SSP 003 Story of My Life

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Maria Priscilla G.



The story of my life

“Sa susunod, ako naman”- Back when I was 5 years old, my parents would laugh at me every time someone
would ask me what do I want to be when I grow up, it was simply because I always tell them that I wanted to be a
model, and I myself would also laugh at it every time I remember it right now, but one thing is what I realized about
it including the different dreams I have in my life as I grow up, I wanted to be a model that time because I witnessed
my older sisters join pageants and when I was 8, I tried my best to be a good reader because I saw my sisters join
storytelling contests, and when I was 12 I tried my best in journalism because my sisters were also writers, through
those times of my life I have heard a lot of people look down on me, I have heard some of the teachers compare me
to my sisters for I was not so academically active like them, and whenever I tried to come out of my comfort zone
and try, some people would call me “trying hard”. At that moment, I know to myself that I have something within
me, it was just the fact that what other people will say scares me. Whenever I feel so down about it that time, I
would always say to myself the words “Sa susunod, ako naman”. It took me several years to finally come out of my
comfort zone, I myself was also shocked by what I can do and how I can learn great things when I did it. When I
was in 8th grade, I joined different school pageants and won, I also joined spoken poetry, monologue, research, essay
writing, and more academic contests at school and do great at it, I also did a sport called wushu which is like a mix
of martial arts and wrestling, and I graduate highschool as an editorial writer and editor in chief of the school. You
may think that it’s easy but before I was able to succeed with those things I have also failed a lot of times, there are
some contests I joined that I didn’t even win, writing contests that I didn’t even place, and yeah I have also got
punched straight in the face the first time I play my sport wushu not just that but of course, I have heard a lot of
people look down on me that time, it made me realize that doesn’t actually change, so it’s myself and my mindset
that I change over time, I just tell myself that I wouldn’t be able to succeed like other people if I don’t try, that my
“Sa susunod, ako naman” motto wouldn’t happen if I don’t even do something. You see, I’m saying these things not
to brag or to show you what things I can do but instead I’m telling this story of my life to inspire and to show those
people who are scared to come out of their comfort zones, that a lot of things can change and they can be the
greatest person they want if they would finally have the courage to do it. It’s now or never, think that you can and
believe me, you would be able to do it, until this moment of my life I still used the words “Sa susunod ako naman”
on a lot of things but as I share this story I am passing these words to all those persons out there who are still scared
to come out of their comfort zones including those persons who have big dreams in life just like me, believe in
yourself, be confident and just say the words “Sa susunod, ako naman”.

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