CBFS-Module 1 - Intro To OB

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J. P. Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City

Department of Human Resource Management
Course Title Title
Uploaded by: Dr. Analyn C. Dionaldo

Timeframe: How long the student should take this module? Students are required
to complete all the activities, assignments and assessment of this
module in two weeks.
How to Complete this Students are required to do the following to complete this module:
module? 1. Complete the reading assignment on given lecture.
2. Watch the video presentation lecture on Introduction to
Organizational Behavior
3. Participate in this week’s discussion about the topic and video
they have seen.
4. Submit assignments after the discussions on the topic.
5. Take an online quiz.

Teaching Strategies PowerPoint presentation, video presentation,

assignments, Chapter long quiz, video conferencing, worksheet

Whatever size, scope or location of an organization, the reality is that they are
composed of people. It is this people and the4 results of their behavior that can direct the
success or failure of an organization. Therefore, it is vital for organization to understand
those people who work for them comprises organization behavior.

At the end of this module, the student should be able to:

1. Describe the foundations and basic assumptions of Organizational Behaviour

2. Identify the different environmental forces that recently had redesigned management
practices in most organizations.
3. Discuss the challenges of OB in most organization.
4. Generalize the anchors that represents the principles on which OB is developed and
Introduction to Organizational Behavior

An organization is a collection of individuals forming a synchronized system of specialized

activities for the rationalizing certain goals over some extended period of time.

Organizational behavior is the field of study concerned with describing, understanding,

predicting, and controlling individual and group human behavior in an organizational setting
where they work. It deals with what people think, feel and do in the organization.

Concepts that evolve around the individual in organizational behavior:

1. Uniqueness of an individual - No person react to the same stimulus. Each person has
its own individuality which could be in the form of trait, intelligence, physique, body or
verbal language.
2. A total person – when a person is hired for a job, the organization accepts him in his
totality with his attitude, aptitude, skill and knowledge plus his emotions.
3. Attributes – disclose the root cause of his disturbed behavior. Knowing the reason for
his abnormal looks and overt reactions to normal.
4. Ethics and dignity. - employees deserved humane treatment. Managers must be
warned not to treat subordinates as slaves because this deprives them their dignity.
People want to be treated with respect and dignity.

5. Organization as a social systems - individual behavior is governed by psychology and

group behavior ruled by sociology. There behavior is influenced by their group as well
as their individual drives. Two types of social system:
a. formal (official) social system
b. informal social system
6. Mutuality of interest
The individual tries to work for the organization. In return, the organization makes
him a capable of person through opportunities given to him. Each employee must support
each other in their personal growth and should maintain friendly relations. People see
organizations as a means to help them reach their goals while organizations need people
to help to reach organizational objectives. Conflicts must be avoided to avoid erosion of
mutual interest.
7. Holistic benefit - these mentioned six concepts when practiced within groups create
synergy that brings holistic advantage.
Environmental forces redesigning management practices

1. Power of human resources is the capability to get things completed in the manner one
wants them to be done. Modern HR considers employees as valuable assets that when
well managed could define organizational success.

2. Globalization is the interconnection among nations in transportation, distribution,

communication and economic networks. Investment in people not only capital
investments is highly necessary for survival.

3. Multiculturalism (cultural diversity) is a huge assortment of differences produced by

cultural trends like history, characteristics, economic, conditions, language, norms and
more. Increased participation of women, older workers, people with disabilities and
minorities in the workplace amplify the challenges for managers to address this diversity
to stay competitive globally.

4. Rapidity of change is the ratio at which change occurs in technology, demographics,

globalization and new products and services. (Internet, genetic engineering, microchips,
more demanding consumers for quality yet reasonable priced goods and services).

5. Psychological contract is unwritten set of expectations of the employment relationship

which details what each party looks forward to give and receive.

6. Technology is the process that transforms raw materials or intellectual capital into
products and services. The combination of computer technology is a powerful way to
continuous advancement and becoming competitive.

7. Service economy. The field of service like transportation, communication, wholesale

and retail, finance, insurance, real estate and government is growing. Necessitates high
quality interactions between service providers and customers.

8. Teamwork. Provides better approach to quality goods and services. Strong teamwork
makes people engaged and committed to the goals of the organization.

Failure to cope and deal with these forces shall give room to job dissatisfaction, poor
performance, poor morale, conflict. stress, poor judgment and a lot of unhealthy result.
Importance and challenges of OB

1. Effective confronting – proactive thinking about approaching troubles and plan ahead
in dealing with difficult situation

2. OB is science - though OB is probabilistic in nature it is based on validated facts.

Person can make decision based on probability of success.
3. OB enhances conviction - provide confidence in making things happen. A person with
OB knowledge can encourage people better even in tough situations.
4. OB improves perceptual skills - a person can become successful with enhanced self-
perception and perception of others through OB.
5. OB helps motivate people
6. OB makes better employer-employee relations
7. OB teaches managers about consumer behavior
8. OB makes managers expert in people skills

Challenges of OB

The challenges of OB in most companies face include:

 Overcoming cultural and ethic differences
 Improving productivity
 Hiring the correct employees that fit into the organizational culture
 Helping employees to find proper level of a work-life balance

Anchors of OBs

1. Multidisciplinary anchor - diversity of knowledge of other fields such as : understanding

individual and personal behavior are contributed by psychology.
Knowledge of team dynamics and power from sociology. The fields of communication,
marketing and information systems.

2. Systematic research anchor – forming research questions, data collection and

hypothesis testing. Research evidence for decision-making

3. Contingency anchor - The field of OB recognizes that there is no single solution is the
best for all situations.

4. Multi-level of analysis anchor - OB is concerns the individual, team and organization.

1. What is organizational behavior and why it is important?
2. What are the different environmental forces that redesigned management practices in
most organizations?
3. How will you describe the foundations and basic assumptions in OB?

1. Video Conferencing using google meet or zoom – graded citation

Essay Examinations will be graded based on the following: accuracy of the answers to

the questions (30%), completeness of the answers, (30%) grammar, (10%), timeliness
of the submission (10%) and originality not copy paste (20%).

Required Textbook:

Management of Human Behavior in an Organization by: Prof. Angelita Serrano and Dr. Marivic
Flores, Unlimited Books (2016)

Intro to Organizational Behavior



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