VariationPeromyscuszarhynchus Lorenzo Etal 2006

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Journal of Mammalogy, 87(4):683–689, 2006


El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Departamento de Ecologı́a y Sistemática Terrestre, Carretera
Panamericana y Periférico Sur s/n. C. P. 29290, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México

In this study we provide data on morphological and morphometric variation in specimens of Peromyscus zarhynchus
from 6 different geographically isolated localities in Chiapas, Mexico. We found significant differences in the mean
greatest skull length in all specimens examined of P. zarhynchus, but we did not find differences in other cranial and
external variables related to age, sex, and individual variation. The individuals examined from different populations
of P. zarhynchus showed distinctive morphometric characters correlated with their distribution, and probably to
feeding changes related to different types of vegetation and weather in Chiapas.

Key words: Chiapas, Mexico, morphological variation, morphometric variation, Muridae, Peromyscus zarhynchus,

The Chiapan deer mouse (Peromyscus zarhynchus) is an P. zarhynchus (Rogers and Engstrom 1992). Similarly, other
endemic and monotypic species from Mexico, and it is a studies of allozymic variation in 18 loci show that distance
species of special protection according to the current Mexican values range from 0.07 between P. zarhynchus from Huitepec
Official Norm (NOM-059-ECOL-2001, Secretarı́a de Medio and P. mexicanus to 0.33 between P. zarhynchus from Cerro
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 2001, available at http://www. Tzontehuitz and P. guatemalensis (Garcı́a 2001). On the other The distribution range of hand, genetic differentiation was observed in 22 loci in separate
the species is located between 1,500 and 2,900 m in elevation populations of P. zarhynchus from Huitepec Ecological
and is restricted to the northern mountains of Chiapas and Reserve, Cerro Tzontehuitz, Coapilla, and Lagunas de Mon-
Lagunas de Montebello National Park in the eastern part of the tebello National Park, and particularly in the last 2 localities,
state of Chiapas, Mexico (Horváth and Navarrete 1997; Retana which constitute the extremes of the species’ known dis-
and Lorenzo 2002). This mouse belongs with 13 other species tribution range (Robles 2003). The most genetically similar
in the mexicanus species group in the family Muridae (Rogers populations of P. zarhynchus were those from the closest
and Engstrom 1992). P. zarhynchus is associated with cloud localities of Huitepec Ecological Reserve and Cerro Tzonte-
forest; pine forest with Pinus, Quercus, and Liquidambar; huitz (12.5 km in straight line), with a Roger’s distance value
secondary forest of these 3 types; and deforested areas (Hall of 0.06. In contrast, the most genetically dissimilar populations
1981; Horváth and Navarrete 1997; Huckaby 1980). were those from Coapilla and Lagunas de Montebello National
To know the limits between species in the mexicanus species Park, which are more geographically separated (188 km
group of genus Peromyscus, multivariate techniques were in straight line), with a Roger’s distance of 0.09 (Robles 2003).
applied and showed that there are remarkable differences in There are no fossil records of P. zarhynchus that would
greatest skull lengths of P. zarhynchus, P. guatemalensis, and P. allow us to establish its origin in geologic time with accuracy.
mexicanus, which allows us to tell them apart (Huckaby 1980). No one has reported morphological variation in P. zarhynchus,
Based on allozymic variation in 28 loci, genetic distances but specimens from the type locality (Tumbala, Chiapas)
between P. zarhynchus and other species of the mexicanus appear slightly darker in color than specimens from other
group are low (Rogers and Engstrom 1992). Distance values localities, perhaps because of moister habitats in the former
(Roger’s distance) range from 0.10 between P. mexicanus (McClellan and Rogers 1997). In addition, adult specimens
and P. zarhynchus to 0.31 between P. melanocarpus and from the vicinity of Rayon, Chiapas, have a pronounced
ochraceous-tawny ventral color. No sexual dimorphism in
either external or cranial measurements has been reported in
* Correspondent: P. zarhynchus (McClellan and Rogers 1997).
We analyzed the morphological and morphometric variation
Ó 2006 American Society of Mammalogists of P. zarhynchus from several geographically separated locali- ties in Chiapas. Our objectives were to know the variation

Morphometric variables.—Localities are shown in Fig. 1, and

number of specimens measured are listed in Appendix I. Twenty-
seven skull measurements (Robinson and Dippenaar 1987; Williams
and Ramı́rez-Pulido 1984) were taken to the nearest 0.1 mm with
a dial caliper: 1, greatest skull length (GLS); 2, condylobasal length
(CBL); 3, skull height (SKH); 4, bullar length (BUL); 5, shield-bullae
depth (SBD); 6, diastema length (DIL); 7, rostral height (ROH); 8,
palatine bridge length (PBL); 9, postpalatal length (POL); 10, occipital
length (OCL); 11, rostral breadth (BRR); 12, maxillary toothrow
length (MTL); 13, maxillary toothrow breadth (MTB); 14, superior
molar breadth (SMB); 15, postdental breadth (PDB); 16, zygomatic
breadth (ZYB); 17, braincase breadth (BAB); 18, nasal length (NAL);
19, anterior frontal breadth (ANB); 20, eye socket length (ESL);
21, eye socket breadth (ESB); 22, nasal breadth (NAB); 23, mandible
height (MAH); 24, dentary height (DEH); 25, mandibular ramus
height (MRH); 26, mandible length (MAL), and 27, mandibular
toothrow length (MDL). Statistical analyses were performed using
Statistical Analysis System (SAS version 8.2—SAS Institute Inc.
1999–2001), SPSS (SPSS Inc. 1998), and JMP_IN (SAS Institute Inc.
1997) software.
Variation in cranial size was estimated 1st by comparing means of
the greatest skull length (GLS) of 181 specimens from all localities
FIG. 1.—Populations of Peromyscus zarhynchus in Chiapas, with a single-classification analysis of variance (ANOVA).
México: 1, Rayon; 2, Coapilla; 3, Tzontehuitz; 4, Oxchuc; 5, Huitepec Nongeographic variation.—One hundred ninety individuals from
Ecological Reserve; 6, Lagunas de Montebello National Park. Letters Chiapas, Mexico (Fig. 1) were analyzed to determine variation be-
indicate regions: A ¼ mountains of northern Chiapas; B ¼ Central tween age classes, between sexes, and between individuals. Age
Plateau of Chiapas. variation was evaluated comparing the 3 age classes for each external
and skull measurement with a single-classification analysis of variance
(F; ANOVA), considering males and females separately. When the
patterns in external traits of the specimens examined and to
difference between at least 2 age classes was significant (P  0.05),
assess the variation patterns in cranial size and shape. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to determine maximally non-
significant subsets of age classes (Engstrom et al. 1987).
Sex variation was evaluated comparing all variables for males and
MATERIALS AND METHODS females of each age classes using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test (Z;
Museum specimens (n ¼ 190; 66 males and 124 females) of P  0.05). Individual variation was evaluated comparing the coef-
P. zarhynchus were examined from 6 geographic localities (Fig. 1), ficient of variation (CV) of each variable between age classes and
in 4 mammal collections in Mexico (Appendix I). between sexes. This statistic has been used to evaluate phenotypic
The age of specimens was estimated on the basis of tooth wear and variation of populations and assumes that the measurement error is
eruption patterns as defined by Hoffmeister (1951). Accordingly, each constant for all variables comparative.
specimen was assigned to 1 of the following age classes: juveniles Geographic variation.—For each morphometric variable in each
(age class 1), subadults (age class 2), and adults (age class 3). Four grouped locality, standard statistics were calculated. External measure-
conventional external measurements were obtained from the labels of ments were excluded from further geographic analysis because an
190 specimens: total length, length of tail, length of hind foot, and unknown proportion of variance of these characters was associated
length of ear. with differences in measuring techniques among preparators. A prin-
Morphological variables.—Eleven qualitative morphological vari- cipal component analysis was used to obtain principal axes that
ables were recorded for 46 individuals (32 males and 14 females) from summarize the directions of greatest variation among all samples.
5 localities in Chiapas (Fig. 1; Appendix I). We measured the Canonical variates analysis was used to order the populations of P.
following variables in accordance with our observations of specimens zarhynchus along the axes of maximum differentiation by maximizing
of P. zarhynchus: 1, length of dorsal fur (short or long); 2, scales of the between-population variation with respect to within-population varia-
tail (marked or not marked); 3, color of hind feet (white or dark); tion. A discriminant function analysis was performed to allocate each
4, reddish spot on the chest (absent or present); 5, color of tail (spotted individual to the closest locality, regardless of its original locality.
or unspotted); 6, ventral scales of the tail (marked or not marked);
7, frontal bone (flat or not flat); 8, frontal process (continuous or
discontinuous); 9, palatine bone (long or short); 10, posterior border of RESULTS
the palatine (extending in cusps or rounded); 11, palatine foramen
Morphological analyses.— The 46 individuals of P. zarhyn-
(extending through maxillary toothrows or not). Variables 6–11 were
observed with a Zeiss stereoscopic microscope (Stemi DV4, Thron- chus examined showed variation in 5 qualitative morphological
wood, New York). All qualitative morphological variables were variables (color of tail, length of dorsal fur, color of hind feet,
recorded binomially (0 or 1) and considered as categorical explanatory scales of the tail, and posterior palatine border), observed in
variables for the construction of a classification tree using the software the classification tree (Fig. 2). The misclassification error rate
(S_Plus; Mathsoft, Inc. 2000, available at was 0 for all individuals examined (n ¼ 46). The 16 specimens
sites/ from Huitepec Ecological Reserve stand out and were con-

TABLE 1.—Sex variation for the cranial variables of Peromyscus

zarhynchus that showed significant differences between females and
males in the only 2 localities in Chiapas that showed sex variation,
using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test (Z; P  0.05).

Locality Variable Z d.f. P

Coapilla GLS 2.77 28 0.011
SKH 2.42 28 0.023
SBD 2.23 28 0.035
BAB 2.22 25 0.035
NAL 2.57 27 0.016
MAL 2.77 28 0.010
Tzontehuitz BUL 2.47 95 0.015
PDB 2.09 95 0.039
BAB 2.02 95 0.046
MRH 2.21 93 0.029

ANOVA were 3 variables in Rayon, 13 variables in Coapilla,

15 variables in Cerro Tzontehuitz, 5 variables in Oxchuc, and
8 variables in Huitepec Ecological Reserve (Appendix II).
Sex variation.— No significant differences were found
between females and males in the majority of cranial variables.
FIG. 2.—Phenogram illustrating the phenetic relationships among Exceptions were 6 variables for Coapilla and 4 variables for
5 populations of Peromyscus zarhynchus in Chiapas, México, using Cerro Tzontehuitz (Table 1).
morphological variables considered as categorical explanatory varia-
Individual variation.— For individual variation, the coeffi-
bles (using the software S_Plus). Individuals from Lagunas de
Montebello National Park and Coapilla showed great morphologic
cient of variation was less than 10% in almost all variables for
variation and were not clumped together. all localities. The exceptions were BUL (25.99%) and NAB
(10.60%) for Rayon; length of tail (11.73%) and length of ear
(16.58%) for Coapilla; BRR (13.73%) and NAB (10.17%) for
sidered separate by the variable color of the tail (Fig. 2). For the Cerro Tzontehuitz; MTL (10.35%), SMB (10.35%), and NAB
rest of the variables, length of dorsal fur is the most important (12.52%) for Huitepec Ecological Reserve; and length of ear
variable explaining variation in morphological levels, followed (10.80%), ESB (11.51%), and NAB (14.69%) for Lagunas de
by color of hind feet, scales of the tail, and posterior palatine Montebello National Park.
border. Specimens from Huitepec Ecological Reserve were the Geographic variation.— Because of the low levels of
most different of the groups from all localities, and the variation recorded, skull measurements of all male and female
individuals from Oxchuc and Cerro Tzontehuitz were clumped specimens of age classes 2 and 3 of each locality were pooled
together. Specimens from Lagunas de Montebello National for multivariate analyses. Using principal component analysis,
Park and Coapilla had great morphologic variation and were the first 3 factors explained 53.9% of the total variation be-
not clumped together (Fig. 2). tween the 27 cranial variables for the specimens of the 6 local-
Morphometric analyses.— The size pattern in greatest length ities. Component 1 explained 37.2% of the total intraspecific
of skull (GLS) from smallest to largest (in mm; mean 6 SD) in variation, component 2 explained 10.3% of the total variation,
181 individuals considered as a single sample was Coapilla and component 3 explained 6.4%, with a cumulative proportion
(35.3 6 1.70), Rayon (35.4 6 1.72), Cerro Tzontehuitz of 53.9% in these first 3 components that explained the
(35.8 6 0.99), Huitepec Ecological Reserve (36.2 6 1.04), difference between localities. All factor scores in component
Oxchuc (36.3 6 1.13), and Lagunas de Montebello National 1 showed similar and positive values (except NAB with nega-
Park (37.6 6 1.71). Specimens from Lagunas de Montebello tive value) that can be assigned to a size factor. Variables that
National Park were on average larger in GLS than specimens contributed greatly to this separation were GLS, DIL, PBL, and
from Coapilla (by 2.33 mm, or 3.19%). Differences between ZYB. Components 2 and 3 showed characters with positive and
localities were statistically significant with ANOVA (F ¼ 9.87, negative values. This condition may be attributed to a shape
d.f. ¼ 180, P , 0.001). factor (Table 2). Distances from individuals of each locality
Nongeographic variation.— One hundred ninety individuals to its centroid were calculated to allocate each individual to
were used to estimate within-sample variation of the 27 mea- the closest locality, regardless of its original locality. The
sured characters. In analysis of age variation, age class 1 was probability for group classification showed 100% correct
not included because only 1 individual was reported from each classification for individuals of each locality.
of the following localities: Cerro Tzontehuitz, Oxchuc, and The canonical variates analysis ordered the populations of
Huitepec Ecological Reserve. P. zarhynchus along the axes of maximum differentiation by
Statistically significant differences in cranial variables between maximizing between-population variation with respect to
age classes 2 and 3 by locality according to a single-classification within-populations variation. Individuals of different popula-

TABLE 2.—First 3 principal components of Peromyscus zarhynchus

in the ages classes 2 and 3, including males and females, and based on
27 cranial variables. Asterisks (*) indicate variables that explained the
greatest percentage of variation.

Variable Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Greatest skull length (GLS) 0.289* 0.002 0.128
Condylobasal length (CBL) 0.166 0.033 0.027
Skull height (SKH) 0.112 0.478* 0.018
Bullar length (BUL) 0.083 0.196 0.252
Shieldbullae depth (SBD) 0.190 0.190 0.145
Diastema length (DIL) 0.270* 0.014 0.154
Rostral height (ROH) 0.219 0.097 0.081
Palatine bridge length (PBL) 0.267* 0.046 0.050
Postpalatal length (POL) 0.257 0.176 0.151
Occipital length (OCL) 0.227 0.071 0.042
Rostral breadth (BRR) 0.189 0.184 0.072
Maxillary toothrow length (MTL) 0.105 0.049 0.399*
Maxillary toothrow breadth
(MTB) 0.215 0.047 0.194
Superior molar breadth (SMB) 0.125 0.202 0.243
Postdental breadth (PDB) 0.026 0.114 0.436*
Zygomatic breadth (ZYB) 0.267 0.020 0.034
Braincase breadth (BAB) 0.192 0.022 0.104
Nasal length (NAL) 0.115 0.150 0.011 FIG. 3.—Canonical analysis for males and females of Peromyscus
Anterior frontal breadth (ANB) 0.153 0.088 0.125 zarhynchus of age classes 2 and 3, for 6 localities in Chiapas, México:
Eye socket length (ESL) 0.211 0.119 0.139 1, Rayon; 2, Coapilla; 3, Cerro Tzontehuitz; 4, Oxchuc; 5, Huitepec
Eye socket breadth (ESB) 0.109 0.400* 0.019 Ecological Reserve; 6, Lagunas de Montebello National Park.
Nasal breadth (NAB) 0.007 0.440* 0.122
Mandible height (MAH) 0.187 0.182 0.028 Nongeographic variation.— Variability due to age and sex in
Dentary height (DEH) 0.243 0.002 0.169
our data was small, although it was greatest in specimens of
Mandibular ramus height (MRH) 0.164 0.210 0.277
Mandible length (MAL) 0.204 0.040 0.186 Coapilla and Cerro Tzontehuitz. No significant variation was
Mandibular toothrow length found among individuals; therefore, no overall sexual dimor-
(MDL) 0.100 0.028 0.391* phism or individual variation was considered. However, sig-
nificant differences were observed in the greatest skull length
of individuals from all localities.
tions were discriminated by the 1st factor, where SKH (0.7304),
Geographic variation.— Multivariate analyses indicated that
NAB (0.6470), and ESB (0.5428) were important characters,
cranial size is the most important factor (37% of total variation)
which contributed to separating the pair Rayon and Cerro
contributing to morphometric differentiation among individuals
Tzontehuitz from the other localities (Fig. 3). The 2nd vector
from different populations of P. zarhynchus. Specimens from
was strongly influenced by SBD (0.6322), SMB (0.3251),
Lagunas de Montebello National Park were the largest indi-
and NAL (0.2906).
viduals, whereas individuals from Coapilla were the smallest.
Quadratic generalized distances between the individuals’
The variables explaining most of this variation were greatest
centroids were computed as part of the analysis to assess their
skull length (GLS), diastema length (DIL), and palatine bridge
affinities. The greatest distance (20.23) was recorded between
length (PBL). Diastema length and palatine bridge length are
individuals of Rayon and Lagunas de Montebello National
directly related to feeding habits of rodents because these
Park, whereas the shortest distance (0.64) was found between
variables are based on osseous structures important for mas-
individuals of Rayon and Cerro Tzontehuitz (Table 3).
tication. Changes in length of these variables could be related
The phenogram based on average taxonomic distances
to changes in the greatest skull length. The shape factor also
computed from the morphometric characters includes 2 well-
contributed in smaller proportion to intraspecific morphometric
delineated clusters (Fig. 4). The specimens from Rayon, Cerro
differences among individuals with no more than 17% of total
Tzontehuitz, and Coapilla form a cluster at 4.52, with Rayon and
Cerro Tzontehuitz the most similar localities (1.75). Oxchuc,
Maximization of multidimensional distances among individ-
Huitepec Ecological Reserve, and Lagunas de Montebello
uals produced by the discriminant analysis clearly separated
National Park were grouped together in a cluster at 4.10.
the populations of Rayon and Lagunas de Montebello National
Park from one another. The shortest distances were between
DISCUSSION Rayon and Cerro Tzontehuitz, and individuals from both lo-
Morphological analyses.— Variation in morphological var- calities showed a distinctive spatial position from other locali-
iables among populations of P. zarhynchus was evident, and ties in the plot of canonical variables.
variables that explained this variation were tail color and length The discriminatory power of the analysis was excellent
of dorsal fur. because 100% of the specimens were correctly classified to

TABLE 3.—Quadratic generalized distances between individuals of

age classes 2 and 3, including males and females, of Peromyscus
zarhynchus from 6 localities from Chiapas using 27 cranial variables.

Locality Rayon Coapilla Tzontehuitz Oxchuc Huitepec Montebello
Rayon 0
Coapilla 12.22 0
Tzontehuitz 0.64 11.77 0
FIG. 4.—Phenogram illustrating phenetic relationships among 6
Oxchuc 11.97 2.96 12.49 0
populations of Peromyscus zarhynchus in Chiapas, México, based on
Huitepec 15.39 3.69 15.37 1.19 0
Montebello 20.23 5.69 18.62 4.73 4.08 0 9 cranial variables that explain the greatest percentage of variation in
the principal component analysis. The phenogram was computed with
the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA).
localities. The resulting cluster analysis describes the morpho-
metric relationships among the 6 populations of P. zarhynchus. morphological, chromosomal, and molecular variation at local
The individuals of Rayon and Cerro Tzontehuitz are morpho- and geographic scales should shed light on the patterns and
metrically more similar to each other than to any other popu- processes of differentiation in this species.
lation, with a slight separation between these populations and
Coapilla (population with the smallest individuals). The popu-
lations of Oxchuc and Huitepec Ecological Reserve are
morphometrically closely similar and clumped together with En este estudio proporcionamos datos sobre la variación
Lagunas de Montebello National Park (population with the morfológica y morfométrica en Peromyscus zarhynchus de 6
largest individuals; Fig. 4). diferentes localidades geográficamente aisladas en Chiapas.
Individual variation in cranial size and slight differences Existen diferencias estadı́sticamente significativas en el prom-
in cranial shape produce the morphometric distances among edio de la longitud mayor del cráneo en todos los ejemplares
populations of P. zarhynchus, showing a trend in the pattern examinados de P. zarhynchus, pero no existen diferencias en el
of cranial size where the individuals from eastern Chiapas are resto de las variables craneales y externas, con respecto a la
larger than individuals of northwestern Chiapas. It is probable edad, sexo y variación individual. Los ejemplares examinados
that these cranial differences are influenced by variation in de las diferentes poblaciones de P. zarhynchus muestran carac-
vegetation types and weather in Chiapas, representing different teres morfométricos distintivos relacionados con su distrib-
environmental conditions in the 2 areas where P. zarhynchus ución, y probablemente con cambios en hábitos alimentarios de
occurred. Populations of southeastern Chiapas, located in the acuerdo a los diferentes tipos de vegetación y clima presentes
Central Plateau region, are associated with cloud forest; sec- en Chiapas.
ondary forest; and pine forest with Pinus, Quercus, and
Liquidambar; and with semiwarm, humid weather with rains ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in summer, and cooler (mean annual temperature of 188C) areas F. A. Cervantes from Colección Nacional de Mamı́feros, Instituto
than the north mountains region, where individuals are de Biologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; G. Rivera
associated with wet, highland forests with subtropical, very from the Museo de Zoologı́a of the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de
humid weather and a mean annual temperature of 228C (Instituto Chiapas; and E. Morales and A. Riechers from the Museo de Zoologı́a
Nacional de Estadı́stica, Geografı́a e Informática 1982). of the Instituto de Historia Natural y Ecologı́a were kind enough to
In summary, examination of our data suggests that within permit us to examine the specimens of P. zarhynchus. A. Morón, E.
populations, individual variation of P. zarhynchus makes it dif- Naranjo, and F. A. Cervantes provided valuable comments on several
drafts of the manuscript. A. Flamenco prepared Fig. 1, and D. Dı́az
ficult to separate individuals by locality; that cranial morpho-
improved the quality of all figures. R. Palacios gave assistance with
metric differentiation among populations of P. zarhynchus is
the computer analysis of morphological variables. F. Barragán, J.
mainly due to variation in cranial size and shape; and that the Bolaños, and P. Robles assisted in the laboratory work.
morphological discontinuity among geographic populations of
P. zarhynchus is associated with changes in skull size and shape.
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Submitted 11 July 2005. Accepted 19 December 2005. México, Chiapas. Santo Tomas Oxchuc, Mercado Indı́gena Municipio
Oxchuc, 2,000 m (ECO-SC-M 806, 811, 813, 814, 1028); México,
Associate Editor was Eric A. Rickart. Chiapas. Huitepec Ecological Reserve, 2 km (by road) NE San Juan
Chamula, Municipio San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 2,340 m (ECO-SC-
M 582, 583, 586, 591, 592, 595, 596, 600, 601, 602, 603, 606, 607,
APPENDIX I 608, 609); México, Chiapas. Las Grutas, Lagunas de Montebello
Morphometric analyses.—The 190 specimens examined are listed Nacional Park, 3.5 km N El Vivero, Municipio La Independencia
below by locality and museum acronym. ECO-SC-M ¼ Colección 1,513 m (ECO-SC-M 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 501, 1215, 1216, 1217,
Mastozoológica de El Colegio de La Frontera Sur: México, Chiapas. 1218, 1219, 1221, 1227, 1424, 1426, 1427, 1428); México, Chiapas.
Cerro La Ventana, km 16 road Coapilla–Tapalapa, Municipio de Cerro Tzontehuitz, 12.5 km SW de San Cristóbal de Las Casas,
Coapilla, 2,200 m (ECO-SC-M 159, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, Municipio San Juan Chamula (ECO-SC-M 695, 696, 1438, 1439).

Statistically significant differences in cranial variables between age classes 2 and 3 by locality in Peromyscus zarhynchus in Chiapas, according
to a single-classification analysis of variance (F-statistics, P ¼ levels of significance, d.f. ¼ degrees of freedom).

Huitepec Ecological
Rayon Coapilla Cerro Tzontehuitz Oxchuc Reserve
Variable F d.f. P F d.f. P F d.f. P F d.f. P F d.f. P
BAB 8.31 96 0.0040
BRR 7.03 8 0.0320 11.96 7 0.0130
CBL 11.38 24 0.0020 29.68 96 ,0.0001
DEH 13.73 28 0.0010 19.13 93 ,0.0001 6.70 7 0.04100
DIL 13.21 27 0.0010 29.59 95 ,0.0001 8.89 24 0.0060
ESB 8.63 28 0.0060 4.32 95 ,0.0400
ESL 8.15 8 0.0240 8.42 28 0.0070 15.85 95 ,0.0001
GLS 8.71 24 0.0070 22.54 94 ,0.0001 14.65 24 0.0009
MAH 17.6 28 0.0030
MAL 0.434 93 0.0220
MTB 20.69 28 0.0001 26.33 95 ,0.0001 7.68 7 0.0320
NAL 14.77 27 0.0007 7.44 95 0.0070 13.03 7 0.0110 7.52 24 0.0110
OCL 10.84 25 0.0030
PBL 21.00 95 ,0.0001 11.47 24 0.0020
POL 18.11 94 ,0.0001 4.74 24 0.0400
ROH 13.75 27 0.0010 18.87 95 ,0.0001 5.20 24 0.0320
SBD 4.40 95 0.0380
SKH 9.56 24 0.0050
SMB 6.94 24 0.0140
ZYB 7.10 8 0.0320 8.89 25 0.0060 16.34 96 0.0001 11.36 7 0.0150 5.65 24 0.0260

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