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Essay Civilization

2022 Test 1: More and more young people are choosing A travel magazine has asked its readers to send
Teste p/u to study at a university abroad. Discuss the in an article about an important annual event
exersare advantages and disadvantages of going to university that takes place in an English-speaking
in a different country. When writing your essay, country. Write about the event you have
consider the following: chosen. Consider the following:
1. Describe the university life of young people in a foreign 1. Present the event and the country where it takes place;
country; 2. Describe what people usually do during this event;
2. Present the pros and/or cons of studying at university abroad; 3. Explain the importance of the event for the country
3. Provide two examples from what you have experienced and/or and its people;
read, etc. to support advantages and disadvantages; 4. Express your attitude towards this event.
4. Express your opinion on this trend; Write an article, following the structure: title,
5. Justify your opinion on this trend. introduction, body, conclusion.
Follow the structure of an essay: introduction, body,
Test 2: Some people think that it is good that e- The Student Council has asked you to write an
books become more and more popular with young article for the school newspaper about a
people. What are the advantages and disadvantages famous museum situated in an English-
of this trend? When writing your essay, consider the speaking country. Write about the museum
following: you have chosen. Consider the following:
1. Describe the impact of e-books on young people and their 1. Name the museum and its location;
activities; 2. Describe what one can see and do there;
2. Present the pros and/or cons of using e-books; 3. Explain the role of this museum in society;
3. Provide two examples from your experience, reading, etc. to 4. Write what you think about this museum, ground
support the advantages and/or disadvantages that you present in your opinion.
your essay; Write an article, following the structure: title,
4. Express your opinion on e-books;
5. Justify your opinion on the impact of e-books on young people
introduction, body, conclusion.
and their activities.
Pretestare People have a variety of hobbies that they do in their A school website has asked its readers to send
leisure time for pleasure. Write advantages and in an article about a university or a college
disadvantages of having a hobby. When writing your from an English-speaking country. Write
essay, consider the following: about the university/college you have chosen.
✓ Describe what people do in their free time for pleasure; Consider the following:
✓ Present the pros and/or cons of having a hobby; ✓ Name the university/college and its location; ✓
✓ Provide two examples to support the advantages and/or Describe what attracts students to this
disadvantages of having a hobby; university/college;
✓ Express your opinion on having a hobby; ✓ Explain in what way(s) this university/college has
✓ Give grounds for holding your opinion. improved society;
✓ State your opinion on this university/college.
2021 There is nothing that young people can teach Your school website has asked you to write
Teste p/u older people. Do you agree or disagree? about a city/town in an English-speaking
country. Describe it and explain your choice.
exersare Some people believe it is important to keep and
protect historical buildings. Others think it is a sport which is popular in an English-
always better to have more modern buildings speaking country. Describe it and explain
around. Which opinion do you agree with? Justify why you think it is a popular sport.
your opinion.
Pretestare Some people think that parents must give their a tourist attraction situated in an English-
children certain chores or tasks to do at home. Do speaking country. Describe it and explain
you agree or disagree? your choice.
Sesiune de What pieces of advice would you give to the one the best place for sightseeing in an English-
bază who wants to choose his/her profession? speaking country.
Sesiunea Some people think that such technological devices the capital city of an Englishspeaking
Suplimen as smartphones, tablets and computers bring a lot country that you would like to visit.
of advantages. Others believe that they do a lot of
harm. What is your point of view?
2020 What principles and values do you hold dear? If you were a manufacturer, what a famous
Teste p/u Justify your opinion. Present two examples. person/celebrity from an English-speaking
exersare country would you choose to advertise your
products? Justify your choice and describe
their role in this advertisement.
What are the skills that people need to have in extra-curricular activities that high or
today’s workplace? Justify your opinion. Present secondary school students in English-
two examples. speaking countries are involved in.
2019 Why do some friendships break up? Justify your Which famous person/celebrity from an
Teste p/u opinion. Present two examples. English-speaking country would you
recommend your friend to follow on social
media? Write your advice and explain your
What activities do you consider waste of time? a movie/a book/a song that reflects the
Justify your opinion. Present two examples. culture of an English-speaking country.
Pretestare What is the importance of cultural activities in the English language as the most popular
modern life? Justify your opinion. Present two language of communication in the world.
Sesiune de Some people think that you can achieve success a place in an English-speaking country
bază through teamwork. Others think that it is better to they think is ideal for holidays.
work on your own. Which do you think is better?
Sesiunea How important is it for young people to have a university in an English-speaking country.
Suplimen ambitions? Justify your opinion. Write them a note explaining why they should
apply to the university of your choice.
2018 What do you like about the culture of our country? a museum from an English-speaking
Teste p/u Justify your opinion. country that they would like to visit.
exersare Some people think that there are more favourite capital of an English-speaking
disadvantages of automobiles than advantages. country.
Pretestare Why do some people choose to volunteer? Your friend is going to visit the capital of an
English-speaking country. He or she is
passionate about urban architecture.
Recommend her or him a monument,
building, square or street to visit by
describing it and explaining your choice.
Sesiune de What piece(s) of advice would you give to your a national symbol of an English-speaking
bază own generation? Justify your opinion country.
Sesiunea Why do some people choose not to recycle? a novel written by an author born in an
Suplimen English speaking country.
2017 The older generations think that the younger a popular sport in an English-speaking
Teste p/u generations read less than they do thus becoming country that is not practiced in our country.
less educated. Agree or/and disagree.
Do you think it is important to follow fashion a monument from an English-speaking
trends? Agree or/and disagree country that you would like to visit.
Pretestare What does it mean to love the country you were a museum from an English-speaking country
born in?
Sesiune de What makes your generation different from the an important historic event in an English-
bază other generations that went before you speaking country and its impact on the
Sesiunea Some people find their friends’ advice helpful in Your school would like to start a new foreign
Suplimen difficult situations; others think it is better to language festival. Suggest a writer or poet
make decisions on their own. Which do you from an English-speaking country that the
prefer? festival could be named after.
Teme de civilizație și de eseu

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