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The state PREVIEW cae ‘The sandr unit of alysis im compurtive polis the sate es By 80 2 ‘means the enly sich option becruse comparison canbe made at any lewelftom * The-state: an vervow {he Toel to the mulation, and can lavave any polite Sasiaion, po- ‘rs problem or pbenomenoa, bu sates ae che most common point of eer fence forthe comparave sud of pola stems. or this reason, we need to ce amsistos deyneccher teymotenie tenes * Eneumescfite dat ‘which they canbe found, and te cerent dynamic of the sate sce, ee “This chapter begs witha review ofthe Faure ofstates, with partnlat «Tha expansion of ates focus on soversigy tthen brief examines the history of sates, ocusngen 9 ‘ow political rstionships changed bor vertically mongers andthe ruled) © Tha diversity of states and horizonlly (among diferent pola! communities). Ie then looks atthe || ‘Gromit one among antes bore dacuning cherelted concep often * Nations and national | © What ia state? dnd nanan, ending with 28 anaiis of today Ushates over the condition fund dhe tue prospec ofthe sate. + Challenges the tte ‘The sate is 2 younger conceps thn most people think, and fwor than 50 were in exitence at she hoginning of the eweatiorh century. But even a ‘he umber bas growa 0 is cureat teal of 189,50 the questions about the Jenpecrm Rea of ats Ive om, Sexe arc thet ates are ab Ong 2 ‘ver other argue tha they are undergoing fundamental change inthe face of plbalzaon, while yet other argue tat Shey ain delne. Peete Trg sinh is pow en cent poll organi ht es oer sed Unceerding a festes ‘Al sates hove eur fing units: opus lgtimary arson nd socio ‘Tee modes tate wa or Eu, st form was exported torent f he cry pari owes such bitan Pane and Soa ‘Sata formally cus uta ramadan eng eter struts tl se, economic lmporarce, irae gnteanin sane an uch Bey cone tae wns ‘Nelonand sate aa care cocops cepa police Atbough tas rnc wosometiaa und Iererangeey hey ee sere prevesteacarcvrapin several ay ‘persion pe not ate sn un Sone arn tera tong see hy 20 cuarrena The state: an overview Although we sow tke fr granted the division of the ‘word int states we should asuaae nether thatthe state loys was the dominant principle of pol ongniza- ‘son,nor thatitabsays wil beThere waa wld before snc and, ae advocates of lobuiation Slt point ‘urs thee may bea wor ater her. Go. “Before the modern wats, goveroment mais com Sted of Kingdoms, empues and cic, Thee waits were ‘often governed in a personal and highly decentralized fashion, lking the des ofan abet pel comms sy forused on 2 defined tertoy which characterizes Aodey sate ven 19,ny of ncte ance SOrmaioss were substan ip ara and popultion. Fer example, the ancient Chinese empire proved capable of ruling ‘population dat eventually grew into the hundceds of ‘alles over a period of rile ~slbek contol wat ot always complete and tended to be punctuated by ‘using periods af eben’ (vin Cael, 1999: 25). ‘Ancient story quickly pel the idea that oll snodera sutes are Lager and more sable than every eatona poled eye, Yer the modern stite remains ditinet om all pricing pala formacons. They poses soverelg: ftuiony rule te population of aspece ventory ‘lon which contest wid he rcs nnn a ‘centallzed role adopted by tala Kings ad exmper- for tis this cout hich endl Mele @O02 385) co sugges the ‘the development of the modern tite eax be congated to the wetion of haba bec Ir only happened once hut once it had cccored it hanged the nate of eman existence Sor cer? "This modern idea of the suite emerged in Europe Dbenacen the sate and eightcenth cemuriy, si the wie ofthe word sare a spoil tenm coming ito ‘omnon ie towasde the end of thik period. The nt ber of ate grew slay there were only 19 fn exe ence in 1800, aad burly 30 more had heen esalshed ty 1900, At gla owl, he seal expansion ofthe state shen ofan ar the Second Word War as decaloni= zation sw the end of Eurpean empires. Jn adiion, the munker of iterations! onpeations and Tie of ‘eteratinal eats bag to gpee Onl the Sted ‘World War govenmen and poise around the word td ews Aven mately by the grein. od he scons of a few Wener democracies, bu dhe piccure (ene neatly commer es debut tact nie egy, authori and se determination brondened and lespened Where great powers suchas Brin, Germany fod France tad been promt the pte caanged ‘with dhe emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union a superpowers air 1945, wich the depend nee of aciy 70 mainly Abican and Adan sate isthe 1860 and 1970s, withthe final break-up of the Soviet [Us 1091, the eof egg ewe sich (Chava nda. Bras the 1950, Stios cody havea quie diferent and more com plex rlationt seth one another than they ed even fc gestation age The interaction newb als cence domestic polticl and economic caeulations, igus sot tetera dope eased wih 2hcreased requeney. and we MDW see a debuce ude Way shoe hermes becoming weaken ar they deg asey oe were, ora they spy wafrig an the wake of ew detuands and presures? Whatever ‘he arses at remain the hn or undensnding igoresect and poles allover the word. There are Sub-natonal uni of goverment. 19 be sure, and some see the gph of goversance a the plbal lend, Fut almost everyoue i eiaon of one sate or another and ‘wen we dink of goverament we abo think af tes. What is a state? ‘Be tc er cone cee gee sat snd polls (and yet lave been move ofen di- puted) than the state. Is ueaty zuposible vo proceed Secany meting or effets Gaiam with th ey of polis nd goveramcat unles we have atleast 2 wa fg unlresndiog of whe sits ack Tipe Chey aie the words dominant form of politcal gaan, td the bllling Hoes ofthe cteeatoel eptem, And yer dey ae nt ety to define. State: The pl aol pla sahara ery <8: ‘ung: popu and ad by boda Te ate dos ‘he poi acho of whch yprernet shears ony at aon ep th veri ae “rom ye ens teste he mers ober “The al bes fe erg te ue she else defniuon efeed by dhe German sociologist ‘Mix Weber, whe decreas been corey that (uoceatily) cums the monopoly of te legate se of piel re within agen tortor’ (gunz ix Gert and Mil, 195% 78). When the state monopoly mesure 21 coflegiinae force threstened sin a ci wats very ‘caatince w af ake. At long a the cont eoottueh ‘here no legitimate aunty Bus theres moee wo the fae Un ppt fice, nd nord na be ede sore partculay in ws suodera conten, wheve i best nark pont of ference the mamberin roster ofthe Usted Nations, hich ate at 199 eih2015, Bt the mute ichden dsl Eure enclove ate Aor [Gechtersta, Monaco, snd Son Maro), which meet the log defiriin of stato but pay 2 minimal oa in inte rains, ard ace fal paccal purposes ts th later setae hat surcud them. Meacihle tha UN member fst exchidos several eritonee that uncon mich ke water but are lacking either indeperdance aor lgtinacy thew nude Kosovo, Paestne, Taiwan and Westar Sahare ava would bbe smember af the UN ad trot been expadn 1971 wher Chins msde clr shat ¢ would not hve plane Hos with ary courty tha: recognaad Taiwan n almost all respects though tle stucured ard erties Reis etn sri. Meme, Kosten per the immer ines hes keen vote oleatcly by more han 100 other tates, incing mostof tha member eatns of tho European Union, and Ieamenterafzsverscyirtrresonl osiesneucing the Warid Sank ond the erations Menem) Fund), butcannot be coridered split! end diplomatic equal of UN ember sale, Si wil the queeton How many eats aro thre kay toot the response ‘Te depend what you etn bya ste’ ths book apa fore number 19- Se carent meriversng of the Unted Netors, les he 4 Evropoanenclvo sats, But we shuld not overlook tha clecussion of miostatos, qua etats, nd de facto ates nter in tis chaptae mweswre 23 the works population in 2013 (UN Population Fund, 2015). thee County of destnabon, ga gras ay bbe granted the right of permanent residence without seeking or beng granted cazerahip + mittion which denies them the vote in natiomal leon. To equate ‘countrys adulk population with its cizens isto ovesiook ‘his sguficaninequaley (Harsmenesd, 2010, Emergence of the state system “The wate emerged from the embers of medieval Eaope (1000-1900) In the Sale Age, European govern nce had been domiauted by he wansnational Roman (Catholic Church and powerful feudal los Sandwiched Iberveen these forces, monarchs cccupied a fr wesker positon than do todays rulers The proce of change ‘was long slow and complex: How did the modern sate {jure the doraant poston steccupu the modern ‘worl? What fictors drove this crucial rarsformaion? here was any single force sha was responsible for tbe traition wo the moder sate, t wat war AS ‘Tilly (1975.42) wrote, war made the ste, and the sate sade war'‘The induction of gunpowder the Four- teenth century tranformed raiary sale and tac 1 onze Safar and arllery placed the ight fon honcback. The rult was a2 aygreaie,compesi= tive, and expensive arms race in Eure, which obliged rules to employ adminitrtorst reer, an, eGui and pay for sanding mics, ying he foundation of modem bureaicacies Pltiel unis became lage, fand the grow of bureaucracy meant that loal pat ters of adinirasion and jaice beeae more ni form. Commerce grew more feey.and rulers began to ‘exblth formal diplomatic rlstone with shir overs counterpar. ist ab earenikingsveakened the Fea pillar of ‘he medion famework so the Reformation deseoyed is rcligious founsations. Prom around 1520, Protant reformen Jed by Martin Luther condemsed what they saw asthe compton and prilages of che onpanized Church, Thi reform movement tnought profound political conequences, shatering the Christian com ‘monweath a ancgonsim developed between Prat tant and Catholic rules The birth of the moder state sytem i often tied 10 a single event the 1688 Peace of Wop ‘This brouphe am end wo bath she Thimy Yes Wae in ‘he Hialy Roman Empire and the Bighty Yeas! Wit between Spas andthe Dutch Republic It made sew cal adjutmens fo Enropean sate border, give Sow Aefniion to the dea of sovereigny and heed make rational seculr authority superior to religiows edics from Rome, ging sie to what it offen known at the Westphalian system. Several sates predated the Peace, ineingng England, Irland, France, Spain, ard oral, but it gave clearer deinson tothe powers ofaates, ‘Westphalian ystems The sodem atte ht ‘any kee emg ot ofthe 1648 Pec of Went ‘alba tn neg fe tad oe determin. ‘As cenmal suthority developed in Europe, did ‘he need fore theorsial jusifition, The crucial des Thee wat sovercigny aster tamed by the notion of coniene The French phicsopher Jen odin agusd that, hia society. a sng sovereign authority should be responsible for five major Runetions legislation, war anu peuc, publi sppointments iil appeal ad the currency But the sovereiga sil ceded tobe abject to nee and contr, and here the Englah power Jobs Locke plied 2 vial role He argued thi cers ‘posess macural rights tol, Hhery and property td ‘he dhe sights mat be protected by run over through lve ‘According to Locke citizens gre to obey the ews ‘ofthe lind, even only by tact means wich accepting the proteciom which law provides But should ren ‘lite cizens atari the people are thereupon absolved fiom any further Obedience, and are lef 20 the common Refuge, which God bith provided for all Men aginst force and violence’ ~ the right wo resist (Locke, 1680: 412). Sain Locke's work we se a miod- crn account of the srl ate, with overeat linited by consent fm theory atleast, government had become servant rather thn mast Natucl ight Thon ge fats ier, sn pope) sppoay pe 0 hams by God ee yarns ho esene bn t be depedeo perme ‘Those ideas of sovereignty and consent were reflected in contrat ways dhe two mow momen- tous affirmations of modernity: the American and 24 cuarrena French revolutions Americ, the colonists established ther independence tom nt and weston to Een ‘new republic giving substance vo Locke’ liber inter- ‘retttion ofthe ute The Dedanton of dependence (176) boldly declared that goveraments derive heir Jj autor from the coment ofthe governed, while he US corsinsion (deed 1787) famoualy bogs, ‘We the People of sue Unied Ses ‘Bue it was she French Revoluon of 1789 eat eb mee daring stem tn sitet ane, jn democratic (ther than ibe) tr, Desxbed by Finer (1997-1516) asthe mos: import single event ‘nd ene hry of goverment the Finch Revo Jagex upped out the eoaours ct modern demoeary. ‘Whore the Amesian federal goveroment was Kmited {iu authority the French sevokuionric garded a cenualzed, untary sate asthe sovereign expreaion of ‘onal Goines prapulited lychee wich eal fighs. Where the American Revolution was bu ox amse of power the French revolutionaries fvoured cthenal anti mad a gonecimens expowned st sake devon fe the good efsociety ma whe ‘The principles of Hance’ modemizing revel ‘don were ariculitd in the Declanton ofthe Rights fof Man and che Gtizen his served 254 preauble 19 ‘he Fench eonétaion of 1791, sil forms part ofthe ‘counny’ cousinuion, and is considered by Finer to be the Bveprint of virualy all modern sas pro ates thatMen are bars and vein fee aad equal dn righ. These rights ae bens. proper, security and restanee to oppresion’ It omnes ‘Li the ‘expresion ofthe gene will All eizens have aright to partopae in eping i ether is person, or trough {hee epretentatives Te ust be Ue sane fr ll wheter ipunihes or procs? The expansion of states Dring th sete cei nerf hee Deeane more precte epecilly in Euope. Borden Slowly armed neo bavi ay mape marked out dofined Eons. Lawyers stablabed tht a countrys territory ‘Heald extend inv the sm fra the each OF xm ‘poabal and, Iter, ove i land to he Bn hight (offs hocattbellogs. Reflecting tt new concern wth ‘oundariss pspors were introduced in Earope ding ‘he Fist Winld War To tre scons nin bec se of pase involving oil permision expressed ‘offi np, Economicily.too,the second half ofthe ineteend Simulated by economic depresions, many Buropean ates rnedaced peactonse tse pois, Netonil surkels gained ground agaist both local and interns ‘tonal exchange, meming that economies became more sept ruc by chal goveromact. ete aul the luncuons peforsed by the sate expunded ‘0 include education, factory regulation, policing and ipthering wees (ily ate ct), Fortuos ofthe weal ceaturs Wester bore Aesper nto theses As with the orginal emergence pf pet eee enon a ie by wae Te func and second world wars were examples oll war, Tighe betwesn ete our exter thn jst beter spevulzed wed fess To equip amie aces wid the secesary tanks planes and bom demanded unparalled snaliletng ef elias exis ae set: The als to ux elective nd sptematicly~ desebed by Bringam ct (2006: 137) asthe central pil of sate ‘ct — pe iri Hecate wom expe sive, tax revenue at proportion of mations! product Almost doubled in Wescra vars beoween 1930 and 1945 ‘Serinenn 2003-219) The rwensethcenrury was ner of she mate becawet was ao an agp of war Total wore uing the obo he pepon se appr confi gh wih sanced weeny os ge peogaptieae, muing te lea tere snadnatie Peace in 1945 did not initaly led 2 2 cor respon rutin in the sole ofthe sae, Rather, ‘Western governments sought to apply their enbancod adninivraie sls to domesie ced. Thzoupoat Western Europe, the warfare xate give way t0 the welfare state, vith mle acepting direct stp Siblizy for proeeing their cizens fom the sourges fle, unemployment and old age Ln hs wy. the eropean stele 2 por war stloment — termed the “Keynesian well sate fer che Beth economist Job Maynard Keynes) ~ hich intersted fall employ- ‘ent and public welie with an economy in whic the prnte sector cotiaued co phy a substantial parc Wlfore stat: As argent awh he gnent provny mips fresco eno cy of ‘i erg pblic ermine sich oc fe eel ree te Savio tbe. Meanwhile, important developments were ak- ng pce furbee Abid Although the sate was boss Europe, ts form was exporced co the rest of the word ley pel pee snc As Benin, ren, and Spin ‘Consequently, most state x today woeld ae post- colonia. As Araitage 2005: 3) poine ou, the grext elie face of abel istry ithe lt $00 yeaa the fraigence of a wodd of sates um a wold of expe. ‘Thar fac fondamenally defines the poli universe ‘ve al inkabi? The ew ates without «Rory wc foxy (easing aide the ex-calonial powers thenseles) include Ching, Ethiopia, Ino, japan, and Stud Arabia ‘Abdcagh the term patvnoiel i wmsilly confined to couniis achieving independence in the atiermath ‘ef the Second Word Ws, ler soees eh 8 Ant- ‘ells, Canada, New Zedund, and the Usited States pro- vide euly esauples of states formed irom colonies. Lt tether societies the new avis ublely mpelaned indigenous communities, re-crting seen of the Enropean eration they had broughe with Chem a rom, the pols erpariacon of thes countries eomen rong and secoppdcably Westen, By contra, TABLE 2.1: The formation of states miestre 25 non-scier colonies emerged into satchood in four ‘ose spread or fe centrist aus Beng ent from the song European sates generate in eer ences hy multary ard psc] compestion “The St wave occurred inthe ninetceah ces ‘ury nthe Spanish and Poraugues terniotes of Lain ‘Amscica, Here, the emt wars F independence Inca the ite, egiitanan bass of ther US predecesox, [New constutions were produced but they were neither demoze nor ill implemented. Economic explic tion of tative popultions, the poo, and descendants of slaves eotinaed into the pos colonial er The result ig Sneed cis wh Ltia Ameiemn ‘counees which rena inpotant even oda. "Ths sid ware ante erpentoc ange Europe andthe Midle Eat around the eed ofthe Fist ‘Wedd War, withthe final collapse ofthe Autro-Hun- given Teles tnd Once enpe'The Gt of thse iuclved into fre sepaite aatce Aut, Hungary, Poland, Ceechoovakia. andVaposeia With the excep- Sn of Teckey funded on the niet of he Ott, Epi, strong and sable tats apn Ged wo develop De ness Eaooe | Mis ond Posie | Aiea Tt] Pret : ec0-49 * 4 950-99 2 4 ‘900-09 1 se0419 a 4 seo Ss 1 a0 7 = 900-09 a = 990.99 S 2 2oc0-08 S = ano = = “oa % 2 9 = 1 2 Ps fe oe eon a 8 Moe co ee es ott pivgindnsnoaslgnand ndewaiot tough cid eo nisl ‘Seve asd on appre Crlrd 2007 26 cuarrena uring this wave, ead international polis i. the pe of Laci snd commana contd t tude, ‘preventing those countries on the Buropesn periphery Gat expeseneog the continaoos inte development ound in the continent core "The tied and lrgest wove of state erestion 10 an 1945 wh eset erp ey En pea Sates duniubed by war Asan counties, sch a he Philippines (i 1946) and Unda in 1947), were the ‘at ates dependence bt ey coher calor, jn Alfie, the Caribbean, andthe Made Ea, fllowed fit Berwoen 1945 and 1989, nearly 90 independent stn azn alf he wel correct atl, wane crete ‘Bat most lacked any previous experiace a a cober~ ‘a ei ed was as siperinpeted on hk _esonal and religious groups at had previouly coe {ned in 1 lower arangemeat. Many ses continue feel the desshiing ele even tod, inchading Nig aeagand Indi ‘The fourth and final wave of sate formation ‘Secured fn the nal cade of the tet etary, teiggeed by the colape of comma, The dni ‘ion of the communst bloc prviouly dominated by ‘he Soret Union led wo independence for more than & dozen Soviet suite in Estera Europe (eg, Poland), hn addition, the Soviet Union nel tn eft a Rave san empire ~ disolved into 15 succesor suis (98 Uiaine) The experince of thee new poss communist state has heen mined The Bal state gained cecnomic and politcal sabiny fom their proximity 10 and now their membenhip ofthe Estopean Union, However, ental Asian republics auch as Uzbekstan revealed 2 ‘ore rypial post-colonial syndrome: small Sie ethnic covet of eeelag der (ce ter a tis chaple), The diversity of states ‘The enorme conan of population, weal, and power among ste are ofien undereaphsized by ‘those anlyss who coneentate on either the formal equality of stats (all are equally sovereign) or thet farms of gonernment. Bot, eal neither eomesignty ‘nor democricy maser for sy sma sland ates (sch a Kirtat, she Maldives, and the Solemen lized) i en of isappearing a a tele of cxng se lee brought on by climate change, Sovereignty is exercised ‘ay al tates, but in varying conditions ead with vary [review ofthe dibaion of sates by pap ion, political authori, sad income provides saight seo these divergent poe rales. Ip particu, i confirem thatthe tong form of the Eivopetn sate fexposstleto replete fa alge mater of eral, dependent pou-colonia sae, Population [Attiough many sedis in comparative polities examine Inge sits, dey are exceptional when viowed though a. obal lens At one end ofthe dseribution, Chinas population of 1.35 bilion is greater han that of the 160 smilie countries the word combined. At the other end, the population of most counts ix the word is fever than 10 million, with ene a ve lle dng below one milion Figure 2)-1a median postion sis Switzerland (79 milion) ~ 2 couney usealy pre- seed as ‘anal! but which only appeas as such when viewed for the perpertie flanger ste, "The snallet suis ~ microstates ~ ate mainly Sands is the Carsbean, the Pace or of the Afican cout, along wa five Europea states, ncluding the Vatican City Morty, they poss limited capaciy to shape thoi own destiny and mas sek proicion fom Jang patrons But we should ot asurse that they are Adsfimcsionls seve enabled microti Eston thn combined pote sabdity wth eesoomnie sae cs As with many succes small tues, Luxembourg secured i potion thegh jing raltary and eco omic altnee, and its succes continues, Helped by an ceonomy based heavily services, the coutry (pop lon $02,000) has moved to dhe higher rathes of the glotal economic asking. math 4 per apa gros atonal income in 2014 of more thn $80,000, Many of the smallest sates, however, are both people- and Below! +5 SHO 10-25 THe STATE 75-50 SO-100 | Above 00" Population (rilions) FIGURE 2.2: Guts by population Surana eet ied Venn em other Siealscy 8 Rave lees Cha en nd 28a. eourze-poor Several Puce sates ~ such as Tuvalu, al he Mahal land and Kiba — have ow peo le Tuvala has Seer than 10000), ide ia the way’ of aul resouress or economic opportunities and poor trade tnd teeport cornectiona tee rt ofthe wed erste: Sats th ar ala bps and erty Andere Baan, Pea he ie ame: Political authority "The etallenge of defining «sate is exemplified by the ecktence of tveraltereitristhat fll shoot ofa the required guides (gust aoubly independence and sovereignty, Some of thete ase what arisen C1990: 1) call quasi-states, which he defies 35 stats that west ‘independence from a former enon power ba hve since lst contol over uc oftheir testo. They ate ‘cose bythe internatenal commit a having all {he right and sponses ofa sat, but chey barely ‘ext ta functioning sty. Sora in prin exemple ‘he ouceak ofa civil war in 1991 led vo the collapse ofecatalzed goverment and the emergence ofseveed autonomous regions within dhe county. Alnough tas ‘buen formally 3 felon pute since 2012, much of sorhera Somalis has lng Fuseioned a idee Somal- dnd or the Pundand Se of Somalis, Quesiataen: Sem at ese eae ue ‘aeroomalowbs wn ovens ona ee he fertory unr er joist Other difical css are repesened by what Ps 1998) eal de fit states, cag tat Sy conta = story and provide governance, but re manly unecog- and by the serational community (ad tus fave 0 Sopa or dejar exitene) Se while gust eas rope Sumate no mate how inetetve thy ar, de aw sates te Hlegimate no mater how ccs they are. Kay anpla iacude AbUluda, Nagorso-Kaababh, Tass ‘era, Soman andthe Tesh Regu of Northern (Cyprus. Somlind pondes song contra with Soma athe liner ha eu inthe Unind Natone and 5 me- ‘ognize international even though tis netfee while {fe Saemer rei encod dept the fat tat ‘us been govering the northern one-Dard of Somalia in selitive peace since 1991 28 ‘tnd es eves hgh hey conten a fre vere They exit Bt (fat) er ur ow (a Turome "The eran which wats could he fad a ‘ich! or ‘pow developed or developing’ has pase. ough economic niequabties beeween coumries remain ‘Eameaag vnc mint lens er eed ef daly-e capce the pow Bf tonrging een. ‘The World Bank ofler a uectul Gaaicaon, viding el (eretik eesti) ep Hae aces ones (ible 22) Ineoduced in 1988, tis chee sought to provide an economic indicnor inked w meauses of ‘NalFbehig each a povety and Gat ee “The highrincone category is ed bythe devel ‘oped econornis of Europe, North America, Australi, ad pars of As, Te ede countries wich feta the ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operabon and Devel- ‘opment (OECD), he sich coury cb which seeks to "bull a wider comensus for mathe economics and enocacy’ (OECD, 2011). While the cultural, eco- ‘nomi polities, and scetife rsonres f OECD ates ‘emuln eaormous ther svengh was dined by the ‘Grancaleriss of 2008/09, the resulting increase in pub lic des, and the subsequent ileus experienced by ‘he eurozone cureney ae. Furthermore the weight of population bes elsewhere: the United Sates and Japan tue the ony tve OECD snembers inthe world’ tea ‘ost popular countria, The high-income extegary abo includes small o-rieh non-demoenuse sates suet 4 Kowsit and Que, confming, apn, dat scale ‘wanceery for wealth TABLE 2.2: Sttesby income High income Unser miancone Lewermicle income ‘CHAPTER? In the upper-middle income category we find cat le fa growing new coon ce he anode sdynannsn and large popultion oF some of these states Ih aleady spied ome selena power aay rom He developed Wet The eategery ialades ‘0 of the BRIC counties (Brazil, Rus, India, ‘Cha detignation toed fo 2001 by an cee tit at dhe uwecmient tam Goldman Sic (Nell, 2001). The sory has aoe been quite so uppy for Brzi ‘af lite; corobimton of droogh dgidh execs, ocr ad ig eneny cov ha ld bo signin economic problems Teer nid eto cites mi and ly ‘in Alrica and Asia. Although they have sen develop~ ‘ment, thet el of affuence and tit global polite! ‘weight remain Kite compared to the upper-enidle caegory- ada ls long been someting of « puzale is economy one ofthe weekds lings bot ts sled for masy years fom wont poten and dae benefis ofits economic developmen bare not reached down 5 Gis poomt oF1H cheers Rode protien tocodk the lange sole all played by the state in the exonrm, and the challenge of dealing with [nda rapid popu Intion jroweh. Recent goveramens have promised to snctease she pace of Hbecalzaton, bur rel achiew- sents have beea ow to follow The consent that Indi is sill prevented ftom achieving i tue eco- omic porental by continuing ove-reglation and Gn contrat to Ching) a more Inte expacity to achieve policy change. ‘Somesmes known a the fourth er th le Jncome coupes comsst munly of Affican sates, together wit ome Asin counties sich Afghanis, Dungladeh and Burial 2015, the miner of cous tees fn this proup (4) was greater thin the mumber ‘longing tothe OECD. Wilh serge incomes fle Examples Garg olan Sopa s lel Chir, en Mei, Sith Af » yp Ini, Niger, Pilipinas, Vitra a Aighaitan hice, Hal, Sali ‘Se Cle tm ay No Manta ap lavawataint ng Geen ny 255) ge ole 201. ‘than $2,000 per year (len substan Jes), bie for the eat mayonty of people m lownsicome counties remains challenging indeod i snadjing inerennal PUES, & Hpi ts eeu on the dsolute size ofa economy alter ‘ively om national income per head, In comparative ‘a thenph we muse dopo the deena (aL inact of sharp ieyualiy and muss povery. Among many ether efech, thee factors erate a dependence (tthe pir tnd powers one scan peel An ‘we wil ee ia Chapter 3suel negates sil eres 2 poweefl burir roa fanning democracy. Nations and nationalism No: ditcusion of sates ca be comple without review of the rated, ovedapping, and more elusive ‘dea ofthe nation, Where ses exis under nw rations ae considered by Andenon (1583) 29 be "imagined ‘commumises and are offen viewed ss any ou that ‘epholds a chim so be reganded 8 such, In two way ‘Bough, we ea be enone petite. trations te poe pls with homeland, As Eley an Suny (2996: 10) putt 2 nation ~ ikea sate ~ ilies 'a cio particular bec of eal esate. Heve the erg of the word nao, ‘ering na Latin ten cari place af Hh relevant The link between nation and place is ane fac~ tor dsingushing 2 nation fem abe or ethic OUR ‘Tribe cn move horne ta natlon semaine tethered 0 ‘i moetind chang spe aly hap ep Nation: A cal nd ene cee ing ga peopl wh en wk ove snr cae ba a ony le agg ase Second, when 2 group chins to be a ation, 3 lly profi ight toaelf-determination within iss homelad, Ke seoks sovereignty overs and, explc- fng or inverting 2 shared culture to jusefy is ela. This aseron of scifrale (sotto be confsed with Gerocrace rule) gives the nation its politcal char- ster A social group becomes 4 uation by achiev- {gor seeking contol ver om destiny, hater ‘heouph independence or deyelution, To dere Prenchpesking Canaditta a4 seperate nation, i ‘opposed to a linguini commusity, nctes a claim {or autonomy not independance, fr he calesrlly miestmre 29 distinct and geographically concenirated group. Simi- lan the earipag for a Palestinian ae ece TONG bas serengdiened what was previous more amorphous Talestnian eiional erty Selsdetominztion: Te aby to act waht excel rspabin The gh of man lier sistance ‘gt of pape pone om peice. Sermo "Because the concept of nation is polite shem is ao necessity far maione to be united by 2 common Janguage. A shared tone cerinly east the ak of curl unifeitan, yue sm Swdeland, for example French, German, and Ialan are widely spoken. ba India, 22 off loguages are each spoken by more than one mili people. Natonboad cannat be reduced 10 any ether for, Linguistic er echerwse; rather ti 2 subjecve ilemtey sesulong from what the Foeach plilovophr Ernest Renan (142) termed aeailyplebice ‘Although scheliy sich Smith (2009) view astons ax eratues of sniguity, they are moce often fdertcod avatonpt by peopl to tet themed Ihe been constructed in the coure of relive recent serge. the inessnth and expecially the twentieth cents for stance colosl peoples demanded inde~ pendence undera nationalist bane Theis asetions of Sitonal identity were fie areca bt they served 24 a ely ery aginst the inpesais. lt wat "he prox nce and power of the eoloral rime that smated the development of «national deny atthe base of sesinanes'(Calboun, 1997. 108)-"Tae ation ws cm ated dough, not simply snvoked iy the sraggle for edo. ‘To view sitions modern sto sugges that Chey ae mde, ther than found. Nations avec stchood a since sates themselves are products of modernity, to too are nator, Specifically a atonal identity ita people who do not know each other bur wit, none- thle, ed thenselve ving tagether under commen Fike and cwwked Ai pfunel catbaalgg rl cnptional boa fora sacreningly ston! woe. ka parocular ills the lair fromthe emergence of 2 Jange eusket cconony to tke comor in he proges ‘thet coon ars whole: w Ser wry ntl entity provides rationaltion fe participation in 30 cuarrena war encouraging people w die forthe sake of rangers nga, 2106) ‘Byen more thun mations chemselve, nationalism: fs docrine of overt Like many asonalien ‘mnenged ia the sineteenth century t0 Boris i the ‘erent Bur unbee these osher ims the principle of atonsion ie resuringy arighforoard. I imply {he doczine uc eaons lave right te deterauge ther ‘own destiny ~ to gover themselves. In ths way, nation alien ie univer ea, oven thong exc Hnddal ‘ation coated in a parte pee. Nationsin The ee a» grup of pele th com ‘Sean dy (sual ied yoda cae Se perg ns esarchem {oper Eo exer strvenson “The United Nations Covenant on Cv a Bal cal Righss (UNHCR, 1966) offs a succinct statement ‘ofthe pose of aakend if gwcenment™ IMD peoples hae the ight wo se deteminuon ‘By wae oF dha ph thay Sey deter hee po asad pe thiseamomsicsaialand follies [Nations unk sates, do not necesarly Have tidy geographical boundaries. Some mational groups are fread among sevenl sate. The Kindy, fr comple, sue found in Lam, Sys and Turkey. and thus form. 4 saeles nation (ee Map 2.) Simian 2 diaspora mar. ‘on rigs ein ures, Sp Ty ‘The sttelens Kurds ‘group widely digersed beyond is homeland, The [Jor seman the primary ceprsclaie cat, wah only {minority ofthe words Jews ving in their ancient eel. ‘Dingpor: A poelin th en ovretended es uses rons crane tome ‘Aa ambypal nation-state conta ony the peo- le belonging to its naon'The Frech Revolution of 1789 exh she idea thatthe sats showld alte he interest sad igh of ize Bound together by 2 English pole plilsopher ohn Soar Mal (186% 382) argued that where the setinent of satonsty ‘ists in any fore tere isa pins fue cas for ning the member ofthe nanny under the ame gown ent abd. government to Ghasclvs apc’ ts toys SoA enon toa gar seek ts eae Be Populition tare wiles well-documcated descent os Within & compact land thatthe sta bith revo, provide «pete bortry foe gene reach, Japan another eagle; wl i yevertncet does Hot esp predic fiues it evimaed thet 985 per cent oF the porciaion Sfepeen ation state: A voip lic action wh eo a come nate Is nullnational sate, by contrat, oe than ‘one micon i fncmenl m4 county’ polis, nd asinlsion to 4 dominant matonsity & nealitic Inertial migration mowing mam pehape mos, sttes i ts daceion. Even 50 we shold net gard the phenomenon of mukinatonalim as new. Britain, for instance, has log been dovided between English, Webh, Stith, and Irish nations; Canada hetween English and Freach speakers; and Belgium between TDateh and French speakers. One of the more dives states in the world Indi thas 22 oficial anguager {ost more than 2 undead eysla we), ad whe hree-quartes of the population is Hindu, there are Significant Msi, Christan, Sikh, and Budihis Muttintlona tate Ase seni fenton _goupcumlers ge gore. Challenges to the state Stes have never Been emia stale of ily inde pendeats anne have bee inveved a politcal putes thachave crested uncernntes about their honders ot fers have experienced lea economic, o polit ei ‘eulies that have Ried thei ovesigaty thelr levee fof tegiamacy vary according co the extent to WhICH tho dscns of 2 site (3d the governments of osher sists) cespect the powers atu authosty of that site: tnd the independence of ates bss sags been gai fed hy eterna economic and alscal poses, not leat the need to import goods and servic tat they cannot prods for tereles ee Vincent, 1987 and Ga. 2003), ‘One sebool of though argues chat sates are a sHraggas eve: They all ve a menopely ove the co tral and ie of stars, they are sl ah Lay actors the tuanigement of ecooonnic production aad itera ral rade neswort, tee tana sl ent raialy ‘wih thei oe wats and ate subject to dhe atoisy tnd roles ofthe ite andthe ality often co end to ew chalsges has grown thant to technological ‘innovation. Talk of the decine f the sat, runt the ‘Spumene, & fecate, and the most dat con be sid ‘sat ap role chungang as developmen in wade, {sorntional In and madcensation have chan the atu of ate power the rlatoaship ming tates and the selatonsip between sates and ctizen, For & ur vey ofthe debate, see Sorensen, 2004, and Hay ta, 2006) ‘On the other band states have long had three fey, wha have develope a Tong Tt of complains Ge ‘Tile 23). So moch has the credibiiry and power of the sate decined argue some, that i may actually be fon is way out (ee, for example, Camilleri and Falk, 1992 and. Oae, 2005), the fvsl of four ertcel evelapmenss, Fi, publ Inaly ts sates Tas lg ‘been undermined by ecouounc, social and political ‘ions Tr mmy. pares of the wold, the feo of people allegiance has changed au national winortes Dave become more asertive and demanded greater selGdeterminstioe, and even independence in some ‘ase with toe Seoe in Hoi, the’ Keri Te ‘ey/Arag/ es, the Catala in Spain and the Québe- cals in Casndh, ‘Second, ternational bondes have been weakened by the een of centre tn ting ates. Feo ‘bps nocing today poss ac much of a eas to state miesmre 31 TABLE 2.3: Ten citieme ofthe stato 4 Imposing urnacenay dito onhuran sca. 2Mawng aster of going soar wah ox otha 5 Limteng ina frse mavement of peanla an ep Zs seni a nla ‘SPurning teers atthe expense ofhonan loteons 1 Rigg axcsion te dominate ever ination 7 Promoting rarom ders tor at he expres of broader deme 1 Hovngs ase recard of wena with thar sates ‘w aodtss tea problons sa as orem, "tonsboundaypolson. mayan rd the spend of sovereignty 24 globalization: ineresied ceonomic icerdependence, changes in echnology and commu ications, che cing power of multinational crport- tions the growth of international marke, the spread 6. pital cir, ed te Mrrecation of pale policies in te lace of shared or common protease Fon 22) Atti ste tne people hee heosine ee sobile: couplen new parce of eripation have ben dsiven by a combination of economic need and per- sonal choice, and mas tourism has broken down many ofthe peyehalegeal bari song ant, ‘Globalization The pra by wich he aks eet peop capers nd eres dent ae ‘cine grated thigh ch tr ee, ead acy Third, jst 2 the number of sates as grown Since 1995, 50 bay itentate coopeation on + wide range of sues, stich bas died the dependent fastence Sate have signed Elsteal and suite] cooperative wets, and have created 2 nerwork of wergovernmental orgaaizations (GOs) responsi Ts foe ereonnging te soning eooptaton on 2 ‘wide range of mates. There ae sever hundred eur rosy in oxtencs, inching the United Nason and ‘he Would Trade Orgniation. Some date hack 3 the dines rare (he Tntercatoeal alana ion Union was founded by 20 member governments 32 cuarrena etd ute U UNION cs Brief Profle: word of wares, European Union isan anoney: began nthe ele ran te bs feng retet eens tes aundng meron 0 he ‘rive of pects peo nd economia esnecton rth wk tras see xponced och ts mamboshe Fiat ance todayy enh ‘bated thas eormen poles seve ames ard t (ercounges oopeeton 3vorg ts 28merbe sates on vide vee oft rast! nambushave ko opted angle corre teow, har err but ‘onsuton and adrenovae nates afl sort Stimngegouermertot tats not acer! Ursa Suter of Euope, rd wnle some supa reves ht arecin, this now cere mantener Sep Form of gowernmant > Oabetabla orth 29 Inteooiermerlcranaatin tnt as European spars ene iy Cee eee esses papery a Se tae) ot iat Legislture > asirglechorbe EuropoenPriament EP whesormemtarsaeclocod acy by alebabloveesct ‘eG marbarsnas setaninghae erases sere ne te 970 haugh scope il oss ot coer ‘es of EU respenbty Exocutive > Sravdlbeweon Eumpoon Cound! at sth racing ln al th oad of gavermantcftha mero sts» Conn o Mises tat the reng pace goverment rir andar Euapeen Canmsion ‘hott omer netrean exeetveansa enuossy lciry ©The Euopsen Cour of due, compceed alae idle for ach ember tat hat ioe tha EU eon lag ourdatons, tipping the tivelerEsopean nego. Electoral eystom > Meri oe Euro Pasavart ae alas ot erable heya torasng pepo reprzntton qt merber sae vesad a aang coreivency or iadinnseunbe’ of sepunce cores. Portis > Faw pital aris cntest =P lctontss Euspsan cera rata he Sachraw ontited by maton! puter cavg shat we efectly- seperation! eactone - fs, 1865), but most were created i the twentith cen tcynot lee n he atermath of he work we ICOx ‘clade single parpore cttia reponal onariasions and universal bodies, the mow important enjoy the rerabecip ofa major of enabled tes, Intorgoversentel ergaizaon: Cooperate des snkase mention ee atte tw wih eyo fete pret ect well Kee ope ‘conn wed ranean ni ue nae ‘The European Union and its meaning for the states of Europe (ne fn many rlnget 0 he maser ete Fenbeenpmnes by he pevameron oF eure! Inmgrton, sh roestywrenre shoo. ‘tesla bl econo and pot bs {hetgo beyond oe fain sancrd Peers gern thy aro reer ace brio fete re scissor, sain {ocdelon common lesen sharetiniess whe ‘Snag poleat seve The des ad est Setarced ample cl egana teyton tthe Eapoan Unen unig orn fh tas tena fo sreter re 182 an no pido 28 urease Necaric 2015, ore detail Ow ees for legs ambos te goo = Indu We Aan Union Staricha Uno fact naan Noone M2 embod to Aascson of hen Ao Nators ASEAN, 10 mere ‘The EUersinnettitone may lock ke = Exrpean goverment bute na mar ond nn sho ym Regional integrationTe ns ty wh sa emo ed pie at a ne pongo ‘sthariy oe ef ly ne hy Eat a CoP Seances ec “Te the work of GO mut beaded the work ad {efluence of non-goreramentl onpztions (NGOS). ‘Many of thee ae form of internation interes group ‘which put prenure on goverament for poll chugs in speci as ox carzy out functions dat mgt ot ratte be the eaponshlity of goveraments exsmples Include Amnesty Internationa, Doctors Without Bor ers Friend ofthe Earth, and Oxf, Peay we howl rot ignore the global inlence of muinational cor- potions sich a Walmart, Roja Dutch Shall, Toyota, [SrING: Some ar eafiretly eel on aes policy in all counties where they do ot might oper- {e Furhermons the sie of malenasionay rom Chin fick Hue! and Lenove semi ws ofthe growing Sebel pecs ofthat counery ar wel the changes ke {bq pice in i econcre pln miesmre 33 of haod governance, Common plies od nas oro ‘rove mares une th €U memos nave agreed 0 otk cgethor ndusngvado, competion. ares, {ed the endrormert. The enithos bana eduton ‘he reeponoant power crme member es 2° dawopner os Suepear Gorey ater aargsce {he nana ents of te member sates. Tie rot fecal Unites Sits of ope, a ee eo Eurgpenn ctamninp ht opaen nat the memoet ‘ter, bus poner ana rnch hee gone bayer hoe tony ther mpanl oe. “The cxpaning capaci fthe EU hasnt cen unyorslywecerac, pd ressance © European lntgraron nes grown ange he ent 199 eee trorg EU cuss havent, aadng we ares share EUs an ltt cone ha heen the ‘adioralespobitor of e mentor nite ust 850 0g sis warnapowors ar reac of =U3 ts exaggerated nse ofthe eme'giog afcstes (wor thectrepess ode, ede! eral gration reronates nos cine par ofthe noi, ti romero tanecore ier hn ptt cect inal inthe fice ofthe chet ofimermationalter- rorisn, many sates have found themselves sessing this power ove thes cise, ging theralves bee ened powers to impinge upon perional pricy and co limit the movement and the choice of those who lve tnd travel widhin thes borders. Monitoring by cloted- ‘Great tion, and af telephones and sorte, bas foffered new cool for the sae w uk its population, Including annary sizes terri and tenorit ws evi. Ths emergence of what i somesines led the Security state has spriad 1 reaction as ctven have expres concerns about the development of asurvel- Iance society deat to cll Bert, and the linited accountability of intelligence services Secu state Ae he at ers ithe ert oi ces igh nh men ost {sein tn nonenig of pho ln andmacnte I he mest sri eats, some ates ave teeter fon the brink of collapse, introducing the phenom enon of he filed, ape, op filing state (eter Sst @® rocus 2.2 | clobalizetion ‘One ofthe moet stvs debates in ode inerstianal pois and ecto valves sound glbaliation ortho precesby which politic, scmomicscutur, technology, ard the provion of asi senieas have been Integrates aces ente borers. The aft hs boen ta eau that ste r= mpactad mere han ever Dfore by events nd davaepments ia ater saa, and have lest ome otha overs ta effect change. Pots, conor ane snot have never been Wy mdependary, bacacae hey have says been enpactn! 6S stent by evens uewhare nthe word In tense, gabeleaion is no as raw as many people wer think ‘ts(Cabor 2007 hot deren thet no me hum isto hae ie dagre® and re goog pha! reach afintgraton baen a psn ie ody or have he ly eso al fur Been a0 signal pact ty decltons taken in other unties and en ther cortnent. Clebslesson has hothsrnce ane nanporte ot Held ane McGraw 2057 ne Ghacwat 2007, ho dabata ts pact on 98a vered a ada, domocrry rational sovraigy, jobs the sata ofthe crvmamert, ulus, set working constants. Sippantar aa tt hat hepa porte dermaracy and ae raat by exerting presure oF authatitaran govern, thas aduced poverty and hazed arte ‘sconomic and soc equity, ad that thar contoviedt nceaees in fe expectancy and ha helped promote {echnalogcl inom ee for example, Gallary, 207), Cees charge tht poorer ecurces have mired moth em ace cviattian atlantis hat ent nth evn hi a, ‘hat incame nequaliy hae grr tht ob have bean lostin rch counties snd thatthe enveenment he ered, Whatever the pros and cana, eranging eeanamies have bean atthe save af tha changes bought by lalstion They hae veen nenvertnert, sb growth, eed mew eppericite fered by expanded racy fren their woking en ernment conitions hve ntirprved the same exer orshe apacrer globalization te ceadiartages have ot boon urexpocie, nor ae they expected to ba lenglating, ad porte are mun senucer the eect of pic asanom= rath todays emerging ecancmias anatase Teen th ined Seta, tore (Chapter for mote on tha tere ovctape with the petsolonial quninnate considered ‘tie, The dimensions of site fragility ce identi ty Robert Retry 2008: 5-10) * Authorities have diel keeping control and sa ally face insrgeaciss or armed sev, which often ‘pc age ees of eileen aod a th ‘worse cas become fll own ce wars, Drvea by (dlede or ether frercoreminal owt "egied pry oa their own consinaenr, with ier oppres ‘ig extort til hessng thee peop + Ceminal violence woseay as state authority weaken Gangs ke Gyr the aoe tl dg ticking, spread, pale forces los conte and people tur to watlondh and eter song gues for peoertion. “The vations thea become the sapien of pobtcal ‘good in pace ofthe oficial authors, rt Jane when they wer through ne nc reoletars Noto 4 Potted istiunons ane ineffective, with all ut the xecive losing conol er ceasing to incon ako [gether the court stem weakening, dhe hureauercy Josing is sease of professional responsibilty demo- ‘atic debate ll but Usappeating, and the uuitaty ‘eiing a Ge onlyinssaion wah any ater. Fang set A we way ek iri ins, en ep era srs sd hte st eh oF prope so loge met Expr acide sre, a, Sonal Sin oa ene. “Estimate ofthe aumber offing or ied sate ia sit wend vary~ depending gt ere tye defined — fem about 20 to about 60, One wef point of rerence ‘dhe Filed Sates Index prodaced areal bythe Fard {for Peace, a Wisington DC-based research body hick ‘acta sees of poll, ceonoet and sci menares te rite almeon: every county sn the word In 201 {dee deste net denteraces at hea erat laizable or very salle Finland slave eaaed the abet ‘ery Susuimbe), ie iued a warning for Bra high ‘warning for China, Inds, Indonesia, Mesica and Rae Sand ted ales for 34 may Arican and Mudie Enstera states cluding Baypt, Somalia, Zimbabwe, faq, akitac, and Haid (ee he denon in Cole, 2007) ‘Alrsiching thei 'comimandingbeighly between 1945 and 1975, argues van Creveld (1999), states have (mete dctng etter cot theta lnger ‘communis of fling apart atogedier many oftheir ncions Heng ken oer by non-state acars Seange (1996) argues that dhe ate as come jst one sures ‘ofauthority among several and thatthe frees of world ‘irkoe ‘a new mone power hen the ato who ‘ukinate poli authority ver society ad econ, mesure 35 3s supposed to belong. Inthe opiaion of former US Secsrtiry of Mate Stoke Laos (12/0) al states ee “social arrangement that in spe oftheir seeming per iantoge ad ecredoen abe te fcr itil nd erp sary Win the next hundred year, he suggests sates willbe obole and we wil intend recognive «sige, shel author’ giving hephnie'ekeen of the wold? {new meaning Boot the fiture ofthe sate may noe be dat unees- tin ot unclear. Sates wil Gentine be mend fight interstcoal terri, to propane ther czees with the eduction ard sls noeded to adres global conc pewere, de> pare the det ae fceded co espond 1 shared global problems such ab aes bed endsioment Gagarin, Rather tht decliing, ats inay inated be undengig a proces reforin a they respond t the impact of globletion tthe eles tpl deta ted procages Alacused late in tht book. 36 cuarrene @ DISCUSSION QUESTIONS ' How does the state make isl fle in our lve, and how do we now! © Where does sovereignty bogin and end? 1 How does the life ofa cizen differ from that of a legal resident ofa state? + wine ts tne reaaonstap perwoen war end she ster ‘How do the ineerosts of the rae differ from those of @ nation? * sche each of che state expanding, contracting, staying about the same, or merely being reformed? @ Key CONCEPTS Cizen De ato sacs Disport Ealing tate Globaiton. ntergneromental onpaization ‘Micosater ‘Mulsinatonal sate Nason ‘Nations ‘Narion te Tiree CChestran, Simon Mickucl gmail and Rae "Thakur (6h) (2008) Making Stats Hork Sie alread he Crise of Gremane A scala ‘ot jus of eae faire, bur abo of how sites ear ‘be cebu ef they Bl (Greel, Martin va (1999) The Rie ond Den of lhe Sate A widening story of the wate hat also provides nigh no is more recent chal lenges Jaen, Rober (2007) Severiony: The Brain of la. Bs aceite snd crc introduction to ‘the history and meaning of sovereignty. ‘Opeita, Walter C.and Stepin J. Ronve (2004) The ‘Nation Sian Global Ono A Hira I ‘ction io Conteponry Plies, ad eda. A wide "ging ineoducton tothe hisory of the sae. Sita, Azthony D. 2010) Nation, 2ad ed ‘roses sucinc and scholarly overview of ationslios, ceamining conceptions, hears, histories and paapoct. Sorenssin, Georg 2004) The Train of the ‘tote: Bend the Mh af Rene With excep- tiowal laity tha book leat the contetporiey sae in isintemationl sen Democratic rule PREVIEW uaa AES Democracy both one of the eats and one of the most diicue of concepts toundersand eis easy because democracies ar abundant and feria and"moe * ofthe readers ofthis book will probly vein one whe others wal Lie in ONSTVEW. countries ta ape to became democracies, Denouacy so one fhe moe 5 Gp closely tied ofl poical concept. the ene of har dy madesronger by he as, sprue af damon and te sadabiy of narmation pang he Sy. Rapreaniatve ‘work But our understanding of democracy made more difcut bycheenemt. "Gehry tovwhich the concep srisndentood and misused by dhe numerous and highly ‘punced inerpretatons of whit denocracy means in practice and by the many «eral democracy ims tate mide for democracy that do not sand up to loser examination. "Thi chaper begins wit a review ofthe key feaunes of democracy begia- * Democracy and ing withthe Atinian ssa of drcer democrcy (en important hueorial ——modoreaton concep which has regained suifcance wih the recent rise af eemmocracy | and social mei), befoeasesing and comparing the feaxures of represtutz- * Waves of domocracy ‘owe and Khir democracy. then looks he hnks between democracy xd ‘rodeenination, ad reviews the mengznee of democracy ia the tce weve, scribed by Samuel Huntington aiding pecution about the pow of fur wave [poe nosing ao, the many problems thet demaerai fs). tenet ‘wih a dscusion about the dynamics of the canstion fom authoritarianism te democracy exantning the difeent wages in the proce of demoentintion. * Demecraizaticn Pezoncairy Ail pi ibe ye anc le es eng csi gerd dekadon of Savant Danocne) tah Ged othe fromm as Sonya Anensn dra encase far anders fens sersttch sy oreo nd) ‘embosoat me oken gee ~ =n Ee la ga by igs gvetmar sd oteing a ih of aan Terme maar i ere eee dean aeh anion hts a {ria bs urbe sera ghlierUmsicive cous ladang arcane ogee Berne erated nt ri nar ht aed mos ope th wong und rac sre ess ceetace ay pins net ea ch ea orga eae net oerenmer| ‘veer ance cenasran und by cet nae om aurttaran eyo AiTocarcobcen seaerenaion herp am

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