design is safe because you did not cheat in
– …and did not hide design or manufacturing flaws on the job

• It’s good for business

– “Boeing’s business plans cannot happen without integrity. We ask you to execute your piece
of the business plans with attention to every detail – especially the ethical implications of
your own and your work group’s actions.”
W. James McNerney, Jr.,
CEO, The Boeing Company
• It’s good for your career
– Is integrity a condition of employment 1 ?
• Yes. All employees are responsible for their actions. Employees are not to engage in conduct or activity that may
raise questions as to Boeing’s honesty, impartiality, or reputation or that may cause embarrassment to the company
– Teamwork -Others do not want to work with people they can not trust
– Promotions - Significant Ethics violations can disqualify you
– Secret Security clearance – you may not qualify if
• You smoke pot, get intoxicated, are sexually promiscuous, or get into debt
• Have a bad reputation with your neighbors
• previous ethics violations on the job
• Have excessive traffic violations
• Been convicted of a crime
– Terminations – significant or repeated violations will get you fired
– Jail - If you violate security or acquisition laws you may go to jail
1 Boeing Booklet “ Ethical Business Conduct Guidelines”,
Boeing Badge we all had to wear….
What are Typical Ethics Issues on the job?
• Misrepresentation: Claiming another's work is their own
• Proper Marketing Practices: making false claims or exaggerations regarding your product’s quality, service, and
competitive features in conversations, briefings, advertizing or in a proposal
• Proper Marketing Practices — Marketing to the U.S. Government: Obtaining a competitors data or violating
other guidelines when you are working on making proposal to the U.S. Government.
• Offering of Business Courtesies: Offering business courtesies (gifts or promises) to commercial customers
• and to government employees to influence their selections or gain a favorable competitive edge
• Conflict of Interest: Maintaining outside personal relationships or activities that may compromise your companies
competitiveness or business dealings with other companies and suppliers.
• Acceptance of Business Courtesies: Accepting business courtesies (gifts, travel, tickets, food) that could
influence your decisions relating to other employees, other companies and suppliers
• Proper Relationships With Suppliers: Violation of one of many rules and procedures relating to business
conduct with suppliers
• Proper Use of Company, Customer, and Supplier Resources: Inappropriate use of company office equipment
for personal purposes and improper use of possible benefits associated with company travel or falsification of
travel expense reports
• Recruiting and Hiring Current and Former Government Employees - Conflict of Interest; Recruiting and
assigning work to former U.S. Government employees that were recently involved in contract source selection
• Buying and Selling Securities — Insider Trading: Guidance to ensure compliance with laws and regulations on
insider trading and other securities transactions
• Additional business compliance issues
– Procurement integrity
– Proprietary information agreements
– Export and import compliance
– Antitrust compliance
– Anti-Bribery -- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
– Truth in Negotiations Act
– U.S. Government audits and investigations
– Charging of work tasks
– Political contributions
– Equal employment opportunity
– Corporate citizenship and community relations
– Environment
HW Problem #3-3 Ethics (8/8 pts)
Homework 3-3 (Word Doc)
In a Word doc, answer the following based on the
Boeing Code of Conduct on the left (use the #s
and headers below in your document!)
1. Code of Conduct Key Words My Definitions
-What are the key 8 words that relate to a person’s
-Write a simple definition for each of the 8 (0.5 pts each, 4 pts total)
• Fairly – your definition in YOUR OWN WORDS….
• Impartially – your definition
• Ethical – etc…
• Proper manner -
• Full compliance with laws -
• Integrity-
• standards -
• Ethical conduct-

2. “Employees will ensure that:”

Give an example either in college or on the job
for each of the 7 bullets. (0.5 pts each, 3.5 pts total)
• Conflict of interest – job: working for two competing
companies at the same time
• Inappropriate use….-

3. “Every employee has the responsibility…” Why is

it wrong to ignore someone else's violation of \the
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 78
code of ethics? (0.5 pts total)
Ethical Decision Making Process
1. Analysis
What are the facts?
Who is responsible to act?
What or whose interests are involved?
What are the consequences of the action?
What is fair treatment in this situation?
2. Solution development
What solutions are available to me that are lawful and in compliance with the organization’s Code of Conduct?
Have I considered all of the creative solutions that might permit me to reduce the amount of harm,
to maximize the benefits, to acknowledge more interests, or to be fair to more individuals?
3. Selection of optimum solution
Is my solution fair and honest?
Would I be uncomfortable describing my decision at an all-hands meeting?
How will I feel about myself afterwards?
How would it look if it made the headlines?
Will I be able to sleep soundly?
What would I tell my child to do?
What are the potential consequences of my solutions?
Which of the options I have considered does the most to maximize benefits, to reduce harm,
to respect rights, and to increase fairness?
Are all parties treated fairly in my proposed decision?
4. Implementation
Who should be consulted and informed of the decision?
What actions will ensure that my decision achieves its intended outcome?
How do I put the decision into action?
5. Follow-up
Was the decision correctly implemented?
Did the decision, in fact, maximize benefits, reduce harm, acknowledge interests, and treat all fairly?
What Would you Do?
Group Discussion of Scenarios
Scenario: I just found on the FAX machine what looks like some information
from our competitors that may have been accidently sent to us. It does not
have any “Company Proprietary” restrictions or labeling. Can I keep a
copy of it and use it?
Your choices:
1. Yes, it was not labeled as being restricted so I can use it
2. Not sure. This is in a grey area. I had better ask my companies ethics
expert what to do with it after I read it to see if it contains any information
that may be sensitive to them.
3. No, I better not take any chances at all and should put it into a sealed
envelope and give it to our companies ethics department.

No. Do not read the document or information any further and do not show it to
anyone associated with the program. The document or information must
be immediately sealed and provided directly to an Ethics Advisor or the
Law Department to determine what steps should be taken.
What Would You Do?
Scenario: Can I have my companies' transportation department drive
two of our U. S. Navy customers from the airport to the hotel?

Your choices:
1. Yes, as long as they treat all visitors with the same service
2. Depends, it is only OK if they pay the full market value of the
transportation to the company
3. No, it could be considered a bribe in exchange for favorable
treatment for a U.S. Navy proposal competition

Answer: 2. You cannot pick up your Navy customers at the airport

unless they pay the company the fair market value of the
Conflict of Interest
Scenario: I have a personal small night business I operate at home. My Ethics
Advisor determined there is no conflict of interest with my day job. Is it
okay to allow my personal customers to leave messages on my day job’s
company voice mail?

Your choices:
1. Yes, it does not really cost the day company anything since I have voice
mail anyway
2. Depends, it’s OK as long as I do not listen or respond to the voice mail on
company time
3. No, it is not ethical

3. No. Even if a side business does not present a conflict of interest, second
jobs or self-employment must be kept completely separate from company-
related activities and material. This includes use of company time,
materials, facilities, and equipment.
Assignment due on Bb before class starts Week 3
• Read and study(!!!) Chapter 3 (Conceptual System Design). Understand:
– Program Management Plan (You will make one in ARO 4200!)
You will be “doing” the following in your ARO 2011 team project:
– System Design and Feasibility (You are Doing this for your 2011L project!)
– Defining System Operational Requirements 1-7 (Doing this!)
– Maintenance and support - intervals and down time (Doing this!)
– TPMs (Doing this!)
– Functional analysis and allocation (Doing this!)
– System Trade-offs (Doing this!)
– System specification (Doing this!)
– CoDR/SDR (Doing this!)
• Due Week 3: See below for HW#3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4. Scan ALL HW
problems clearly labeled with the problem # and titles, and scanned into a
SINGLE .PDF and up load to BlackBoard> Course Content by Week#>
Week 3> Assignments> HW# 3

Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 83

Homework #3-1 (Word Doc) 4/4 pts
Write a WORD essay using the 4 headers below on what system you propose to use as the team project
(must be an EXISTING SYSTEM with available FOM engineering data):
Title: “HW 3-1 My Favorite System Candidate for the ARO 2011 Team Design Project”
1. My Design Project Candidate: name & description : (Ex:. “P-51 Pursuit fighter and bomber escort
protector in WWII”; “F-22 Air Superiority Fighter” ; “Apollo Launch Vehicle Stack for 1st Human Moon
Landing”; “Mars Opportunity Rover for soil sampling”; “GPS Satellite for terrestrial navigation”, Etc.)
2. Picture of my candidate system (Figure 2-1)
3. Choice of 6 to 9 Key FOM Categories in Table 3-1 ( Chose FOM Figures of Merit key requirements that
drive the design), and find the FOM values (internet, books, AIAA Journals, etc- cite references!) .
Remember since your candidate “does not yet exist” and you are pretending to “design it”, the FOMs you
choose will be the key Requirements you will use to choose your best design out of 3 to 4 other design
concept architectures.
Some FOM Categories examples for aircraft, or spacecraft to use in trade studies are:
Performance: FOM 1 : range, FOM 2: max speed, FOM 3: Max climb rate, … max payload weight, max dive speed, etc.
Affordability : FOM 4: Acquisition Cost, FOM 5: operations cost, FOM 6: cost per passenger seat mile, etc
Operability: FOM 7 Turn around time, FOM 8 Loss Of Crew Safety, FOM 9 Loss of Mission reliability, FOM 10 survivability [stealth, armor,
etc.], F
Development Risk : FOM 11: Probability % to meet Launch schedule, etc., FOM 12: Risk level for success of immature technologies, FOM
13: Development Cost, etc.
Fig. 2-1 P-51 Mustang
Other key areas and FOMS… you chose
Table 3-1 - P-51 Mustang Key Design Requirements Chosen as Figures of Merit for Design Trade Studies

FOM FOM Requirement FOM Description (with constraint) Required Value(s) Reference (with link if from the web)
# Category

1 Combat Performance Range ( no external stores); 1650 miles Wikipedia,

Range (w/ 2 full drop fuel tanks) 2080 miles 51_Mustang#Design_and_development

2 Combat Performance max speed (dive) 550 MPH Same as above

3 Combat Performance Max climb rate (no external stores) 3475 ft/min: 7.3 min Same as above
to 20,000 ft. Altitude

4 Affordability Acquisition Cost (1945 dollars) $51,000 Same as above

5 Development Risk Development time (Concept to first flight) Less than 150 days Same as above

1/18/2021 Week #6 - 84
6 Lethality Probability of dog-fight kill (vs. ME-109) 19-1 kill ratio
Homework #3-1, con’t (Word Doc)
• Continue your WORD essay on what system you propose to use as the team project
(must be an EXISTING SYSTEM with available FOM engineering data):

4. Why I picked this system? – discuss your reasons and rationale, make a compelling case of why your
favorite system would be a good candidate for your team’s Systems Engineering design project.

A good system choice to discuss includes having other competing systems that were developed during the
same general time frame for your project Conceptual design trade study.
Remember, you are pretending that your chosen system does not exist yet and you are going to “design it”
using 3 or 4 other design architecture ideas, then down-select to the design which best meets the FOM
requirements using Systems Engineering trade study processes.

For example, the P-51 Mustang is only one of your choices. You will compare it to other contemporary designs
that “you formulate” such as the P-40, Spitfire, ME 109, and others. You may also propose a design concept
your team develops on your own, but you would have to estimate or guess at the FOM values to compare with
the other designs.

• Then the Team leader summarizes all candidates and conducts a meeting for the
team to pick team system for the “design” project.
• Leader 1- Reports chosen system from all members candidates to the class and why
it was chosen on week 3

1/18/2021 Week #6 - 85
ARO 2011L HW# 3-2, -3, -4
Due Week 3, 2021 (WORD Doc)
• HW# 3-2 System Life-Cycle Engineering Article Key Ideas (“elevator
speech”) – see below
– 0.5 pts / paragraph = 2/2 pts

• HW# 3-3 – Boeing Code of Conduct – Questions 1,2,3 -see below

– 8/8 pts

• HW# 3-4 What are some of the benefits that may result from the utilization
of systems engineering processes on your chosen project system? 1/1 pts.

Due at the beginning of class for Week #3.

Oct. 2008 Week #3 - 86

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering
HW 3-2 System Life-Cycle Engineering
Elevator Speech (Word Doc) 4/4 pts

Para #1

Para #4
Para #2
Para #3

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Week #3 - 87

HW#3-2: System Life-Cycle Engineering
Article Key Ideas (“elevator speech”)…
Para #1 –

Para #2 –

Para #3 –

Para #4 -
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 88
HW Problem #3-3 Ethics (8/8 pts)
Homework 3-3 (Word Doc)
In a Word doc, answer the following based on the
Boeing Code of Conduct on the left (use the #s
and headers below in your document!)
1. Code of Conduct Key Words My Definitions
-What are the key 8 words that relate to a person’s
-Write a simple definition for each of the 8 (0.5 pts each, 4 pts total)
• Fairly – your definition in YOUR OWN WORDS….
• Impartially – your definition
• Ethical – etc…
• Proper manner -
• Full compliance with laws -
• Integrity-
• standards -
• Ethical conduct-

2. “Employees will ensure that:”

Give an example either in college or on the job
for each of the 7 bullets. (0.5 pts each, 3.5 pts total)
• Conflict of interest – job: working for two competing
companies at the same time
• Inappropriate use….-

3. “Every employee has the responsibility…” Why is

it wrong to ignore someone else's violation of \the
code of ethics? (0.5 pts total)
Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 89
End Week 2

Oct. 2008 Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineeering Week #3 - 90

V- Model & Key Review

Aerospace Engineering-Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Week #3 - 91

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