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Google Classroom in the Lens of the with digital collaboration .

The shift in the learning environment

made the students realize that they enjoy this virtual
Students environment compared with face to face classes (Hannay &
Marcial Bonnie Salac1st and Elizabeth W. Santos2nd Newvine, 2006).
Graduate School and College of Education
Also, e-learning is encouraged in this time of pandemic
Abstract because it allows learning to take place since it has no physical
boundaries even students who are living in far flung places can
The learning environment changed drastically from face to face access learning at the comfort of their own home. Amidst the
to virtual due to the pandemic because of this a free platform, COVID19 crisis educational institutions especially in the
Google Classroom became the tool of the teachers in the Philippines were forced to shift from face to face to online . The
teaching and learning. In this regard, the acceptance of the constraints in learning because of the current situation around
students in using the Google Classroom was surveyed using the globe, prompted the higher institutions of learning to require
an adopted instrument with the permission of the author. There educational institutions to take advantage of Internet
were 6,871 respondents who were randomly chosen by technology. With the present situation and with the lack of
convenient sampling. Descriptive correlational design was used preparation some of the educational institutions, especially in
to determine the acceptance of the respondents on the Google the Philippines decided to use a platform that is already
Classroom. Both PE and PU have a beneficial impact on available and free. This platform is the Google Classroom
respondents' behavioral intentions when they perceive Google
classrooms to be simple and practical, and they are highly Google is a popular Web 2.0 tool that offers a lot of
motivated to use such pedagogical tools into their learning interesting facilities and applications. Is used as a platform for
process. Higher education institutions should offer students teaching and learning because it offers social interactions,
training opportunities so that students' ability to find the technological affordances, and pedagogical ( Wang, 2012). It
complete and effective characteristics of Google classrooms are was introduced in 2014. Teachers can create classes, organize
more evident and extensively used by end-users. lectures, give assignments, provide feedback, and communicate
with their students easily. It is a learning management system
Keywords: Google Classroom , LMS, E-learning, TAM that makes us always connected with each other (Abedalaziz,
2013); engages us in several activities (Aldiab etal., 2019), and
helps teachers organize the online courses (Lonn, 2009).

Introduction The following studies proved the following about Google

Classroom (GC): effective to enhance students learning (Daud,
Students of this digital age should be students with 21st- 2019); improves the pedagogical process (Jeya &
century learning mindset; they should be able to take the Brandford ,2019); improves classroom dynamics (Heggart and
opportunities provided by the IR 4.0. They should not only Yoo, 2018);increases student participation (Jeya &
master the 3Rs - reading, writing, and arithmetic, but rather Brandford ,2019); increases engagement levels (Clay J.R et al.,
demonstrate the 3Cs - communication, collaboration, and 2019); highly accepted by the students (Daud, 2019);made the
creativity. Aside from these, they should also showcase digital course easy to pursue and it’s friendly to the environment
literacy since education is borderless; therefore any time and (Christiano & Triana, 2019); accessible anywhere and
any where students can access information like,open source encourages collaboration (Ramadhani et al., 2019).
software and virtual tools that create borderless learning
territories for students. Moreover, The results of the following studies are
congruent to the results of the present study. Abedalaziz et al.,
Learning does not have to be confined to the classroom (2013) said that the use of online education in higher
or one-size-fits-all because nowadays classrooms are education is encouraged because instructional materials can be
borderless because of the kind of technology that we have right accessed asynchronously any time and instructors and course
now. The possibilities given by technology should be used to re- mates can be easily communicated. Users of GC view it as
imagine 21st-century education because technology allows for useful and helpful (Al-Mekhlafi, 2020; Albashtawi & Al Bataineh,
24/7 access to information, constant social interaction, and 2020; Sepyanda, 2018). Google Classroom was highly
easily created and shared digital content. As technology is accepted by nursing students because of its usefulness and
advancing and students are facing new developments students playfulness (Huang, Liu, Chen, and Tsai, 2021). Gour, (2018)
should be able to adjust themselves. The adjustment, in and Iftakhar, (2016) said that students accepted Google
particular, should happen in the way the teachers conduct their Classroom because it is accessible, flexible, time-saving, fun,
class. Daud, (2020) said that students should adopt the and usable.
advancement of technology in the process of E-learning.
Acceptance of a technology such as e-learning is the
E- learning continues to grow providing increased access user’s willingness to use the technology (Teo, 2010). In the
to students (Allen & Seaman, 2008.) because it is a computer- new normal setting , students can decide whether to study
based and web-based learning that embraces a wide set of through e-learning or not without any academic consequences
technology applications, and it uses virtual classrooms coupled because of the situation that each one is facing even though
this is the scenario still one of the state universities in the (GC) was surveyed using an adopted instrument with the
Philippines was able to manage the use of Google Classroom. permission of the author. A Google Form was the method used
to make an
The present study investigated the students’ acceptance online survey, with responses gathered in an online
of Google Classroom as the platform for learning. This study Spreadsheet. Respondents were invited to participate through
hopes to find out the students’ acceptance on this application their subject teachers. A link was sent to them to participate in
indicating whether using Google Classroom is useful. The result the survey.
of this study on the acceptance of Google Classroom will help
us understand the minds of the students on the usefulness of Findings and Discussions
GC., and it will widen the understanding of the features of GC if
ever a teacher will use the platform. The total number of respondents in this study was 6,871.
Table 1 exhibits the demographic data of the respondents.
Theoretical Framework Moreover, we can observe that the female represents 63.1%
while the male represents 36.9%. Furthermore, most of the
The present study used Technology Acceptance Model respondents are on the 17 and 22 years age bracket, which
or TAM (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989) as the framework of represent 92.3% of the total sample population. As regards to
the study to examine the factors that influence Google department/campus, 18.6% from COE, 17.9% from CHTM, and
classroom acceptance among the respondents. This was 17.8% from CBS are the top 3 participating departments. As
introduced by Fred Davis in 1986. The theory was based on the regards the year level, it is shown that 36.1% of the
two specific beliefs: Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived respondents are 1st year, 35.7% are 2nd year, 24% for 3rd year,
Ease of Use (PEU). Perceived Usefulness is defined as the 4.1% for 4th year, and 0.2% for 5th year.
potential user’s subjective likelihood that the use of a certain
system (Google Classroom) will improve his/her action.
Perceived Ease of Use refers to the degree to which the The factor loading method was used to determine the item's
potential user expects the target system to be effortless ( Davis, reliability. A threshold value of 0.7 or greater for each item's
1989). Therefore, the behavioral intention to use Google loading is considered reliable, according to Hair et al. (2014).
classroom is determined by two main beliefs; perceived Cronbach's Alpha and composite reliability ratings should be 0.7
usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). or higher. With the exception of PU6 and PU7, whose factor
loadings were below 0.7, all of the items are reliable and meet
the established criteria, as shown in Table 2. As a result, PU6
and PU7 were abstracted from the construct's structure.
Statement of the Problem Furthermore, the average variance extracted (AVE) is the
typical measure for determining convergent validity and is
This study is an attempt to examine the students’ acceptance of defined as the grand mean value of the squared loadings of the
Google classroom, furthermore the researchers would like to items connected to the concept. The AVE score of 0.5 or above
answer the questions: indicates that the concept explains more than half of the
variation of its elements (Hair et al., 2014). Hence, Cronbach's
1.How may the respondent be described in terms of their: Alpha and composite reliability values are greater than 0.7, and
AVE values are greater than 0.5, as shown in Table 2. As a
1.1 Sex upon Birth; result, the convergent validity of the constructs is supported.
1.2 Age;
1.3 Department; and
1.4 Year level. The level of difference in the model's dependent
variables is used to assess the model's explanatory power. The
2. .Is there significant influence in the usage of Google R2 and path coefficients, according to Hair et al. (2014), are the
Classroom when  grouped according to: most important measures for evaluating the structural model.
The model has an R2 value of 50.3% for PU, 64.7% for BI, and
2.1 Perceived ease of use and Perceived Usefulness; 39.7% for AU, as shown in Figure 1.
2.2 Perceived ease of use and Behavioral Intention to Use;
2.3 Perceived Usefulness and Behavioral Intention to Use; and Figure 1 and Table 3 show the path coefficients and p-
2.4 Behavioral Intention to Use and the Actual Use. values for each hypothesis in terms of path analysis. It's worth
noting that all of the hypotheses are supported, implying that all
Methods of the routes between the independent and dependent variables
are significant. H1 (β = 0.710, p>0.05) explains the relationship
Descriptive correlational design was used to determine between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness,
the acceptance of the respondents on the Google Classroom. demonstrating that perceived ease of use improves Google
There were 6,871 respondents who were randomly chosen from classroom's perceived usefulness. The connection between
31,077 students of a certain university in the Philippines. The perceived ease of use and behavioral intention is shown in H2
respondents were chosen using convenient sampling. The (β = 0.454, p>0.05), indicating that perceived ease of use
acceptance of the students in using the Google Classroom influences the behavioral intention to utilize Google classrooms.
The path between perceived usefulness and behavioral
intention is shown in H3 (β = 0.415, p>0.05), indicating that
perceived usefulness positively influences the behavioral
intention to use Google classrooms. The path between
behavioral intention and actual usage is described by H4 (β =
0.630, p>0.05), suggesting that behavioral intention has a
considerable impact on actual Google classroom usage.

The findings of this study reveal that both PE and PU

have a beneficial impact on respondents' behavioral intentions
when they perceive Google classrooms to be simple and
practical, and they are highly motivated to use such
pedagogical tools into their learning process.

Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this
study examines the factors that influence Google classroom
acceptance among DHVSU students. The findings show that all
of the parameters have a significant impact on both behavioral
intention and actual use of Google classes. The importance of
Google Classroom's familiarity in terms of usefulness and ease
of use is emphasized. These two elements have a major impact
on the intention of the respondents in the sample selected, as
Google Classroom serves as a facilitator for them to construct
their learning activities.

One of the outstanding results that can be of great

importance to any decision makers in academic institutions is
the fact that the students who rely on Google classroom
technology will be able to use it as a new gadget for leveraging
their educational system. This conclusion is supported by the
respondents’ high reliance on this LMS due to the previously
mentioned factors which are the ease of use and usefulness.

As a result, higher education decision-makers should
recognize the characteristics of Google classrooms and develop
their infrastructure based on the findings of this study. To put
this LMS into practice, higher education institutions should offer
students training opportunities so that students' ability to find the
complete and effective characteristics of Google classrooms are
more evident and extensively used by end-users.

Moreover, this study has some limitations and thus there

are recommendations for future studies. It is then
recommended that: First, the TAM variables are used in this
investigation with no further modifications. As a result, more
research should be conducted to identify additional
characteristics that may influence the acceptance of Google
classrooms. Second, the data was solely collected from
students. As a result, future research should include faculty
members in order to better understand the elements that
influence their acceptance of Google Classroom.

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