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EL 109

Module 7

Name: Criza Marie B. Barcelona

Course & Year: BSED ENG 2 – A

IV. Assessment

1. What makes the theater interesting? What particular elements make it

worthwhile to watch?

Theatre helps us to see a different perspective from our own. We’re

shown humanity, psychology, motivations, conflict and resolution.
We as the audience get to witness the trajectory of persons other
than ourselves. As artists, we put ourselves into emotional and
intellectual situations that may never arise in our personal lives.
Theatre promotes us to give power to truth, to take risks and to
advocate for new and diverse voices.

Theatre reminds us that we are not alone.  Not only are we sharing
space and an experience with the artists who are performing, we
are sharing the experience with fellow audience members. Movies
and television don’t have the same intimacy or sense of
participation. Sharing an experience with live actors and live
audience members is not only valuable, it’s necessary for human

Theatre is immediate, evolving and always different. Although the

script may be the same every night, the performance is unique,
each and every time it happens. No two performances are ever the
same. In this way, everyone involved has a distinct and unique
experience that can never be replicated.

Live theatre helps to promote social discourse, dialogue and

potential social change. Theatre is a cultural phenomenon that
demands that society examines itself in the mirror. We can study
societal problems and attempt to find solutions.  Coming together
as a community to listen to opposing points of view is necessary.

Theatre promotes education and literacy. Studies have shown that

students who participate in theatre do better in school.

2. Why theater is important in the field of education?

Theatre techniques and activities ask students to walk a mile in
someone else’s shoes, take the position of a new character and
see things from another point of view. It is an excellent way to
work on the skill (yes skill) of empathy in the classroom. This is
an especially valuable skill to teach at the elementary level and
will be with students for the rest of their lives.
Another advantage to theatre is the communication students must
practice to complete activities. Many exercises require eye contact (a
challenge for many students) and clear communication that has
countless benefits in other classroom activities, not to mention any
future career.
Theatre activities force students to collaborate and work together
not unlike team sports do. This is beneficial for every student,
especially those who aren’t particularly sports inclined.

V. Enrichment Activity

Look for the play or a movie. Make a play/movie review.

A Movie Review
A Movie Review
A Movie Review
A Movie Review
One of Eddie Romero’s most notable play write, Aguila, was a three-
and-a-half historical film which tackled the life of Daniel Aguila, the head
of the Aguila Family, and his experiences which reflected most significant
events during his time. This includes, but is not limited to war, three
republic transitions, three occupations, free politics, and an exposure of
the minority groups. It covered the time of the 1987 Philippine Revolution
until the late 1970s. The film also gave a glimpse of the political transitions
from the First to the Third Philippine Republic with a difference in the
degree of how the government and the rich controlled the politics, the
caste system to impose power, authority, and difference in rights based on
the social status, and how people of different perspective deal
with the same problems—using the character’s whole family and close

The story told the life of Daniel Aguila (Fernando Poe Jr.)
as written in an unfinished biography by his wife. The flashback
covered the 1896 Philippine Revolution, the American Occupation, the
Japanese Era, the Post-War reconstruction, and the student militant
and activists of the late 1960s to early 1970s.The members of the Aguila
Family gathered for Daniel’s 88th birthday despite his years of
disappearance. Sequentially, Mari, Daniel’s son, was given a lead of
his father’s location and status. Despite the privileges offered right in front
of him, Daniel looked beyond those things and reach out to people who is
not as fortunate as him. Because of this, his journey made a room for a
good development when it comes to being involved in important national
events such as war, elections, and conflict resolution. The story of Daniel’s
life as written by Sally, his wife, filled in the gaps of each characters’ story
from the time when he was six until the time he disappeared.

The 3-hour-and-30-minute-film tackled a diversity of issues which

are relevant to the society—be it for the time setting, the release of the
movie, or the present time. Some of the situations depicted with a good
historical value are the situation of the Filipinos during the Philippine
Revolution against the Spanish and the never-ending territorial conflicts
which was given a glimpse on the division of the Katipunan factions
Magdiwang and Magdalo. First, the status of the Filipinos during the
Philippine- Spanish War. Conversations during the first part of the
flashback displayed the danger of going out-due to the heavy military
control of the Spanish leaders. Because of this, people who wanted to visit
their relatives who is a member of the rebellion are expected to travel with
great caution for danger lurks around every corner. Aside from
this, other manifestation of tyranny was also depicted. Some of which are
violence, rape, and harassment. Next is the division of Katipunan factions
Magdiwang and Magdalo in Cavite. A glimpse of the misunderstanding
between the two groups were also thrown in during the conversation
between Simeon, a rich businessman who squeals about the revolution to
the Spaniards, and Artemio, Daniel’s father and a Katipunan member,
when the former visited their base to follow Isabel and Daniel. The scene
does not particularly tell the whole story, but based on history, the rivalry
between the two groups stemmed from territorial conflict. The Magdalo
(led by Emilio Aguinaldo) wanted a revolutionary government to replace
the Katipunan, however, the Bonifacio-led-faction, Magdiwang, insisted
that the Katipunan is enough to play as the government. However,
although the members of the Magdiwang initially backed Bonifacio’s idea,
the two factions merged during the Tejeros Convention held at Cavite,
where the first presidential and vice-Presidential Election took place.
Aguinaldo won the presidential seat, thus the creation of the First
Philippine Republic.

In the current period, although the situation of the country is far

from the war-intensive status then, similar situations and events is still
observable. Harassment and conflicts are still prevalent, even amongst
regular citizens. Although it is not as intense as it is back then, the same
problems require solutions. On this note it is important to study and
learn from actual history, gain enough knowledge about the
roles, responsibilities, and accountability of people from different states of
the sector, and to always be aware of one’s own rights and freedom. By
doing so, it is feasible to solve any small-scale problem which will benefit
not just the winning party, but also everyone who aspires to look through
the glass of the same liquid but lacks the proper perception and idea of
what to expect from such things.

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