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I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Hyoungsuh Hahm(Daniel).

I was born in South

Korea on 10th May 2009. I moved to Vietnam when I was 10 months old. Since then, I’ve been
living here for 13 years. Learning my mother tongue, Korean language and culture was
important to me, so I started my primary periods at a Korean school, KIS(Korean International
School HCMC). In the second term of grade 3, I transferred to an international school called
ISHCMC(International School Ho Chi Minh City), where my parents wanted me to engage more
in classes and communicate with friends who came from another cultural backgrounds.
Everything was new and uncomfortable at first, but I was able to make new friends, get along
with my friends through soccer and fit in school in a few months. After I finished 7th grade at
ISHCMC, I decided to move to BIS because I’ve heard BIS is a good school that could guide
and challenge me more in my learning, which will motivate me to work harder and improve

The thing I like doing is to play sports, especially with balls. My favorite sport is soccer.
When I traveled to countries in Europe, I watched a soccer game. In the next TET holiday, I will
go to England and watch a game of Tottenham Hotspurs to see the best Korean football player,
Son. The most memorable players I saw were Cristiano Ronaldo in Napoli and Linoel Messi in
Barcelona. I hope I can see more real games in the future without a pandemic crisis. In grade 6,
I was chosen in the U13 team of ISHCMC. Due to COVID-19, I only played 2 games out of 8
games. I was very disappointed at the fact that I couldn’t have more matches with another
school teams. Moreover, I had to quit get trainings in a Korean soccer team because my coach
stopped coming to district 2 after a lockdown. I hope I can have a chance to continue playing
soccer at BIS.

When I have a free time, I usually practice playing the violin. I am a member of the
Korean Orchestra, so I attend an orchestra practice with about 100 students in district 7. When I
went to the orchestra practice for the first time, it was hard to play because the sheet music was
brand new to me. I thought it was boring and tiring. However, I enjoy attending Orchestra a lot
now and I feel I improved through a constant practice.

I think my strength is persistency and an attitude to get ready to adapt in a new

environment. When I have a goal, I consistently work to achieve it. Sometimes it takes time, or I
struggle and get stuck where I am. However, I keep working to accomplish my goal and never
give up. My current interest is in math. I am thinking a lot to figure out how to be good at math,
and how math skills can relate and affect my real life. My math skills improved a lot from grade
7, but I feel I have to work harder to catch up with the learning in BIS. To be honest with you, it
makes me nervous and worried since I got accepted by BIS. However, at the same time, I’m
very excited to attend a new school and learn new things from a transfer. Furthermore, I hope I
can make more new friends soon through sports as I did before. Friends and friendships are
very important to me. Even though I’m not that talkative and outgoing to express myself now, I’d
love to have more good friends and I want to be a good friend to my friends.

I’m looking forward to meeting new teachers and friends in class.

Daniel Hahm
12 Aug 2022

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