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Experiment #1

Topic: States of matter (Diffusion)

Aim: To demonstrate diffusion of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4)

Apparatus/Materials: KMnO4 Crystals, distilled water, spatula, and beaker.

Method: A large beaker was filled with water and was placed on a flat surface. It was allowed to
settle. Afterwards some crystals of potassium permanganate were added to the water. The
beaker was left undisturbed and was observed at intervals for an hour.



Distilled Water KMnO4




Observation: when the KMnO4 was added to the water all the crystals gradually dropped to the
bottom of the beaker the colour at the bottom of the beaker was dark purple. The crystals
began to rise to the top of the beaker. The colour of the water began to change. After a while
all the water that was present in the beaker turned dark purple.

Discussion: Diffusion is the spread of particles through random motion from regions of high
concentration to regions of lower concentration. In the water the particles move more freely because
molecules and ions tend to move freely when they are in a solution. When they can move freely
molecules tend o spread themselves out as evenly as they can. As in the experiment the potassium
permanganate particles started to move more freely and spread from an area of high concentration in
the potassium permanganate crystals to an area of low concentration in the water,
which resulted in the color purple being gradually spread through the water and equilibrium was
reached at the end of the experiment

Conclusion: It can be concluded that potassium permanganate crystals diffuse in water.

Experiment #2

Topic: States of matter (Sublimation)

Aim: To demonstrate sublimation using naphthalene

Apparatus/Materials: Naphthalene, Filter funnel, evaporating dish, Bunsen burner, wire gauze,
tripod stand, spatula

Method: Two spatula of naphthalene were placed on an evaporating dish. An inverted filter
funnel was placed over the evaporating dish containing the naphthalene. The evaporating dish
was gently heated until sublimation began. The evaporating and the inverted filter funnel were
allowed to cool to be observed



Observation: When the two spatula of naphthalene were gently heated it changed from solid to
liquid. After a few minutes it started to give off gas sublimates. Upon cooling the solution turn
back to a solid state. Some crystals were left on the side of the filter funnel.

Discussion: sublimation is the direct conversion of a vapour on heating, and vapour to solid on cooling.
When the naphthalene was heated it began to sublime. After cooling the naphthalene turn back to solid
form to demonstrate the process of sublimation.

Conclusion: Based on the observation obtained it can be concluded that sublimation too place when the
naphthalene was heated.

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