History Group Activity Questionnaire

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1. It refers to the American poet mentioned in the speech who described that
democracy must be defended from arms and attacks by lies.
2. Which of the following is the detailed image of the Filipinos' history and a
microscopic view of the past and the forgotten memory of the Filipinos
which measures 4 x 7 meters and won the first gold medal at the
Exposicion Nacional de Bellas Artes?
3. It is understood to deal with the ridicule, debunking, or exposure of
persons, groups, and organizations engaged in societal power struggles.
4. This cartoon shows Filipino farmers who strived to work and serve a
usurper under the heat of the sun while the Usurper just chills.
5. It refers to the figure on the export earnings of the country which according
to Corazon Aquino went only to pay the interest on the debt which the
Filipinos never benefitted.
6. These are visual representations of specific events in people's lives during
a specific time period.
7. Who are the authors of the book entitled “Philippine Cartoons: Political
Caricatures of the American Era 1900-1941?
8. One thing that stands out in this painting is the lady's wealth.
9. Fernando Amorsolo was recognized as such for his ____ as well as his
skill in the use of lighting and backlighting in his paintings.
10. He was a Filipino painter, sculptor, and political activist of the
Philippine Revolution during the late 19th century.
11. What is the importance of historical paintings?
12. The painting also shows the design of a house in 1895, which is
consist of windows made from capis, a detailed balustrade, a highly
polished floor, and the Vienna chair.
13. Fernando Amorsolo created this artwork to show the true value of
Filipinos. They are hard-working yet happy with what they are doing.
14. Give 2 characteristics that differentiate Juan Luna and Fernando
Amorsolo’s paintings.
15. This shows the city capitalists using the Torrens title process, which
required the relinquishment of customary claims to issue clear titles and to
grab lands in Nueva Ecija and other Central Luzon provinces.
16. What is the complete name of Cory Aquino?
17. He accused Aquino who opposed him of many things and including
being a communist which led him to start Martial Law on September 21,
1972, and arrests Aquino.
18. This was delivered to the US Congress, Washington DC, on
September 18, 1986.
19. It illustrates the unjust and inescapable unfortunate situations of the
Aparceros due to the rotten practices and systems of the landowners
which led them to fight for their lives.
20. Is the translation of a satirical comment on the provincial’s
preoccupation with gambling.
1. Archibald MacLeish
2. Spoliarium
3. Political Caricatures
4. A New Wrinkle in the Art of Thieving
5. $2 billion out of $4 billion / $2 billion
6. historical paintings
7. Alfred W. Mccoy & Alfredo R. Roces
8. The Parisian Life
9. "pioneering use of impressionistic technique"
10. Juan Luna de San Pedro y Novicio Ancheta
● The history behind artworks at separate times helps to learn about
different tribes and their cultures.
● It has also helped in a lot of cases to learn of the transition of time in
both social, political, and economic stages.
14. Juan Luna
● exquisite brushwork and jewel-like palette, along with a variety of evocative
emotions and expressions from the artist's illustrated treatise on painting,
bring the setting to life.
● frequently used a style that is a mix of realistic and representational art
● created artwork in the form of a two-dimensional painting
● paintings are influenced by rural life,
● continuously focused on displaying the "vibrant tropical Philippine
● Amorsolo created landscapes that allegedly reflect the "simple and happy
life" of farmers in the province.
● also used natural light in his paintings and invented the Chiaroscuro
backlighting technique,
15. A New Wrinkle in the Art of Thieving
16. Maria Corazon “Cory” Cojuanco- Aquino
17. Ferdinand Marcos
18. The Speech of Corazon Aquino
19. Why the “Aparcero” rebels
20. Convenient Blindness

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