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Conjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Implications for Research and

Author(s): Paul E. Green and V. Srinivasan
Source: Journal of Marketing , Oct., 1990, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Oct., 1990), pp. 3-19
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of American Marketing Association

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Paul E. Green & V. Srinivasan

Conjoint Analysis in Marketing:

New Developments With
Implications for Research
and Practice
The authors update and extend their 1978 review of conjoint analysis. In addition to discussing se
new developments, they consider alternative approaches for measuring preference structures in the
ence of a large number of attributes. They also discuss other topics such as reliability, validity, and

S INCE the early 1970s, conjoint analysis has re- velopments that have been achieved since the 1978
ceived considerable academic and industry atten-review. Topics include:
tion as a major set of techniques for measuring buy-
* choosing conjoint models to minimize prediction error,
ers' tradeoffs among multiattributed products and
* collecting conjoint data via the telephone-mail-tele-
services (Green and Rao 1971; Johnson 1974; Srini- phone method,
vasan and Shocker 1973b). We presented a state-of- * experimental designs that incorporate environmental
the-art review of conjoint analysis in 1978 (Green and correlations across the attributes,
Srinivasan 1978). Since that time many new devel- * methods for improving part-worth estimation accuracy,
opments in conjoint analysis and related methods have * new techniques for coping with large numbers of attri-
been reported. The purpose of this article is to review butes and levels within attribute,
those developments (with comments on their ration- * issues in measuring conjoint reliability,
ale, advantages, and limitations) and propose poten- * recent findings in conjoint validation,
tially useful avenues for new research. We assume the * coping with the problem of "unacceptable" attribute
reader is familiar with our previous review as back-
ground for a detailed study of this article.1 * extending conjoint to multivariate preference responses,
In subsequent sections we describe a variety of de- * trends in conjoint simulators, and
* new kinds of industry applications of conjoint analysis.

Industry Acceptance of Conjoint Techniques

'Readers who are new to conjoint analysis may first want to readConjoint analysis continues to be popular. Wittink and
the article by Green and Wind (1975). Cattin (1989) estimate that about 400 commercial ap-
plications per year were carried out during the early
Paul E. Green is the Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing, Whar-1980s. Some of the highlights of their study are:
ton School, University of Pennsylvania. V. Srinivasan is the Ernest C.
Arbuckle Professor of Marketing and Management Science, Graduate * The large majority of conjoint studies pertain to con-
School of Business, Stanford University. The authors thank four anon- sumer goods (59%) and industrial goods (18%), with
ymous JM reviewers and the Editor for their comments on a previous financial (9%) and other services (9%) accounting for
version of the article. most of the rest.

* New product/concept evaluation, repositioning, com-

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petitive analysis, pricing, and market segmentation are erence functions at the aggregate or the segment level
the principal types of applications.2 (e.g., Louviere 1988; Louviere and Woodworth 1983).
* Personal interviewing is the most popular data-gather- We also exclude methods that are primarily used with
ing procedure, though computer-interactive methods are
perceptual survey data (e.g., Gensch 1987). Our re-
gaining favor.
view is not intended to be exhaustive; we include only
* The full-profile method, using rating scales or rank or-
ders with part-worths estimated by least squares regres-
what we believe to be some of the primary develop-
sion, is the most common type of application. ments in the area. (For a more extensive bibliography,
see Green and Srinivasan 1990). The burgeoning lit-
Part of the reason for conjoint's growing usage in erature on the related topic of optimal product and
the 1980s has been the introduction of microcomputer product line design has been reviewed elsewhere (Green
packages for performing commercial conjoint stud- and Krieger 1989) and hence is not discussed here.
ies.3 The availability of these packages makes con- We begin the review by examining the new de-
joint analysis easier and less expensive to apply, lead- velopments, using our 1978 framework describing the
ing us to expect its increased use (and misuse) in years different steps involved in conjoint analysis. We then
to come.
consider alternative approaches that have been pro-
Scope of the Review posed to solve the practical problem of including a
large number of product attributes. Finally, we dis-
As defined in our 1978 review, conjoint analysis is cuss additional topics such as reliability, validity, and
any decompositional method that estimates the struc- choice simulators.
ture of a consumer's preferences (i.e., estimates pref-
erence parameters such as part-worths, importance
weights, ideal points), given his or her overall eval- Issues in Implementing Conjoint
uations of a set of alternatives that are prespecified in Analysis-An Update
terms of levels of different attributes. Price typically Table 1 is our framework of the different steps in-
is included as an attribute; see Srinivasan (1982) for
volved in conjoint analysis and the alternatives avail-
a justification. Because of the substantial amount of able for each step. Let us examine how the new de-
among-person variation in consumer preferences, velopments relate to each of the steps.
conjoint analysis usually is carried out at the individ-
ual level. Significant improvements in predictive va- Preference Models
lidity are obtained by estimating preference models at
In our 1978 review we considered three main pref-
the individual level rather than at the aggregate or seg-
erence models of increasing generality in terms of the
ment level (see Wittink and Montgomery 1979, Table
shape of the function relating attribute values to pref-
1, and Moore 1980, Table 2).
erence: vector model (linear), ideal point model (lin-
Consequently, in this review we deemphasize ear plus quadratic), and part-worth function model
methods that are primarily useful in estimating pref- (piecewise linear). The mixed model allows some at-
tributes to be treated as following the part-worth func-
2Conjoint analysis is being used increasingly to develop marketing tion model while other attributes follow vector or ideal
strategy. For instance, over the past several years the management point models. The vector model estimates the fewest
consulting firm McKinsey and Company has sponsored more than 200
applications of conjoint analysis, the results of which are used in mar-
parameters by assuming the (potentially restrictive)
keting and competitive strategy planning for its clients (Allison 1989). linear functional form, whereas the part-worth model
3Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA), developed by Richard M. estimates the largest number of parameters because it
Johnson of Sawtooth Software, incorporates data collection in a com-
permits the most general functional form. The ideal
puter-interactive mode, estimation of part-worths, and choice simu-
lation. Sawtooth Software's Conjoint Value Analysis is designed ex- point model is between these two extremes.
pressly for pricing studies. A second set of microcomputer packages In contexts where data are collected by the full-
has been developed by Steven Herman of Bretton-Clark Software.
profile method under a fractional factorial design, and
Conjoint Designer prepares full-profile stimuli (cards) using fractional
factorial designs (Green 1974). Conjoint Analyzer and Conjoint multiple regression is used as the estimation proce-
LINMAP estimate part-worth functions by metric and nonmetric dure, we suggested previously that the choice among
methods, respectively, and perform choice simulation. SIMGRAF is
the preference models could be based on a statistical
a sophisticated choice simulator. Bridger estimates part-worth func-
tions when the respondent performs multiple card sorts with each card models comparison test. Given that the purpose of
sort using a different (but overlapping) set of attributes. SPSS's Cat- conjoint analysis is to predict customer reactions to
egories program module consists of a full-profile conjoint data col-
new products and services, a more relevant criterion
lection and analysis system.
Reviews of some of the software have been prepared by Carmone is to choose the model that is likely to have the great-
(1986, 1987), Green (1987), Kamakura (1987), and Albaum (1989). est predictive validity (Cattin and Punj 1984; Hagerty
For researchers who are interested in individual conjoint analysis com-
puter programs, such as MONANOVA, PREFMAP, and Trade-off,
1985). For each respondent, the prediction error can
a third microcomputer package is available from Scott Smith of Brigham be compared across models by using the formula
Young University (Smith 1988). (Hagerty and Srinivasan 1991):

4 / Journal of Marketing, October 1990

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Steps Involved in Conjoint Analysis'
Step Alternative Methods
1. Preference model Vector model, ide
2. Data collection method Full profile, two-attribute-at-a-time (tradeoff tables)
3. Stimulus set construction Fractional factorial design, random sampling from a multivariate distribution,
Pareto-optimal designs
4. Stimulus presentation Verbal description (multiple-cue stimulus card), paragraph description, pictorial
or three-dimensional model representation, physical products
5. Measurement scale for the Rating scale, rank order, paired comparisons, constant-sum paired
dependent variable comparisons, graded paired comparisons, category assignment
6. Estimation method Metric methods (multiple regression); nonmetric methods (LINMAP,
MONANOVA, PREFMAP, Johnson's nonmetric algorithm); choice-probability-
based methods (logit, probit).
'Adapted from Green and Srinivasan (1978).

evaluated for each of the models under consideration.

EMSEPm = (R - R) + (1 - R)(1 + ) (1) The model with the smallest EMSEP is likely to have
the smallest prediction error (greatest predictive va-
where: lidity).

EMSEPm = an estimate of the expected mean Wittink and Cattin (1989) report that the typical
squared error of prediction of model commercial conjoint study has too few degrees of
freedom. The average commercial study has used 16
m (e.g., the vector, ideal point, part-
stimuli evaluated on eight attributes at three levels each.
worth, or mixed model), expressed
as a fraction of the variance of the Taken literally, such a design leads to no degrees of
dependent variable, freedom for the commonly used part-worth function
R2 = adjusted R2 for the most general (least
model (Green and Srinivasan 1978, p. 106)! The use
of the vector and ideal point models, when applicable,
restrictive) model; for example, in the
context of comparing the vector, ideal
would be of help in increasing the degrees of free-
point, part-worth, and mixed models, dom. The availability of the vector, ideal point, and
the most general model is the part- mixed model options in the Bretton-Clark computer
worth function model, programs, Conjoint Analyzer and Conjoint LINMAP,
Rm = adjusted R2 for model m under con- is a welcome development. However, these computer
sideration, programs currently allow only for a common model
k = number of estimated parameters in to be estimated across all respondents in the sample.
model m, and Consequently, in the case of a common preference
n = number of stimuli (profiles) used in model, equation 1 can be applied with the R2 repre-
the estimation. senting the average value of adjusted R2 for the re-
spondents in the sample.
We note that R2, is likely to be the smallest (and It has been typical in conjoint studies to estimate
hence the first term in equation 1 is likely to be the only the main effects and assume away interaction ef-
largest) for the vector model because it uses the most fects. In certain cases, interaction effects, particularly
restrictive (linear) functional form. However, the two-way interaction effects, may be important. Ap-
number of estimated parameters k, and hence the sec- plication areas include sensory phenomena (e.g., foods,
ond term, is largest for the part-worth model so that beverages, personal care products) and styling and
a priori it is not obvious which model would have the aesthetic features. Carmone and Green (1981) have
smallest prediction error. Intuitively, the first term illustrated how "compromise" designs can be used to
captures the loss resulting from a restrictive functional measure selected two-way interaction effects. The is-
form while the second term incorporates the loss in sue is again whether the predictive validity of the model
predictive power resulting from estimating too many with interactions would be better because of its in-
parameters. The two terms correspond to the squared creased realism or worse because of the estimation of
bias and variance, respectively, so that their sum pro- several additional parameters (Hagerty 1986).
vides the mean squared error of prediction (see Mal- Equation 1 can be used to indicate whether the
lows 1973). For each respondent, equation 1 can be model is likely to have higher predictive validity with

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or without interactions. In this context, the more gen- The advantages of the TMT interview are four-
eral model g in equation 1 corresponds to the model fold: (1) sampled populations can be pinpointed and
with interactions. Empirical evidence (Green 1984, probability sampling methods employed, thereby re-
Table 1) indicates that the model with interaction terms ducing selection bias, (2) difficult sorting and rating
often leads to lower predictive validity-that is, the tasks can be handled with visual materials and tele-
increased model realism obtained by incorporating in- phone backup, (3) once respondents are recruited, the
teractions is small in comparison with the deteriora- interview completion rate is very high (typically about
tion in predictive accuracy caused by including ad- 80%), and (4) all questionnaires contain complete re-
ditional parameters. sponses (i.e., there is no missing-data problem). A
Further empirical research is needed to determine variation on the TMT theme is use of the locked box
the extent to which equation 1 minimizes prediction (Schwartz 1978), a metal box containing all interview
error. (Because the adjusted R2 statistic is measured materials, which serves as a respondent premium; the
with error, there is no guarantee that the model chosen combination lock is "revealed" at interview time. Some
by using equation 1 will, in fact, minimize prediction users of the locked box device forgo the screening in-
error.) Equation 1 also could be compared with the terview and include a cover letter indicating the pur-
well-known F-test for model comparison applied, say, pose of the survey and a time when the telephone in-
at the 5% level.4 terview call is scheduled.

Data Collection Methods Stimulus Set Construction for the

Full-Profile Method
In 1978 we described several advantages and limita-
tions of the full-profile method in comparison with the
Fractional factorial designs and other kinds of orthog-
tradeoff procedure (two-factor-at-a-time method).
onalAnplans that either exclude or markedly limit the
additional advantage of the full-profile methodmeasurement
is its of interaction effects currently dominate
ability to measure overall preference judgments di-industry scene. This trend has been helped im-
rectly using behaviorally oriented constructs such as
measurably by the diffusion of various kinds of atlases
intentions to buy, likelihood of trial, chances ofAddelman 1962; Hahn and Shapiro 1966) and
switching to a new brand, and so on. Such measures microcomputer packages (e.g., Bretton-Clark's Con-
are particularly useful in the context of introducing
joint Designer) for preparing orthogonal main effects
new products/services. The elicitation of such con-
structs from respondents requires that each optionSteckel,be DeSarbo, and Mahajan (1990) review the
described on all of the attributes, that is, the full-pro-
literature on various ways of incorporating environ-
file approach. Wittink and Cattin (1989) reportmentalthat interattribute correlations in the construction
the use of the tradeoff method has decreased consid-
of stimulus sets so as to increase the realism of the
erably in recent years. task. They provide a method for maximizing "or-
A relatively new method for conjoint data collec-
thogonalness" subject to meeting various user-sup-
tion is the telephone-mail-telephone (TMT) proce- plied constraints on the attribute levels that are al-
dure; see Levy, Webster, and Kerin (1983) for one lowedof to appear together in full-profile descriptions.
the earlier applications of this approach. Respondents In industry studies, if two or more attributes are
are recruited by telephone screening (either through
highly correlated environmentally, our 1978 sugges-
random digit dialing or pre-established lists). The main
tion of making up "superattributes" appears to be pop-
interview materials, including questionnaires, stimu-
ular. If this device is not feasible, it is not unusual to
lus cards, incentive gifts, and other items, then arefrom fully orthogonal requirements and permit
sent by mail or by overnight air express. An appoint-
some attributes to be correlated by deleting totally un-
ment is scheduled for collecting all data by telephone.
realistic profiles generated by the fractional factorial
The conjoint exercise usually is reserved for design.5
viewer-interviewee interaction at the time of the fol-
lowup call. The easier questions can be self-admin-
istered by the respondent; the answers are simply
'There are also situations in which two profiles in a fractional fac-
recorded by the interviewer during the main inter-
torial design become identical, in which case it may be appropriate
to delete the duplicated profile. The deletion of any profile from a
fractional factorial design makes the attributes become somewhat cor-
related. However, the presence of interattribute correlations per se
does not violate any assumptions of conjoint analysis. This is anal-
4Hagerty and Srinivasan (1991) show that comparing two models ogous to multiple regression models in which there is no assumption
using equation 1 is equivalent to using a critical value of F equal to per se that the predictors are perfectly orthogonal. Correlation among
2 - (k/n); that is, if the F-test produces a value of F > 2 - (k/n), attributes, however, increases the error in estimating preference pa-
then the more general model is recommended. (Here k denotes the rameters (Johnston 1984, p. 247), so interattribute correlations should
number of parameters for the more restrictive of the two models.) be kept to a minimum (but they need not be zero).

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We argued in 1978 that the additive compensatory Using both rankings and ratings data, Wittink and
model assumed in conjoint analysis is likely to predict his coworkers have shown that the relative importance
well even if the decision process is more complex and of an attribute increases as the number of levels on
noncompensatory (also, see Huber 1987). Johnson, which it is defined increases, even though the mini-
Meyer, and Ghose (1989) suggest that conjoint pre- mum and maximum values for the attribute are held
dictive validity in the noncompensatory environment fixed (Wittink, Krishnamurthi, and Nutter 1982;
(e.g., conjunctive and disjunctive models) may be poor Wittink, Krishnamurthi, and Reibstein 1990). For in-
if there are negative correlations among the attributes stance, the relative importance of price went up by
in a choice set. Negative interattribute correlations are seven percentage points when two more intermediate
likely to arise because products that are totally dom- levels were added to the three levels used for price.
inated by other products are unlikely to exist in a mar- This finding is a potentially serious problem for
ket, so that if product A is better than product B on conjoint analysis. The fact that the problem occurs even
one attribute, it is likely to be worse on some other with ratings data, analyzed by multiple regression, in-
attribute. dicates that it is not merely an estimation artifact. The
Fortunately, the average interattribute correlation estimated regression coefficients (part-worths) are
cannot be more negative than -1/(t - 1), where t supposed to be unbiased under very reasonable as-
denotes the number of attributes (Gleser 1972). Thus, sumptions (Johnston 1984, p. 172), no matter what
in a realistic six-attribute problem (t = 6), the average the design matrix is.
intercorrelation among attributes cannot be more neg- One possible psychological explanation of the
ative than -.2, which is not too different from the phenomenon is that the addition of intermediate levels
orthogonal case of zero correlation. (Moreover, given to an attribute makes the respondent pay more atten-
Johnson, Meyer, and Ghose's admonitions about the tion to that attribute, thereby increasing its apparent
ability of compensatory models to mimic noncom- importance in determining overall preferences. More
pensatory processes, those authors also found that a research is needed to isolate the cause(s) of the ob-
compensatory model with selected interaction terms served phenomenon and develop methods for mini-
approximated noncompensatory processes even in mizing/correcting the problem.
negatively correlated environments.)
Stimulus Presentation
Krieger and Green (1988) and Wiley (1977) sug-
gest methods for constructing stimulus sets for con- Though some industry studies still employ paragraph
joint analysis that are Pareto optimal (i.e., no option descriptions, profile cards (with terse attribute-level
dominates any other option on all attributes). In par- descriptions) are by far the more popular stimulus pre-
ticular, Krieger and Green suggest some heuristic pro- sentation method. Increasing use of pictorial materials
cedures involving systematic permutations of attri- has been found. These kinds of props make the task
bute-level indexes to transform "standard" (atlas- more interesting to the respondent, provide easier and
obtained) orthogonal designs into ones that are nearly potentially less ambiguous ways of conveying infor-
(if not exactly) Pareto optimal. mation, and hence allow a greater number of attri-
Huber and Hansen (1986) and Green, Helsen, and butes to be included in the full-profile method. Pic-
Shandler (1988) report empirical results on the ques- torial (or three-dimensional) materials are virtually
tion of whether Pareto-optimally designed choice sets indispensable in conjoint studies associated with ap-
provide greater predictive validity than standard or- pearance and aesthetics, such as package design and
thogonal designs in predicting a holdout set of real- product styling. Moreover, conjoint methodology is
istic (Pareto-optimal) full profiles. The results are increasingly being applied with physical products as
mixed. Whereas Huber and Hansen's study, utilizing stimuli (e.g., foods/beverages, fragrances, personal
paired comparison preference judgments, suggests that
Pareto-optimal choice sets predict better, Green,
(which is the same as the multiple regression model.) If we denote
Helsen, and Shandler's study, utilizing full profiles, the estimation stimuli correlation matrix to be R and the correspond-
indicates the opposite. More recent studies by Moore ing correlation matrix for the validation profiles to be Q, then by
and Holbrook (1990) and Elrod, Louviere, and Davey following a method of proof similar to that of Hagerty and Srinivasan
(1991) we can show that the expected mean squared error of predic-
(1989) support and extend the findings of Green, tion is given by a2 [1 + (1/n) tr(R-' Q] where r2 is the variance of
Helsen, and Shandler's study. So far, the weight of the error term, n is the number of profiles used in estimation, and tr
denotes the trace of a matrix.
the evidence suggests that orthogonal designs are very
The case of the orthogonal design matrix corresponds to R = I.
robust even when prediction is made on Pareto-opti- When the estimation stimuli are similar to the validation stimuli,
mal choice sets.6
R = Q. In either case tr(R-'Q) = k, the number of estimated param-
eters. Thus, similar prediction errors should result in the two cases.
The preceding analysis ignores the potential negative effects of un-
6This empirical result is consistent with what would be expected realism of the stimulus profiles on respondent interest in the conjoint
from econometric theory. Consider the vector model of preference task.

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care products, etc.) to aid in product design. Thus of Q-type factor analysis) can reduce the variance of
conjoint methods are being adapted to provide a type individual respondents' estimated part-worths withou
of discrete-level analog to response surface modeling unduly increasing the bias of the estimates. He shows
(Moskowitz, Stanley, and Chandler 1977). by simulation and empirical data analysis, that his fac
In cases involving radically new product ideas (e.g., tor analytic approach can indeed improve predictive
new kinds of washing machines, mobile telephone accuracy at the individual-respondent level.
systems, electric cars), it is not unusual for the con- Kamakura uses the same general approach by
joint exercise to be preceded by film clips describing pooling respondents who are similar in terms of thei
the basic concept. In automobile styling clinics, re- conjoint full-profile responses, but employs an ag
spondents are exposed to full-scale prototypes (con- glomerative clustering algorithm. The number of clus
structed in fiberglass or painted clay) prior to engag- ters is chosen so as to maximize predictive accuracy.
ing in the tradeoff task. The increasing use of pictorial He illustrates, with simulation and empirical data, the
materials (and actual prototypes) should expand the value of his method in improving predictive accuracy
scope of conjoint analysis and enhance its realism in A somewhat related approach in the context of th
representing marketplace conditions. logit estimation has been proposed by Ogawa (1987).
Green and Helsen (1989) compared conventional
Measurement Scale for the Dependent
Variable individual-level-based conjoint analysis with the
methods proposed by Hagerty and Kamakura. Neithe
In addition to rating and ranking scales, which con- Hagerty's nor Kamakura's suggestions led to highe
tinue to be popular, paired comparisons are common predictive validates (in a holdout sample) than tradi-
in computer-assisted methods of data collection such tional conjoint analysis. Green and Helsen's result run
as Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (Johnson 1987). Tocounter to the empirical results reported by Hagerty
maximize the information content in a paired com- and Kamakura. More empirical research is needed to
parison, graded paired comparison judgments are ob-determine whether the segmentation-based methods
tained to provide the degree of preference of subpro-do improve predictive validity.
file A versus B on a rating scale. Overall, it appears that conventional, individual-
Estimation Methods level-based conjoint analysis may be difficult to im-
prove in a major way (at least when the number o
Because conjoint analysis utilizes regressionlike esti-
stimulus evaluations is large in relation to the numbe
mation procedures, it is subject to the same problemsof parameters being estimated). This was also th
that beset any regression model, particularly thefinding
in- in the Bayesian hybrid model proposed by
stability of estimated parameters in the face of various
Cattin, Gelfand, and Danes (1983).
sources of error variance. The problem is exacerbated Hagerty (1986) has argued that the emphasis on
by increasing industry demands for studies with a large
maximizing predictive power at the individual level
number of product attributes and, hence, reducedmay de- be misplaced. He correctly points out that on
grees of freedom in estimation.
should be more concerned with the accuracy of pre-
Srinivasan, Jain, and Malhotra (1983) propose a
dicting market shares in the choice simulator. He pro
constrained parameter estimation approach to improv- vides a formula for choosing among models so as to
ing predictive validity. They argue that frequently there
maximize the accuracy of predicting market shares.
are a priori monotonicity constraints that part-worthHagerty's formula unfortunately is based on the as-
functions should satisfy (e.g., in choosing a banksumption
for of a limited amount of heterogeneity across
opening a checking account, one would prefer higher consumers in the market. Research is underway to de
service and quality levels, lower cost levels, and bet-
termine whether his formula leads to correct conclu-
ter accessibility, other things remaining equal). They
sions in the more realistic scenario of greater heter-
show that the imposition of such constraints in ogeneity
the across consumers.
LINMAP estimation procedure (Srinivasan and Shocker
1973a) significantly improves the percentage of first
choices correctly predicted. Appropriate constraints Approaches for Handling a Large
also could be imposed by first obtaining from each Number of Attributes
respondent his or her rank order of preferences forThe
thefull-profile method of conjoint analysis works very
levels of each factor, holding other factors constant.
well when there are only a few (say, six or fewer)
More recently, Hagerty (1985) and Kamakuraattributes. As indicated by Green (1984), industrial
(1988) have proposed innovative approaches tousers
im- of conjoint analysis have strained the method-
proving the accuracy of full-profile conjoint analysis.
ology by requiring larger numbers of attributes and
Hagerty has suggested that data pooling of similar re- within attributes, thus placing a severe infor-
spondents' conjoint full-profile responses (by the use overload on the respondents. When faced with

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such tasks, respondents resort to simplifying tactics on a 0-10 (say) desirability scale (with other attri-
and the resulting part-worth estimates may distort their butes held constant) where the most preferred level on
true preference structures (Wright 1975). the attribute may be assigned the value 10 and the
The full-profile method can be extended to a larger least preferred level assigned the value 0. The re-
number of attributes through the use of "bridging" de- spondent then is asked to allocate (say) 100 points
signs-that is, by using two or more card decks with across the attributes so as to reflect their relative im-
a more manageable number of attributes per card deck portance. Part-worths are obtained by multiplying the
but with at least one attribute common across card decks importance weights with the attribute-level desirabil-
(e.g., Bretton-Clark's Bridger program). However, to ity ratings. This is the basic idea of the self-expli-
estimate part-worths at the respondent level, a mul- cation approach, though its implementation varies
tiple card sort is needed, leading to possible respon- somewhat across authors (Green, Goldberg, and
dent fatigue and reduced reliability of the results. The Montemayor 1981; Huber 1974; Leigh, MacKay, and
use of tradeoff tables reduces the information over- Summers 1984; Srinivasan 1988; Wright and Kriewall
load on any single table. However, the increased 1980). The self-explication approach is a composi-
number of tables leads some respondents either to for- tional (or buildup) approach reminiscent of the ex-
get where they are in the table or to simplify the task pectancy-value models of attitude theory (Wilkie and
by adopting patternized responses, such as attending Pessemier 1973). By contrast, conjoint analysis is de-
to variations in one attribute before considering the compositional.
other (Johnson 1976). The primary advantage of the self-explication ap-
Three approaches have been proposed to handle proach is its simplicity and thus one's ability to use
the problem of large numbers of attributes: (1) the self- it even when the number of attributes is large. How-
explication approach, (2) hybrid conjoint analysis, and ever, it has several possible problems. If there is sub-
(3) Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA). All three ap- stantial intercorrelation between attributes, it is dif-
proaches involve some amount of self-explication, that ficult for the respondent to provide ratings for the levels
is, direct elicitation of part-worth functions from the of an attribute holding all else equal. Furthermore, in-
respondent; in this sense the methods are not solely creased biases may result from direct questioning of
decompositional as required in the strict definition of the importance of socially sensitive factors. For in-
conjoint analysis. The three approaches, along with stance, Montgomery (1986) reports that when asked
traditional conjoint analysis, may be better thought of directly, MBA students ranked salary as the sixth most
as alternative methods for preference structure mea- important factor whereas the importance weights de-
surement as shown in Figure 1. rived from conjoint analysis indicated that salary was
number one in importance.
Self-Explication Approaches A related issue is that the question "How impor-
tant is attribute X?" is highly ambiguous because the
In the self-explication approach, the respondent first respondent may answer on the basis of his or her own
evaluates the levels of each attribute, including price, range of experience over existing products rather than

Alternative Approaches to Measuring Preference Structures

Preference Structure Measurement

Compositional Decompositional Compositional/

(Self-Explicated) (Conjoint Analysis) Decompositional
Approach --See Table 1 (e.g., Hybrid, ACA)

Conjoint Analysis in Marketing / 9

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on the experimentally defined range of the attribute Despite the limitations, the self-explication ap-
levels. Srinivasan (1988) argues that, given the man- proach warrants consideration in studies with large
ner in which importance enters the self-explicated part- numbers of attributes because the information over-
worth calculations, it logically follows that impor- load problem considerably diminishes the value of full
tance should be defined as the value to the consumer profile/tradeoff studies.
of getting an improvement from the least preferred level Empirical studies comparing the self-explication
to the most preferred level of an attribute. approach and traditional conjoint analysis have pro-
A second problem is that in the self-explication duced mixed results. Green (1984, Table 2) summa-
approach one assumes the additive part-worth model rizes the results of three studies in which the self-ex-
to be the literal truth. By contrast, in the estimation plication approach produced a smaller cross-validity
of part-worths from full-profile rankings, one is only than full-profile conjoint analysis. However, Wright
fitting to an additive model. For instance, the true and Kriewall (1980) and Leigh, MacKay, and Summers
process that the consumer follows could be a multi- (1984) report higher predictive validity for the self-
plicative model. However, the estimation of an ad- explication approach than for full-profile conjoint
ditive model, using a nonmetric procedure such as analysis.
LINMAP, is also consistent with the multiplicative Srinivasan (1988) compared the predictive validity
model because the logarithmic transformation that of the self-explication approach with the results ob-
converts the multiplicative model to the additive form tained from a tradeoff analysis conducted in a pre-
is just one of many permissible monotone transfor- vious year with the same factors and the same general
mations of the dependent variable. Thus, model mis- subject population. The difference in predictive vali-
specification may not be as much of a problem when dates, though slightly in favor of the self-explication
part-worths are estimated nonmetrically as when they approach, was not statistically significant. Overall, the
are elicited directly. empirical results to date indicate that the self-expli-
A third problem with the self-explication approach cation approach is likely to yield predictive validities
is that any redundancy in the attributes can lead to roughly comparable to those of traditional conjoint
double counting. For instance, if gas mileage and analysis.
economy are two attributes, there is an obvious po- The full-profile approach to conjoint analysis is
tential for double counting because each attribute is extremely difficult to execute through a single tele-
questioned separately in the self-explication approach. phone interview, though telephone-mail-telephone
Suppose, however, that the two attributes are varied methods are feasible and growing in popularity. An
in a full-profile design after elimination of unrealistic advantage of the self-explication approach is that
combinations. When a respondent reacts to the full it can be executed in a single telephone interview.
profile, he or she could recognize the redundancy be- M/A/R/C, a national market research firm, has
tween the attributes so that overall preference ratings commercially implemented a telephone-based method
would not be affected as much by double counting. called CASEMAP. Srinivasan and Wyner (1989) point
Consequently, part-worths estimated from a decom- out that this computer-assisted, telephone-based in-
position of the overall ratings are likely to be less af- terview minimizes invalid responses, provides good
fected by the double-counting problem. quality control over interviewers, and is more likely
A fourth problem is that when the attribute is to yield a geographically dispersed sample of respon-
quantitative, the relative desirability ratings may be- dents.
come more linear. For instance, suppose the gas mile-
age of cars is varied at three levels, say, 20, 30, and Hybrid Methods
40 mpg. Given the 0-10 desirability scale with 0 for Hybrid models (Green, Goldberg, and Montemayor
20 mpg and 10 for 40 mpg, respondents may rate 5 1981) have been designed explicitly for task simpli-
for the intermediate level, making the part-worth fication in conjoint analysis. Hybrid uses self-expli-
function linear. A full-profile task has a better chance cated data to obtain a preliminary set of individualized
of detecting potential nonlinearity in the part-worth part-worths for each respondent. In addition, each re-
spondent provides full-profile evaluations for a lim-
A fifth problem occurs if the data collection is lim- ited number of stimulus profiles (e.g., three to nine).
ited solely to the self-explication approach. The re- The smaller number of profiles are drawn from a much
searcher obtains no respondent evaluation of purchase larger master design (e.g., 64-81 combinations) in such
likelihood because no full profiles are seen. This lim- a way that at the market-segment level, each stimulus
itation can be serious in new product contexts in which in the larger set has been evaluated by a subset of the
the researcher uses a simulator to obtain average pur- respondents. Market-segment-level adjustments to part-
chase likelihoods under alternative product formula- worths (and, if desired, interaction effects) are esti-
mated by relating, through multiple regression, the

10 / Journal of Marketing, October 1990

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overall preferences for the full profiles to the self-ex- file method in terms of predicting a set of holdout
plicated utilities. Each respondent's self-explicated profiles; the interview time was also longer in the ACA
utilities then can be augmented by segment-level pa- method. Green, Krieger, and Agarwal (1990) report
rameters estimated from the multiple regression. that the self-explication approach outpredicted the ACA
The cross-validity of hybrid, traditional full-pro- method in terms of cross-validated correlation and first-
file conjoint, and self-explication methods has been choice hits, besides reducing the interview time con-
examined in three studies reported by Green (1984), siderably. Overall, the empirical validation results to
three cases by Moore and Semenik (1988), and one date do not seem to favor the ACA method. The ACA
by Akaah (1987). In six of the seven cases, hybrid software package, however, has a strong intuitive ap-
was better than self-explication. However, the full- peal and is pragmatically useful as a complete data
profile method was better than hybrid in five of the collection, analysis, and market simulation system.
seven cases. On the basis of the advantages and limitations of
The hybrid approach tends to reduce the methods
the discussed
limita-before, we recommend the use
tions of the self-explication approach through
of full-profile the analysis
conjoint use if the number of at-
of full profiles and provides a built-in tributescheck on
can be kept the
down to (say) six or fewer factors.
internal validity of each respondent's If theself-explicated
number of attributes is somewhat larger, trade-
data. At the same time, the information overload off tables may be appropriate. (However, if the re-
problem is reduced by using only a few full profiles spondent is willing to do multiple card sorts, bridging
per respondent. In practical situations the full-profile designs with full profiles probably would be even bet-
method is difficult to execute with the large number ter.) When the number of attributes is (say) 10 or more,
of profiles required by larger numbers of attributes and/ the self-explication approach (including CASEMAP)
or levels within attributes. Here is where hybrid models or the combination methods (hybrid and ACA) are
seem to provide a practical alternative to the full-pro-
likely to be more appropriate.
file method. The problem of preference structure measurement
in the context of a large number of attributes has be-
Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) come very important in practical terms. So far, the
Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) from Sawtooth key ideas for tackling the problem have involved us-
Software collects preference data in a computer-in- ing (1) self-explication, (2) self-explication plus seg-
teractive mode. Johnson (1987) indicates that the re- ment-level estimates (as in hybrid modeling), and (3)
spondent's interaction with the computer increases re- decompositional estimation for only the more impor-
spondent interest and involvement with the task. The tant attributes of the respondent (as in ACA). We hope
ACA system is unique in the sense that it collects (as that researchers will develop additional methods to
well as analyzes) data by microcomputers. address this important practical problem, either by us-
ACA starts with a considerably simplified self-ex- ing the preceding ideas in other ways or by adopting
plication task through which the particular respon- different approaches.
dent's more important attributes are identified. Part-
worths for the more important attributes then are re-
fined (in a "Bayesian" updating sense) through a se-
Additional Topics in Preference
ries of graded paired comparisons. (An interesting as-
Structure Measurement
pect of ACA is that it is dynamic in that the
respondent's previous answers are used at each step
to select the next paired comparison question so as to
provide the most information.) A comprehensive review of conjoint reliability studies
In ACA, adjustments are made to self-explicated is provided by Bateson, Reibstein, and Boulding
part-worths at the respondent level (and not at the to- (1987). They consider four different types of reli-
tal-sample or segment level, as in hybrid). However, ability:
the paired comparison data collection is considerably 1. Reliability over time-conjoint measurements are taken
less efficient than rank order or rating tasks-that is, and then repeated (with the same instrument) at a sub-
in the same amount of respondent time, many more sequent point in time.
equivalent paired comparisons can be inferred from a 2. Reliability over attribute set-the stability of part-worths
for a common (core) set of attributes is examined as
ranking or rating task than from direct paired com- other attributes are varied.
parison judgments.
3. Reliability over stimulus sets-the derived part-worths
Two empirical studies have compared the ACA
are examined for their sensitivity to subsets of profile
method and full-profile conjoint analysis (Agarwal descriptions.
1988; Finkbeiner and Platz 1986). Both studies found 4. Reliability over data collection methods-part-worths
that ACA performed slightly worse than the full-pro- are examined for their sensitivity to type of data col-
lected, data-gathering procedure, or type of dependent
(i.e., response) variable.

Conjoint Analysis in Marketing /11

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The authors examine more than 30 studies over vations (profiles) is smaller (other things remaining
the 1973-1984 period. They find that the authors of equal), thereby leading to higher values of alpha.
these studies use a variety of reliability measures, such Likewise, if the error variance in the full-profile
as Pearsonian product moment correlations, rank cor-task were to increase, one should expect the estimated
relations, predictive accuracy of most preferred item, part-worths to be measured with greater error, which
prediction of the k most-preferred items, and so on.again should decrease reliability. However, the alpha
Though Bateson, Reibstein, and Boulding appropri-value would be higher in this case because of the lower
ately suggest caution in comparing findings across di-power of the F-test resulting from the higher error
verse experimental procedures, the median reliabilityvariance (Wittink et al. 1990).
correlation is about .75. Bateson, Reibstein, and Boulding point out two
Reibstein, Bateson, and Boulding (1988) report the potential problems with the conventional correlation
results from an ambitious empirical study involving acoefficient as a measure of reliability of the part-
fully crossed comparison of (1) data collection meth-worths.7 The first issue is that the correlation measure
ods-full profile, tradeoff matrices, and paired com- is affected by the variation in true part-worths across
parisons, (2) two types of attribute level manipula-the attributes. Stated differently, with the measure-
tion, (3) five different product categories-color TVs,ment error in part-worths held constant, the correla-
typewriters, yogurts, banking services, and long-dis- tion coefficient increases as the true variation in part-
tance telephone services, and (4) two types of attri- worths across attributes becomes larger. This issue is
bute context manipulation. A main finding of their studyrelated to the psychometric definition of reliability as
is that the full-profile method (as well as paired com-1 - (measurement error variance/true variance) so that
parisons procedures) leads to higher reliability than increased true variance (with error variance held con-
the tradeoff matrix. The authors indicate that previousstant) increases reliability. However, as the true vari-
studies (Jain et al. 1979; Leigh, MacKay, and Summersance of the part-worths becomes larger, any given er-
1984; Segal 1982) found no such differences in reli- ror variance is less likely to affect the relative values
ability between full-profile and tradeoff matrices. of the part-worths and the predicted choice among
Reibstein, Bateson, and Boulding's different re-products. Consequently, in the context of conjoint
sults may be due in part to the different measure ofanalysis, the fact that reliability goes up with true
reliability they employ. They use an F-test, some-variation is conceptually meaningful. A second issue
times referred to as the Chow test, to examine whether those authors raise is that the computed correlation
the two sets of part-worths corresponding to the twocoefficient itself becomes unreliable when it is based
replications are the same. They suggest using the al- on only a few part-worths. Though this assertion is
pha level (i.e., the probability of getting a value highertrue, the correlation coefficient usually is averaged over
than the one obtained for F under the null hypothesisrespondents and hence the unreliability of the average
of no difference) as a measure of reliability. (This al-correlation would be much smaller.
pha measure is not to be confused with the well-known Overall, we believe the limitations of the alpha
Cronbach alpha measure of reliability.) Thus, if the measure are conceptually more serious than those of
part-worths in the two replications are very different,the correlation coefficient. Consequently, in the ab-
the obtained F-value would be high and alpha would sence of a better measure, we recommend the contin-
be low, indicating low reliability. ued use of the correlation coefficient as a measure of
The major problem we have with their suggested reliability. (Alpha, however, is a useful statistic to
alpha measure is that the F-value tests whether the measure the stability of true part-worths.) Not sur-
true part-worths are different across replications, butprisingly, we urge users of conjoint analysis to con-
the general purpose of computing reliability is to as-tinue to evaluate the reliability of the measured part-
sess the degree of accuracy of the estimated part-worths.worths.
Stated differently, alpha measures the degree of sta-
bility in the true part-worths, not the degree of ac-Validity
curacy of the estimated part-worths. One would ex- In the concluding remarks section of our 1978 review
pect any measure of reliability to decrease as one we make a plea for the continued testing of conjoint
increases measurement error. Unfortunately, the alphavalidity (and reliability). Above all, conjoint analysis
measure tends to do the opposite. To illustrate thisis a model for predicting choice (or at least intended
point, consider the case in which the number of fullchoice). Its value is based on its cumulative record of
profiles used in the estimation is reduced. Then the
providing meaningful and timely forecasts of buyer
measurement error in the estimated part-worths would choice.
be increased so that one should expect reliability to
decrease. In contrast, the power of any statistical test
7Prior to computing the correlation, one typically normalizes part-
such as the F-test is weaker if the number of obser-worths (e.g., to average zero over the levels of each attribute).

12 / Journal of Marketing, October 1990

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Fortunately, a large number of studies addressing kets for grocery products. Interestingly, at least one
validity issues have been reported during the past sev- major research firm (Burke Marketing Services' BASES
eral years. Most of the studies have involved tests of group) has introduced a service called Concept De-
cross-validity-that is, the ability of the model to pre- signer that incorporates conjoint studies into its estab-
dict the ranking (or first choice) of a holdout set of lished new product concept testing service. A major
profiles. value of this new service is that the firm's historical
Several studies have demonstrated the ability of norms (for adjusting stated buying intentions to actual
conjoint analysis to predict actual choice behavior. behavior) can also be applied to its conjoint-based
These validation studies have typically entailed three market share and sales estimates.
"Unacceptable" Attribute Levels
1. Comparing (aggregate-level) market shares predicted
by a conjoint simulator with current market shares Some of the current commercial conjoint procedures
(Clarke 1987; Davidson 1973; Page and Rosenbaum (e.g., CASEMAP, ACA) allow for the elimination of
1987) or preferably future market shares (Benbenisty attribute levels that are deemed "totally unacceptable"
1983; Robinson 1980; Srinivasan et al. 1981). or "completely unacceptable" by the respondent prior
2. Individual-level comparisons in which conjoint analy- to the presentation of any tradeoff questions. This ap-
sis is used to predict some surrogate of purchase in- proach is consistent with the findings from consumer
tention or of actual behavior, such as what fraction of
chips are allocated to the new product (Mohn 1990), behavior research that has examined the choice pro-
which brand is redeemed in a simulated shopping ex- cesses consumers actually use in choosing among
periment (Leigh, MacKay and Summers 1984), or which products (e.g., Lussier and Olshavsky 1979; Payne
product's coupon is chosen (Anderson and Donthu 1976). This research indicates that respondents' de-
cision processes can be summarized crudely as a two-
3. Individual-level comparisons in which conjoint analy- stage process. In the first "conjunctive" stage, the
sis is used to predict actual choices at some later date
(Krishnamurthi 1988; Srinivasan 1988; Swinnen 1983;
consumer eliminates options with one or more unac-
Wittink and Montgomery 1979; Wright and Kriewall ceptable attribute levels. In the second "compensa-
1980). tory" stage, the options that remain are traded-off on
the multiple attributes.
A few studies have compared market shares pre- Srinivasan (1988) uses the conjunctive-compen-
dicted by conjoint analysis with actual results. Such satory model in a self-explication approach to mea-
studies are the most relevant tests of predictive valid- sure preference structures. The question eliciting "to-
ity in a marketing context, but are difficult to conduct tally unacceptable" levels asks the respondent to
because of the confounding effects of marketing mix indicate whether any of the levels for any of the at-
variables such as advertising and distribution. Robinson tributes are so unattractive that he or she would reject
(1980) reports a multinational conjoint study of North any option having that level, no matter how attractive
Atlantic air travel involving airfares, discounts, and the option is on all other factors. In Srinivasan's study
travel restrictions. His results indicate that conjoint on MBA job choice, the preference structure data were
analysis had a substantial ability to predict market collected several months prior to actual job choice.
shares. Srinivasan et al. (1981) describe a conjoint study Not a single MBA (of 54) chose a real job offer that
of individually computed conjoint functions that are had a "totally unacceptable" level. Bucklin and
used to predict work-trip modes (auto, public transit, Srinivasan (1991) report that less than 1% of the total
and car pool). Travel mode shifts were forecasted for coffee volume in their study was devoted to "totally
various policy-level gasoline tax surcharges. The au- unacceptable" brands.
thors' forecasted results were roughly consistent with Such was not the finding of Klein (1986) and Green,
the actual subsequent increase in transit ridership re- Krieger, and Bansal (1988). In those two studies, a
sulting from a serendipitous rise in the price of gas- significant fraction of respondents did not totally
oline. Benbenisty (1983) describes a conjoint study eliminate alternatives that had unacceptable levels; in-
involving AT&T's entry into the data terminal mar- stead, those respondents merely treated the unaccept-
ket. The simulator forecasted a share of 8% for AT&T
able level in a compensatory manner as a highly un-
four years after launch. The actual share was just un- desirable level. (However, in both studies the
der 8%.
percentage of first choices correctly predicted was about
In sum, the empirical evidence points to the va- the same whether the unacceptable level was treated
lidity of conjoint analysis as a predictive technique. as implying sure rejection or whether it was treated
We need more validation studies that compare actualas having the lowest level of part-worth for that fac-
market share (or sales) results with predicted sharestor.)
(after adjustment, if necessary, for marketing vari- Our recommendation is that if the unacceptable level
ables), somewhat analogous to the simulated test mar-
is to be used literally to mean sure rejection, the ques-

Conjoint Analysis in Marketing / 13

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tionnaire wording must be modified to maximize that models have been commercially applied mainly to
effect. For instance, in CASEMAP, whenever a re- pricing problems. In principle, however, the meth-
spondent states that a level is totally unacceptable, an odology can be extended to additional types of attri-
immediate followup question asks whether the re- butes (albeit at the expense of increased data collec-
spondent would never purchase a product with that tion demands; Green and Krieger 1990).
level even though it may be most attractive on all other
Choice Simulators
factors. (Consequently, it would be good to make the
respondent aware of the range of levels for all the fac- One of the main reasons for the popularity of conjo
tors prior to elicitation of unacceptable levels.) analysis in industry is the fact that most applicatio
Mehta, Moore, and Pavia (1989) suggest in the of conjoint analysis are initiated primarily to obtain
context of ACA that if the unacceptable level is treated matrix of consumers' part-worths, which then is e
to some extent in a compensatory manner by the re- tered into a choice simulator to answer various "what
spondent but is seen by the researcher as a device to if" questions. It is no accident that both the Sawtooth
reduce the dimensionality of the problem, the part- and Bretton-Clark computer packages include choice
simulators. Ironically, relatively little academic re-
worth for the unacceptable level should be set just low
search has been reported on choice simulators (Green
enough that options with that level are not chosen by
the simulator. and Krieger 1988). Much of what is known about them
has been assembled informally.
Conjoint Models With Multivariate Response
First-generation choice simulators were very sim-
ple by today's standards. Most of them were limited
Mahajan, Green, and Goldberg (1982) adapt a data to an input matrix of individuals' part-worths and a
collection procedure by Jones (1975) to determine own-
set of user-supplied product profiles. Each individual
product and cross-product price/demand relation- was assumed to choose the product with the highest
ships. In contrast to the usual one-profile-at-a-time
utility (max utility choice rule). The simulator's out-
rating (or ranking) task, the respondent is asked to
put typically consisted of the proportion of choices
allocate (say) 100 points across the displayed com-
received by each contender (i.e., its market share).
petitive options so as to reflect the likelihood that each
Capability for performing sensitivity analyses or ob-
would be chosen; thus the response is multivariate. taining segment-based information was limited and the
The authors show how orthogonal designs cantask
be was cumbersome.
modified to accommodate such contexts. To illus-
Today's choice simulators are considerably more
trate, if there are four brands, each appearing at versatile.
five Three kinds of simulations can be provided:
price levels (which may be idiosyncratic to each brand),
(1) single product, (2) multiple (firm's and competi-
the full factorial in this context consists of 54 =tors')
625 products, and (3) a "bundle" of the firm's prod-
combinations, not 5 x 4 = 20 combinations as as- ucts against a backdrop of competitive products. Choice
sumed in the traditional tradeoff model.
rules include the max utility, Bradley-Terry-Luce
The authors estimate the parameters of their pro- (BTL), and logit rules.8
posed model by conditional logit (Theil 1969) applied A few "trends" in the design of choice simulators
to segment-level data. The model includes not only a should be pointed out. First, there is growing interest
specific brand's prices, but also the prices of com- in the simulation of a base-case scenario/profile. In-
petitive brands. The authors show how their results clusion of a base-case profile (in both data collection
relate to self/cross-price elasticities. and choice simulation) provides a useful benchmark
Wyner, Benedetti, and Trapp (1984) applied a for subsequent comparative analysis. If the base-case
modification of the Mahajan, Green, and Goldberg scenario includes competitive products (with known
procedure that substitutes units purchased of each of market shares), the simulator-based shares can even
a set of products (instead of the constant-sum depen- be adjusted to equal known shares prior to running
dent variable) and multiple regression (instead of the comparative analyses (Davidson 1973; Srinivasan
logit-based estimation). Louviere and Woodworth 1979).
(1983) have discussed a wide variety of applications
pertaining to product choice and resource allocation
8Green and Srinivasan (1978, p. 113) state that the independence
in which multinomial logit models are applied. DeSarbo from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) assumption implied by the logit rule
et al. (1982) also describe an approach to conjoint may be problematic. Empirical evidence presented by Kamakura and
Srivastava (1984) suggests that the IA assumption is reasonable at
analysis involving multiple response variables.
the individual level. However, the use of the BTL and logit rules
In sum, the extension of conjoint analysis to the usually involves arbitrary scaling assumptions-that is, the results are
explicit consideration of all (major) options in a com- not invariant over linear transformations on the utilities estimated by
petitive set enables the researcher to consider both self conjoint analysis. The logit rule should not be confused with the direct
estimation of part-worths by the multinomial logit model (e.g., Ogawa
and cross-competitor attribute-level effects. So far, the 1987).

14 / Journal of Marketing, October 1990

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A second trend entails the compilation of various different approaches for converting conjoint-analysis-
kinds of market segmentation summaries, in which based utilities to brand choice probabilities. (For a
shares of choices are automatically cross-tabulated discussion of some of the resulting biases in market
against selected segments. Simulator outputs also can share predictions, see Elrod and Kumar 1989.)
include sales dollar volume and gross profits, in ad-
dition to the usual share data. Nonconventional Conjoint Applications
A third trend is the extension of simulators to op- In addition to the use of conjoint analysis for mar-
timal product and product line search, including can- keting and strategic analysis, its applications are be-
nibalization of a firm's current brands and potential coming increasingly diverse. One area of growing in-
competitive retaliation (Green and Krieger 1989). terest is litigation. Recently, conjoint studies provided
The simulators themselves are becoming more user- primary input to the settlement of disputes in the tele-
friendly with menu-driven features and opportunities communications (foreign dumping of equipment in the
for simulating a large number of different new productU.S.), pharmaceuticals (lost profits through mislead-
configurations in a single run of the simulator and for ing competitive product claims), and airline (alleged
performing sensitivity analysis. Several of the major brand position bias in travel agents' reservation com-
consulting firms now offer a microcomputer-basedputer screens) industries.
simulator to their clients, along with part-worth utility Applications in the context of employee benefit
matrices and respondent background data. The client packages and personnel administration (Sawtooth
is encouraged to try out various simulations as needs Software 1989) are illustrative of conjoint's diffusion
into new classes of problems. Experimental studies
also have been carried out in the measurement of em-
Further research is needed to propose and compare

Future Directions in Conjoint Analysis
* Statistical methodology for choosing among alternative conjoint models
* Empirical studies for determining the extent to which varying numbers of levels within attributes lead t
biases in attribute importances and market share estimates
* Theoretical and empirical studies in the design of compensatory models (with selected interactions) for
mimicking noncompensatory decision processes
* Studies in the robustness of orthogonal designs in predicting choices in correlated attribute environment
* Methods for data pooling that increase conjoint reliability while maintaining individual differences in par

* Methods for coping with large numbers of attributes and levels within attribute
* Models for working with multivariate responses (e.g., Green and Krieger 1990; Louviere and Woodworth
1983) in explicit competitive set evaluations
* Extensions of choice simulators to encompass flexible sensitivity analyses and optimal product and product
line search


* Extension of conjoint methodology to new application areas, such as litigation, employee benefit packages,
conflict resolution (e.g., employer/employee negotiations), corporate strategy, and social/environmental

* Application of newly developed models for optimal product and product line design, including models that
combine conjoint analysis with multidimensional scaling; for a review, see Green and Krieger (1989)
* Descriptive and normative studies for measuring customer satisfaction and perceived product and service
* Models and applications of conjoint analysis to simulated test marketing services that include ongoing
prediction, validation, and the establishment of adjustment "norms" for converting survey responses to
market forecasts

* Extension of conjoint models and applications to include marketing mix strategy variables, such as
advertising, promotion, and distribution
* Models and applications that combine survey-based data (e.g., conjoint analysis) with single-source
behavioral data obtained from scanning services and split-cable TV experiments.
* New computer packages that exploit recent developments in hybrid modeling, multivariate response
analysis, and optimal product search.

Conjoint Analysis in Marketing / 15

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ployees' perceived managerial power (Steckel and search in conjoint analysis, two key trends appear to
O'Shaughnessy 1989) and salespersons' tradeoffs be- have been the development of (1) standardized mi-
tween income and leisure (Darmon 1979), as well as crocomputer packages and (2) modified approaches to
in predicting the outcomes of buyer-seller negotia- conjoint analysis for obtaining stable part-worth es-
tions (Neslin and Greenhalgh 1983). timates at the individual level for problems involving
large numbers of attributes. We are concerned that the
increased availability of microcomputer packages may
Concluding Comments make the misuse of conjoint analysis more likely. Also,
as noted in the subsection on preference models, many
Though we comment on a large number of trends that full-profile studies appear to be conducted on the basis
have taken place since our 1978 review, space limi- of few or zero degrees of freedom. If the full-profile
tations preclude an exhaustive discussion. Table 2 approach is used, it is important to limit the number
summarizes our suggestions for future directions. In of attributes and levels, increase the number of pro-
keeping with the dual audience for whom this article files, or use more parsimonious models (such as the
has been prepared, future directions are classified un- vector or ideal point models) so as to increase the de-
der the principal headings of research and practice. In grees of freedom for conjoint estimation.
many cases, however, progress will be made by the In comparison with our 1978 review, our update
combined efforts of academicians and industry prac- reflects a growing interest in the pragmatic aspects of
titioners. Part of the current vigor of research in con- conjoint analysis, as academic and industry research-
joint analysis reflects the close ties between theory and ers continue to expand its scope and versatility in real-
practice that have characterized its development since world business/government applications. As should
the early 1970s. be clear from our discussion, conjoint analysis is still
As we reflect on the activities that characterize re- open to continued growth and new directions.

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