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SUBJECT: -MOOT COURT,PRE-TRIAL PREPARATION AND PARTICIPATION IN TRIAL PROCEEDINGS CLASS :- LL.B THIRD YEAR VI SEMESTER SUBMITTED TO SUBMITTED BY MR. RAHUL VERMA MR. GAURAV SINGHAL ROLL NO. 605656034 W hi ‘ ‘e i esdsst UCI IIIT} fropics MOOT COURT AND ITS IMPORTANCE OBJECTS OF MOOT COURT MANNER OF ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING THE MOOT COURT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MOOT COURT AND COURT (CIVIL CASE (PROBLEM NO.1) TPLAINT, T]WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUES iv|TRIAL VJARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF PLAINTIFF VIJARGUMENTS ON BEHALF OF DEFENDANT. Vil|UDGEMENT, (CIVIL CASE (PROBLEM NO.2) 35-43 1[PLAINT. TI]WRITTEN STATEMENT u|ISSUES IV|TRIAL VJARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF PLAINTIFF ViJARGUMENTS ON BEHALF OF DEFENDANT. {i|JUDGEMENT, (CRIMINAL CASE (PROBLEM NO.1) aa-55, [PROBLEM CHARGE uf TRIAL, IVJARGUMENTS V[JUDGEMENT (CRIMINAL CASE (PROBLEM NO.2) 56-64 [PROBLEM HI|CHARGE TifTRIAL IV[ARGUMENTS v[JUDGEMENT INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES AND PRE TRIAL PREPARATIONS 65-84 INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES PRE TRIAL TECHDMQUES OF A CIVIL CASE CHV WV YW OOH V DVD 9 2 EUEEKKGTS f Moot Curt — Moot Crt orkyicl fox he Loi2 - Students The puspose Jhon prefasieral skill Bt is nla ee ce detidec by Ae Court Ox Assue On On Peupored foe This purpose. 0 CTT TTTESE VUGECIIG +} The Stuclents may, be ditided Jn 40 toc Groups One greup js to Suppot the 1 paling He Ae Hoga ard arcther Js to cniticiee At yrup f studorts Cae be asshped the Work of representing Gece ard Another group i Studnis be Bo ean of Pupresr tig Side ond) | pe ices thor MA CNp do Case the Studyte Ahold Kodi the Case as | Gh) Veduaeeme hoards Me Case of Les, ie The Student «= Shor = be. Oakesl pare he plant , if ke represents He phot, “lf Ond Are werirckten | Skotunast {hi Comes) Pe aes apoverents, lan PBEVBFSFEGPOHSSCGOECHVUHEHTCOCCCECHOHKECEECEPCECHCECSCHEECESS tre deferdart Frpotonce aie (Aare pla BtOdee eae Bram the opportune ) 9 Bs eo Botti partion Whew Are essntol for te Sulese 4» Legal Profession = Corwct Sin he. of bata cn ep doueLabs combiolorce in Te Studs wWhuh 4 one f brovicks the —_stuolyta the ofperdtutty to daft phowt , prepare weitten | Gtatorante, Ana a af (3) prrome Poses > ate ; Rowe ex percuunte- f droflig intowst —peittion ond presenting the Court, Thy ee y ay the Osct of Coss - exarrralien — And Orgumart Wa plays Amportort oule {hy tdinning the Cases. Te uth CRC EEC EE EP ECSECEE beevise Are Btn — a etfpertionwe of Collleting, «=the = ewelart cases m The X the: Cases (2) Moot = Covwt as Fobppub an Development f legal “as weblh Pwsototien Skill — Tk 12 ndled dhot porttidipation af aww Ctudnt in Ahe ~~ Mrot Costa Aerabpe not only ther tegod seth bu also tha —peesurtotion skill Te also _@robles He stixdessta tp acto (4) aoe ddd »G GPP PePCCHCSECECES PEGE ST EGC SEEK KE CECE KKHKGG ‘ the ast of persuasion ae ge thor c to Speak before De people Ac tuotly god Cormrmnarcle. over, the Larguage , god porsen of expr bsion, nye of Law , god Goren geek preene a md Kowryer do beteme a lie seo en) place guclties ane practi eo. by (3) Moot Gust te fe Deneloprrort 7 Abit to ie i leqot Tasues & bgol Motirtal, ete. — The fositictjatiien = Sn Meat Cort duvelap> Om the Studeta Ahe | Pe ably to idotify — # is 1G a . Collet oe matirials, prepare the Orgurrante 5 Orgs fo OS Nea Posing, the Tamper Ond Onaruere the _ (5) a aaa oo - ewww SueuTuwuuvuwuecuvucocourvrr"vrr.. oe 4 Cate on oO pestion Anked by AM Courk oO” studote Mou Learn the with the Gust monren of dealing 4 oveme ke pradieot bulge of the — Importonce f betny respectful to Ahe Count. (+) Moot Count to Kebpefud ds prwviiclig the knowsleoe f Contempt Low — Re anes Contempo ype s Qa busing problem alll oven ty AL — poset Ms crusts Ane very = Lert Ard Frying Hove best rel down Ba Pewen who wilfully dis cbeys Are Ordon f the coat 0% ord ite oe ane lz be oa of the Count ox the cnr Srtoodews, With the die Ee OA qudicioh pereceedings , Hrueer, tn spite “of oll efforts , the Contempt Cases _o2e) / 0b y (6) | ok Iniptosze (5) Mot Got 48 kb in provid the Prewledge of De ge i aa Pduzocodtes 9 <= a Nese Oca duties of the Bausyers do the Cost whith Ore Cadbfied by Are Bor loth of Tretia Oro Ahein ead AS Jpeokhd 0 penfessioml, ebaandit and puritshed anording One pevovisiens dhe Aracatis Ait Actiuoly ae res roink — Onc ae of corset puta ove le with @ akon af rind Ork — uittnovd Ale choterent , Suppression, distarrhen on embellishment One reg tetas (6) Ae ee Panes aa to Wn the. aaa | \G be noted dot the Coase Th eu ‘ 7 ) 7 r an ovt Deu cttodiene of Cokes OT U and plows Impontiont Diplo A Winning a Ah coLe ey he minimern but seleuort cose, fs consicloed bette» than Ca a Aorge lor aaa De Sane o& Simian pethcble, of Low x Bee de prindbtes of Low net olor fe the iszugs nuoliced anit tire cae ¢ dn Q Case Chd de Stictsed , the Oduocote must swmenben thot tticam should be oe fwdgernar t a suas fy the densions One. ue Shauld hot Wes e's omeng fm co King. Asperatons om the fata ee te — numbesx of cases Cede re Uo know the cLierts be r Kea. 4 so by, pacts 4 | Wark 2 Ahould Make horest J the Carer ond adige aL Lady My (oe e eee SEKHKTE RHEE tl, Ctudents Should howe opertutity reap eee do Moin CGuot Is to provide te the Sow Stade and present a tezal Ord howe procticaoL posebee a peocess ; point of Raw before. persons ahordd be Corductiad oO Monn Qs Xo rortical Skill of ctudertse MANNER OF ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING THE MOooT % COURT Different — ways of Ongarizing the Moot Gut eat pellewing One Importonk Monnens of ongartetng conducting the Moot Crsta — (4) Imagiroory beg abl Coase — Ore the rrost Importiont metheds of torchathing Dhe Moot loust 1% Ho peupere an drmagh ao Case. One group of the Stine ahmuld BD : pork o be Ossigred the q represen tne Side And Onarhen pop Shrtd be as Plane the nronk gf reprnen Bip the Otho Side. The Case Moy ether be Ge case or Ciriral COse Tn Gil Cases, a suth eee (4.2) 4 bition and phate of : oy on tf) ep, residine a the peairty/ and a defrrdarts, Are puts Constiluty, 3 tne Does of action Mord meen 3 a 2, the swliep claimed » He 5 pdr of Ae Subdect-matten of He : us or mmnee= puspeses f poe a Jol ord fof the Court = . chatd be Aeavlly ctoted. ——— Jhone De Sabyert - moter of the srt on t js ramble Pp oped » the plaint ‘ ain A description of tu Bia As a matter i fait dooftiry of ploint sulftiot tp ide es “ = PEEEKHSHHHDEDLOOY fe On Ont ond _Q_ wll drafted plout we 2272200309979 4% hich Oued a lees not jprole up pacts shih Vftudt foul s) Tt thnrtld Ktcd Sarto smal paragraphs Pollen Ae Seguerve The Conse dat. of ] oe eee Voluation and the sebief Uolred Lal be Clearly Stated 7 , Prather Urry of Devided Cosa — dhe Met = Comt te Me m a dedicled Case. For this Case Acided by the. Cost Aeleitel ara a group of Osrignd to Speak fac clown (43) PAU rr e S . . 7? co a BELEK DDO q ae C f web Speak against the sad, g te pate mk the appt 0 Fadi Stuolert Bhovld qpeak Withn the Bre fim. Fath Side Shenld Submit the wetten Se Abwiselons ard Should courts. the ae of are ob, jelle (cea gpuasens: Exh Side Should be goer sgoomoroble tre Io Collect materiale So Purun of tte View, Tia wl 1 oe the Staccato ee Cbrony » Consult the os books Ord propre The pow By Suh Mmartity Ahe ) d students will be abe to fod out the soto decile and entrole it Ge Can mae.) (G>Ceumiavae onby to poe. (14) EP gag h® i> édddee 4 ama ee roenaes ns ééddddde 1. -IS be) ells 6 st? - of r ol 2 a eo ol L. a a ° syyyyye BHeKKEHEHOHHHHG the stato dekard? but ive & it, lorvecbess Ora lop Are copadity Jo oryue ) Covet om Speifi. legal Gubecte ieee he metrocl 4 orgariely A ee aeons protien 7 a lye Student May be shed Jo protintals , Submit thee urditen rents Ohd Speak Within the Spesifiel Tore $0 08 to etpploin thos argumorts be put to thom Travers, He preaoct Gost, The Studerta art a tho groupe, bldrging Jo The Somme be asked to collect the (a5) thre Orqure ts Suh Cordition b Shoko Sermetirnes dten osqurerts, Be de Lbras books , yourrole oe prepoae ie Ogee love ap aha Speaking > Power, vata alot eet ee f also the tincHion tseen Mott Cust ond lt 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 i i i i i i i i I i I i i i { t % PERSE KSESSOHGCCHSHHHHEHCHKCHEKEEKDGDOS lot ds on ardifiddalh curt Don the Larw- studerte . By fn dhe moot Couse the Ottoin ahs pecofesetoral Tt Alene | bor | te ee sal Sidsberts, The opeoencemeets the pidiiiot, (aie te stole SE hoe erate Stiles The depres he 4 of Mick Cust not Obbuinbhl by the Pusident dia 0 The (Grevernror of Wes (14) ped ddd edeeed ebobbdedd é bSVSKOEKFTGHHGHHVHKDED ypditol — power i the tote - Thay hone no Atoduteruy pei to detde the disbutes betseon’ Ae posttles Artinodly, the Met Cousk ie not 0 seal Gut. Te 4 an ol count And TOY, consist Ds Low expert, whither ox not he te om han bun a Sade of ay (uot Tt is constituted not sect porte bul ig) see, opportunity ty the Low ~ atuclods b apply th prtnvipls f Low to the cases Designed Bo haa Tbe. oyet ib ti eroble tu stuido tb be Quoow of the amae ering process Mn. Jagdish Sucrub and Mo Vineet Stapp (19) —sVuvivuvvuvvvuvvvvuvuvuuvueeeuvueceuuwr”n UU howe Odbserwed Kut 3, Grste ees chonged vsth a diy to decid dap dn cyclicta Monnens Wes Sk deckoves the wlghts of prrctin In 0 oefirite whith has fi Cr eae! Wa Kuernrcant slo eOelcols oe ve dial Morner Irwolver that Bre a detisten ds on ee of the evidewe goldwed and Submis mode anh Attordane with Law. So Ain arden to comekitoti a Comt, on Ores on Oo bly cs tom _ (49) the Yudictal power A ke and must howe dovned, cur from the Stte. Marg bute, , tt must have Qe 0 Aetizion On a dgerurk uthich has finally 0 au tositotiser ees (26) 7? peuobbbee Pr FF. COSTT OCCT OCU T ae ef. CIVIL CASE (PROBLEM NO — 1) POPP PPPPPPPPPOO OOP OOOO RE CEE REE HRAEED And thein > vobalion aa Soe Months After Completion x We tion faerdiol figs solar eae to Rupes one Lar Anirty five rd USith perks Orel. benefits waht » HIG EUt (Rent by te ormporg,) fo f ign holiday Otten bord Ail abso get ome year. g 1 Kuheos Seay thousand ber om Ahe Aame designation dn an Gompary, (B.C & Co) Crobation periiact of AL ues ore yearn Ord often Comply he beuobatien peti hts Salary weutd be | novid b Rujooes One loc Ontaeanel (22) | WELK LK eK oer deeda eee UUUUUUUUC COTE EE world be at Mot time but Life Ant come to Some medial chek up g Prot She har been suffring Grier Ond St vweas admit aduicel by. the Dorvtor thet she Wort mow than Ste months Anils Ppiun 4s i ume Yeores Wd won and it te not porsthe fn tin to % np 4s also Suffering OLB0 40 a maintain hime {oem only Sister Meer Who has olneody, massied And Settled An Ergfand. with fe, husband ord Hurefow she Jz Unable to come tp Ivttan to Lok After Mother iy ale sutuokton . Anil saigl | tke elthe, to get a Free iD » 9 a Pai fer an | (23) petition fo Unde» IN THE COURT OF DISTRicT & SESSIONS JUdHE NEW DELHI PETITION No Uls 4 HINDL Maresa@e ACT - 1955 RESTITUTION OF CONTUGAL RIGHTS IN THE MATTER OF HH. ANTL PETS TLONER RESPONDENT Petition normed. Submit ax (1) Tht the | respedid prily ond. fa dees Hs d host 2 eng, sears BVibbovaeedsevaua (2) Trot Ane petitioner ard the Resperclort both were Computer Cryin and got meseied on 15 may 2003 baste, cag was Love cm arranged moscloge - (8) That te peter in a Print lompory embliy ard foresentthy worly at Rapes Siody Arsuzord fox mverth at whereas Resborlyt 48 working in 0 Brive Conor, US. based Comper, rows lie ot — Cweypon at a Sakovy of Rupees Beh y howard. only, G) het the Caliiow come to know before thot his Mother ape s fferding, sem Ebook Grice gil and Uording, to the clocton a lee breaking his motern wUl hot be ab& t fr more than Six months and tho 75 yrans Ad mon i) mw wire ST eeewyTyeTeyTyTeyeTSeeCer7T CTS eT ,.UlmlmlmlmtC~tOUUU te motstotn himself 1 tb Marvisd in Englond 5) Tat the Lotions asked Radhika his to toke a Bonn to Debbi branch o Af the conpony is pot wilhé y Hon Leowve The Vee in fre Pre Asues rtinting out 4 Ou Bre Cewek | “Sthicten aan ee has Uscoby, refined to pe Aor tranefen dw Debbi on to Nea oe pe 6) Thot Hho etcieen Osked. Do Resboordart one nee lac han ee Ncits aaah hb atast fon Ahn period Aull ks OD Zhe Again Edddddddddddddd é Pekka eee ddddddddedd Pebaaa ve (+) Tot ths iy Yemedy 4 Act 1955. Le. RESTITION OF CONTUGAL RIGHTS: hat # Course of attion hag Oeutsen When the Respordant supuseol tr Look afer the q 0 Bkitinens mother . (8) Tot atwarcling, to Sevtion 9 of Hindu : Te v Ad , 1955 » Bre oggrteved pve, (an) 47 es is pon sustidudion of 0 (b) withewt Any deasreroble excuse () he & b, satinptal about the of the Statimut mode Sn such (28) yeu J thold not be pared l fem He & We d meore — us Ib qe Compara Ohd Corrfyprt I ae y Ge) eRe hee to Stay, dagethon i my Fag ther. G) That the Resborlt fj, working 7 ane e beeede Hi — NokeroL Corfe how ard J Om A Urobotien bestial, She quite Capabk of Ming Anaten Sob with equrnlont & hong ta ‘ 2 asa L excise tp itonas Pum of hushonel hosts t ede WOU du Soca usiecition of) = the must Ord A Cisse mmbeXent enough 20 Ay tthe suct yi (11) That the rreqittruech Comoe fos te by the Pasitioran pd dddddddddddddddddde beedaedd Seer uebeEe vee wee PRAYER Pptitionsr for the foblawirg a) The Letitioner. umbl, prays 40 tre wit Jy poss 0 gpodgemart ard Decrwe. he aD Preciea a) Corpsged sights ones « Sn Paves: of eeeenmme sehil as the horourobl, bb) Arg it Moy dtm [it ard peer as te bids ord Crwumetonus Ae Core. He pal i Sa |- ACE ¢ DELH ANIL Sood ATE PETITIONER THROUGH COUNCEL FICATION Vy Eile Tn the Above morbioned Petition ft 4s 61) SUSU ET FV GGT HFEHVOHVHKCHCUEED ECE MEEK ECKCEEE content. of petitioner and Corret to the beat ¥ ard thet ae Contealed, (32) PONDEN of } a eee adrttha 4 of te ond therefore odwitted exch of 5) T Ta Ae d p Toure Ord. ody J Z ¢ Omtot, of Ora 6 of Ae Ln Ord. Thy. sone O rulled. | Hot thre defend wnt ial y 0s the Gee DRADER RRR Eee eee beays to the honourable deirue fon sestitition RADHIKA VERMA DEFENDANT THROUGH sd[- CouNSEL trot dhe Contents of Ans Puc ora Creut 26 Ahe Peed daddies ddd dddddddddddd reread e and Abit, and) Cmiealed. ; Sd|- RADHIKA NERMA DEFENDANT re mY Saeogma Weuaace ee ve i f = CIVIL CASE (PROBLEM NO — 2) SONAL DetHt _ Celidiernen no. 2 PAGES CouRTrEE CouNseL qaeee meee if tf CTC DF HON’BLE ADDITIONAL IN THE Covet Of PRINCIPAL TUPGE ponimz Courts «DELL PETITION Ne ert HMA _- Cativerese ne + __ _- Gitliorer 10.2 Memo OF PARTIES Sh, RASESH ROHTLLA ch. TES RAM Rlo H.No.+t NEAR GURUKUL LHARKHODA CONLPAT HARYANA — — .. —- Petitterronned| VERSUS Sanita. Nee Plo B- 5/20 Seden 15 Rohini db he (oti renner ce) pe, Tha bine Self Pdtitionen no CATE ROHLNI oF HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, uPTo DATE FOR DINORCE SHOWN @ mtn of mutral tion fas uls 13- 8(4) 5 aoa Phe Hon’b Shgh Drdge Boni 2olo 86 woiiied Copies hersstth behweon the solemnnised oni oines } ron ole And Corervwnies rans ot Delhi 6) Tat the status ard plete a susiduue f Phe porctins by abs reontag. of te tire of pli f te hit are G8 Under 2 AT THe TIME OF MARRIAGE Husband. Plarce 4 Residence Status ge 3, Near Gusukl, Hirdu Bachelor > 1 Khorkhoda. Soripet be a | hace Residente pe Giccd g-sl2o Sectox - 45) Hinde Minyin Ca Rohini Detht- 4] Thot te foodies to the Marriage Lised. Fegpthex om hassdard anal wife ot 4, Neas Cusukil, Khaxkheda. Sonifat Hosyana for a periad of about 15 mors Gi U v Le upto 9/9/2008 Grd Stree dhen Posing S M | ale Z (8) —T teeta see eee ete aaesteeteteetee ee eeTeer .lhlhUh\ (5) Tht 4 Pre mranrtioge } Ths. foodies lovdd not pull om voll my do rues Ord tempervamartok ark deetded to Bre Syparatily frm cath Chee Ord Sree both one shoyog, Soposotel iam athon gro Sive both Are Fisting jn thele Pesbectine poruntal horres fe 2 4 nan re Yer There AS No \oswe8us New A Chane of nevoriliotten of Meorrtage between the prvtin ox sresumbtton of nounl reritel selokienship dp poutine. i 0 Pee hbk ai!) aclu of beth Are prrrtlice trad ta mevenitle Be sulation bebseen the parties bet all atterpt, went in \Oin (6), Tot the petitimer ror hed filed a pebtition uls 125 CRpC before the (3) dj I S Sy 7 a Abs yy As. petition , Jha portliee ud 0b 0. nuduol Compeumite tis ond dedided. yh Sid thin dap de tin me roboge by mutual fp Settlerort ts Sine have. neallised tite to Continue Jip ard Os Auth Ortora Io be Opplicotion Prayig, ne peice. 9 Oh ae by mutool (gry mn She polotirg terms ond B). hat Ybor tre wedlock Fhene ie hot Ahe porte have noe Colne (40) Bssyeeregeeqgq4qaeeeeqeqegeeqeqeerveteeecqqeqnuuens*s”””: FO TE TEESE Ae eee ed ddddddddddd lit} athe SMU came eLcrceea With each " G J bovsentation of petition tae ) Trek he meee intial emer Orvose or oF -ot- 200t wher hath thal a ercttsan 2 ioc Tt pusthen arncse om 08-04-2008 Ushen postiies —_zhovikd fing Stprrolely Tet de Course of ado, pram Lertinwiny- One Qt). That te preset Hb Gret to Aolga dicate uben the fewert dupute as the rrarvitage teen The posttes was performed at and te retire ren ot Doli whith 4s Apersitortall Y whe Hon'h@e Cort. hat the sugurtsite Count pee das heen Offre herwustth (44) PRAYER Luts, ord bute o Accordingly th Phu aforesaid Gd b Cswomstonus this Hom b& Cot tod 4 pleased to dishore of this petition by an oa Aes ee Terme 4 di nore by Muto Grsenb Pre pestis held on as per Hindu gitfas One. Grnemores Qt Delhi and by Fruoting said. toms Ond Cordlitions as poss Onoined between the post a Khe devree. Ab Consent costs flor ods of Tete sd |- (Ckidienes. ro. 1) (Cetitienen no. 2) THROUGH Sa [- cd} i‘ MUKESH GUPTA GHANTANIU RASToad ADVO CATE ADVOCATE (42) Cbd ddd ddddddddddddddd ye KP EP SVIAIVAKKggag ATION ubrwe. roamed peektivner 40 { shot the Conterte of parr nnd 6-% of the Obr~ applicator i comet te ux persoral Ove Bo be ewe ard tht we ob Subee anu rrodeiah put won Ane day Sd|- pad Cabitionrer 0.2 (+3) CRIMINAL CASE (PROBLEM NO — 1) Pleateatateta tet tf ve ey a 44 Aas A whew she Catt Sy lia Z 4 to disor Noruoté . he Aoubkhad whohe the some. Sinrtortions Oo: Pewee cy ethene Jer sole night sabe you apke Mosewying ord the ortous vials, You might Monn ae pe Srofed or I Krew T Cort. . bean dhe trayght of yon Losing else. ERSTON ion estan of the Alon d yy FyeyeeeteRRERRRER & & ® and, thin Courier p&uts ae the deporree weston © hs | Saeelemon rap ties 3 by, the witnesses Ard baked by yn (5) ———— ll ee OOOO Oe edd dd dd dddddddddddddd (1) The Towel Areat Ahuja urs Wtorirg d bas dntace | on as bedy ad fod rether Pereyra ck. (A). off 2 cen We HF a2 Supe , ae a Kighby improbable, thet the towel weld Inkact By bca-’s loryfession calm ord v Naravati droped Kis forrlly db the theatre Ql cere eer Bare @) flecoo Hing Fo aS a 4, Nonorote fea Ord — Hounds Under a bec pretest (5) This Andicctad that the berevocation was noth grave nor Sudden ard Novawnte | fod) Hea ices phonred @) Thee shots wee frud th quirk Sumssion aro the entice Srutdert tik () »**s* *& 2 ahuidurt Aine Wathout suff, bebueon thon te tu Dkod Marniz Hot to Otux Aus 9 , wert to Nano Then onuserdz a) Cure, (8) He then nltroded He gun th Marsholh of he ion mamard, ond Phon bb the pole b confess (a) The Deputy Corrrlisaionen of Pohix fastip eect Aha Nonowall oe hood shot Arad Ef (o The Misspeblin ne in the polie a (44) DEFENCE VERSION This wos a 1958 Indien Gut arse Nanouet® who was tried fon The Quts of He dead Prim Ahuia qo was Mot Nout? a Brsi verted Duo ee Ose ese Gough cut of the wedlock ard had Settled Aud jn Mumbai Tt uss a pest of Ais eb to go f& wrt outstation Opt He ae reg burt worthby oe and a p Caring, pecon fo, Kes Prov ard bod Re Urea an iften srradine Sybita (wife of auussed) gradually ll tn Love whith Bam Das Abu ‘(dead persen) 0. priind f Norowottl , The usife f The. Oe was Cor recoding tre us Conecaliing the | bat ne the. aceussed ond a uns (+) ter omekime that th carbbralling og Olscoppecd hw fe ly Jo Mek trenn flor Ae AAnw t ak trom And J pn Went df te deceased Bum Ayo ; d il not prod Not ie fies Upp asked te deceased whether he intended Ae adcypr This AN sen Aceased wnepbiecl Monn every werran 1 Sleep with”) Afts. Weoriny, This Verein OLiised Wee ard Suddonfy prmrecated He wag a Ustrh with him but noltti (43) Ba Panaeruvr_'?> tee ee === = | ; j the intenrtin of Carsty dhath but fom his berserk afore Sudldont aLtized sow that the dueared for the gun kept tp a becket ard fe Ais betuate fore teok oul) athe gn Thuis: sc, tae L ON, Suggest, trot Are at the Otutsed trk os he b De bewtocation cCoused a He deteased, rd dn aight to portale coff duforce. OF DEFENCE Th Ole pe oleae person able Sedion 302 of The Troltan Porok (ode. (LPC) the Irgreciost of De Sevtion 300 of Indian Brak Code (One be sequised to be bred vwhwh defines | ree Of Muse (0) y y y ty y Y v > » ¥ ~ ~ we ~ ~ — wv v v v o > > > > ° > . > > > > » 7 ” - a Hi ry rnb) the / . ' i in Jeter unt 2. pephar t} t i Ky) Viuszed te hold a } wrt Atobte fl mundo reel Ao pe gre MENS REA eer Orby Bon Fhe f be Lab for murder f tix Noe peroted Ans Qtiseed will be Mobk homitide not Amountiny ase as Ae atursed J& pot the frivntion to Cause death but a whith uae Olomee by the 4 with BLE Under the exception ti o of 4th Indian bral Code =PPrePEPEetnae « & © \ not blared the A ms OA te eu i, eidert foom the the K pruly | LIV0- ras pot planned t th VA bewmiged| Wife ad Ailldeen % He fe22ion One. forbes ha bpieus Questions Céept has 9 Ug a mid he nwonted Some On ubs taking #5 7 Ve prrrised with him not rseol — phace him drool as 48 eniclont deveosed ond to implicete Perce of muscle te eae of Hw eokd an Obbouhension adiussed that ye cosoytng Intintion to yor his prdvete 0 GRAVE AND SUDDEN PRoVOCATION When the Alulesed wnt go dhe (Gs) pneu AGAVAARAVADVOADOD2 bhhbbiiie ee eoggs Reenter betrenttteeern PEPE PEELE heed dada der de ee Cee Ce eee e (7 —ON W31980ud) ASV) WNIWIYO veer eeeetee ttt titty Ri RESPECTFULLY SUBMITS AS UN Ae PLZ Appear did to He a sum of CompLoinant ) ededde eods Ord aid Laon Hear the ee dinosds He Ay A Leu Be. ee post drawn om oro «Bonk = Sector. 15 Rolin dwn farioux of 0 ) in fon 0.23 ard 30 of R-SS~- AY-Ht5 Toysta Trnmne Vehile Rag. no. H moll no. 208 an Cbbotoorl Sewriby vith he tamphoinort F vat The Chegua ho. 4945336 dotid 2017 amountiy to Rs, 2enorm/- d Fuso Low ony | Were deposited od pies acon by the. Lorrplobrart les D poymert . Hrrwever the hogues Were sotusthed Unpoie ™M 0912 -201t OM Adee aah, Js pficant fords and to Ane cormbhodrant olorg sittin Meno prom the Bonk. The Acuned Was Ainley Jnfoured. by dhs Complainant Jbphorically ax well th as Sharugh the sugistored post Aiktex 0. 3436 dated {012.1% (53) (4) The Accused abolnzized to 2m the — disborwr the Chegure Ond lssued dnothen - (Rupees tiso has hegre fo» Ks. 2,00, ood y) for dischosge ki ability no. $4321) dated 27-0!.2018 draun m bwxyab Notimal Bark Sedex 15> Dobe blirradhy dhe a@mploinart again deposited Are Crague pew erlishmat but ape the nu egue bowed with Ahe semark lunds on 29.01.2018 Hrrogh ip vas Bank Sot eae Delhe Notice Was Lerwed Harr. gh ougistoned. Post no, 2825 {o.02:2048 . The Complainant filed (59) j Negotlabte Ws ofa aid Hor'b& (Ato Mebapobton Rohini — Corrsuk Corv|phairort abso yudlefouttlid dh mot Jorne. Pardes on 0\.02:208 J abtin Anis Whersuen the tornplol ) rork mode A Jebiphons calf to Fhe Aha du. Omunt Dre ord. thovolinod the OMmUrE on to hu (3) Tot tu fits a Ase res Ri aba olrdely han t the adrrdl dy, Minthintow th Hora lh } (60) PESLVLERLLTTII CC eer Agnes Wert Above mentioned Pet the Soll Aegus howd mn pres wtatieon ard sutured om Qeuorrt of (awn Ga Live Be wrrLd. 4) That = the amb Loivant was Constroined. to Soo al tog ab notice lated Ol-o2- 2018 by Pagstonedh pest and Oso Fromugh URC do te Qetusedl Pon the dishonoux if egos. Ord fe te payment of the Babee amount 0) } Rep tio Lacs. The Aecuneed Priled or to Moke the Poyment sare tlh date. Abe __Aichsed. __ Corrvnitttod. tha (64) vd) Act ,1931) Inder With he he Aicble to be eee ee eee eed e E cr = £ . ee aod oes eetion Quntted CembRainark rededd Hon'ble Cot | is i. iy offs 2 been Comridthd by the 2 pi d Oho as Amh the > — gat iten a he Complaint whith 4s 2 ) = Wolicl period. P- ” a has ben tomrvtted clidtion yt epee a ices Rotini Dekhi PRAYER Tt is Merefore most vumpatpully b at thin Hor'b. Grotmy) be beeared to hold Are peusent Neressoruz, ne in The mottixr Ond Ake aceised be Summed Under Sevtton 138 of te Negotiobee Lpadhavrute ALE) aot ames aavsed be punished and oliudec, Jo pay giv, IRS 2,00, 000 |- (Rupees bio Mae only] adergesith the perdbite jnterust HLL he fireBlsotten f (oes Tt js ab. most aespectpully prayed that the peralty, be Imposed on Abe (s) Be. Hon’ be Crist fox cies aLzeused. mental ond phystial harrase”” Pu plein ies: | Ouuanced ag b of Are lomplotront Ir Ae Trtowst brour DELAL GAvRS DENT ComPL ALNANT DATED - 2o-03- 2018 THROUGH ADVOCATE ANNEXURE OF DOCUMENTS (1) Ordigirah Ohegue ro $ $432.11 po Rs. 2,00, <00)- dotd 29-o1- 2018 f tgal police datid lo~or-2018 7 Original Registered Ale Sp laid loor-an UPC SAb dated |e-02- 2018 LEW TECHNIQUES & PREPARATEON pred ae the fey Onoling vtdth the 7 4. Aduocote most tuot the Lent aoa Detter shunts the dhe | Btleni ncaa De / wt dealing Wh the ie s plays an Ampordtort x0 Ah a Rasayer Onol AhpmSd be ped due on Oggrrtented, pews Oduccoe, be ts fea | who Comes to practice, fox Preatinnt , the aduecote Ashenld potiunee ere Une orca to nics. 4 oge him to__ eal (s) within Zi, i Ran ony Ond. Honest soft, dotrt And pw dre Niet, = oke poputan amorgek Fhe. te Laryer Aokes Agnoronte And t 4 ‘ L Cbiyse . Sa d d wilt net Te will aw wengs. t Aho om ory, Nha. Bosh — Loosing the ptr f Ae Chat. will Pruve ia do es a. lawyer Th dec. ings kits the Ub egens po yl heorvent (66) Advocate must flunrish Covert Picourt of moda Moy, — Te oruat fee tous dnd Commert account | all Ake Pappy Prat he sectlves om behalf yf Kis Clint A Lonsyen must be pecompt In $ Connespordane to his Clinnte Their ses herest- And. poe “ ° of Le onses ff een of a een Oduize the ont actonching by co Aduocate — muat gue Colcol hb Oint ene eee e te et tok he pepe get Suis ON i, pe nia | (6) | fully aunse Ahot Hho int roe thane. to Win. The adverse y apinte ghuen by him re disp bane tre Rint but his appraiaal of the dronus ff Sues, will enrove his seputetim 0s a Lauiyer dn Ae Aang uth, 5. Pduccote must Girne Biber’ Hencd b Cet -— ALL the pe a 5 ae by the CUES ela) lhe mseucl doum = and. Ahernofter te neloent uy bids | pola) heerlen prom the Srvelewrt Bde ono those 7 RALALLLELLLLS € ES ita Qs, do hemes of We docur eel, eae ausyer Bla n2od, vont Himself ond. pe oN) ory, Obiton © on Whee of his Cun examination theredf 6 Redes of Bax lunch of Tria must Mee) = ah, fils makes it Geos tat Oh oduccot an ee b attept a, brief in Pian O teibunate on before Ory then Authority 3 «AL i ee dn a befere which he and de Wee a Jo, Caso lorlusicn —- Tr & Ueax from abl te ak Ae SAO ee Avie vote tirng the Coie de an () 2. PRE TRIAL TECHNIQUES _OF Ac poses Pou trick Breprsuttion, tn Cuik-motters- Bupasolim Ord —_pevesentertion 7 Be (axe 4s ON Ost whith 4s odtolred by an Odnocote by pboacttre They Important on jn Success The Poblrnting prepostottions wet be made by On dduect. % Mortons befere the starting of th tial a Case- 1. Aduecata must heax the Case f (Link patently, TG aac eae tae musk give potiont Peer ire: tb The d | Cite Oe aoe Oren all aes po him And honopter dieclosed by preoub. vere Anal find po toy Ahold be noted dloum . The events : (4c) CTitettcueuan =e Ss cttcanrce rat kk 4 + c mots p E } f othected pater A. ne. OL Jo COLL 2. Aduotote must Rebesork I pie pA DL LILA’ of OWL case Law of Ae OLerg Wa be ord be riticl dour las 4 2 Lh otor Oy ctudied. Lars Bhohd. TA musk be aus Opppbiroble Kha naot~ dovm Fhe on. kaa a i COLL, De stolitagp yWth Aho Aro re v Be cosily be the Gueot ob aie of the cape 4 ad Keep _— Z 2 TORO ROROARARERELRERLEREEE ETE ECC Ce CCC US tuhiuh — subpart hirn beck hu eet study, dhe. oudhorittics tht his dolus rary ite Ey ty ate 3. Advocate Must cobbut (lias plidime — Aftin tre dletermbrottion of nbeont pretze ard Yuidiuicl dotisions » d 0 rclomrt @ ie Bhevdd be. Mieted Tn collec Hing Ahe aticlenee Short Abszays be Kept Sn trliinal, J Wer ae shold be collected only, te Support [pic mecca bt also to pane tet He Aone duced by De del sera 4, Poduocote must be Sor to precluce! dnol on da umartosiy, Ai 7 The declare mai be onak om (2) 5.54 of te Euicente na J trot al “fad, exespt te a Wop be prered eee P Onl The gervcot awh is heansony Cliola eel uianis aie MenO ele Kore Ane Coritein exceptions be Ae sucte, og, Ss. 18 t024,32. 33:34 £35 of the Erlicolon Art. S60 4 Ane Eutolue Act enade Ahe prvek Pule that ie cider 4g No oa anointe. Hnuewer, Ahern ane Covitatn Ho, aan prvi sule and of The Velie Aa to ee creep, ma Ose 18 to 24 ? 3, 34. Onc. SS mes eu ee tune be reod carefully And hin Should Lege Kept (73) 1n_ménd| vakile peu poring the case s. Adwecate must ee himself 40 5 ae g produce Bx fron, & Lee dhe Eiders Ack provices tat Piro Solemis means the dotument itnelf bruduced foc Ake Anspection of Are low Exploration 1 ees pewvicles Ahok a decumort te rented 2, earth fast ts prirony, he Actumat l W. Where, Anzu) ey ese nc mn Counterfort , earh Corntorpost bey L by one 0% Boyne ¥ tho i ) pox tiene ml, each Curtir prov bie gq precy aide Oe Against the i cretubing sue 6 Advocate must be aod ae a (+4) | Secorclooy, Euiderse whe prtrrang wide Pe tea eeelec) «nC ComC emi ‘ 5 Jo : ee Exidene Act dofires Secordlony eid . According to $63 Seterclany evidence Me Ond. dnthudes — fa) Contified copies given Undone the pamiaions — henelnaftis, cortzined 5 (b) Coffs Wade. fem The Wee by methranical ee. whith in Hhemsclies — eraittre the Ba ff Ae Uy, Copy > Ord Copies Cerrferre ais Suh Cobios : ©) Chis made from Ot Combasred. with Ae Original; doote, dotumet, os is lho did not ene Lute () FTEs f grzen eam power himse of Ey Joe to 5.64 dowurunts must be by petmocy eidurue except Cases hereinafter maentionecl Comtusien — TE fe 40 be Concluded. whatever te expected pom on Odiocate in Ako expecta fem a Moot . He should pperebane Ae fe Coxe Seorotely , Cortaining, Bal Nome of The CEU e de aN of parties ! , roves off Oduocotes , pe of te Cee Stocuchong AFous ob )pbicabs 2. ele 4 seluonrt Cases relent ALiderce 3 Oats of prexertotion of Cane, ete (76) JA 3, PRE TRIAL TECHNTavES OF A _CRIMIN _ CASE ore Toit se lseta COLL ee Oe 24) munud f 1928 2 Anniestia pitit tet Natt Wr MA oe 7s inguty- and otal proceedings, te regaleted by tre Cod of Criminal d F } Thereflore, the Mmontons shold nm Knousbedge. a He f te CirireL Procediod sy to the Constitution ph bee f the Be Paes LOL Heh ow Cordition pequistte fon ; ° 290620 Inial befone P i | Session, trial of | Aken Arial of Summons Suna —Airicads. __Chuliclada do (#7) and Iniale, Oppeaks» aeflronee And Pouision , etc Gy, atten CIO CRS drguii ies 1. Name Eint , the nome of dre Cork Fo which tt fe to he mck de repulal murdiomsl, eg, Corumt f Dulicial Magistrate of Eisst (lass, aaa! Gut of chief Tuduiod Mogistrcte 7 Pan ace of Metropolitan Maye Mumbo Before stoking The rome a The Cousk it Ahndd be Token itn Otourt as dp whebded the Gust hos je and dedtide the Cone. $.26 of the Cocle of Criminal Bceduse bocoutdes Art Sule dy the ote / Date of Abie Con = 0 (oe) ALALRALALRALERRERERE ER OE Ue OT a) Pry ben Undien tre Ircion Bnok Coole may be dood. by a Te aot (aa) aipen eae H Session, ax Cit) Any otter Coit 7 or As Shovun me epee Tt | Si) lp be Poteet portiuder bose of pling dhe comptatnd: be mod dn Onp fom in bi a HA f expresses the — Comvriinaiion of cpferce fan | Wd | Bue Magistrate (on koke action Hourerere , Contain | fealises of Comblont OAre notable CombLoint must be Made + a The Oiaty nguehes at pe ” The Efnact Safar te Repporit (#9) officer ard lite mag purpose of Complaint 4s ocubl, i he Magistrets os toke Atlen Under Ge ff Cimirnck Crocedure Ae Mogistal , con Rake Cgpizore ofere Ubon Heltuling a rink Lit, but Ais again mw f pe be Boe wishes lie | phere xes aie Banal es 0 strate wnnet take athen om a Comr)Loirt Pay be Made orally th ubethting buck St muna Conta Hak — Aeme person > y ¢ Whethes Krewn 0% Unknown, hag Committed, an Offence Alor the Nome ff Ae. Count , rwwnben (80) mmortioned. Aleo abe of tr. Boilies — Ie Comphoirtt d f Ane cortoin the. nome Of Einst the rome of the Comploirast v u or ue > » a - a Y shot be motioned and Areneoptin the rome of the Acesed Shorkd L toted. ie romes Ahes Bhovha be stoted on cual shoe be

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