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Summative Assessment Term-1

Subject- Science Class - 2 Group- Marks- 50 Time- 2hrs
Date- 06/11/2020
Name- Roll no-________

Q .1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word. (4M)

a] Wild animals live ----------------------------- (in the jungle/at home)

b] A -------------------------- (horse/cat) is a pet animal.

c] A-------------------------- (wild/pet) does not harm us.

d] ------------------------- (Bears/cows) are farm animals.

Q.2 Read the statements. Write if these sentences are true or false . (4M)
a] Tents are made with bricks. ( )
b] Huts have thatched roofs made of straws and hays. ( )
c] Igloos are made using snow and ice. ( )
d] Caravans are houses that remain fixed in one place. ( )

Q.3 Match the organs with its functions. (4M)

a] Heart helps us to think

b] Brain help us to breathe
c] Lungs pumps the blood
d] Kidneys clean the blood

Q.4 Amit keeps a parrot as a pet. Tick ( ) the ways in which he should take care of (4M)
his pet.

a] He should give healthy food to eat.

b] He should keep it in a dark place.

c] He should talk and play with the parrot.

d] He should give clean water to drink.

e] He should keep it in cage.

f] He should take the parrot to a doctor regularly.

Q. 5 Read the story. Circle the names of animals that live on land. Underline the names of animals
that live in water. (4M)

Amit went to a zoo with his family. He saw a huge elephant playing with its young ones. Next he saw

a tall giraffe, a stripped zebra and a spotted deer. Then, he saw a snake hanging from the tree behind the

bars. Finally, near the pond he saw ducks .The pond was full of fish and tadpoles. Amit stood there for some

time to see if the pond also had a dolphin or a seahorse.

Q. 6 Label the parts of a fish using words in the box. (4M)

Q.7 Seema has many plants in her garden. (4M)

Tick ( ) 4 ways in which Seema can take care of her plants.

a] Water the plants everyday.

b] Pluck their leaves and flowers.

c] Cut off the dead parts of the plants from time to time.

d] Never water the plants.

e] Make sure indoor plants get fresh air.

f] Do not scratch the tree trunks.

Q. 8 Answer the questions. (8M)

a] Circle the animals that are useful to us in some or the other ways.

Hen sheep fox donkey lion cow

b] Write 2 ways in which animals are useful to us.


c] Write 2 ways in which we can take care of pet and farm animals.



Q.9 Read Anu’s family tree chart and answer the questions. (4M)

a] I am Anu’s grandfather. What is my name? ----------------------

b] I am Anu’s brother. What is my name? ----------------------

c] I am Anu’s mother. What is my name? ----------------------

d] I am Ravi’s father. What is my name? ----------------------

Q.10 Look at the beaks of the birds and answer the questions. (10M)
A] Complete the table.

B] Birds use their -------------- to make a nest.

C] Name 3 things birds use to build a nest.

Ans -

D] Why do birds build nests? Tick ( ) the correct sentences.

a. To lay eggs.

b. To search for food.

c. To take care of their babies.

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